DTRHELP.HLB  —  Editor
       By default, DEC DATATRIEVE uses EDT when you issue the EDIT
       command. You can specify DEC TPU, LSE, or EDT by assigning the
       logical name DTR$EDIT. There are two ways to assign DTR$EDIT
       to the acronym TPU, LSE, or EDT. Note that you must specify the
       three-character acronym, such as TPU, not DEC TPU.

       o  Use the DCL DEFINE command. For example:


       o  Use the DEC DATATRIEVE function FN$CREATE_LOG from within DEC
          DATATRIEVE. For example:

          DTR> FN$CREATE_LOG ("DTR$EDIT", "LSE")

       The assignment from within DEC DATATRIEVE lasts for that DEC
       DATATRIEVE session. To make the assignment permanent, use the
       DEFINE command in your login file.

       To use LSE with callable DEC DATATRIEVE, add the module
       name LSE to your DEC DATATRIEVE options file. For example:

       This options file enables calling programs to use ADT, the EDT
       editor, Guide Mode, DEC DATATRIEVE online help, LSE, and DEC TPU.

       See the documentation for LSE for more information about that
       product. See the help topic DEC TPU for more information about
       using DEC TPU with DEC DATATRIEVE.

1  –  LSE

       DEC DATATRIEVE supports editing with LSE from within DEC
       DATATRIEVE. This support includes LSE templates for DEC
       DATATRIEVE that allow users to edit DEC DATATRIEVE definitions,
       commands, and statements in an environment that is sensitive to
       the DEC DATATRIEVE syntax.

2  –  Templates for LSE

       The LSE templates for DEC DATATRIEVE offer command completion
       and syntax recall for the intermediate to advanced DEC DATATRIEVE
       user. Users of the templates should already know how to use LSE.

2.1  –  DCL Level

       To use the templates from DCL level, invoke LSE at the DCL prompt
       and specify DEC DATATRIEVE as the editing environment. You can do
       this in one of two ways:

       o  Use the file type .DTR for the file you wish to edit with LSE.
          Specifying the .DTR file type causes LSE to use the editing
          environment file for DEC DATATRIEVE.

          For example, you want to use LSE to create a DEC DATATRIEVE
          procedure that will generate a payroll report:


          This command invokes LSE and sets the language-sensitive
          editing environment to DEC DATATRIEVE. The editing buffer
          on your screen already contains the placeholder {DATATRIEVE_
          session}. Expand {DATATRIEVE_session} by positioning the
          cursor on the placeholder and pressing <CTRL/E>. You can begin
          editing the procedure with LSE.

       o  Invoke LSE at the DCL prompt, set the language to DEC
          DATATRIEVE, and type in the placeholder that begins a DEC
          DATATRIEVE editing session.

          For example:

          $ LSEDIT

          At the LSE prompt, set the language to DEC DATATRIEVE:


          In the editing buffer, type {DATATRIEVE_session} as it
          appears here, with the braces ({}). Expand that placeholder
          by positioning the cursor on the placeholder and pressing

2.2  –  DTR Level

       To use the templates from within DEC DATATRIEVE, assign DTR$EDIT
       to the acronym LSE, then use the EDIT command:

       DTR> EDIT

       DEC DATATRIEVE opens a LSE editing buffer. In the editing buffer,
       type in the placeholder that starts a DEC DATATRIEVE session
       {DATATRIEVE_session}. Expand that placeholder by positioning the
       cursor on the placeholder and pressing CTRL/E.

2.3  –  Key Definitions

       To save keystrokes, you can define a key to print the placeholder
       {DATATRIEVE_session}. For example, adding this line to your LSE
       initialization file enables the use of the key sequence GOLD/D
       for printing the placeholder when you are in LSE:

       define key/if_state=gold D "do ""enter text {DATATRIEVE_session}"" "

       LSE continues lines longer than 80 characters off the template
       screen. If you don't want to insert continuation characters
       to see the entire display of long lines, you can define keys
       for horizontal scrolling in your LSE initialization file.
       For example, you could add the following lines to your LSE
       initialization file to enable right and left scrolling with use
       of the GOLD (PF1) and angle bracket (<>) keys:

       ! Define horizontal scrolling keys
       define key/if_state=gold ">" "repeat 32 shift/forward"
       define key/if_state=gold "<" "repeat 32 shift/reverse"
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