1.CDO> DEFINE RECORD FULL_NAME. cont> LAST_NAME ALIGNED ON WORD. cont> FIRST_NAME ALIGNED ON WORD. cont> MIDDLE_INITIAL ALIGNED ON WORD. cont> END RECORD. In this example, the DEFINE RECORD command creates the FULL_ NAME record element in your default directory using existing field definitions. The keyword ALIGNED starts each field definition on a word boundary. 2.CDO> DEFINE RECORD CONTRACT.HOME_ADDRESS. cont> STREET_ADDRESS. cont> CITY. cont> STATE. cont> POSTAL_CODE. cont> END RECORD. In this example, the DEFINE RECORD command creates the HOME_ ADDRESS record element using field definitions from your default directory. Because you specify a path name, HOME_ ADDRESS is created in the EMPLOYEES directory. 3.CDO> SET DEFAULT DISK1:[JONES.DICT]PERSONNEL CDO> DEFINE RECORD CONTRACT.WORKER_REC. cont> FULL_NAME. cont> CONTRACT.DATE_HIRED. cont> CONTRACT.HOURLY_WAGE. cont> CONTRACT.COMPLETION_DATE. cont> END RECORD. In this example, the DEFINE RECORD command creates the WORKER_ REC record element in the PERSONNEL directory using field definitions from the default PERSONNEL directory and the CONTRACT directory.