DTRHELP.HLB  —  Error Messages
    Each time you give DEC DATATRIEVE a command or statement to
    execute, DEC DATATRIEVE determines the message it should display.
    Each message includes a severity level, a code, a name, and a
    text string.

    The message severity level determines whether DEC DATATRIEVE
    completes your command or statement and what warning or
    information DEC DATATRIEVE displays. Your command or statement
    results in one of the following severity levels:

    o  Severe Error

    o  Error

    o  Warning

    o  Informational

    In addition to DEC DATATRIEVE error messages, there are specific
    DEC DATATRIEVE Client for Windows error messages that also relate
    to any client application calling the DEC DATATRIEVE server,
    through the callable interface.

    The message code is a number that identifies the message.

    The message name is a symbol beginning with the prefix DTR$_
    that also identifies the message. The message code and the
    message name are synonymous; they represent the same value. In
    most cases, the DEC DATATRIEVE documentation recommends using
    the message name rather than the actual hexidecimal code value
    because the name is easier to remember.

    The message text is a string that DEC DATATRIEVE displays to tell
    you how it is responding to your command or statement.

1  –  Severe Errors

    DEC DATATRIEVE responds to its own software errors with severe
    error messages. If you see a severe error message, you have
    probably discovered a problem in the software.

    A severe error message consists of an error name and a message
    about the type of error. Following some of these errors, you
    return to DEC DATATRIEVE command level and can continue with your
    session. Sometimes a severe error returns you to DCL command
    level. In rare cases, the system or DEC DATATRIEVE does not
    respond to input from your terminal.

    If you encounter any of these messages, report them to the person
    responsible for DEC DATATRIEVE on your system and contact your
    DIGITAL software support representative. If you are eligible,
    also submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

1.1  –  BADBLK

    008D800C Internal error (expected block id <number>, encountered
    id <number>).


    008D827C Internal error (bad sort record length).

1.3  –  BADSTALL

    008D8CB4 Stall point in DAB is invalid.


    008D8014 Internal error (expected node type <number>, encountered
    type <number.>).


    008D806C Internal error (software consistency check).


    008D84F4 Internal error (dirty compiler stack, level <number>).

1.7  –  DOMLOST

    008D807C Internal error (domain lost from system list).

1.8  –  FATAL

    008D958C Unrecoverable window interface error, performing image

1.9  –  FSGNORID

    008D8094 Internal error (file segment missing record ID).


    008D809C Internal error (failed to get record by RID).

1.11  –  HOPELESS

    008D808C Internal error (software consistency check).

1.12  –  HSHBLKLOS

    008D8084 Internal error (hash block lost).

1.13  –  INVBLKSIZ

    008D951C Internal error (attempted to get a block of invalid
    size: <number>).

1.14  –  INVBUF

    008D953C Internal error (invalid Oracle CDD/Repository metadata

1.15  –  INVDSCTYP

    008D8034 Invalid descriptor type for conversion.

1.16  –  INVPOOLCL

    008D803C Internal error (invalid pool class given).

1.17  –  KPLNOSSC

    008D80AC Internal error (keeplist requested when no subschema is
    in use).

1.18  –  LOTOVEFLO

    008D8F84 Internal error (no more slots available in lock table).

1.19  –  MEMSTUCK

    008D97FC Internal error (virtual memory could not be released).

1.20  –  NOCURTOK

    008D805C Internal error (no current token block).

1.21  –  NOFREEBCB

    008D832C Internal error (no free buffer control blocks).

1.22  –  NOPOOLIDS

    008D80EC Internal error (all available dynamic memory pools have
    been exhausted).

1.23  –  NOTINMEM

    008D8334 Internal error (page is not in memory - cannot release
    or mark).

1.24  –  NOTLIST

    008D81EA "<...>" is not a list.


    008D937A <field-name> is not a segmented string field.

1.26  –  NOTYETIMP

    008D8054 Internal error (feature is not implemented yet).

1.27  –  NULPRIELT

    008D80B4 Internal error (null print element in context searcher).

1.28  –  OVFMETABF

    008D97EC Internal error (Metadata buffer overflow, length =
    <...>, used = <...>).

1.29  –  PAGEINUSE

    008D8314 Internal error (attempt to release a page in use).

1.30  –  PAGLSTUSR

    008D833C Internal error (user of a page buffer got lost).

1.31  –  PAGOUTRAN

    008D8324 Internal error (page number out of range for file

1.32  –  PROVERMIS

    008D8A5C Distributed protocol version mismatch. Host = <number>
    Server = <number>

1.33  –  RELBADBLK

    008D8044 Internal error (attempted to release bad block).

1.34  –  SYSBADARG

    008D8064 Internal error (invalid number of arguments).

2  –  Errors

2.1  –  ABORT

    008D82FA ABORT: <text>


    DEC DATATRIEVE has processed an ABORT statement and, as a result,
    has terminated the statement, procedure, or command file that was
    being executed. The text supplied as part of the ABORT statement
    is displayed. You include ABORT in a statement, procedure, or
    command file to prevent DEC DATATRIEVE from continuing under
    certain conditions. For example, you may want to terminate a
    STORE statement if invalid data is entered or stop a report
    procedure if information is missing.

    User Action:

    Reexecute the statement, procedure, or command file, avoiding the
    conditions that caused the ABORT statement to be processed.


    008D874A Maximum key count for ADT exceeded.


    ADT allows a maximum of only 10 keys (one primary and nine
    alternate keys).

    User Action:

    If you need more than ten keys for the file, you must define the
    file using the DEFINE FILE command in DEC DATATRIEVE, instead of
    using ADT.


    008D8752 Maximum field count for ADT exceeded.


    ADT allows a maximum of 197 field names for a single record
    definition for a domain.

    User Action:

    If you need more than 197 fields for the record, you must use
    the DEFINE commands in DEC DATATRIEVE to define the domain, the
    record, and the file, instead of using ADT.

2.4  –  ADTEXIT

    008D875A ADT exited by user request.


    You entered CTRL/Z in response to an ADT question. The ADT
    session is terminated; no definitions are stored in the data

    User Action:

    If you still want the data definitions you began, repeat the ADT

2.5  –  ASSERROR

    008D939A Assignment abandoned due to error.


    An error occurred during the processing of an assignment
    statement. The variable or field may have been given a wrong

    User Action:

    Correct the condition indicated by the error message.


    008D8392 Cannot assign to a virtual field.


    A STORE or MODIFY statement tried to assign a value to a COMPUTED
    BY field.

    User Action:

    Reenter the STORE or MODIFY statement without the assignment to a
    COMPUTED BY field.


    008D93D2 It is illegal to have CONSISTENCY and CONCURRENCY for
    the same database.


    You cannot specify both CONSISTENCY and CONCURRENCY for the same

    User Action:

    Specify either CONSISTENCY or CONCURRENCY, not both.


    008D8B12 Cannot multiply or divide dates.


    You tried to use multiplication or division operations with date
    fields or date variables.

    User Action:

    Change the expression so that you are not multiplying or dividing


    008D80D2 Invalid TERMINAL specification for DEFINEP command.


    The DEFINEP command contains an invalid TERMINAL specification.

    User Action:

    Reenter the DEFINEP command. The following are valid terminal

    o  TERMINAL = TTnn (where TTnn is the terminal number)

    o  TERMINAL = LOCAL (all users hard-wired to the local system)

    o  TERMINAL = NONLOCAL (all users not hard-wired to local system)

    o  TERMINAL = BATCH (all batch processes)

    o  TERMINAL = NETWORK (all users accessing DEC DATATRIEVE from
       remote nodes)

2.10  –  BADEDIT

    008D9462 Error encountered when entering editor.


    DEC DATATRIEVE encountered a problem while trying to invoke the
    editor. For example, this error message might occur if you have
    insufficient privilege for the editor to open a journal file and
    you then attempt to edit again without correcting the privilege

    User Action:

    Exit DEC DATATRIEVE, correct the error, and reenter DEC


    008D9912 Unable to process dictionary element.


    DEC DATATRIEVE is not able to access the element selected in the
    DEC DATATRIEVE Dictionary Navigator display.

    User Action:

    Check the element's ACL protection to make sure you have the
    appropriate privileges to access it. If you do have the proper
    privileges, then check with your system or dictionary manager.

2.12  –  BADFETCH

    008D95B2 Unable to fetch an object from the window interface DRM


    DEC DATATRIEVE was not able to fetch an object defined in the
    VAX_DATATRIEVE.UID, the DECwindows Motif object definition file
    used by DEC DATATRIEVE. This file is located in DTR$LIBRARY.

    User Action:

    Your DEC DATATRIEVE session will continue, but you should exit
    from DEC DATATRIEVE and notify your system manager. Make sure the
    VAX_DATATRIEVE.UID file supplied by the installation and located
    in SYS$COMMON:[DTR] has not been modified.

2.13  –  BADFLDCTX

    008D8AB2 Invalid context for field "<field-name>".


    You used a context variable improperly; DEC DATATRIEVE cannot
    resolve the context.

    User Action:

    Correct the context variable so DEC DATATRIEVE can resolve
    the context. The DEC DATATRIEVE User's Guide explains context
    resolution in detail.

2.14  –  BADGUICHA

    008D8FC2 Invalid channel number for Guide Mode.


    You tried to call Guide Mode from your program without assigning
    a number to the input/output channel.

    User Action:

    Assign a channel number to DAB$W_TT_CHANNEL. The simplest way to
    do this is to call the DEC DATATRIEVE Terminal Server immediately
    after initializing the DEC DATATRIEVE Call Interface: CALL

2.15  –  BADGUITT

    008D8FCA Invalid terminal type for Guide Mode.


    You can enter Guide Mode only if your terminal is a VT-terminal
    or is compatible with VT-terminals.

    User Action:

    If you wish to use Guide Mode, you must use a VT- or VT-
    compatible terminal. If you are using a VT-terminal, then enter
    the following command from DCL level: $ SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE

2.16  –  BADHANDLE

    008D80F2 Invalid DDMF handle.


    The DAB you passed to a callable DEC DATATRIEVE program is

    User Action:

    Check that your program is passing the correct DAB. If you see
    this error in interactive DEC DATATRIEVE, please submit an SPR if
    you are eligible.

2.17  –  BADKEYBRD

    008D948A Invalid keyboard ID.


    DEC DATATRIEVE encountered a problem when trying to set up the
    keyboard ID for terminal input.

