1.(8 + 14) / 2 - 4 In this example, the arithmetic expression evaluates as 7. 2.DEFINE FIELD NAME COMPUTED BY FIRST_NAME | ' ' | MIDDLE_INITIAL | ' ' | LAST_NAME. The output is: JOHN Q PUBLIC In this example, the concatenated expression combines three fields into the NAME field definition. The space between each pair of quotation marks appears in the output of the NAME field. 3.COUNT OF E IN EMPLOYEES WITH LAST_NAME IN FULL_NAME IN E = "SMITH". In this example, the FIELD or RECORD expression specifies the LAST_NAME field in the FULL_NAME record in the EMPLOYEES relation. 4.FIRST SALARY IN E FROM E IN EMPLOYEES WITH LOCATION IN E = "BUILDING_A" In this example, the FIRST FROM expression finds the salary of the first employee who works in BUILDING_A. 5.AVERAGE SALARY_AMOUNT IN CS OF CS IN SALARY WITH SALARY_AMOUNT IN CS GT 50000 In this example, the AVERAGE statistical expression uses the RSE to form a stream of records where the SALARY_AMOUNT field is greater than 50,000. The average of the values is calculated by the product reading the expression. 6.MAX SALARY_AMOUNT IN CS OF SAL IN CURRENT_SALARY WITH SALARY IN SAL = MAX This example shows how to use the MAX expression to find the highest paid employee in the company. 7.MIN SALARY_AMOUNT IN CS OF SAL IN CURRENT_SALARY WITH SALARY IN SAL = MIN In this example, the MIN expression finds the lowest paid employee in the company. 8.TOTAL SALARY_AMOUNT IN CS OF CS IN CURRENT_SALARY The TOTAL expression finds the total annual payroll of the company. 9.8 + 7 This example shows an arithmetic expression that adds two numeric literals. 108 + 14 / 2 - 4 This is an example of an arithmetic expression that is evaluated as 11. 118 + 14 / (2 - 4) In this example, the arithmetic expression is evaluated as 1.