A view is a window that displays CMS library objects and information about those objects. You can choose the following types of views from the View menu: o Element o Group o Class o Reservation o History o Review o Command You can also use the View menu to do the following: o Update views o Expand and collapse objects o Display multiple views (new view) o Restrict and unrestrict the contents of views o Close views
1 – Uv mi
Choose the Update menu item to collapse previously expanded objects and display an updated view window, including any changes made to the library search list.
2 – Vex mi
Choose the Expand submenu to expand an object's children, attributes, access control list (ACL), group or class membership list, or all of the above options. Expand operates on whatever type of view is current. To display an option, follow these steps: 1. Click on the desired object (for instance, a group). 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Pull down the Expand submenu. 4. Choose the Children, Attributes, ACLs, Membership, or All menu item.
2.1 – Vex cmi
Choose the Children menu item to expand the object into its subobjects. For example, if you choose a group, and expand the group into its children, CMS displays any elements and other groups contained in the group.
2.2 – Vex ami
Choose the Attributes menu item to expand the object into its attributes. CMS displays different types of attributes for different objects. These may include concurrent reservations, reference copy information, review information, history format, notes format, and notes position.
2.3 – Vex acmi
Choose this menu item to display the access control list (ACL) associated with the specified object (or objects).
2.4 – Vex mmi
Choose the Membership menu item to display the list of groups or classes (if any) in which the element or generation is a member.
2.5 – Vex almi
Choose the All menu item to display the following information about the specified object (or objects): o Its children o Its attributes o Any access control lists (ACLs) o Group or class membership list
3 – Vc clmi
Choose the Collapse submenu to collapse the children, access control list (ACL), attributes, or the membership list of a CMS object back into the object. To collapse the children, ACL, attributes, or membership list of an object, follow these steps (the item must have been previously expanded): 1. Click on the desired object (for instance, a group). 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Pull down the Collapse submenu. 4. Choose the Children, ACLs, Attributes, or Membership menu item.
3.1 – Vc chmi
Choose the Children menu item to collapse the subobjects (children) back into the main object.
3.2 – Vc atmi
Choose the Attributes menu item to collapse the previously displayed attributes back into the object.
3.3 – Vc acmi
Choose this menu item to collapse the access control lists (ACLs) back into the main object.
3.4 – Vc mmi
Choose the Membership menu item to collapse the display of the membership list.
3.5 – Vc ami
Choose the All menu item to collapse the display of all previously expanded information about the specified object (or objects), except for the object name.
4 – Vev mi
Choose the Element View menu item to display all the elements in the current library. CMS lists the elements in alphabetical order. Double click on a specific element to expand it to display the list of generations that belong to the element. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its elements.
5 – Vgv mi
Choose the Group View menu item to display all the groups in the current library. CMS lists the groups in alphabetical order. Double click on a specific group to expand it to display the list of elements and other groups contained in the group. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its groups.
6 – Vcv mi
Choose the Class View menu item to display all the classes in the current library. CMS lists the classes in alphabetical order. Double click on a specific class to expand it to display the list of generations contained in the class. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its classes.
7 – Vrv mi
Choose the Reservation View menu item to display elements and generations that are reserved in the current library. Double click on a reserved element to expand it into individual generation reservations. Double click on a reserved generation to expand it into the following information: o Its reservation identification number o The name of the user who has it reserved o The generation number o The date, time, and remark associated with the reservation If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays only the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its reserved elements and generations.
7.1 – Vw rf c r
Click on the Concurrent Replacements field to display a list of concurrent replacements for the element. If there are no concurrent replacements, CMS performs no expansion.
8 – Vhv mi
Choose the History View menu item to display a chronological list of the transactions performed in the library. Each history record contains the following: o Date and time of the transaction o The username of the user who performed the action o The transaction that was performed o The name of the element and generation number o The remark associated with the transaction If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its history records.
9 – Vrev mi
Choose the Review View menu item to display a list of all elements and generations that currently have reviews pending in the library. Double click on a specific element under review to expand it into its individual generations under review. Double click on a generation to expand it into a list of review comments, if any. CMS displays the following: o The generation number of the element o The name of the user who placed the element under review o The date, time, and remark associated with the element or generation under review If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its review elements.
10 – Vcc mi
Choose the Command View menu item to display a list of every CMS command on which an access control list (ACL) can be placed. Double click on a specific command to expand it to display the ACL, if any, assigned to the command. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its commands.
11 – Vnv mi
Choose the New view submenu to display a list of all available types of views. You can choose one of the following types: element, group, class, reservation, history, review, and command. CMS displays a new view window that contains the type of view you chose. To close a window when you have multiple view windows open, pull down the View menu, then choose Close View. The Close View menu item is located in both the File and View menus, and has the same function in both menus.
11.1 – Vnv nemi
Choose the New Element View menu item to open a new view window that displays all the elements in the current library. CMS lists the elements in alphabetical order. Double click on a specific element to expand it to display the list of generations that belong to the element. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its elements.
