Format SHOW RMS_DATABASE [ qualifier ] [ rms-database-name ]
1 – Parameters
1.1 – rms-database-name
Specifies the logical RMS database element whose properties you are displaying. If you do not specify an RMS database name, CDO displays all the RMS database definitions in the repository.
2 – Qualifiers
2.1 /ALL
Displays system-specified properties, such as time of creation, and user-specified properties, such as description, for the RMS database element and all children.
2.2 /AUDIT
Displays history list entries for the RMS database element. Specifying the /AUDIT=ALL qualifier displays the history list for the database element and for all children.
2.3 /BRIEF_(default)
Displays the file organization properties for the RMS database element. /BRIEF is the default qualifier.
2.4 /FULL
Displays the file organization properties, the record definition, and the description for the logical RMS database element.
3 – Description
The SHOW RMS_DATABASE command displays a complete or partial list of properties for the RMS database element you specify. If you do not specify a version number for an RMS database element, CDO displays the highest visible version. When you use SHOW RMS_DATABASE or SHOW RMS_DATABASE/FULL to display an RMS database element with a NULL_VALUE property, CDO displays the null value as a decimal value.
4 – Examples
CDO> SHOW RMS_DATABASE EMPLOYEE_STORAGE In this example, because no qualifier is specified, the SHOW RMS_DATABASE command displays default BRIEF information. This information includes the user-specified properties for the EMPLOYEE_STORAGE RMS database definition and the names of direct children.