CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  M  M_M, Cy mi
  Choose the Copy submenu to display a list
  containing the types of objects on which you can
  perform copy transactions:

  o  Elements
  o  Groups
  o  Classes

1  –  Cy el

  The Copy Element... menu item allows you to copy
  one or more existing elements and create a new element
  (or elements) in the same library or another library.
  The original element is left unchanged.

  If you copy an element to the same library, the new
  element must have a different name.

1.1  –  Cy sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Copy Element... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects. CMS performs the copy transaction on the
  selected objects.

1.2  –  Cy e

  Fill in the Input Element field with the name of one or
  more existing elements to be copied.  If you specify more
  than one element to be copied, you must use a wildcard
  character for the Output Element name.

  The Input Element can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

1.3  –  Cy of

  Fill in the Output Element field with the name of the new

  The name cannot be the same as any existing element name
  in the target library.  The file name component cannot be
  00CMS because this name is reserved for CMS. Wildcards
  are allowed.

  If you specify more than one element name in the Input
  Element field, you must use a wildcard character for the
  Output Element name.

1.4  –  Cy r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  copy transaction.

1.5  –  Cy i

  Fill in the Input Library field with the name of a
  library other than your current library.

  If you do not specify this option, CMS uses your current

2  –  Cy gr

  The Copy Group... menu item allows you to copy
  one or more existing groups and create a new group
  (or group) in the same library or another library.
  The original group is left unchanged.

  If you copy a group to the same library, the new
  group must have a different name.

2.1  –  Cy sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Copy Group... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects. CMS performs the copy transaction on the
  selected objects.

2.2  –  Cy g

  Fill in the Input Group field with the name of one or
  more existing groups to be copied.  If you specify more
  than one group to be copied, you must use a wildcard
  character for the Output Group name.

  The Input Group can be a group name, a wildcard expression,
  or a list of these separated by commas.

2.3  –  Cy of

  Fill in the Output Group field with the name of the new

  The name cannot be the same as any existing group name
  in the target library.  The file name component cannot be
  00CMS because this name is reserved for CMS. Wildcards
  are allowed.

  If you specify more than one group name in the Input
  Element field, you must use a wildcard character for the
  Output Group name.

2.4  –  Cy r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  copy transaction.

2.5  –  Cy i

  Fill in the Input Library field with the name of a
  library other than your current library.

  If you do not specify this option, CMS uses your current

3  –  Cy cl

  The Copy Class... menu item allows you to copy
  one or more existing classes and create a new class
  (or classes) in the same library or another library.
  The original class is left unchanged.

  If you copy a class to the same library, the new
  class must have a different name.

3.1  –  Cy sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Copy Class... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects. CMS performs the copy transaction on the
  selected objects.

3.2  –  Cy c

  Fill in the Input Class field with the name of one or
  more existing classes to be copied.  If you specify more
  than one class to be copied, you must use a wildcard
  character for the Output Class name.

  The Input Class can be a class name, a wildcard expression,
  or a list of these separated by commas.

3.3  –  Cy of

  Fill in the Output Class field with the name of the new

  The name cannot be the same as any existing class name
  in the target library.  The file name component cannot be
  00CMS because this name is reserved for CMS. Wildcards
  are allowed.

  If you specify more than one class name in the Input
  Class field, you must use a wildcard character for the
  Output Class name.

3.4  –  Cy r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  copy transaction.

3.5  –  Cy i

  Fill in the Input Library field with the name of a
  library other than your current library.

  If you do not specify this option, CMS uses your current
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