Format [ ROW_MAJOR ] [ COLUMN_MAJOR ] ARRAY { [ n1: ] n2 } ... [ ]
1 – Parameters
1.1 – n1
Specifies the lower bound of the subscript. Replace n1 with a signed integer or a value expression that translates to a signed integer. The default value is 1.
1.2 – n2
Specifies the upper bound of the subscript. Replace n2 with a signed integer or a value expression that translates to a signed integer. This value is greater than or equal to n1.
2 – Description
The ARRAY property defines a single- or multidimensional array in a field or record element. In multidimensional arrays, ROW_MAJOR declares the rightmost subscript to be the fastest varying. COLUMN_MAJOR declares the leftmost subscript to be the fastest varying. If you do not specify either ROW_MAJOR or COLUMN_MAJOR, the default is ROW_MAJOR.
3 – Examples
1.CDO> DEFINE FIELD SUPPLIER cont> ARRAY 0:19 1:4 cont> DATATYPE IS TEXT cont> SIZE IS 30 CHARACTERS. In this example, the DEFINE RECORD command includes an ARRAY property that declares 20 instances of the SUPPLIER field element (from 0 to 19). Each instance is four 30-character strings. 2.CDO> DEFINE RECORD SUPPLIER_REC cont> ROW_MAJOR ARRAY 1:20. cont> END RECORD. In this example, the DEFINE RECORD command includes an ARRAY property that creates the SUPPLIER_REC record element as an array. 3.CDO> CHANGE RECORD SUPPLIER_REC. cont> NOARRAY. cont> END RECORD. In this example, the CHANGE RECORD command includes a NOARRAY property that removes the ARRAY property from the SUPPLIER_REC record element.