    User Action:

    If you are eligible, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

2.18  –  BADKEYTBL

    008D9482 Invalid key table ID.


    DEC DATATRIEVE encountered a problem when trying to set up the
    key table for terminal input.

    User Action:

    If you are eligible, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

2.19  –  BADLENRED

    008D816A Bad length for REDEFINES field "<field-name>".


    The REDEFINES field cannot describe an area larger than the area
    of the field it is redefining.

    User Action:

    Reenter the DEFINE RECORD command but describe an area for the
    REDEFINES field that is equal to or smaller than the area of the
    field you are redefining.

2.20  –  BADNUMARG

    008D80FA Invalid number of arguments to DDMF.


    Your program passes the wrong number of arguments to a callable
    DEC DATATRIEVE routine.

    User Action:

    Check the call format in the DEC DATATRIEVE Guide to Programming
    and Customizing to find how many arguments the routine requires
    and correct your program accordingly.

2.21  –  BADNUMBER

    008D8202 Bad number: "<number>".


    A nonnumeric character has been found.

    User Action:

    Replace the nonnumeric character by a numeric character.

2.22  –  BADPORTOP

    008D8B6A It is invalid to MODIFY, ERASE or FIND a port.


    You tried to FIND, ERASE, or MODIFY through a port from
    interactive DEC DATATRIEVE. Ports can be accessed only through
    callable DEC DATATRIEVE.

    User Action:

    Make your FIND, ERASE, or MODIFY refer to a domain that points
    to a record to which the port refers, or access the port through
    callable DEC DATATRIEVE.

2.23  –  BADQUOSTR

    008D8F02 Expected closing quote, encountered "***END_OF_LINE***".


    You began a line of text with a quotation mark but did not
    include a closing quotation mark before the end of the line.

    User Action:

    Insert a closing quotation mark at the end of the text you want
    to quote.

2.24  –  BADRECSIZ

    008D8258 Bad record size. Defined: <number> File: <number>


    The size of the record in the data file must agree with the
    specification in the record definition.

    User Action:

    If you have edited the record definition so that the record size
    (in bytes) has changed, you must restructure the domain. The DEC
    DATATRIEVE User's Guide explains this procedure in detail. If
    you are trying to create a DEC DATATRIEVE domain to access an
    existing data file, you must correct the record definition so
    that the size you specify in the definition matches the size of
    the record in the file.

2.25  –  BADSORLEN

    008D8EF2 You tried to sort by too large a value or too many
    values. (Total size: <number>)


    The total size of the sort keys you specified and the internal
    sort information used by DEC DATATRIEVE was greater than 255
    characters long.

    User Action:

    If you specified a very large field, you should sort on just the
    first part of it. You can do this in two ways:

    o  Redefine the record so the entire field is a group field and
       the first part of the record is an elementary field that can
       be sorted on.

    o  Use the function FN$STR_EXTRACT to extract the first part of
       the field.

2.26  –  BADSOURCE

    008D999A Object <...> is not a valid DEC DATATRIEVE source.


    You attempted to ready a CDD$DATABASE object that refers to a
    Oracle CODASYL DBMS database. This is not a valid DEC DATATRIEVE

    User Action:

    You must use the DEC DATATRIEVE DEFINE DATABASE command to
    specify which subschema of the Oracle CODASYL DBMS database is
    to be used. Once the DEC DATATRIEVE database has been defined,
    you can ready the database directly or you can define domains
    using the DEC DATATRIEVE database.

2.27  –  BADSTRDES

    008D89BA Invalid string descriptor.


    The token type your program passes to the callable DEC DATATRIEVE
    routine, DTR$GET_STRING, is not a valid token type.

    User Action:

    Correct your program to use a valid token type. The DEC
    DATATRIEVE Guide to Programming and Customizing lists valid
    token types. If you see this error in interactive DEC DATATRIEVE,
    please submit an SPR, if you are eligible.

2.28  –  BADUDKCTX

    008D8C8A Invalid parsing context specified for User Defined


    Your program passed an invalid User Defined Keyword (UDK) type
    when creating a user-defined keyword. The DEC DATATRIEVE Guide to
    Programming and Customizing lists valid UDK types.

    User Action:

    Correct your program to use a valid UDK type.

2.29  –  BADUDKIDX

    008D8C92 Invalid index specified for User Defined Keyword.


    Your program passed an invalid UDK index when creating a user-
    defined keyword. UDK indexes must be between 1 and 32767.

    User Action:

    Correct your program to use a valid UDK index.

2.30  –  BADUIC

    008D80DA Invalid UIC specified.


    You specified an incorrect UIC in the DEFINEP command.

    User Action:

    Reenter the DEFINEP command. The UIC must be of the form [m,n],
    where m is the group number and n is the user number. An asterisk
    (*) can be used in place of either n (all users in a group) or in
    place of m and n (all users).

2.31  –  BLKTOOBIG

    008D8024 Maximum block size exceeded; statement aborted.


    Memory could not be allocated to perform the attempted operation.

    User Action:

    Simplfy the operation you are performing. For example, if an
    extremely complex RSE is causing the error, try to simplify the
    RSE by reorganizing it or by eliminating redundant clauses.

2.32  –  CANRDYDOM

    008D8AA2 Source cannot be readied at this access mode unless a
    COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or FINISH is issued.


    You readied and accessed a Oracle CODASYL DBMS domain or Oracle
    CODASYL DBMS database. You then attempted to ready, under a more
    restrictive access mode, another domain or database that referred
    to records in the same Oracle CODASYL DBMS realm:

    o  A second Oracle CODASYL DBMS domain that referred to another
       record in the same realm as the first domain

    o  The same database using a different record in the same realm

    User Action:

    Issue a COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or FINISH command. Ready the domain or
    database under the desired access mode.

2.33  –  CANRDYSRC

    008D0585 Source cannot be readied unless a COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or
    FINISH is issued.


    You attempted to reready a modified database before entering a
    COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or FINISH command.

    User Action:

    You can have only one outstanding transaction at a time. Execute
    a COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or FINISH command, then enter the READY
    command again.

2.34  –  CDAERROR

    008D9A33 Aborting report execution due to CDA toolkit error.


    DEC DATATRIEVE internal error.

    User Action:

    Contact you System Manager.


    008D9A22 Aborting report execution-cannot access CDA image.


    While executing a CDA report, DEC DATATRIEVE has attempted to
    access the CDA shareable image and has not succeeded.

    User Action:

    Contact the System Manager to verify that CDA is properly


    008D9472 A Oracle CDD/Repository stream cannot be started. Exit
    and reinvoke DEC DATATRIEVE!


    Oracle CDD/Repository error

    User Action:

    Exit and reinvoke DEC DATATRIEVE before attempting to access the
    Oracle CDD/Repository.


    008D9812 Element <...> cannot be found in the dictionary.


    DEC DATATRIEVE could not find the specified object in either the
    CDO or the DMU dictionary.

    User Action:

    Be sure that the path name of the specified object is listed


    008D981A Element <...> is not in the CDO dictionary.


    DEC DATATRIEVE could not find the specified object in the CDO

    User Action:

    Be sure that the path name of the specified object is listed


    008D9A52 Unable to build DEC DATATRIEVE source text from this CDO


    DEC DATATRIEVE could not access the CDO definition.

    User Action:

    Check your CDO definition.

2.40  –  CHAOPTINV

    008D888A The "CHANGE" option is invalid on the primary key of a


    The CHANGE option determines whether or not you can modify the
    content of the associated key field. It cannot be used with
    primary keys.

    User Action:

    Reenter the DEFINE FILE command but without specifying CHANGE for
    the primary key.

2.41  –  CLANOTPER

    008D8472 <...> clause is not permitted on a variable declaration.


    You cannot use an OCCURS or REDEFINES clause when defining a

    User Action:

    Reenter the DECLARE statement but without the OCCURS or REDEFINES

2.42  –  CLIPFAIL

    008D970A Failure to access DECwindows Motif clipboard.


    You cannot access the DEC DATATRIEVE DECwindows Motif clipboard
    during a CUT, COPY, or PASTE operation for a reason other than
    the keyboard being locked. The operation cannot be completed, but
    DEC DATATRIEVE continues to be usable.

    User Action:

    You should contact your system manager to make sure that the
    DECwindows Motif interface is running properly. If the interface
    is working properly, submit an SPR if you are elegible.


    008D971A The DECwindows Motif clipboard is locked, please try
    again later.


    The DECwindows Motif clipboard was locked by another user when
    DEC DATATRIEVE attempted to access it during a CUT, COPY or PASTE
    operation. The operation cannot be completed.

    User Action:

    You should repeat the operation when the keyborad is not locked.


    008D9722 No data is currently contained on the DECwindows Motif


    You attempted a DEC DATATRIEVE DECwindows Motif interface PASTE
    operation to retrieve data from the clipboard when the DATA did
    not exist on the clipboard.

    User Action:

    You should place data on the clipboard by a CUT or COPY operation
    and then repeat the PASTE operation.


    008D9712 DECwindows Motif clipboard data truncated.


    Data being transferred from the clipboard during a DECwindows
    Motif interface PASTE operation has been truncated. The operation
    cannot be completed, but DEC DATATRIEVE continues to function.

    User Action:

    If you are elegible to do so, you should submit an SPR.

2.46  –  CNVNUMDAT

    008D83C2 Can't convert number to a date string.


    An invalid number was assigned to a date field.

    User Action:

    Enter a correct date in the field.

2.47  –  COLTOOBIG

    008D9A62 Too many records for this collection.


    The user tried to create a collection with more records than

    User Action:

    Refer to the restriction for the number of records in a
    collection created by the statement FIND, in DEC DATATRIEVE
    reference documentation.

2.48  –  COMFILNES

    008D8EC2 Command file nesting limit exceeded.


    You are permitted to nest indirect command files only eight deep.

    User Action:

    Either include some of one command file in another or use

2.49  –  COMPOVF

    008D8222 Computation overflow.


    You entered an integer too large to fit in a longword. This
    can happen in the Report Writer with SET LINES_PAGE and in

    User Action:

    Enter a smaller number.

2.50  –  CONTPREQ

    008D8972 All "P"s must be contiguous in PICTURE or EDIT string.


    P picture string characters must not be separated by other
    picture string characters.

    User Action:

    Reenter the field or variable definition. To specify a decimal
    scaling position, place one or more P characters together either
    at the right or the left of the picture string.

2.51  –  CSERROR

    008D95BA Window interface compound string conversion error.


