Syntax: /BEFORE = time-specification Use /BEFORE to specify the creation time of the oldest history list entry you want to save. All entries made before that time are deleted. Time is specified as the VAX standard time of day: dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.ss. You may omit any of the fields, but you must include the punctuation (hyphen, colon, period) following any leading field you omit. Omitted fields default to the current time of day. You cannot specify both /BEFORE and /KEEP in the same command line.
Syntax: /KEEP = number Use /KEEP to specify how many history list entries you want to save. DMU then deletes all but that number of the most recent history list entries. You cannot specify both /BEFORE and /KEEP in the same command line. If you do not specify either /BEFORE or /KEEP, the default is /KEEP = 0, and all history list entries are deleted.
Syntax: /TYPE = (type-specification [, type-specification]...) Use /TYPE to specify a particular type of dictionary directory or object whose history lists you want to purge. A type specification names a type, such as DTR$DOMAIN or CDD$RECORD, whose history list entries are to be deleted. You can use the wildcard characters % and * in a type specification. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one type.