11.2 – Vnv ngmi
Choose the New Group View menu item to open a new view window that displays all the groups in the current library. Double click on a specific group to expand it to display the list of elements and other groups contained in the group. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its groups.
11.3 – Vnv ncmi
Choose the New Class View menu item to open a new view window that displays all the classes in the current library. Double click on a specific class to expand it to display the list of generations contained in the class. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its classes.
11.4 – Vnv nrmi
Choose the New Reservation View menu item to open a new view window that displays the elements whose generations that are reserved in the current library. Double click on a reserved element to expand it into individual generation reservations. Double click on a reserved generation to expand it into the following information: o Its reservation identification number o The name of the user who has it reserved o The generation number o The date, time, and remark associated with the reservation If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays only the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its reserved elements and generations.
11.5 – Vnv hvmi
Choose the New History View menu item to open a new view window that displays a chronological list of the history records for each CMS transaction performed in the library. Each history record contains the following: o Date and time of the transaction o The username of the user who performed the action o The transaction that was performed o The name of the element and generation number o The remark associated with the transaction If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays only the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its history records.
11.6 – Vnv rmi
Choose the New Review View menu item to open a new view window that displays a list of all elements and generations that currently have reviews pending in that library. Double click on a specific element under review to expand it into its individual generations under review. Double click on a generation to expand it into a list of review comments, if any. CMS then displays the following: o The generation number of the element o The name of the user who placed the element under review o The date, time, and remark associated with the element or generation under review If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays only the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its review elements.
11.7 – Vnv cmi
Choose the New Command View menu item to open a new view window that displays a list of every CMS command on which an access control list (ACL) can be placed. Double click on a specific command to expand it to display the ACL, if any, assigned to the command. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays only the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its commands.
12 – Rv mi
Choose the Restrict... menu item to control the contents of the current view. The Restrict View options are equivalent to options available when using command-line interface SHOW commands. When you choose Restrict..., a dialog box appears, allowing you to specify an object (or objects) to be displayed with the options you specify. To view an object other than the object type in your current view, change the view by choosing a different type of view; or pull down the New View submenu, choose the desired view, and then choose the Restrict... menu item.
12.1 – Rv re db
The Restrict Elements dialog box allows you to restrict the display of information about one or more elements.
12.1.1 – Rv enf
Fill in the Elements field with the name of one or more elements. If you do not supply an element expression, CMS automatically displays all the elements in the library. Full or partial wildcards are allowed; for example, you could restrict the element view to elements with a file type of .PAS by typing *.PAS in the Elements name field. You can specify multiple elements by separating each element name with a comma.
12.1.2 – Rv bf
Fill in the Before field with a time value or keyword before which you want to display generation information. CMS will only list generation information prior to the time you specify. Time values can be an absolute, delta, or a combination time value. For example, 17:12:37 is a valid absolute time value. Keywords can be one of the following: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY.
12.1.3 – Rv sf
Fill in the Since field with a time value or keyword from which you want to display generation information. CMS will only display information on generations that occurred after the time you specify. Time values can be an absolute, delta, or a combination time value. For example, 17:12:37 is a valid absolute time value. Keywords can be one of the following: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY.
12.1.4 – Rv apb
Click on the Apply button to apply the current settings in the dialog box, update the view associated with the dialog box, and leave the dialog box in the main window.
12.2 – Rv gdb
The Restrict Groups dialog box allows you to restrict the display of information about one or more groups.
12.2.1 – Rv gnf
Fill in the Groups field with the name of one or more groups. If you do not supply a group name, CMS automatically displays all the groups in the library. Full or partial wildcards are allowed; for example, you could restrict the group view to groups that begin with the characters DOCU by typing DOCU* in the Groups field. You can specify multiple groups by separating each group name with a comma.
12.3 – Rv cldb
The Restrict Classes dialog box allows you to restrict the display of information about one or more classes.
12.3.1 – Rv cnf
Fill in the Classes field with the name of one or more classes. If you do not supply a class name, CMS automatically displays all the classes in the library. Full or partial wildcards are allowed; for example, you could restrict the class view to classes that end with the characters _V2 by typing *_V2 in the Classes field. You can specify multiple classes by separating each class name with a comma.
12.4 – Rr db
The Restrict Reservations dialog box allows you to restrict the display of information about one or more reserved generations.
12.4.1 – Rr ef
Fill in the Elements field with the name of one or more elements. If you do not supply an element expression, CMS automatically displays all elements in the library that have generations reserved. Full or partial wildcards are allowed; for example, you could restrict the reservations view to element generations with a file type of .PAS by typing *.PAS in the Restrict Reservations Elements field. You can specify multiple elements by separating each element expression with a comma.
12.4.2 – Rr gf
Fill in the Generation field with a generation expression. If you do not supply a generation expression, CMS automatically displays all reserved generations. You can specify multiple generations by separating each generation name with a comma.
