Use DELETE/PROTECTION to delete access control list entries.  You can
  delete the entire list or only those entries you specify.

  You can also use the SET PROTECTION/EDIT  command  to  delete  access
  control list entries.

  Command Syntax:

    DELETE/PROTECTION [qualifiers] path-name [, path-name]...

1  –  privileges

  You need PASS_THRU and CONTROL at the  target  dictionary  directory,
  subdictionary, or object.

2  –  qualifiers

2.1    /AUDIT

      /AUDIT [= (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)]

  Use /AUDIT to create history list entries auditing the purge  of  the
  access control lists.

  You can include explanatory text in history list entries in two ways:

   o  By including quoted  strings.   Enclose  each  quoted  string  in
      double  quotation  marks,  and  enclose  the series of strings in
      parentheses.  The parentheses are optional if  you  specify  only
      one quoted string.

   o  By specifying a file whose contents are to  be  included  in  the
      history  list  entry.   The  file specification is a standard VMS
      file specification, and the default file type is .DAT.   You  can
      include  no  more  than 64 input strings in a history list entry.
      DMU ignores any excess.

  With /NOAUDIT, no history list entries are created.  The  default  is

2.2    /POSITION


      /POSITION = position-specification

  Use /POSITION to specify the relative position or  positions  of  the
  entries you want to delete.

  The position specification can be any of the following:

      ALL                    Indicates all entries.
      number                 Indicates only one entry.
      (number [,number]...)  Indicates several entries.

  You may specify a maximum of 64 entries with the /POSITION qualifier.

2.3    /TYPE


      /TYPE = (type-specification [, type-specification]...)

  Use /TYPE to specify a particular type  of  dictionary  directory  or
  object whose access control list entries are to be purged.

  A type specification names a type, such as DTR$DOMAIN or  CDD$RECORD,
  whose  access  control  lists  are  to  be  deleted.  You can use the
  wildcard characters % and * in a type specification.  The parentheses
  are optional if you specify only one type.
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