1.CDO> DEFINE RMS_DATABASE EMPLOYEE_INFO DESCRIPTION IS "INFORMATION ON" cont> "CURRENT EMPLOYEE". cont> RECORD EMPLOYEE_REC. . . . cont> AREAS. cont> AREA 0 cont> ALLOCATE 1000 cont> BUCKET_SIZE 10 cont> EXTENSION 100 cont> CONTIGUOUS. cont> AREA 1 cont> ALLOCATE 1000 cont> BUCKET_SIZE 1 cont> EXTENSION 100 cont> BEST_TRY_CONTIGUOUS. cont> AREA 2 cont> ALLOCATE 1000 cont> BUCKET_SIZE 1 cont> EXTENSION 100 cont> BEST_TRY_CONTIGUOUS. cont> END AREAS. . . . cont> END EMPLOYEE_INFO RMS_DATABASE. CDO> This example shows the syntax for defining the ALLOCATE, BUCKET_SIZE, EXTENSION, CONTIGUOUS, and BEST_TRY_CONTIGUOUS properties for three areas in the EMPLOYEE_INFO RMS database element. 2.CDO> DEFINE RMS_DATABASE MORE_EMPLOYEE_INFO cont> "DESCRIPTION IS " DATA ON CURRENT EMPLOYEES ". cont> RECORD EMPLOYEE_REC. cont> FILE_DEFINITION cont> AREA 1 cont> POSITION NONE. . . . cont> END MORE_EMPLOYEE_INFO RMS_DATABASE. CDO> This example shows the syntax that defines the NONE position type option for the area property POSITION in the MORE_ EMPLOYEE_INFO RMS database element.