CDO$HELP.HLB  —  Expressions  value_expr, Parameters

1  –  arithmetic-expr

               { + }
               { - }
    value-expr { * } value-expr
               { / }

    An arithmetic expression combines value expressions and
    arithmetic operators. When you use an arithmetic expression in a
    value expression, the product using the CDO expression calculates
    the value associated with the expression and uses that value when
    executing the statement. Therefore, an arithmetic expression must
    be reducible to a value.

    The value expression, value-expr, is a symbol or a string of
    symbols used to calculate a value.

2  –  builtin-expr

    { NULL                                                             }
    {        [                                         ]               }
    {        [ [ BOTH     ]                            ]               }
    { TRIM ( [ [ LEADING  ] CHARACATER value-expr FROM ] value-expr )  }
    {        [ [ TRAILING ]                            ]               }
    {        [                                         ]               }
    { POSITION (value-expr IN value-expr FROM value-expr )             }
    { USER                                                             }
    { CURRENT_USER                                                     }
    { CURRENT_DATE                                                     }
    { CURRENT_TIME (scale)                                             }
    { CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (scale)                                        }
    { CHARACTER_LENGTH (value-expr)                                    }
    { CHAR_LENGTH (value-expr)                                         }
    { OCTET_LENGTH (value-expr)                                        }
    { UPPER (value-expr)                                               }
    { LOWER (value-expr)                                               }
    { SESSION_USER                                                     }
    { SUBSTRING [_OCTETS] (value-expr FROM value-expr FOR value-expr)  }
    { SUBSTRING_CHARACTERS (value-expr FROM value-expr FOR value-expr) }
    { SYSTEM_USER                                                      }
    { cast-builtin-expr                                                }
    {           { YEAR    }                                            }
    {           { MONTH   }                                            }
    {           { DAY     }                                            }
    {           { HOUR    }                                            }
    { EXTRACT ( { MINUTE  } FROM value-expr)                           }
    {           { SECOND  }                                            }
    {           { WEEKDAY }                                            }
    {           { JULIAN  }                                            }
    { TRANSLATE (value-expr USING character-set)                       }

    Calculate values based on specified value expressions. See the
    Descriptions subtopic for Built-in Function descriptions.

    See the Oracle Rdb7 SQL Reference Manual for the character set

3  –  cast-builtin-expr

    CAST (value-expr AS
    {                                                                     }
    {FIELD field-name                                                    }}
    {DATATYPE                                                            }}
    {{                                                                   }}
    {{TEXT [CHARACTER_SET IS name] [SIZE IS digits] [CHARACTERS]         }}
    {{                                              [OCTETS    ]         }}
    {{                                                                   }}
    {{                                                       [OCTETS    ]}}
    {{                                                                   }}
    {{DATE [VMS ]                                                        }}
    {{     [ANSI]                                                        }}
    {{                                                                   }} )
    {{TIME [SCALE scale-value]                                           }}
    {{TIMESTAMP [SCALE scale-value]                                      }}
    {{interval-builtin-expr                                              }}
    {{F_FLOATING                                                         }}
    {{G_FLOATING                                                         }}
    {{                                                                   }}
    {{         {BYTE    }                                                }}
    {{         {WORD    }                                                }}
    {{[SIGNED] {LONGWORD} [SCALE scale-value]                            }}
    {{         {QUADWORD}                                                }}
    {                                                                     }


            {YEAR   [SIZE IS digits] [TO MONTH]                          }
            {MONTH  [SIZE IS digits]                                     }
            {                                                            }
            {                        [                                  ]}
            {                        [    { HOUR                       }]}
            {DAY    [SIZE IS digits] [ TO { MINUTE                     }]}
            {                        [    { SECOND [SCALE scale-value] }]}
            {                        [                                  ]}
            {                                                            }
    INTERVAL{                        [                                 ] }
            {                        [    {MINUTE                     }] }
            {HOUR   [SIZE IS digits] [ TO {SECOND [SCALE scale-value] }] }
            {                        [                                 ] }
            {                                                            }
            {MINUTE [SIZE IS digits] [TO SECOND [SCALE scale-value] ]    }
            {SECOND [SIZE IS digits] [SCALE scale-value]                 }
            {                                                            }

    Converts a value expression to another data type.


       The CAST builtin expression requires a space between the
       letter T in CAST and the open parenthesis character of the
       value expression; otherwise, a syntax error occurs.

4  –  case-expr

    CASE value-expr { WHEN value-expr THEN value-expr } ...
       [ ELSE value-expr ] END

    Matches two value expressions for equality. This clause is
    identical to the SQL SIMPLE CASE expression.

5  –  char-string-literal

    Specifies a string of printable characters. See
    character_string_literals help topic for more information.

6  –  concatenated-expr

               { | }
    value-expr { ^ } value-expr ...

    Combines two value expressions by joining the second expression
    to the end of the first expression.

    You can combine value expressions of any kind, including numeric
    expressions, string expressions, and literals.

    The vertical bar (|)  specifies a value through combining one or
    more value expressions. The circumflex character (^)  specifies a
    value through combining one or more value expressions using SQL
    concatenation rules.

7  –  external-literal

    EXTERNAL quoted-string

    Specifies the name of an external literal. Defines the equivalent
    of the COBOL initial value (VALUE IS EXTERNAL clause) and level
    88 condition values (VALUES ARE EXTERNAL clause).

8  –  field-or-record-expr

    {                             }
    { dir-name                    }
    { { name IN } ... context-var }
    {                             }

    Specifies the name of a field or a record in a database by
    directory name, or by field or record name and context variable.
    A context variable is a temporary name you associate with a
    record. You define a context variable in a record selection
    expression (RSE). You specify a context variable only when you
    use the name IN parameter of the field or record expression

    For example, once you define E as the context variable for the
    EMPLOYEES relation, LAST_NAME IN E is a value expression that
    refers to a value from the LAST_NAME field of EMPLOYEES. Use name
    IN only in an expression with a context variable.

9  –  first-from-expr

    FIRST value-expr FROM rse

    Specifies a value by forming a record stream (as indicated by a
    record selection expression). If at least one record matches the
    RSE, the values stored in the first record of the record stream
    are used to evaluate the value expression.

    The FIRST FROM expression can perform the equivalent of a table
    lookup when you are sure that the value you want to find in a
    relation is unique.

    The value expression, value-expr, is a symbol or a string of
    symbols used to calculate a value. The rse parameter specifies a
    clause that products use at run time to include specific records
    for processing.

10  –  numeric-literal

    Specifies a value that can be expressed as a decimal number. See
    numeric_literals help topic for more information.

11  –  statistical-expr

    {                        }
    { { MAX     }            }
    { { MIN     }            }
    { { TOTAL   } value-expr } OF rse
    { { AVERAGE }            }
    {                        }
    { COUNT                  }
    {                        }

    Specifies a value by forming a record stream (as indicated
    by a record selection expression), and evaluating its value
    expression against every record in the record stream. Statistical
    expressions are sometimes called aggregate expressions because
    they calculate a single value for a collection of records. When
    you use a statistical expression (except for COUNT), you specify
    a value expression and an RSE. A layered product evaluates the
    value expression for each record in the record stream formed by
    the RSE. Then the product calculates a single value based on the
    results of the first step.

    The COUNT expression differs from the other statistical operators
    because it operates on the record stream defined by the RSE,
    rather than on values in that record stream. It returns the
    number of records in the record stream. In the following
    expression, the number of employees working in New Hampshire
    is returned.

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