The Included Name clause allows you to specify global field definitions and record definitions within record elements. If you do not specify a directory name as part of the included name, CDO looks for the record or field definition in your current default directory. To improve performance, some languages and language processors have alignment restrictions for data definitions. The ALIGNED clause aligns a field or record definition on a specified boundary relative to the beginning of the record you are defining. Each field or record, except BIT fields, begins by default on the first byte following the last field. BIT fields begin on the bit immediately following the last field. The ALIGNED clause aligns fields or records within a record relative to the start of the record, not relative to virtual memory locations. For example, if you specify LONGWORD alignment for a field, that field does not necessarily begin on a longword boundary in memory. Rather, the field begins some multiple of 32 bits beyond the start of the record. To correctly use the aligned clause, you must know the memory alignment techniques of the language you use with CDO.