Invokes an editor to edit the previous command or statement, one or more types of object definitions, or the dictionary object specified by the dictionary path name. Format [ {DOMAINS } ] [ {PLOTS } ] [ { } ] [ [ALL] {PROCEDURES } [,...] [RECOVER] ] [ {RECORDS } ] EDIT [ {TABLES } ] [ ] [ ] [ ALL [RECOVER] ] [ ] [ [path-name] [RECOVER] ] [ ]
1 – Arguments
ALL Places all the objects in your Oracle CDD/Repository default directory in an editing buffer. The keyword ALL is optional when used with the object types, but required when used alone or with only RECOVER. path-name Is the given name, full dictionary path name, or relative path name of a DEC DATATRIEVE domain, record, procedure, or table definition you want to edit. EDIT accepts both DMU and CDO style path names. DOMAINS You can specify one or more types of object definitions with the EDIT command. This allows you to edit all the domains, plots, procedures, records, or tables from your current default Oracle CDD/Repository directory. RECOVER Allows recovery for edited dictionary objects.
2 – Example
The following example shows how to edit the definition for the record YACHT: DTR> EDIT YACHT REDEFINE RECORD YACHT USING 01 BOAT. 03 TYPE. 06 MANUFACTURER PIC X(10) QUERY_NAME IS BUILDER. 06 MODEL PIC X(10). 03 SPECIFICATIONS QUERY_NAME SPECS. 06 RIG PIC X(6) VALID IF RIG EQ "SLOOP","KETCH","MS","YAWL". 06 LENGTH_OVER_ALL PIC XXX VALID IF LOA BETWEEN 15 AND 50 QUERY_NAME IS LOA. 06 DISPLACEMENT PIC 99999 QUERY_HEADER IS "WEIGHT" EDIT_STRING IS ZZ,ZZ9 QUERY_NAME IS DISP. 06 BEAM PIC 99 MISSING VALUE IS 0. 06 PRICE PIC 99999 MISSING VALUE IS 0 VALID IF PRICE>DISP*1.3 OR PRICE EQ 0 EDIT_STRING IS $$$,$$$. ; [Record is 41 bytes long.] You can now edit the record definition. If SET EDIT_BACKUP is in effect, the old version of the YACHT record is retained in the data dictionary when you exit the editor.