DMU.HLB  —  specify

1  –  logical-names

  You can use logical names to save keystrokes if you work in several
  dictionary directories with long path names.  With the DCL commands
  DEFINE and ASSIGN, you can define logical names for CDD path names
  you use often.  Use either of the following formats in response to
  the DCL dollar-sign prompt:

  DEFINE logical-name "_CDD$TOP . . . given-name"

  ASSIGN "_CDD$TOP . . . given-name" logical-name

  Once you have defined logical names, you can use them in place of
  path names in utility command lines.  The CDD attempts to translate
  the first given name of any path specification as a logical name.
  For example, if you specified the path name SALES.JONES, the CDD
  would make one attempt to translate SALES.  If SALES were not defined
  as a logical name, the translation would fail, and the CDD utility
  would process the directory CDD$TOP.SALES.JONES.

  If, however, SALES were defined as a logical name, the translation
  would succeed, and the CDD utility would attempt to process a path
  name beginning with SALES' translation string.

  To prevent logical name translation, prefix the path specification
  with an underscore (_).  The CDD would make no attempt to translate
  SALES if you specified the path name, _SALES.JONES.

  Instead, the CDD would process CDD$TOP.SALES.JONES

2  –  minus-sign

  The minus sign or hyphen (-) in place of a given name in any path
  name indicates a name one generation back.  This substitution is
  valid only for the first given names in the specification.  Once you
  have specified a given name, you may not use any hyphens further down
  in the chain:  the hyphens must be first in the string.

  For example, if your default directory is CDD$TOP.SALES.JONES, you
  can specify the CORPORATE directory by typing -.-.CORPORATE.  Note
  that -.SALES.-.PRODUCTION is not a legal usage because the sequence
  SALES.- is not allowed.

3  –  given-name

  A given name is a string of up to 31 characters.  The legal
  characters in a given name are A-Z, 0-9, _, and $.  The first
  character must be a letter from A-Z, and the last character cannot be
  _ or $.  The DMU translates all lowercase letters to uppercase.

  For example, SALES and CDD$TOP are legal given names.  S{L?S,
  however, is not a legal given name because it contains the illegal
  characters { and ?.

4  –  passwords

  Within any type of path specification, each dictionary directory,
  subdictionary, and object can have a password associated with it.  To
  use a password in a path specification, enclose the password in
  parentheses and place it immediately after the given name of the
  directory, subdictionary, or object with which it is associated.  Do
  not type a space between the given name and the password.  If you are
  using the > at the end of a path name, the wild card follows any
  password associated with the last given name in the chain.  If you
  specify the version number of an object, the password should
  immediately follow the version number.

  Passwords contain from 1 to 64 printable ASCII characters, including
  space and tab.  DMU translates lowercase letters to uppercase.  The
  only forbidden characters in a password are open parenthesis [(],
  close parenthesis [)], and period [.].  The following are legal given
  names with passwords:



  The following is a legal path name with passwords:

5  –  path-name

  A path name consists of a string of given names separated by periods.
  It uniquely identifies a dictionary directory, subdictionary, or
  object through its line of ancestry from CDD$TOP.

  For example, you can specify the dictionary directory STANDARDS in
  the sample dictionary with the following path name:


  The following is not a legal path name because a path name cannot
  contain consecutive periods:


6  –  path-specification

  A path-name can be specified in either of two ways:

  1.  By enumerating the chain of given names from CDD$TOP to the
      target dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object explicitly.

  2.  By enumerating the chain of given names from the default
      directory to the target dictionary directory, subdictionary, or
      object (not including the name of the default directory in the

7  –  privileges

  Privileges can be specified as:

  1.  One of the following keywords.

  2.  A group of the following keywords in parentheses and separated by


  3.  A group of the following key letters delimited by < > (do not

      include any separators or blanks between letters).

         Keyword    Key Letter         Privilege
         -------    ----------         ---------
         CONTROL         C    may control access control lists.
         DTR_EXTEND      E    may extend DATATRIEVE table or procedure.
         DTR_MODIFY      M    may ready DATATRIEVE domain for modify.
         DTR_READ        R    may ready DATATRIEVE domain for read.
         DTR_WRITE       W    may ready DATATRIEVE domain for write.
         EXTEND          X    may create directory children.
         FORWARD         F    may create subdictionaries.
         GLOBAL_DELETE   G    may delete subdictionaries, directories,
                              and their children.
         HISTORY         H    may add entries to history lists.
         LOCAL_DELETE    D    may delete subdictionaries, directories,
                              and objects.
         PASS_THRU       P    may pass through a subdictionary or
                              dictionary directory.
         SEE             S    may see (read) a dictionary object.
         UPDATE          U    may update a dictionary object.
         ALL                  all of the above.

8  –  versions

  You can specify the version of a dictionary object in several ways:

  Specification      Result           Example

  Absolute        DMU operates on    SALARY_RANGE;2
  version         the object with
  number+         the specified
                  version number

  Relative        DMU operates on    SALARY_RANGE;-1
  version         the object a
  number+         specified number
                  of versions
                  below the
                  highest version

  Wildcard        DMU operates on    SALARY_RANGE;_*
  version         all versions of
  number+         the object

  Semicolon       DMU operates on    SALARY_RANGE;
  without a       the highest
  version         version of the
  number+         object

  No semicolon    DMU operates on    SALARY_RANGE
  or version      the highest
  number++        version of the

  + You cannot use this specification with DMU PURGE.
  ++ If you use this specification with DMU LIST, DMU operates on all
  children in the directory.

9  –  wildcards

  With some commands in the Dictionary Management Utility, you can
  specify a path by using its proper path name or by including wildcard
  characters in the path name.

   o  The % replaces any single character in a given name.

   o  The * replaces any number of characters, and its use is legal
      even if there is no corresponding character to replace.  The *
      can also replace the version number of an object.  Used by
      itself, the * refers to all versions of an object.

   o  The > as the last character in a path name indicates that you
      want to include all the descendants of the specified dictionary
      directory or subdictionary.  If you end a path name with .>, the
      wild card indicates that only the descendants are to be
      processed.  If you end a path name with >, the wild card without
      the preceding period, DMU processes the last specified dictionary
      directory or subdictionary as well as all of its descendants.

   o  The @ prefixed to the given name of a dictionary directory or
      subdictionary signifies that the directory or subdictionary and
      all of its named descendants are to be processed.
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