    DEC DATATRIEVE encountered an error while converting a compound
    string used by the DECwindows Motif interface.

    User Action:

    Your DEC DATATRIEVE session will continue, but you should exit
    from DEC DATATRIEVE and notify your system manager.

2.52  –  CURRFAIL

    008D8E3A Record from source <...> failed to set up currency for
    set connection.


    A statement you issued attempted to use a record from the Oracle
    CODASYL DBMS domain or Oracle CODASYL DBMS record named in
    the message to establish currency for a set. The record was
    not a member of the set and the statement failed to establish
    currency. This message can be generated by CONNECT, DISCONNECT,
    and RECONNECT statements, as well as the STORE statement.

    User Action:

    Set up a record stream containing only records that are members
    of some occurrence of the set. You can do this with an ANY clause
    in the record selection expression. For example:



    008D99E2 The number of DEC DATATRIEVE records does not match the
    number of records in the form record list.


    The number of records specified in a SEND or RECEIVE clause does
    not match the number of records expected by the form.

    User Action:

    Check how many records are requested or returned by the form
    record/record list and the WITH_FORM statement used to send
    /receive records or the FORM IS clause in domain definition.


    008D9A5A The length of the DEC DATATRIEVE record and the form
    record do not match.


    The length of the DEC DATATRIEVE data record to be sent/received
    to/from a form and the length of the corresponding form record
    are different. This corresponds to the DECforms error FORMS$_

    User Action:

    Check the definition of the DEC DATATRIEVE data record and of the
    corresponding form record.


    008D99F3 Both DECforms and DEC FMS/ VAX TDMS are unable to access
    the specified form.


    To manage a form connected to a domain, DEC DATATRIEVE tried
    first with DECforms but DECforms was unable to use it; then
    DEC DATATRIEVE tried with DEC FMS/ VAX TDMS because the DEC
    DATATRIEVE image was linked with DEC FMS/ VAX TDMS code but
    DEC FMS/ VAX TDMS too was unable to use the form file. It is an
    informational message which is followed by the detailed messages
    from DECforms and DEC FMS/ VAX TDMS.

    User Action:

    Check the file used as form file or library.


    008D99BA Failure attempting to load a DECforms form.


    DEC DATATRIEVE called DECforms to enable a session and the
    operation failed. This error corresponds to DECforms error
    FORMS$_LOADFORM. An example: a DEC FMS form library was used
    instead of a DECforms form file.

    User Action:

    Check the DECforms file used in the operation.


    008D99C2 No layouts in the DECforms form conform to this terminal
    type, language, and display size.


    DEC DATATRIEVE called DECforms to enable a session and the
    operation failed, because no layouts in the DECforms form conform
    to type, language, and display size of the current terminal. This
    error corresponds to DECforms error FORMS$_NOLAYOUT.

    User Action:

    Check the DECforms form used in the operation.


    008D99CA DECforms form manager is present, but no DECforms
    software license is active.


    DEC DATATRIEVE tried to call DECforms but failed because no
    DECforms software license is active. This error corresponds to
    DECforms error FORMS$_NOLICENSE.

    User Action:

    Add software license for DECforms.


    008D99D2 Error opening DECforms form file !AD .


    DEC DATATRIEVE called DECforms to enable a session but failed
    because DECforms did not succeeded in opening the specified form
    file. This error corresponds to DECforms error FORMS$_OPENFORM.

    User Action:

    Check the name of the file used in the operation or the form file


    008D99DA Error reading DECforms form file !AD .


    DEC DATATRIEVE called DECforms to enable a session but failed.
    This error corresponds to DECforms error FORMS$_READFORM.

    User Action:

    Check the form file used in the operation.


    008D99EA A form record specified in the operation is unknown in
    the DECforms form.


    DEC DATATRIEVE tried to send or receive data from a record that
    is not in the form. This error corresponds to DECforms error

    User Action:

    Check the name of the form record specified in the WITH_FORM
    statement or the top field name of the domain connected to the

2.62  –  DFNOTNOW

    008D99FA A DECforms form cannot be used now.


    Not in use

    User Action:


2.63  –  DICELTUSE

    008D818A Dictionary element "<path-name>" already in use.


    You cannot define a new dictionary element if another element
    with the same path name is already in Oracle CDD/Repository.

    User Action:

    Rename the element before entering it in the data dictionary, or
    delete the old dictionary object before entering a new version of
    that object.

2.64  –  DICNOTRED

    008D0586 Dictionaries may not be redefined.


    The Oracle CDD/Repository path name you specified in a REDEFINE
    command is the name of a dictionary. Dictionaries may not be

    User Action:

    Reenter the REDEFINE command and give the name of a dictionary
    object that can be redefined.

2.65  –  DICNOTUND

    008D81A2 Dictionary element not understood.


    The Oracle CDD/Repository definition you are using was created
    with CDDL and contains elements that DEC DATATRIEVE cannot
    translate. These elements refer to data types and storage formats
    that DEC DATATRIEVE does not support.

    User Action:

    None. If DEC DATATRIEVE does not support a data type in an
    existing file, you cannot use DEC DATATRIEVE to access that data.

2.66  –  DIFFNODE

    008D988A Node name in remote domain anchor <...> does not match
    name in node specification <...>.


    The node name given in the anchor of the domain path name of a
    remote domain definition does not match the node name in the node
    specification of that definition. This node name inconsistency is
    illustrated in the following example:

    Node name in remote domain anchor "MYNODE",
    does not match name in node specification,

    User Action:

    Remove the node name from the anchor of the remote domain path
    name or change the node name to match the name in the node
    specification section of the DEFINE DOMAIN command

2.67  –  DIGNUMPIC

    <008D839A Too many digits in numeric picture or edit string.


    You declared a numeric variable and used a PICTURE clause or
    EDIT_STRING more than 31 characters long, or you used an EDIT_
    STRING that contained more than 31 characters to print a numeric
    variable with a PRINT statement.

    User Action:

    Declare the PICTURE clause or EDIT_STRING with 31 or fewer
    characters, or do not use more than 31 characters in the
    EDIT_STRING when you print a numeric variable with the PRINT


    008D994A DMU record <...> may not be referenced in FROM field.


    Only records defined in a CDO format dictionary can be referenced
    by a FROM clause in a DEC DATATRIEVE record definition.

    User Action:

    Convert the record to CDO format.

2.69  –  DROPOPT

    008D9428 Keyword OPTIMIZE removed from definition of record


    Optimization has failed. The record will be defined but not
    optimized. DEC DATATRIEVE removes the keyword OPTIMIZE from the
    record definition.

    User Action:

    If a message concerning insufficient virtual memory preceded this
    message, then free up memory space by using the FINISH command to
    end access to other readied domains, relations, or Oracle CODASYL
    DBMS records. Edit the record definition and replace the OPTIMIZE

2.70  –  DROPUSING

    008D99B0 FORM IS...USING cannot be applied to DMU domains. The
    USING clause has been removed from domain "!AD".


    The clause USING added to the FORM IS clause in domain
    definitions (to specify an exchange record to be used while
    moving data to and from a form), can be used only with domains
    defined in CDO, because only the CDO protocols allow for this

    User Action:

    Put the domain definition in a CDO dictionary or remove the USING


    008D9A52 Unable to build DEC DATATRIEVE source text from this CDO


    The error may happen while doing an EXTRACT, EDIT or SHOW on a
    record defined by the Dictionary Operator (CDO) utility. DEC
    DATATRIEVE tries to interpret the CDO definition to build a
    DEC DATATRIEVE source text. Numeric constants contained in CDO
    expressions such as INITIAL_VALUE and COMPUTED_BY need to be
    converted to text format to be displayed: if the conversion
    fails, DEC DATATRIEVE displays this message and returns to the

    User Action:

    CDO record definitions which cannot be properly converted to
    DEC DATATRIEVE source text should be managed by means of the CDO

2.72  –  DTYPEUNS

    008D9A6A <data-type> is not supported on this platform.


    The user has attempted to define a field in a record using a data
    type that is not supported by the hardware or operating system
    on which DEC DATATRIEVE is running. At present, S_FLOATING and
    T_FLOATING data types are not allowed on an OpenVMS VAX system,
    while the H_FLOATING data type is not allowed on an OpenVMS Alpha

    User Action:

    Use an alternative data type supported by the platform you are

2.73  –  DUPCLASPE

    008D811A Duplicate clause specified: "<clause>".


    The clause specified in the message cannot appear more than once
    in the statement or field definition.

    User Action:

    Edit the statement or definition and delete the duplicate clause.

2.74  –  DUPUSACLA

    008D89CA Duplicate USAGE clause specified: "<clause>".


    Only one USAGE clause is permitted in a field or variable

    User Action:

    Reenter the field or variable definition using only one USAGE

2.75  –  EXCCMPSTK

    008D94D2 Exceeded compiler stack level at level <number>.


    This error is generated if you exceed the internal limit of
    64 compiler levels for a compound DEC DATATRIEVE statement. A
    compiler level is needed for certain constructs like FOR loops,
    WHILE loops, and REPEAT counts. The level is also incremented for
    each source in a record selection expression.

    User Action:

    You may need to restructure your query or even your application
    so that DEC DATATRIEVE does not need to process so many levels
    in a single statement. For example, if this error occurred as
    a result of nested FOR loops, you may need to change these to
    appropriate FIND statements.

2.76  –  ELSEREQ

    008D8BDA An ELSE clause is required for IF and CASE values.


    Conditional value expressions require ELSE clauses.

    User Action:

    Formulate the value expression again, including an ELSE clause
    for any IF or CHOICE value expression.

2.77  –  ELTNOTDIC

    008D8192 Element "<...>" not found in dictionary.


    The path name specified in the SHOW or READY command does not
    resolve to an element in the data dictionary.

    User Action:

    Reenter the command with a different path name. You might use
    a SHOW ALL command to see what is in data dictionary at your
    current directory.

2.78  –  ELTNOTDTR

    008D819A Element <name> is not a DEC DATATRIEVE object.


    You attempted to execute a command such as DELETE or EXTRACT
    on a dictionary object that is not a DEC DATATRIEVE one. DEC
    DATATRIEVE objects are: domains, records, databases, tables,
    procedures and plots.

    User Action:

    Use the repository utilities to manage the object.

2.79  –  ERROR

    008D80BA Statement abandoned due to error.


    DEC DATATRIEVE generates this general error message after any
    statement or command that fails. It follows a more descriptive
    error message.