12.4.3 – Rr unf
Fill in the User Name field with the name of one or more users to direct CMS to display the generations reserved by that user. You can specify multiple users by separating each user name with a comma.
12.5 – Rh db
The Restrict History dialog box allows you to restrict the display of information about library history. If you do not specify any restrictions, Restrict History displays a chronological list of transactions performed on the CMS library or libraries. You can limit the display of information on transactions by choosing different history options.
12.5.1 – His rec o
A history record is a recording of a transaction that has updated the library. CMS records all transactions that update the library except for the following types of transactions: annotate, differences, fetch trans- actions without a remark, open library, view, and verify. A history record consists of the date, time, the name of the person who issued the command or function, the name of the command or function, the element and generation number, and any associated remark entered when the command was issued. If no remark was entered, a null remark is displayed. For any command that caused CMS to record an unusual occurrence, an asterisk is displayed in the first column. CMS does not perform any expansion on a history record.
12.5.2 – Rh of
Fill in the Objects field with one or more element names, group names, class names, commands, or libraries on which you want history information. Wildcards are allowed. You can specify multiple objects; separate each object name with a comma. This field is optional; if you do not supply an object in this field, CMS displays history records for all objects in the current library.
12.5.3 – Rh sf
Fill in the Since field with a time value or keyword from which you want to display history information. CMS displays history information on or after the time you specify. Time values can be an absolute, delta, or a combination time value. For example, 17:12:37 is a valid absolute time value. Keywords can be one of the following: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. If you do not enter a value, CMS displays history records for the past 30 days.
12.5.4 – Rh unf
Fill in the User Name field with the name of one or more users whose library transactions you want to display. You can specify multiple users by separating each user name with a comma. Wildcards are allowed.
12.5.5 – Rh bf
Fill in the Before field with a time value or keyword before which you want to display history information. CMS lists history information prior to the time you specify. Time values can be an absolute, delta, or a combination time value. For example, 17:12:37 is a valid absolute time value. Keywords can be one of the following: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY.
12.5.6 – Rh uto
Click on the Unusual Transactions Only button to direct CMS to display only those transactions that have been recorded as unusual occurrences. If this button is not activated, CMS displays all transactions, including unusual transactions.
12.5.7 – Rh tv
CMS displays information for the history output of an object based on the options that are activated. Transactions that are not activated are not displayed for the object. – Rh ct
When the Copy button is activated, CMS displays the history records of copy transactions. – Rh mt
When the Modify button is activated, CMS displays the history records of modify transactions. – Rh ut
When the Unreserve button is activated, CMS displays the history records of unreserve transactions. – Rh mat
When the Mark button is activated, CMS displays the history records of elements or generations that have been marked for review. – Rh cr t
When the Create button is activated, CMS displays the history records of create transactions. – Rh rem t
When the Remark button is activated, CMS displays the history records of remark transactions. – Rh vt
When the Verify button is activated, CMS displays the history records of verify transactions. – Rh rj t
When the Reject button is activated, CMS displays the history records of elements or generations that have been rejected. – Rh dt
When the Delete button is activated, CMS displays the history records of delete transactions. – Rh rt
When the Remove button is activated, CMS displays the history records of remove transactions. – Rh se t
When the Set button is activated, CMS displays the history records of set transactions. – Rh r t
When the Review button is activated, CMS displays the history records of review transactions. – Rh tvf
When the Fetch button is activated, CMS displays the history records of fetch transactions. – Rh tvr
When the Replace button is activated, CMS displays the history records of replace transactions. – Rh at
When the Accept button is activated, CMS displays the history records of elements whose generations were on the review pending list and have been accepted. – Rh tvi
When the Insert button is activated, CMS displays the history records of insert transactions. – R h tvr
When the Reserve button is activated, CMS displays the history records of reserve transactions. – R h dt
When the Cancel button is activated, CMS displays the history records of review canceled transactions. – Rhis clear
Click on the Clear button to deactivate every transaction button under Transactions to View. – R h apb
Click on the Apply button to apply the current settings in the dialog box, restrict the view according to the options you specify, and leave the dialog box in the main window. To exit the dialog box, choose the OK or Cancel button.
12.6 – Rrv db
The Restrict Reviews dialog box allows you to restrict the display of information of pending reviews.
12.6.1 – Rrv ef
Fill in the Elements field with the name of one or more elements that are to be searched for generations that have reviews pending. For each element with generations under review, CMS displays the element name, generation number, user name, date, time, replacement remark, and any associated review comments. You can specify multiple elements by separating each element name with a comma. Wildcards are allowed.
12.6.2 – Rrv gf
Fill in the Generation field with one or more generation expressions. Only reviews pending for the specified generation or generations are displayed. You can specify multiple generation expressions by separating them with commas. Wildcards are allowed.
12.6.3 – Rrv unf
Fill in the User Name field with the name of one or more users whose current reviews pending are to be displayed. You can specify multiple users by separating each user name with a comma. Wildcards are allowed.
13 – Unv mi
Choose the Unrestrict menu item to display the full contents of the current view.