The CHANGE GENERIC command modifies a generic element by performing a change in place. CDO changes the values you specify, and other values remain the same. If a generic element is a controlled versioned element, CDO freezes previous versions and allows you to modify only the highest visible version. If a generic element is an uncontrolled versioned element, CDO modifies the highest version unless you specify another version number. If a generic element is controlled, you must reserve the element before you can issue the CHANGE GENERIC command. The SHOW GENERIC or SHOW RESERVATIONS command indicates whether this condition exists. You can modify generic elements that are based on types supplied through Oracle CDD/Repository or on user-supplied (extended) types. If you do most of your work with extended types, Oracle recommends that you should work through the Oracle CDD/Repository callable interface. The CDO GENERIC commands are useful to modify and display on a spot basis, but extensibility is not supported through CDO. If you add, change, or delete a property from the generic element, the property you specify must be a defined or inherited property for the element's type. Likewise, any relationship member you specify must be compatible with the relationship name's type. See the Oracle CDD/Repository Information Model Volume I for more information on valid properties and types. If the generic element you are modifying is based on an extended type and errors occur when you attempt to add or delete a relationship, you may not have specified the processing name property as a required property for your type. The property takes a quoted string value. CAUTION Specify the MCS_processingName property, not the CDD$PROCESSING_NAME property, when you work with extended types. Otherwise, you experience performance degradation in the Oracle CDD/Repository callable interface. The type on which the generic element definition is based determines whether an attribute is required or optional in instances of the type. If the type definition specifies that the CDD$DESCRIPTION attribute can be used in instances of the type, you can add documentation text to the generic entity definition or remove existing documentation text. You can display text entered with the DESCRIPTION clause by using the SHOW GENERIC command with the /BRIEF or /FULL qualifiers. If the type definition specifies that the CDD$HISTORY_LIST relationship can be used in instances of the type, you can add explanatory history list entries to the generic entity definition. You can display history list entries for generic entity definitions by using the SHOW GENERIC command with the /AUDIT or /ALL qualifiers.