/DCE$UAF (default) /NODCE$UAF Specifies that the DCE system authorization file (DCE$UAF) be read record by record and any record found that doesn't have a matching account in the OpenVMS authorization file (SYSUAF) be reported. Any discrepancies found can be fixed using the PURGE command.
/OUTPUT=output Determines where the output is written. The default is SYS$OUTPUT:.
/SYSUAF (default) /NOSYSUAF Specifies that the OpenVMS system authorization file (SYSUAF) be read account by account and any account found that does not have a matching record in the DCE Authorization file (DCE$UAF) be reported. Any discrepancies found can be fixed using the ADD command.
/VERBOSE /NOVERBOSE (default) Specifies that all accounts/records be displayed. By default only those without matching records/accounts are displayed.