Defines a path name for a relational database (Format 1) or a path name for a Oracle CODASYL DBMS database instance (Format 2). Format 1 DEFINE DATABASE rdb-database-path ON root-file-spec; Format 2 DEFINE DATABASE dbms-database-path [USING] [SUBSCHEMA] subschema-name [OF] [SCHEMA] schema-path-name ON root-file-spec;
1 – Arguments
rdb-database-path Is the Oracle CDD/Repository path name of the relational database you want to define. The path name can be either a DMU or a CDO style path name. root-file-spec Is the name of the database root file. For relational databases, the default file type is .RDB; for Oracle CODASYL DBMS, the default file type is .ROO. A complete file specification has the following format: node-spec::device:[directory]file-name.type;version dbms-database-path Is the Oracle CDD/Repository path name you choose for the Oracle CODASYL DBMS database instance. The path name can be either a DMU or a CDO style path name. Although a DMU style path name is still accepted, you are recommended to use a CDO path name. subschema-name Is the name of a subschema for the specified schema. schema-path-name Is the CDO path name of a Oracle CODASYL DBMS schema. ;(semicolon) Ends the DEFINE DATABASE command.
2 – Examples
Define a relational database path name: DTR> DEFINE DATABASE CDD$TOP.DEPT29.PERSONNEL ON DFN> DBA2:[D29.DAT]PERSONNEL.RDB; DTR> Define a Oracle CODASYL DBMS database instance. The Oracle CDD/Repository path name of the schema is SYS$COMMON:[CDDPLUS]DBMS.PARTS. The name of the subschema is PARTSS1, and the root file is DB0:[BULGAKOV]PARTSDB.ROO: DTR> DEFINE DATABASE PARTS_DB DFN> USING PARTSS1 DFN> OF SYS$COMMON:[CDDPLUS]DBMS.PARTS DFN> ON DB0:[BULGAKOV]PARTSDB.ROO; DTR>