    User Action:

    Refer to the more detailed error message.

2.80  –  EXPINVPIC

    008D896A Exponential edit string is invalid for PICTURE clause.


    You cannot use E as a picture string character. Use E only as an
    edit string character.

    User Action:

    Reenter the field or variable definition with an appropriate
    PICTURE or USAGE clause.


    008D9442 Argument list cannot contain both the object path name
    and the object type.


    You cannot specify both the object path name and the object type
    in the argument list of a single EDIT or EXTRACT command. Object

    User Action:

    Reenter the EDIT or EXTRACT command, but do not specify an object
    path name and an object type in the same argument list.

2.82  –  FDLBADSIZ

    008D94CA Incompatible record size. Defined: <number> FDL File:


    The size of the record in the FDL file must agree with the
    specification in the record definition.

    User Action:

    Decide what the correct record length should be and edit either
    the record definition or the FDL file so that the record lengths

2.83  –  FDLERROR

    008D94B2 Error using FDL file "<file-name>".


    FDL encountered an error in the use of the specified FDL file.
    The error was not related to a specific statement number. This
    could include errors such as Internal logic error detected or
    Insufficient virtual memory.

    User Action:

    At DCL level, issue a CREATE/FDL command which specifies the
    FDL file referred to in the error message. This should give more
    information about the nature of the error. If the error does not
    occur at DCL level, then submit a Software Performance Report
    (SPR) if you are eligible.

2.84  –  FDLOPEN

    008D94C2 Error opening FDL file "<file-name>".


    DEC DATATRIEVE could not open the specified FDL file. Reasons
    for this might include misspelling the FDL file name, disk, or
    directory; access problems; or improper OpenVMS file protection.

    User Action:

    Check to see that the name of the file has been spelled
    correctly, that the specified disk or directory exists, and that
    the OpenVMS file protection is appropriate.

2.85  –  FDLSTMNT

    008D94BA Error using FDL file "<file-name>"; statement <number>.


    FDL has detected an error in the specified file at the indicated
    statement number.

    User Action:

    Check the indicated statement number for syntax errors or for any
    ambiguous or undefined FDL keywords. If necessary, you may want
    to issue a CREATE/FDL at DCL level to get more detailed error
    information from FDL.

2.86  –  FILNOTFND

    008D8A4A File not found - "<...>".


    DEC DATATRIEVE cannot locate the data file associated with
    the domain. This error most commonly occurs when the domain
    definition does not include device and directory information
    for the file and the default OpenVMS directory does not contain
    the file.

    User Action:

    Use a SHOW domain-name command to see how the file is specified
    in the domain definition. If the information is incomplete
    or inaccurate, edit the domain definition to correct the file

2.87  –  FILNOTRED

    008D0587 Files may not be redefined.


    The Oracle CDD/Repository path name you specified in a REDEFINE
    command belongs to a file; files may not be redefined.

    User Action:

    Reenter the REDEFINE command, giving the name of a dictionary
    object that can be redefined.

2.88  –  FLDNOTOCC

    008D812A Field "<field-name>" not found for OCCURS DEPENDING ON.


    The field named in an OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause must be a field
    previously defined in the record definition.

    User Action:

    Reenter the DEFINE RECORD command, making sure that the field
    specified in the OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause is a field in the
    same record.

2.89  –  FLDNOTRED

    008D8122 Field "<field-name>" not found for REDEFINES.


    The field to be redefined must appear in the record definition
    before its REDEFINES field.

    User Action:

    Reenter the DEFINE RECORD command, checking that the REDEFINES
    clause names a field that has already been defined.


    008D8B82 Field "<field-name>" contains a self-reference and
    cannot be evaluated.


    Field or variable definitions cannot have clauses that contain a
    self-reference. For example, you cannot use a COMPUTED BY clause
    that includes a value expression containing the name of the field
    or variable that is being defined.

    User Action:

    Reenter the definition but eliminate any recursive or self-
    referring expressions in definition clauses.

2.91  –  FMSITT

    008D8F32 Invalid terminal type for forms.


    You are using an DEC FMS forms application from a type of
    terminal that DEC FMS does not support, such as a hardcopy

    User Action:

    Use a terminal that DEC FMS supports, such as a VT100-series

2.92  –  FMTNEEDON

    008D9A3A Execution of a report in !AS format requires an ON
    clause specifying the file name.


    You did not supply an ON clause specifying the file name.

    User Action:

    Reissue the command.


    008D94FA Function cannot be executed from a captive account.


    You tried to issue a function call to either FN$SPAWN or FN$DCL
    from within a captive account. These function calls are not
    allowed from within captive accounts.

    User Action:

    See the people in charge of DEC DATATRIEVE on your system. They
    can consult the DEC DATATRIEVE Release Notes for version 5.0 or
    later for further information.

2.94  –  GIVNAMUSE

    008D8B7A Given name "<...>" is already used by source <...>.


    You tried to ready a record source as an alias, but the alias
    name you chose is already being used by another readied source.

    User Action:

    Execute the READY command using a different alias, or finish the
    source that is using the name you wish to use.


    008D9992 Illegal operation for relational view source <...>.


    An operation that requires a relational database key, such as
    an operation referring to a collection or to a MODIFY or DELETE
    statement, can not be executed because the source is a relational
    view that is not based on physical records in the database. Such
    views include the following:

    o  Views defined using the SQL/Services interface to Oracle Rdb
       that include GROUP BY or UNION clauses

    o  Views defined using either the Relational Database Operator
       (RDO) or SQL/Services that include functions like SUM

    User Action:

    To avoid error messages, you should not perform these statements
    when you are referring to a relational view that is not based on
    a physical record source.

2.96  –  ILLPICSTR

    008D814A Illegal PICTURE or EDIT string character: "<...>".


    The character specified in the message is either an invalid
    character for a PICTURE or EDIT_STRING clause, or it is a valid
    character that has been used incorrectly.

    User Action:

    Edit the field definition and correct the picture or edit string.


    008D947A Segmented string field <field-name> must have a T (text)
    edit string.


    Segmented string fields in relational database sources must use T
    (text) edit strings.

    User Action:

    Reenter the statement specifying a "T" (text) edit string.

2.98  –  ILLSEGOPR

    008D9392 Statement is illegal for segmented string field <field-


    Your statement violated one of the following restrictions that
    apply to segmented string fields:

    o  Do not assign values of fields or declared variables to a
       segmented string field.

    o  Do not retrieve or store segmented string fields from remote

    o  Do not use segmented string fields with forms, plots, or with
       the DISPLAY statement.

    o  Do not use the following operators or clauses in an RSE that
       refers to segmented string fields:

       -  Relational operators, including CONTAINING, ANY, STARTING
          WITH, and MISSING

       -  Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT, BUT

       -  SORTED BY clause

       -  REDUCED TO clause

       -  CROSS clause

    User Action:

    Rewrite your statement to comply with the restrictions.

2.99  –  INFBADCOD

    008D82DA Bad information code.


    Your program passed an invalid information code in a call to

    User Action:

    Correct the information code your program passes.

2.100  –  INFBADID

    008D82D2 Bad object id.


    Your program passed a null object identification code to

    User Action:

    Correct the object identification code your program passes.

2.101  –  INFBADIDX

    008D9502 Information index is out of range.


    The index parameter on a call to DTR$INFO was either less than 1
    or greater than the number of elements in the object as specified
    by the object-id parameter.

    User Action:

    Make sure that the index parameter is within the correct range
    for the object being queried.

2.102  –  INFNOTFOU

    008D82EA Object not found.


    DEC DATATRIEVE could not find the object you specified in a call
    to DTR$LOOKUP.

    User Action:

    Check that you specified the object correctly.

2.103  –  INPLINTRU

    008D8CC2 Input line too long - truncated to 255 characters.


    An input line cannot exceed 255 characters.

    User Action:

    Reenter the line with a legal number of characters. To enter
    more than 255 characters in a string, you can declare several
    variables and assign values to them. Then use a concatenation
    expression to specify the desired string.

2.104  –  INVACLATT

    008D980A Invalid ACL attribute found for <...>.


    DEC DATATRIEVE attempted to read a CDO dictionary entity that has
    an invalid ACL protection attribute.

    User Action:

    Determine the source of the problem by using the CDO utility's
    SHOW PROTECTION command. If the CDO utility can successfully
    complete this command, then report this problem to the person
    responsible for DEC DATATRIEVE on your system. If you are
    eligible, submit an SPR. If the CDO utility cannot complete the
    command, report this problem to the person responsible for Oracle

2.105  –  INVCOLPAG

    008D86EA Invalid number of columns for Set Columns_Page.


    The maximum value for the SET COLUMNS_PAGE command is 255.

    User Action:

    Reenter SET COLUMNS_PAGE, assigning a value that is not greater
    than 255.

2.106  –  INVDIRPROT

    008D9882 Invalid ACL found for directory <...>.


    The specified CDO dictionary directory has an invalid protection

    User Action:

    Determine the source of the problem by using the CDO utility's
    SHOW PROTECTION command. If the CDO utility can successfully
    complete this command, then report the initial problem to the
    person responsible for DEC DATATRIEVE on your system. If you are
    eligible, submit an SPR. If the CDO utility cannot complete the
    command, report this problem to the person responsible for Oracle

2.107  –  INVEDITOR

    008D9402 <...> is not a valid editor within DEC DATATRIEVE.


    You have assigned the logical name DTR$EDIT to an editor not
    currently supported by DEC DATATRIEVE.

    User Action:

    Redefine the logical name DTR$EDIT.

    From within DEC DATATRIEVE, use the FN$CREATE_LOG function to
    redefine the logical name.

    At the DCL level, use the DEFINE or ASSIGN command to redefine
    the logical name. Do not use the FN$SPAWN function (creating a
    subprocess) to get to the DCL level in this instance. Commands
    issued from the subprocess will not take effect in the original

2.108  –  INVNODSPC

    008D8C2A Invalid Node Specification.


    The node specification has an invalid syntax.

    User Action:

    Reenter the statement or command with a valid node specification.

2.109  –  INVOPTION

    008D957A An invalid option has been specified for the DECwindows
    Motif terminal handler DTR$WINDOWS call.


    One of the following invalid options was passed to call




    User Action:

    Repeat the DTR$WINDOWS call without the invalid option(s).


    008D9A8A WIDTH value of <number> not in range for <PORTRAIT
    /LANDSCAPE> paper orientation.


