1.CDO> DEFINE CONTEXT BUILD_SYSTEM_CONTEXT cont> BASE_PARTITION IS FIRST_BASELEVEL TOP IS COMPILER_C cont> DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT IS LATEST_CHECKIN. . . . CDO> UPDATE COLLECTION COMPILER_C In this example, the UPDATE command refers to the DEFAULT_ ATTACHMENT keyword (LATEST_CHECKIN) for the version to attach. UPDATE then detaches the currently attached version of the COMPILER_C collection and attaches the version most recently replaced. 2.CDO> DEFINE CONTEXT WRITE_CONTEXT cont> BASE_PARTITION IS FIRST_DRAFT TOP IS REFERENCE_MANUAL cont> DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT IS SPECIFIC_VERSION. . . . CDO> CHANGE CONTEXT WRITER_CONTEXT cont> DESCRIPTION IS "CHANGING DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT" cont> "TO PICK UP AL'S CHAPTERS" cont> DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT IS LATEST. CDO> UPDATE COLLECTION REFERENCE_MANUAL In this example, the UPDATE command refers to the DEFAULT_ ATTACHMENT keyword (LATEST) for the version to attach. UPDATE then detaches the currently attached version of the REFERENCE_ MANUAL collection and attaches the latest version, whether checked in or ghost.