The JUSTIFIED field property indicates how to fill the storage space allocated to a field element. o JUSTIFIED CENTER centers a TEXT field. o JUSTIFIED DECIMAL right-justifies the whole part of a number to the left of a decimal point and left-justifies the fractional part of the number to the right of a decimal point. DIGITAL DECforms provides interactive decimal justification that appears as a user types numeric data. o JUSTIFIED LEFT truncates or fills a TEXT field against the left margin. This is the default value. o JUSTIFIED RIGHT truncates or fills a TEXT field against the right margin. Only DIGITAL DECforms supports JUSTIFIED DECIMAL. All other products ignore it. JUSTIFIED DECIMAL requires a decimal string or floating-point data type. Only COBOL and DIGITAL DECforms support the JUSTIFIED RIGHT option. Other language processors ignore it. COBOL displays as much of the right portion of a JUSTIFIED RIGHT string as possible. If this adjustment leaves storage space to the left of the string, COBOL fills this space with blanks. Use the JUSTIFIED field property only with fields that have the following data types: o TEXT o UNSPECIFIED o Decimal string o Fixed-point o Floating-point