    The number specified in the WIDTH clause is not in the range
    allowed by the SET PAPER_ORIENTATION statement (80 columns for
    portrait orientation and 132 columns for landscape orientation).

    User Action:

    Change the value of the WIDTH clause to a number in the range of
    the chosen paper orientation.

2.111  –  IRRELESET

    008D83FA Domain <domain-name> is not related to set <set-name>.


    Your Oracle CODASYL DBMS domain implies a set to which it is not

    User Action:

    Use the SHOW SETS command to identify the sets in which the
    Oracle CODASYL DBMS domain participates.

2.112  –  KEYUNDEF

    008D837A Key "<...>" is not defined in domain "<domain-name>".


    The key specified in the DEFINE FILE command must be a field in
    the record.

    User Action:

    Reenter the DEFINE FILE command, specifying one of the record
    fields, either elementary or group, as a key field.

2.113  –  LINTOOLON

    008D8172 Command line exceeds 255 characters.


    DEC DATATRIEVE input lines cannot exceed 255 characters.

    User Action:

    Correct the error by entering an input line with a legal number
    of characters.

2.114  –  MAXEXTEXC

    008D952A Maximum size for extract or edit buffer exceeded.


    A request for a particular portion of the extract or edit command
    exceeded the 256-byte size of the buffer for that operation.
    Typically, this means that a field definition clause for a record
    is too large.

    User Action:

    If this record definition was not created by DEC DATATRIEVE, you
    must do one of the following:

    o  Define the record through DEC DATATRIEVE before you edit it

    o  Edit the record definition in the original definition facility

2.115  –  MAXLINEXC

    008D86AA Maximum line count exceeded - report terminated.


    The report length is greater than the line limit specified.

    User Action:

    Edit the report specification, increasing the value for SET MAX_

2.116  –  MAXPAGEXC

    008D86DA Maximum report pages exceeded - report terminated.


    The report length is greater than the page limit specified.

    User Action:

    Edit the report specification, increasing the value for SET MAX_

2.117  –  MAXSCRLIN

    008D9512 Maximum lines for scrolling region exceeded.


    The maximum number of lines allowed within a scrolled region has
    been exceeded. This error might occur when using scroll regions
    in the DEC DATATRIEVE screen manager from commands such as the
    HELP *... command.

    User Action:

    Request less information in scroll region.

2.118  –  MISNOTFLD

    008D842A Object of MISSING operator must be a field.


    The MISSING operator refers to something other than a field, for
    example, WITH "PRICE" NOT MISSING.

    User Action:

    Make sure the MISSING clause refers to a field in the domain you
    are using.

2.119  –  MISPICUSA

    008D8162 Missing PICTURE or USAGE clause in previous line.


    An elementary field or variable definition must contain one of
    the following clauses: PICTURE, COMPUTED BY, or USAGE. With some
    USAGE clauses, you must also specify a PICTURE clause to define
    the length of the field.

    User Action:

    Reenter the DECLARE or DEFINE RECORD command, including the
    required clauses in the field or variable definition.

2.120  –  MISSETCTX

    008D830A Set "<set-name>" is undefined or used out of context.


    Your DEC DATATRIEVE record selection expression invalidly
    referred to an existing set.

    User Action:

    To use a record selection expression containing a set name, you

    o  Establish a single record context in the database by
       specifying a set occurrence in one of the domains that make up
       the set. Use a FOR statement or the FIND and SELECT statements
       to specify a single owner or member record and establish the

    o  Make sure the domain name you specify before the OWNER or
       MEMBER clause is correct for that set. Use the SHOW SETS
       command to see which domain, collection, or list in the set
       is the owner and which is the member. You must use the OWNER
       clause after the owner and the MEMBER clause after the member.
       You can use either the MEMBER or OWNER clause with the WITHIN

2.121  –  MISSUBPAR

    008D8282 Missing substitution parameter in command string.


    The command string you passed in callable DEC DATATRIEVE did not
    contain a necessary !CMD or !VAL substitution parameter.

    User Action:

    Supply the missing parameter.

2.122  –  MODACCREQ

    008D8242 Modify access is required for "<...>".


    You cannot modify records unless the record source is readied for
    MODIFY or WRITE access.

    User Action:

    Reready the source for modify access, and then enter the MODIFY
    statement to modify a record.

2.123  –  MULOCCDEP

    008D8132 Multiple OCCURS DEPENDING ON clauses are not allowed.


    You cannot have more than one variable-length list in a record.

    User Action:

    Reenter the record definition using only one OCCURS DEPENDING
    clause. A record can have an OCCURS DEPENDING clause and an
    OCCURS clause, specifying a variable-length and a fixed-length

2.124  –  NAMTOOLONG

    008D8B32 Field name cannot be longer than 31 characters.


    The maximum length of a DEC DATATRIEVE field name is 31

    User Action:

    Reenter the DEFINE RECORD command with a shorter field name.

2.125  –  NESTFDI

    008D8C22 You cannot nest DISPLAY_FORM statements within DISPLAY_


    You included a DISPLAY_FORM statement inside another DISPLAY_FORM

    User Action:

    Rewrite the statement to eliminate the illegal nesting.

2.126  –  NEWPINBOT

    008D86B2 NEW-PAGE and NEW-SECTION are illegal in AT BOTTOM OF
    PAGE print list.


    NEW_PAGE and NEW_SECTION are illegal elements in AT TOP or AT

    User Action:

    Revise the report specification, and remove NEW_PAGE or NEW_
    SECTION from the AT TOP or AT BOTTOM OF PAGE statement.

2.127  –  NOALIAS

    008D0583 You cannot READY a database with an alias.


    You tried to ready an entire relational or Oracle CODASYL DBMS
    database using an alias name. Only specific relations or records
    may have aliases.

    User Action:

    Reenter the READY command with no alias or with the alias on the
    relation or record name only.

2.128  –  NOCODTRAN

    008D940A Table must include a code/translation pair.


    You defined a domain table but did not include the name of a code
    field and its corresponding translation field.

    User Action:

    Edit or redefine the table definition to include the required
    code field and translation field.

2.129  –  NOCOLDROP

    008D847A No collection with selected record for DROP.


    You cannot drop a record if there is no established collection
    with a selected record or if the selected record has already been

    User Action:

    Form a collection with a FIND statement and use a SELECT
    statement to select a record. Then use the DROP statement to
    drop the selected record from the collection.

2.130  –  NOCOLPRO

    008D8BBA No collection for project.


    The REDUCE statement operates only on an established collection.

    User Action:

    Form a collection with a FIND statement and then use a REDUCE
    statement to obtain the unique values for the fields you specify.

2.131  –  NOCOLSEL

    008D834A No collection for select.


    You must form a collection before you can select a record.

    User Action:

    Form a collection with a FIND statement and then use the SELECT
    statement to select a record.

2.132  –  NOCOLSOR

    008D8352 No collection for sort.


    You can use the SORT statement only with an established

    User Action:

    Use the SORTED BY clause in an RSE to order records not contained
    in an established collection. For example: PRINT EMPLOYEES SORTED

    You can also use the SORTED BY clause in the RSE of the FIND
    statement to order records when a collection is being created. In
    addition, you can use a SORT statement to reorder records after
    the collection is created.

2.133  –  NOCOMFILE

    008D8CDA Expected indirect command file name, encountered end of


    DEC DATATRIEVE expected the name of an indirect command file
    at the point where the error occurred but you ended the line

    User Action:

    Reenter the line, adding the name of the indirect command file
    you want to execute.

2.134  –  NOCOMMAND

    008D9573 DEC DATATRIEVE is not ready to process a command or


    You entered a DEC DATATRIEVE command or statement while the
    DECwindows Motif interface was processing a previous command
    or statement.

    User Action:

    Enter the command or statement again when DEC DATATRIEVE has
    finished processing the command or statement.

    Menu names on the menu bar are gray if DEC DATATRIEVE is not
    ready to process a command or statement. When menu names are
    black, DEC DATATRIEVE is ready to process a new command or

2.135  –  NOCOMP6

    008D82AA COMP-6 data type is not implemented.


    The COMP-6 data type is not supported by DEC DATATRIEVE.

    User Action:

    Reenter the record or variable definition, specifying an
    available data type in the USAGE clause.

2.136  –  NOCONTEXT

    008D81F2 "<...>" is undefined or used out of context.


    A name is "undefined" if spelled incorrectly or if it does
    not exist in any of the definitions DEC DATATRIEVE uses to
    process your statement. A name is "used out of context" when
    DEC DATATRIEVE cannot use it to determine which records or fields
    you want to access.

    User Action:

    Check to make sure the name specified is valid. If it is, make
    corrections to your statement so that DEC DATATRIEVE can link,
    for example, a field to the correct record source or a list item
    to the correct list (OCCURS field).

    If the name used out of context is in an Assignment statement,
    make sure it is on the correct side of the equal sign.

    If the name used out of context is a list field (or any of its
    items), you might have to add to your statement certain clauses
    that enable DEC DATATRIEVE to access lists correctly.

2.137  –  NOCTXCON

    008D89A2 No context found for "<...>".


    There is no subschema for the Oracle CODASYL DBMS domain you
    tried to access.

    User Action:

    Redefine your Oracle CODASYL DBMS database using a valid
    subschema and enter the READY command again.

2.138  –  NOCURCOL

    008D8342 A current collection has not been established.


    You must have a current collection in order to use the SHOW
    CURRENT command or PRINT ALL statement.

    User Action:

    Form a collection with a FIND statement. The format of the FIND
    statement is FIND rse.

2.139  –  NODATA

    008D8FBA Field "<...>" from view cannot be used as a value.


    Your statement tried to access data using the name of the field
    in the OCCURS clause of the definition of the view domain. You
    must use one of the names associated with the FROM clause to
    access data. For example, suppose your view domain is defined:

       03 PART_ID FROM PART_S.

    The statement PRINT PART_T OF PARTS_PUBLIC will generate the
    NODATA error.

    User Action:

    Reenter the statement, giving the name of a valid field.

2.140  –  NODBMS

    008D89AA The Oracle CODASYL DBMS interface is not included in
    this image.


    You tried to access a Oracle CODASYL DBMS domain using DEC
    DATATRIEVE, but Oracle CODASYL DBMS is not on the system you
    are using.

    User Action:

    Use a version of DEC DATATRIEVE that has a Oracle CODASYL DBMS
    interface or reinstall DEC DATATRIEVE with Oracle CODASYL DBMS.

