1.CDO> DEFINE RECORD VACATION_PAY OCCURS 1 TO 2 TIMES cont> DEPENDING ON EXCESS_VACATION IN EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS. cont> EMP_SSN. cont> WEEKLY_SALARY. cont> END RECORD. In this example, the OCCURS ... DEPENDING record property specifies the number of times the VACATION_PAY record element occurs. The number of occurrences is based on the run-time value of the tag variable field element, EXCESS_VACATION, which is part of the EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS record element. 2.CDO> CHANGE RECORD VACATION_PAY cont> NOOCCURS. cont> END RECORD. In this example, the keyword NOOCCURS in the CHANGE RECORD command removes the OCCURS ... DEPENDING record property from the VACATION_PAY record element. 3.CDO> DEFINE FIELD MESSAGE_TABLE_IDX DATATYPE IS LONGWORD. CDO> DEFINE FIELD MESSAGE_TEXT DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE IS cont> 256 CHARACTERS. CDO> DEFINE RECORD MESSAGE_TABLE. cont> MESSAGE_STRUCT STRUCTURE OCCURS 10 TIMES INDEXED BY cont> MESSAGE_TABLE_IDX. cont> MESSAGE_TEXT. cont> END MESSAGE STRUCTURE. cont> END MESSAGE_TABLE RECORD. CDO> DEFINE RECORD MESSAGE_TABLE2. cont> MESSAGE_STRUCT STRUCTURE OCCURS 1 TO 10 TIMES cont> DEPENDING ON MESSAGE_TEXT cont> INDEXED BY MESSAGE_TABLE_IDX. cont> MESSAGE_TEXT. cont> END MESSAGE STRUCTURE. cont> END MESSAGE_TABLE2 RECORD. CDO> SHOW RECORD MESSAGE_TABLE/FULL Definition of record MESSAGE_TABLE | Contains record MESSAGE_STRUCT | | Occurs 10 indexed by MESSAGE_TABLE_IDX | | Contains field MESSAGE_TEXT | | | Datatype text size is 256 characters CDO> SHOW RECORD MESSAGE_TABLE2/FULL Definition of record MESSAGE_TABLE2 | Contains record MESSAGE_STRUCT | | Occurs 1 to 10 depending on MESSAGE_TEXT indexed by MESSAGE_TABLE_IDX | | Contains field MESSAGE_TEXT | | | Datatype text size is 256 characters In this example, the MESSAGE_TABLE record contains an INDEXED BY clause. The name of the index field must already be defined.