1.CDO> DEFINE FIELD SUBTOTAL_PRICE cont> COMPUTED BY UNIT_PRICE * QUANTITY. In this example, the DEFINE FIELD command includes the COMPUTED BY property to calculate a value for the SUBTOTAL_PRICE field element. The value is computed by multiplying UNIT_PRICE by QUANTITY. 2.CDO> DEFINE FIELD TOTAL_PRICE cont> COMPUTED BY UNIT_PRICE (3) * 10. In this example, the DEFINE FIELD command includes a COMPUTED BY property to calculate a value for the TOTAL_PRICE field element. The value is calculated by multiplying the value in the third instance of the UNIT_PRICE field element by 10. 3.CDO> CHANGE FIELD TOTAL_PRICE cont> NOCOMPUTED BY. In this example, the CHANGE FIELD command includes the NOCOMPUTED BY keywords to remove the COMPUTED BY property from the TOTAL_PRICE field element. 4.CDO> DEFINE FIELD C cont> DATATYPE SIGNED WORD. CDO> DEFINE FIELD C_ONE cont> COMPUTED BY IF C EQ 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0. CDO> DEFINE FIELD C_FIVE_TEN cont> NAME FOR COBOL IS C_5_10 cont> COMPUTED BY IF C GE 5 AND C LE 10 THEN 1 ELSE 0. CDO> DEFINE FIELD C_OTHER cont> COMPUTED BY cont> IF (C GE 2 AND C LE 4) cont> OR (C GE 11 AND C LE 20) cont> THEN 1 ELSE 0. CDO> DEFINE RECORD COB88. cont> C. cont> C_ONE. cont> C_FIVE_TEN. cont> C_OTHER. cont> END RECORD. In this example, the DEFINE FIELD commands include COMPUTED BY properties that contain conditional and value expressions. These expressions are related to the value of the C field element, as follows: o The C_ONE field element takes the value of one (if C evaluates to one) or zero. o The C_FIVE_TEN field element takes the value of one (if C evaluates to a value between five and ten) or zero. o The C_OTHER field element takes the value of one (if C evaluates to a value between two and four or if C evaluates to a value between eleven and twenty) or zero. 5.01 COB88. 03 C USAGE IS COMP PIC 9(4). 88 C_ONE VALUE 1. 88 C_FIVE_TEN VALUES ARE 5 THRU 10. 88 C_OTHER VALUES ARE 2 THRU 4 11 THRU 20. This example shows COBOL syntax for the record containing level 88 definitions.