2.141  –  NODECTERM

    008D97D2 Unable to create DECterm window-execute


    DEC DATATRIEVE was not able to create a DECterm window to perform
    the operation you requested. This might happen if you are working
    with DEC DATATRIEVE in a DECwindows Motif environment and the
    DECW$DISPLAY logical is defined to direct output to another node.

    User Action:

    Invoke DEC DATATRIEVE from a DECwindows Motif terminal and be
    sure that the DECW$DISPLAY logical is defined to point to the
    node from which you are invoking DEC DATATRIEVE. If DECW$DISPLAY
    logical is already defined to point to the node from which DEC
    DATATRIEVE is invoked, then report the problem to your system

    You might also try invoking DEC DATATRIEVE in line mode by
    assigning a value of true to the DEC DATATRIEVE logical
    DTR$NOWINDOWS. This will let you use the following utilities in
    line mode: ADT, Guide Mode, DEC DATATRIEVE help, or plots. When
    you invoke these utilities in a DECwindows Motif environment, DEC
    DATATRIEVE spawns a DECterm window. When you invoke them in line
    mode, DEC DATATRIEVE does not involve DECterm.

    You might also try invoking the following command procedure at
    the DCL level. This allows for the display of a DECterm window on
    a remote node.


    In this command, node-name represents the name of the remote work
    station on which the DECterm display is to appear.

    See the DEC DATATRIEVE User's Guide for more information on using
    DEC DATATRIEVE with DECwindows Motif.

2.142  –  NODISCO

    008D8C3A CONNECT, DISCONNECT, and RECONNECT do not work on remote


    You tried to connect, disconnect, or reconnect a local domain
    (Oracle CODASYL DBMS record) to a set which is owned by a remote

    User Action:

    Reenter the statement, making sure both domains are local or both
    are remote.

2.143  –  NOERACRO

    008D8AF2 Can't ERASE from a CROSS.


    The RSE of an ERASE statement cannot contain a CROSS clause.

    User Action:

    Reenter the ERASE statement without a CROSS clause.

2.144  –  NOERALIS

    008D8AEA Can't ERASE from an OCCURS list.


    You cannot use the ERASE statement to change or remove fields
    from a list in a hierarchical record.

    User Action:

    Use the ERASE statement to remove data records from a file, not
    to remove fields or list items from a list.

2.145  –  NOERASEQ

    008D8AD2 Can't ERASE from a sequential file (domain <domain-


    You cannot erase a record from a sequential file.

    User Action:

    Either leave the file as it is, or define a new indexed file from
    which you can erase records. To define an indexed file, use the
    DEFINE FILE command, specifying a key field. Then transfer the
    data with a Restructure statement.

2.146  –  NOEXCHANGE

    008D9A1A An EXCHANGE record is needed to perform this operation.


    For some records (view records for instance), an exchange record
    is needed to restructure data to/form a form record.

    User Action:

    Use an exchange record.

2.147  –  NOEXTRACT

    008D8B42 That record contains things that can't be expressed in
    the DEC DATATRIEVE language.


    You tried to extract a record from the data dictionary that
    contains a data type DEC DATATRIEVE does not support.

    User Action:

    Redefine the field to use a data type that DEC DATATRIEVE

2.148  –  NOFLDS

    008D0581 No field information available.


    The relation contains no field definitions.

    User Action:

    Use the utility supplied by the relational database product you
    are using to define relational fields.

2.149  –  NOFMI

    008D8F0A There is no forms package available.


    You tried to access a domain that uses a form, but the DEC
    DATATRIEVE installation you are using was installed without a
    forms package.

    User Action:

    Reinstall DEC DATATRIEVE with a forms package.

2.150  –  NOFORMAT

    008D9A02 Unable to load exchange record definition.


    DEC DATATRIEVE tried to get the definition of an exchange record,
    from the dictionary but it didn't find or failed during the

    User Action:

    Check the pathname of the exchange record or its definition.

2.151  –  NOFORMFLD

    008D8FDA Field does not exist on form.


    The domain you are accessing uses a form. You tried to access a
    field that was not defined in the form.

    User Action:

    Reenter the statement with a valid field name or recreate the
    form to define the field you want to access.

2.152  –  NOFTREE

    008D9A12 Unable to build the Field Tree.


    User Action:

2.153  –  NOGOCDO

    008D954A A DEC DATATRIEVE <...> cannot be stored in a CDO


    The CDO format dictionary does not support certain DEC DATATRIEVE
    object types. These types include tables, procedures, plots, and
    DEC DATATRIEVE databases.

    User Action:

    Define the object in a DMU format dictionary.

2.154  –  NOGODMU

    008D96F2 Definition contains attributes that cannot be stored in
    DMU dictionary.


    The object being defined contains attributes that cannot be
    stored in the DMU format dictionary. Such an object might be a
    record that contains a CDO field-level definition included in a
    FROM clause or a domain that refers to a CDD$DATABASE object.

    User Action:

    Define the object in a CDO dictionary.

2.155  –  NOGROPRMT

    008D86E2 Illegal assignment to a group data item.


    When you assign a value from one group field to another, both
    group fields must have at least one elementary field with the
    same field name or query name.

    User Action:

    Reenter the STORE USING or MODIFY USING statement, using a
    legal assignment to a group field or to its component elementary

2.156  –  NOLISTKEY

    008D8EFA Field "<field-name>" is part of an OCCURS list, so it
    cannot be used as a key.


    The field you specified for a key field in DEFINE FILE is part
    of an OCCURS list. That means that either the field itself has
    an OCCURS clause in its definition or a group field that contains
    the field has an OCCURS clause. Since the field you specified
    will occur multiple times in the same record, it cannot be a key.

    User Action:

    If you want to specify a key somewhere within the OCCURS group,
    you must REDEFINE the entire OCCURS group and specify one of the
    redefine fields as the key.

2.157  –  NOLOGFILE

    008D8CEA Expected log file name, encountered end of line.


    You must specify a file with the OPEN command.

    User Action:

    Reenter the OPEN command and include a file specification. The
    format of the OPEN command is: OPEN file-spec.


    008D991A Unable to invoke the dictionary navigator.


    DEC DATATRIEVE is not able to invoke the DEC DATATRIEVE
    Dictionary Navigator window.

    User Action:

    Contact your system manager to make sure that DEC DATATRIEVE is
    properly set up to run on your workstation.

2.159  –  NOPGETPUT

    008D8CCA Storing and retrieving from ports is not allowed in
    interactive DEC DATATRIEVE.


    You tried to store data in or receive data from a port in
    interactive DEC DATATRIEVE.

    User Action:

    Use callable DEC DATATRIEVE if you must access a port.

2.160  –  NOPROJFLD

    008D8BB2 You can't have a project list that doesn't reference any


    You tried to reduce to a constant (REDUCE YACHTS TO $10,000, for
    example). The reduce key must be a variable or a field in the
    record referred to in the REDUCE statement.

    User Action:

    Reenter the statement, giving a global variable or field in the
    record as the reduce key.

2.161  –  NOREMANY

    008D8ADA Remote ANY expressions are not supported.


    You cannot use the relational operator ANY through the remote

    User Action:

    Rewrite the RSE so that it does not include the operator ANY.

2.162  –  NOREMEXP

    008D8AFA Remote expression is not supported.


    The expression you used is not supported through the remote

    User Action:

    Enter a legal expression.


    008D9702 No current selection exists.


    You attempted to perform a DEC DATATRIEVE DECwindows Motif
    interface COPY or CUT operation; however, no text was selected
    from the output window or from a dialog box text field.

    User Action:

    Select text from the DEC DATATRIEVE output window or from a DEC
    DATATRIEVE dialog box and repeat the operation.


    008D96FA Unable to allocate memory for CUT or COPY or PASTE


    Virtual memory cannot be allocated for a DEC DATATRIEVE
    DECwindows Motif interface CUT, COPY, or PASTE operation.
    The operation will not take place but you can still use the
    DECwindows Motif interface.

    User Action:

    Try again when more virtual memory is available. If this problem
    persists, contact your system manager to determine why there is
    insufficient memory.

2.165  –  NOSMG

    008D9582 The DEC DATATRIEVE SMG keyboard is not active.


    When the DECwindows Motif interface is active, the DTR$DTR call
    is not valid.

    This call is valid only when the SMG keyboard interface is

    User Action:

    You must make the call DTR$FINISH_WINDOWS to exit the DECwindows
    Motif interface. You can then make the DTR$DTR call to enable the
    SMG interface. Once the SMG interface is active, you can make the
    remaining calls.

2.166  –  NOSTOREL

    008D8ACA Can't STORE into a relative file (domain <domain-name>).


    You tried to store a record into a relative file. DEC DATATRIEVE
    allows you to retrieve data from a relative file but not to store
    in it.

    User Action:

    Store into the file through a program written in a language that
    supports relative files.

2.167  –  NOTDBNAM

    008D8982 "<...>" is not a database name.


    You referred to a database whose domain definition uses the same
    name for the domain path name, the record path name, and the
    database path name. These three names must all be unique.

    User Action:

    Redefine the domain using different names for the domain, record,
    and database.

2.168  –  NOTDOMAIN

    008D81E2 "<...>" is not a readied source, collection, or list.


    The source for a DEC DATATRIEVE collection must be a readied
    domain, relation, or Oracle CODASYL DBMS record; a collection; or
    a list.

    User Action:

    Check that you have spelled all names correctly. Ready the
    appropriate source, if necessary, and reenter the statement.

2.169  –  NOTDOMNAM

    008D81C2 "<...>" is not a domain name.


    DEC DATATRIEVE expected a domain name at the point the error
    occurred. The name specified is the name of another type of
    dictionary object; for example, it might be the name of a record
    or table in the current dictionary.

    User Action:

    Check the list of available domain names for the specified name.
    Type SHOW DOMAINS to see the list of domains in your current
    dictionary. Reenter the statement or command using a domain name.

2.170  –  NOTELEST

    008D9A92 <Non-elementary field xxx cannot be used in a
    statistical function.>


    A non-elementary field (e.g. a group field) is used with a
    statistical function.

    User Action:

    Check to be sure that the field is an elementary field.

2.171  –  NOTFLDNAM

    008D97DA <...> is not a field name.


    The name specified is not the name of a field object. The error
    may occur when a name other than a defined field name is given as
    the argument of a FROM FIELD clause in a record definition.

    User Action:

    Check to be sure that the field definition exists and that you
    have used the field's correct path name.

