Specifies the location and representation of a sign (+ or -) in a numeric elementary field. Format { LEADING } SIGN [IS] { TRAILING } [SEPARATE] { }
1 – Arguments
LEADING Indicates that the sign is at the left (LEADING) or right (TRAILING) of the field value. SEPARATE Indicates that the sign occupies its own character position in the field. If this argument is omitted, the sign shares a character position with the field's leftmost (LEADING) or rightmost (TRAILING) digit.
2 – Examples
The following example defines the field CURRENT_BALANCE as a 6- digit signed field, with the sign sharing the leftmost character position: 03 CURRENT_BALANCE PIC IS S9999V99 EDIT_STRING IS $$$$9.99- SIGN IS LEADING. The following example defines the field NEW_PRICE as a 4-digit signed field. The sign is a separate character in the rightmost character position: 03 NEW_PRICE PIC S99V99 SIGN TRAILING SEPARATE EDIT_STRING +++.99.