1.LAST_NAME CONTAINING "ith" LAST_NAME NOT CONTAINING "son" In this example, if LAST_NAME has the string ith, CDO evaluates the CONTAINING clause as true; if LAST_NAME does not contain the string son, CDO evaluates the CONTAINING clause as true. 2.SALARY_AMOUNT IN SH > 50000 In this example, the conditional expression is true if the value in the SALARY_AMOUNT field is greater than 50,000. 3.NOT SALARY_AMOUNT IN SH < 50000 In this example, the conditional expression is true if the value in the SALARY_AMOUNT field is less than 50,000. 4.DEFINE FIELD SEX VALID IF (SEX CASE_SENSITIVE EQ "M") OR (SEX CASE_SENSITIVE EQ "F"). In this example, the DEFINE FIELD uses a case sensitive relational operator in the VALID IF clause to test whether the code to be entered in the field SEX is M or F. The conditional expression is true if the value for the field SEX is M or F (not m or f). 5.LAST_NAME MATCHING "*ON" In this example, the conditional expression is true if the field LAST_NAME has ON as the last two letters. You can use this expression to find all records with LAST_NAME fields satisfying this condition. 6.LAST_NAME IN FULL_NAME IN E MISSING In this example, the conditional expression is true if the LAST_NAME field in the FULL_NAME record of the EMPLOYEES relation is missing. 7.LAST_NAME IN FULL_NAME IN E ALPHABETIC In this example, CDO evaluates the field expression as true when the LAST_NAME field from the FULL_NAME record of the EMPLOYEES relation is alphabetic. 8.SALARY_AMOUNT NOT MISSING In this example, the conditional expression is true if the SALARY_AMOUNT field has a value that is not null. 9.SALARY_AMOUNT MATCHING "4*" This example shows the matching clause used with numeric data types. In this example, the matching clause finds all the salaries that start with the number 4. 10SALARY_AMOUNT BETWEEN 40000 AND 49999 This example finds all salaries in a range by using the BETWEEN clause.