2.172  –  NOTINFDI

    008D8C1A GET_FORM and PUT_FORM are allowed only in DISPLAY_FORM


    You tried to use a GET_FORM or PUT_FORM outside of a DISPLAY_FORM

    User Action:

    Reenter the statement using the correct syntax.

2.173  –  NOTMEMSET

    008D83EA Domain <...> is not a member of set <...>.


    You specified a record type in a STORE or CONNECT statement that
    is not a member of the named set.

    User Action:

    If you specify CURRENCY in STORE statements, make sure the record
    type is a member of the set. In CONNECT statements, make sure the
    record type to be connected is a member of the set. Use the SHOW
    SETS command to see the owner type and member type of each set.

2.174  –  NOTPLTNAM

    008D81DA "<...>" is not a plot name.


    DEC DATATRIEVE expected a plot name at the point where the error
    occurred. The specified name belongs to a dictionary object other
    than a plot.

    User Action:

    Check the specified name against the list of available plot
    names. Type SHOW PLOTS to see the list of plots in your current
    dictionary. Reenter the statement or command using a plot name.

2.175  –  NOTPRCNAM

    008D81CA "<...>" is not a procedure name.


    DEC DATATRIEVE expected a procedure name at the point where the
    error occurred. The specified name belongs to a dictionary object
    other than a procedure.

    User Action:

    Check the name specified against the list of available procedure
    names. Type SHOW PROCEDURES to see a list of procedures in your
    current dictionary. Reenter the statement or command using a
    procedure name.

2.176  –  NOTRDYDOM

    008D81AA "<...>" is not a readied source.


    You tried to store into or show fields for a record source that
    has not been readied, or you specified an invalid domain name.

    User Action:

    Check that you have spelled the source name correctly.

    If you have not readied the source you want to access, use the
    READY command to do so, and then reenter your statement. The SHOW
    READY command tells you what sources you have readied.

2.177  –  NOTRECNAM

    008D81BA "<...>" is not a record name.


    The statement or command requires a record name at the point
    where the error occurred. The name specified is not a record name
    but rather belongs to a dictionary object other than a record.

    User Action:

    Check the specified name against the list of available record
    names. Type SHOW RECORDS to see the list of record names in your
    current dictionary. Reenter the statement or command using a
    record name.

2.178  –  NOTRELNAM

    008D0589 "<...>" is not a valid relation name for database


    The name you entered does not exist in the relational database
    you are using.

    User Action:

    Enter the READY command with a valid relation name. To find out
    what relations exist in your database, invoke the relational
    utility and use the SHOW RELATIONS command.

2.179  –  NOTRGREC

    008D83BA No target record for <...>.


    You must specify a target record with an ERASE or MODIFY

    User Action:

    Use a FOR loop or a SELECT statement to designate a target record
    for the ERASE or MODIFY statement.

2.180  –  NOTSET

    008D8302 "<...>" is not a set.


    The name you specified in the WITHIN, MEMBER, or OWNER clause is
    not a set name.

    User Action:

    Use a SHOW SETS command to identify valid set names.

2.181  –  NOTSYNONYM

    008D8E82 "<...>" is not the name of a synonym.


    The name you specified in a RELEASE SYNONYM command is not a

    User Action:

    Enter the correct name with the RELEASE SYNONYM command. You
    can use the SHOW SYNONYM command to see the synonyms you have

2.182  –  NOTTABNAM

    008D81D2 "<...>" is not a table name.


    The statement or command requires a table name at the point where
    the error occurred. The name specified is not a table name but
    belongs to a dictionary object other than a table.

    User Action:

    Check the specified name against the list of available table
    names. Type SHOW TABLES to see the list of table names in your
    current dictionary. Reenter the statement or command using a
    table name.

2.183  –  NOTVALPRI

    008D846A "<...>" is not a valid privilege code.


    You can assign privileges only by using one or more of the
    following privilege codes in the DEFINEP command: CDEFGHMPRSUWX.

    User Action:

    Reenter the DEFINEP command, using one or more of the privilege
    codes in the GRANT, DENY, or BANISH clauses.

2.184  –  NOUDKS

    008D8CD2 User Defined Keywords are not allowed in interactive DEC


    You can use User Defined Keywords only through the call

    User Action:

    Do not use User Defined Keywords in interactive DEC DATATRIEVE.

2.185  –  NOVALFROM

    008D83B2 Value not found from record or table.


    The table that verifies the value that you entered does not
    contain the value you have specified. The table must contain
    the value you want to enter.

    User Action:

    Check the value you have entered to be sure that it is accurate.
    If it is not, reenter a correct value. To see what values are
    included in the table, do one of the following:

    o  For dictionary tables, use a SHOW table-path-name command.

    o  For domain tables, use a PRINT domain statement for the domain
       associated with the table.

    If the value you entered is accurate, you might want to add to
    the list of table values (in a dictionary table definition),
    update the records in the source domain (for a domain table), or
    add an ELSE clause to the table definition (in the definition of
    either type of table).

2.186  –  NOVIEWSTO

    008D8A92 Illegal STORE into a view.


    You cannot store data into a view domain.

    User Action:

    If you want a physical file corresponding to the view domain,
    define another domain with a record definition and a physical
    file. Then use the view domain as a source for storing data in
    the new domain. Use a statement of the following form:

    FOR view-domain STORE domain USING assignment-statement

2.187  –  NOWINDOWS

    008D956A The DEC DATATRIEVE window interface is not active.


    This error is generated in one of two ways:

    o  One of the following calls was made while the DECwindows Motif
       interface is inactive:


       -  DTR$WINDOW_MSG


    o  DECwindows Motif cannot be initialized when the DTR$WINDOWS
       call is made. This is indicated when a DTR$_NOWINDOWS status
       is returned to the caller.

    User Action:

    Take one of the following actions:

    o  If the error was generated because the user made a call to
       prior to activating the DECwindows Motif interface, then
       make a DTR$FINISH call followed by a DTR$WINDOWS call. The
       DTR$WINDOWS call initializes the DECwindows Motif terminal
       handler. The call DTR$FINISH_WINDOWS ends a DEC DATATRIEVE
       session with DECwindows Motif.

    o  If the error was generated because the DECwindows Motif
       interface could not be initialized, report the situation to
       your system manager.

2.188  –  NOWITHF

    008D9A0A It is not possible to use the WITH_FORM statement when a
    SET NO FORM is active.


    The user tried to use a WITH_FORM statement when the use of forms
    is disabled.

    User Action:

    Enable the use of forms or avoid using DECforms.

2.189  –  NO_DFPID

    008D80C2 One of PW, UIC, USER, or TERMINAL must be specified.


    You entered a DEFINEP command but did not specify any user
    identification criteria.

    User Action:

    Reenter the command, specifying a password, user identification
    code (for example, [100,100]), a username, or terminal
    specification (for example, TTE1:).

2.190  –  NO_DFPPRI

    008D80CA One of GRANT, DENY, or BANISH must be specified.


    You entered a DEFINEP command but did not specify any privileges.
    You must include at least one privilege for at least one of the
    privilege specifications.

    User Action:

    Reenter the command with a privilege list in at least one of the
    clauses GRANT, DENY, or BANISH.

2.191  –  NULPRILIS

    008D81FA Null print list.


    Unless you are working with a collection, you must specify what
    you want to display in the PRINT statement.

    User Action:

    Specify an RSE in the PRINT statement or establish a collection.

2.192  –  OBJTOOBIG

    008D8382 Print object is too large for line width.


    The print object is longer than the COLUMNS_PAGE setting.

    User Action:

    Enter a SET COLUMNS_PAGE statement and assign it a value that is
    greater than the character length of the print object.

2.193  –  OCCDEPOCC

    008D8B8A An OCCURS DEPENDING ON is not allowed within an OCCURS


    You cannot include a variable-length list within a fixed-length

    User Action:

    Reformulate the field definitions to specify a different list
    structure. It is permissible to include a fixed-length list
    within a variable-length list.

2.194  –  OCCNOTLAS

    008D813A Only fields with higher level numbers are allowed after


    No other field definition can follow the last elementary field in
    the group field containing the OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause.

    User Action:

    Reenter the DEFINE RECORD command, making sure that the OCCURS
    DEPENDING ON group field and its elementary fields are the last
    fields specified in the record definition.

2.195  –  OCCOUTRAN

    008D8142 OCCURS DEPENDING ON count out of range.


    The list cannot contain the number of items specified. The range
    of values allowed in this list is determined by the OCCURS clause
    in the list field definition.

    User Action:

    Reenter a value within the range allowed for the list by the
    record definition or edit the record definition and restructure
    the domain so that the list field can contain more items.

2.196  –  OCCREQFRO

    008D8ABA OCCURS clause requires at least one FROM field at a
    lower level.


    The view domain definition must contain at least one FROM clause.

    User Action:

    Reenter the DEFINE DOMAIN command, specifying at least one field
    with a FROM clause.

2.197  –  OLDPLOT

    008D8E52 The plot <plot-name> is stored in an incompatible
    format. You must extract and redefine it.


    The plot is stored in an incompatible format.

    User Action:

    Extract and redefine the plot.

2.198  –  ONEEPERM

    008D897A Only one "E" permitted in PICTURE or EDIT string.


    Use only one E in an edit string to separate the two parts of
    floating-point or scientific notation.

    User Action:

    Reenter the field or variable definition. Place one E in the edit
    string, separating the mantissa and the exponent edit string.

2.199  –  OUTRANCOL

    008D835A Record number out of range for collection.


    The record number referred to by the SELECT statement exceeds the
    number of records in the collection.

    User Action:

    Reenter the SELECT statement with a different value expression or
    other argument.


    008D972A Item to be pasted is too large for text field.


    The material that you are trying to paste from the DECwindows
    Motif clipboard to a text entry field is too large to fit in the
    text entry field area.

    User Action:

    Paste the material to the scrollable area of the DEC DATATRIEVE
    main application window. Select a portion of the material that
    will fit into the text field area and copy that to the clipboard.
    Then, paste the shorter material into the text entry field area.

2.201  –  PATNOTDIR

    008D824A Path node "<...>" is not a directory.


    You used the SET DICTIONARY for an object that is not a

    User Action:

    Specify a dictionary name in the command. Use the SHOW
    DICTIONARIES command to see the dictionaries available to you.

2.202  –  PICUSAMAT

    008D8152 PICTURE and USAGE clauses do not match in previous line.


