
      SHOW PROTOCOL  [ qualifier ]   type-name ,...

1  –  Parameters

1.1  –  type-name

    Specifies the type whose properties you are displaying.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /ALL

    Displays all the possible relationships the type can own, as well
    as the access control list for the type.

2.2    /AUDIT

    Displays the history list entries for the type. Specifying
    the /AUDIT=ALL qualifier displays the history list for all the
    relationships that the type owns.

2.3    /FULL

    Displays all the possible relationships this type can own.

2.4    /BRIEF_(default)

    Displays the relationships most commonly owned by this type.
    /BRIEF is the default qualifier.

3  –  Description

    The SHOW PROTOCOL command displays a complete or partial list of
    properties for the type or types you specify.

    CDO looks for types in the CDD$PROTOCOLS directory below your
    current default anchor. It is not necessary to set default to the
    CDD$PROTOCOLS directory to display types.

    CDO uses relationships to pass notices among repository
    definitions. Every relationship protocol in the repository has
    the CDD$NOTICE_ACTION property, whose value controls the passing
    of notices. You can use the CDO SHOW PROTOCOL command to display
    the value of the CDD$NOTICE_ACTION property.

    The CDD$NOTICE_ACTION property can have one of three values:

    o  SUCCESS

       When you change a member of the relationship with the CHANGE
       command and the CDD$NOTICE_ACTION property value is SUCCESS,
       CDO does not send notices to the owner of the relationship.
       Instead, CDO sends notices to the owner's parents, provided
       that the parents are members of a relationship with the
       CDD$NOTICE_ACTION attribute value of SIGNAL.

       CDO continues to send these notices until the member you
       are changing has no more parents or until CDO encounters the
       CDD$NOTICE_ACTION property value BLOCK.

       When you define a new version of a member and the CDD$NOTICE_
       ACTION attribute value is SUCCESS, CDO sends notices to both
       the owner of the relationship and the owner's parents, until
       CDO encounters the CDD$NOTICE_ACTION property value of BLOCK
       or until there are no more parents.

    o  SIGNAL

       When you change the member with the CHANGE command or when you
       define a new version of the member and the CDD$NOTICE_ACTION
       attribute value is SIGNAL, CDO sends a notice to both the
       owner and the parents of a relationship.

       When you define a new version of a member, CDO also sends
       notices to the parents until CDO encounters the CDD$NOTICE_
       ACTION property value of BLOCK or until there are no more

    o  BLOCK

       When the CDD$NOTICE_ACTION property value is BLOCK, CDO
       does not forward a notice from the member to the owner. CDO
       blocks the notice regardless of whether you are changing the
       member with the CHANGE command or defining new versions of the

4  –  Examples


      In this example, because no qualifier is specified, the SHOW
      PROTOCOL command displays default BRIEF information. This
      information includes the user-specified properties for the
      CDD$DATA_AGGREGATE_CONTAINS type and the names of direct

      Definition of protocol CDD$DATABASE_SCHEMA    (Type :MCS_RELATION_TYPE)
       |   MCS_rdbRelation                 CDD$$O_DATABASE_REL
       |   MCS_groupingRelation            NO_GROUPING
       |   MCS_noticeAction                SIGNAL
       |   CDD$OBJECT_KIND                 CDD$RELATIONSHIP
       |   MCS_protocolMajor               1
       |   MCS_protocolMinor               0
       |   MCS_tag                         2818865
       |   MCS_createdDate                 14-MAR-1994 09:13:32.42
       |   CDD$MODIFIED_TIME               14-MAR-1994 09:13:32.42
       |   MCS_instantiable                1
       |   MCS_pattern
       |   MCS_status                      0
       |   MCS_freezeTime                  14-MAR-1994 09:13:32.42
       |   MCS_controlled                  1
       |   MCS_allowConcurrent             1
       |   |   MCS_attachment              (Type : MCS_PROPERTY_TYPE)
       |   |   MCS_inherited               (Type : MCS_PROPERTY_TYPE)
       |   |   CDD$PROTOCOL_TAG            (Type : MCS_PROPERTY_TYPE)
       |   |   MCS_containsDatabases       (Type : MCS_PROPERTY_TYPE)
       |   |   MCS_relOwner                (Type : MCS_PROPERTY_TYPE)
       |   |   MCS_relMember               (Type : MCS_PROPERTY_TYPE)
       |   |   MCS_databaseElement         (Type : MCS_PROPERTY_TYPE)
       |   |   MCS_elementType             (Type : MCS_PROPERTY_TYPE)
       |   |   MCS_allElementTypes         (Type : MCS_PROPERTY_TYPE)
       |   |   CDD$DATABASE                (Type : MCS_ELEMENT_TYPE)
       |   |   CDD$DATABASE                (Type : MCS_ELEMENT_TYPE)
       |   |   CDD$DATA_AGGREGATE          (Type : MCS_ELEMENT_TYPE)
       |   |   CDD$RDB_DATABASE            (Type : MCS_ELEMENT_TYPE)
       |   |   DBM$SCHEMA                  (Type : MCS_ELEMENT_TYPE)
       |   |   CDD$RMS_DATABASE            (Type : MCS_ELEMENT_TYPE)
       |   |   CDD$DATA_AGGREGATE          (Type : MCS_ELEMENT_TYPE)
       |   |   CDD$RDB_DATABASE            (Type : MCS_ELEMENT_TYPE)
       |   |   DBM$SCHEMA                  (Type : MCS_ELEMENT_TYPE)
       |   |   CDD$RMS_DATABASE            (Type : MCS_ELEMENT_TYPE)
       |   |   CDD$RELATION_VAL            (Type : MCS_VALIDATION)
       |   |   CDD$ELEMENT_VAL             (Type : MCS_VALIDATION)

      In this example, the SHOW PROTOCOL command displays the
      CDD$NOTICE_ACTION property of SIGNAL for the CDD$DATABASE_
      SCHEMA relationship.
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