Syntax: /UIC = uic- or rights-specification Use /RIGHTS to include user identification codes with the user identification criteria of an ACL entry. You can specify any of three alternative types of user identification code: a numeric UIC, an alphanumeric UIC, or a rights identifier. A numeric UIC consists of an octal group number and an octal member number separated by a comma and enclosed by either square brackets ([]) or angle brackets (<>). You can use the wildcard * in place of the group number to identify all group numbers, and in place of the member number group to identify all member numbers. A /UIC specification of [*,*] matches all user identification codes. An alphanumeric UIC consists of a single text string within brackets. A rights identifier consists of a single text string which the system manager has defined in the rights database to indicate all members of a particular group. /RIGHTS performs the same function as /UIC.