CDO$HELP.HLB  —  CDO Edit Strings, Alphanumeric Character
    The two alphanumeric edit string characters are T and X.

1  –  T Long Text Character

    The edit string character T (uppercase letter T) allows you to
    display any characters from a field's content on one or more
    lines. The primary use of the T edit string is to print fields
    containing large amounts of text. The number of Ts in the edit
    string indicates the maximum number of characters to be printed
    on one line. For example, the edit string TTTTT indicates that a
    line of output will contain no more than five characters.

    If the field contains more characters than specified in the
    edit string, DIGITAL DATATRIEVE prints as many full words on
    the line as possible. (A word in this sense is a string of
    characters delimited by a space.) DIGITAL DATATRIEVE then prints
    the remaining characters on the following lines, if necessary.
    DIGITAL DATATRIEVE does not print out trailing spaces when you
    use a T edit string.

    DIGITAL DATATRIEVE prints only full words. It does not divide
    words unless a single word is longer than the maximum number of
    characters specified by the edit string. In that case, DIGITAL
    DATATRIEVE truncates some characters and prints them on the next

    CDO Edit       TTTTT
    DTR Edit       TTTTT
    Field value:   1234567890
    Edited         12345
    Value:         67890

    You can use the repeat count edit string character to indicate
    that you want to repeat the edit string character T a certain
    number of times. The following two edit strings are equivalent:


2  –  X Any Character

    The edit string character X (uppercase letter X) displays any
    character from the field's content.

    CDO Edit       XXXXXXXXXX
    DTR Edit       XXXXXXXXXX
    Field Value:   fj32dj%^*I
    Edited         fj32dj%^*I

    You can use the repeat count edit string character to indicate
    that you want to repeat the edit string character X a certain
    number of times. The following two edit strings are equivalent:

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