If you use the edit string character S (uppercase letter S) only once within an edit string, one of the following results can occur: o If the field's value is positive, the character S inserts a plus sign (+) into the edited value. CDO Edit S9 String: DTR Edit +9 String: Field Value: 6 Edited +6 Value: o If the field's value is negative, the floating sign character inserts a minus sign (-) into the edited value. CDO Edit S9 String: DTR Edit +9 String: Field Value: -8 Edited -8 Value: o If the field's value is zero, the effect of the floating sign character depends on the language reading the field. CDO Edit S9 String: DTR Edit +9 String: Field Value: 0 Edited +0 Value: If you use more than one floating sign character at the beginning of an edit string, the S character suppresses leading zeros before inserting a plus sign (+) or minus sign (-) into the edited value. CDO Edit SS99 String: DTR Edit ++99 String: Field Value: 0054 Edited +54 Value: You cannot use the S character within an edit string that contains another character designating a sign.