    The PICTURE clause is incompatible with the specified USAGE
    clause. Both these clauses specify the internal storage format
    of a data item. Most USAGE clauses define numeric data and
    the PICTURE clause, when needed, must also specify numeric

    User Action:

    Correct the field definition so that the PICTURE string
    characters are appropriate for the USAGE clause. If you
    mistakenly used a PICTURE clause to format the data, replace
    the PICTURE clause with an EDIT_STRING clause.

2.203  –  PLOBADARG

    008D8442 Too many parameters for plot definition.


    Your plot statement includes too many field names.

    User Action:

    Reenter the plot statement with the correct number of fields.

2.204  –  PLOENTMIS

    008D843A Plot entry point is not defined.


    The plot you tried to use is corrupt; it does not contain a valid
    entry point.

    User Action:

    If the plot is from DIGITAL, submit an SPR, if you are eligible.
    If the plot is user defined, redefine the plot with the correct
    entry point information.

2.205  –  PLOHDRLNG

    008D941A A title for a plot cannot exceed 49 characters.


    The title line you entered for the plot was longer than 49
    characters. The PLOT TITLE statement centers one to three lines
    of a title above the base plot. Each line of the title must be 49
    characters or less.

    User Action:

    Reenter the PLOT TITLE statement and reduce the number of
    characters in each line to 49 or less.

2.206  –  PLOIDXRAN

    008D845A Plot index out of range. Vector: <...>, index: "<...>"


    The plot index is out of range.

    User Action:

    When you see this error in interactive DEC DATATRIEVE, please
    submit an SPR if you are eligible.

2.207  –  PLOLOCRAN

    008D8462 Plot location fn out of range. Fn: <text>, value:


    The plot cannot handle all of the data. The coordinates cannot be
    plotted on the screen.

    User Action:

    Make sure the record stream specified contains records.

2.208  –  PLOTOOBIG

    008D945A Maximum plot size exceeded.


    The internal data structures needed to produce this plot exceeded
    the DEC DATATRIEVE limits.

    User Action:

    Reduce the number of records used for this plot.

2.209  –  PRIVVIOL

    008D80E2 Privilege violation-access denied.


    You do not have sufficient privileges for the operation you
    attempted to perform.

    User Action:

    Use the SHOW PRIVILEGES command to see your privileges. Use
    the DEFINEP command to grant yourself additional privileges.
    Check with your system manager if you cannot grant yourself the
    necessary privileges.


    008D9822 Use CDO to define protection for element <...>.


    The element for which you are attempting to define, display,
    or delete protection is not a domain, record, or dictionary

    User Action:

    You must use the CDO utility to define, display, or delete the
    ACLs for this object.

2.211  –  PURELMSEM

    008D92FA You cannot purge a specific version of object "<...>".


    The PURGE command deletes all but the highest versions of
    dictionary objects. Therefore, you cannot specify version numbers
    in an object path name.

    User Action:

    Do not include version numbers within an object path name when
    using the PURGE command. To delete specific versions, use the
    DELETE command.

2.212  –  PURKEEPBAD

    008D92E2 The KEEP value for PURGE must be greater than zero.


    When you use the KEEP argument of the PURGE command, you cannot
    specify a value less than or equal to zero.

    User Action:

    Make sure you specify a number greater than zero for the KEEP
    argument of the PURGE command.


    008D92C2 Compound statements referencing relational fields may
    not contain COMMITs.


    You used a COMMIT statement within a compound statement. The
    compound statement contained a record selection expression that
    referred to a relation or relational field. DEC DATATRIEVE does
    not allow this.

    User Action:

    Make sure compound statements that refer to relations or
    relational fields do not contain COMMIT statements.

2.214  –  RDBNOREL

    008D932A Database "<...>" cannot be readied since it contains no


    You cannot ready a relational database that does not have any
    relations defined for it.

    User Action:

    Define relations for the relational database.

2.215  –  RDBREQSYNC

    008D92CA Statement aborted by relational database due to an
    invalid request for data.


    An invalid data request has been sent from DEC DATATRIEVE to the
    relational database system.

    User Action:

    Please submit an SPR if you are eligible.

2.216  –  RDSNOTACT

    008D82B2 Remote DDMF server could not be activated.


    You tried to access a remote domain, but DEC DATATRIEVE was not
    able to start the DDMF server on the remote system.

    User Action:

    The problem is on the remote node.

2.217  –  RDSTERMIN

    008D82BA Remote DDMF server terminated unexpectedly.


    The DDMF server on the remote node was unexpectedly terminated.

    User Action:

    Find the cause of termination on the remote node.

2.218  –  RDYNOTOPT

    008D9420 Use of optimization for record "<...>" failed.
    Processing will continue.


    Use of optimization to define the file or to ready the domain,
    relation, or Oracle CODASYL DBMS record has failed. The command
    is processed, but the process takes longer because optimization
    is not used.

    User Action:


2.219  –  RECERSD

    008D83CA You can not use a field from a record that has been


    You tried to retrieve information from a record you erased.

    User Action:

    Use the STORE command to store a new record, or select an
    existing record.

2.220  –  RECEXCMAX

    008D92D2 Record size exceeds maximum.


    You created a record longer than 65,535 bytes. Records longer
    than 65,535 bytes are illegal.

    User Action:

    Make sure the record definitions you create are shorter than
    65,535 bytes. To avoid such long records, use care when defining
    records with multiple OCCURS clauses.

2.221  –  RECNOTCUR

    008D9430 Record "<...>" uses old record format. Processing will
    continue, but for optimization you must redefine record.


    A record that is defined using the OPTIMIZE qualifier under a
    previous version of DEC DATATRIEVE is not compatible with the
    current version of DEC DATATRIEVE. The process will continue;
    however, optimization is not used.

    User Action:

    To update the record so that formats are compatible, you must
    redefine the record in one of two ways:

    o  Edit the record without making any changes.

    o  Extract the record using the full dictionary or relative path
       name; make no changes to the definition; then execute the
       resulting command file.

2.222  –  RECNOTOPT

    008D9410 Record will be defined, but will not be optimized.


    Optimization of the record failed. The record will be defined,
    but it will not be optimized. DEC DATATRIEVE removes the word
    OPTIMIZE from the record definition.

    User Action:

    If a message concerning insufficient virtual memory preceded this
    message, then free up memory space by using the FINISH command to
    end access to other readied domains, relations, or Oracle CODASYL
    DBMS records. Edit the record again and replace the OPTIMIZE

2.223  –  RECPREDRO

    008D8482 Record has been dropped from the collection.


    You selected a record, dropped it, then tried to access it again.

    User Action:

    Find the collection again.

2.224  –  RELINK

    008D9522 Please relink your DEC DATATRIEVE image or reinstall DEC


    The DTR image was linked under a OpenVMS V4 system and is being
    run from a OpenVMS V5 system.

    User Action:

    Please relink your DEC DATATRIEVE image or reinstall DEC

2.225  –  REMCROSS

    008D9212 CROSS can only be used on domains with the same node


    You tried to cross a remote domain with a local domain. This is
    not allowed.

    User Action:

    Reenter the statement, making sure all domains are local or all
    are remote.

2.226  –  REMNOCROSS

    008D921A This remote node does not support CROSS.


    The system on which you attempted to perform a CROSS operation
    does not support the CROSS clause.

    User Action:

    If you wish to perform the cross, transfer the data to a system
    which has a DEC DATATRIEVE that supports the CROSS clause.

2.227  –  REMSELBOO

    008D8FAA SELECT with a boolean is not supported for remote


    This is a restriction.

    User Action:

    Do not use the SELECT statement with Boolean expressions on
    remote collections.

2.228  –  REMSYNERR

    008D82F2 DDMF remote synchronization error.


    While you were accessing a remote domain, DEC DATATRIEVE
    encountered a software inconsistency.

    User Action:

    See the person responsible for DEC DATATRIEVE on the remote

2.229  –  REPNOTFIT

    008D869A Print object(s) too long to fit on report line.


    The print object is longer than the Report Writer COLUMNS_PAGE

    User Action:

    Reenter the report specification and use a larger value in the
    SET COLUMNS_PAGE statement.

2.230  –  REQDICMIS

    008D8232 Required dictionary attribute <...> missing.


    A Oracle CDD/Repository object did not have the attributes DEC
    DATATRIEVE expected. Either it is the wrong type of object for
    the operation attempted (for example, a Oracle CODASYL DBMS
    record used in a DEC DATATRIEVE domain) or the object did not
    get stored in the data dictionary correctly.

    User Action:

    Check that you are using the correct type of dictionary object
    for the operation. If so, and the object was stored correctly
    in the data dictionary, you may have encountered an error in
    the software. If you are eligible, submit a Software Performance

2.231  –  RERDYFAIL

    008D82A2 Re-ready failed. Domain automatically finished.


    You tried to ready domain based on a RMS file again, but RMS
    returned an error. DEC DATATRIEVE automatically finished the
    domain at the old access mode.

    User Action:

    Try reentering the READY command. If the error continues, see
    your system manager.

2.232  –  RMSCHG

    008D8EE2 You cannot modify the value of an RMS key field that
    does not allow changes.


    Some RMS key fields are defined so that once a value is stored in
    the field it cannot be changed.

    User Action:

    Since you cannot change the value of the field, the only way to
    have a record with that change is to erase the old record and
    store a new one. It is better to store before you erase the old
    record. If you made the change accidentally at a *.prompt, then
    retype the query and press TAB and RETURN at that prompt. You can
    find out which fields are keys by entering a SHOW FIELDS command.

2.233  –  RMSDUP

    008D8EEA You cannot store a duplicate value in an RMS key field
    that doesn't allow duplicates.


    Some fields that areRMS keys are defined so that it is not
    possible to have two records with the same value stored in that

    User Action:

    If you made a mistake in entering data at a *.prompt, then retype
    the query and enter the proper data. You can find out which
    fields are keys by entering a SHOW FIELDS command.

2.234  –  RPODUPAT

    008D844A Duplicate control break specified for <...>.


    You specified more than one control break for a single control

    User Action:

    Include only one control break for each group.

2.235  –  RPOEXCPRI

    008D841A Excessive PRINT statements for REPORT.


    You can only include one PRINT statement in a report

    User Action:

    Eliminate one of the PRINT statements or combine the two into
    one. You may include one or more AT statements in addition to the
    PRINT statement.

2.236  –  RPOFMTRJT

    008D8422 REPORT formatting clause out of context.


    report is entered in the wrong place.

    User Action:

    Enter the clauses in the right order.

2.237  –  SELBADBOO

    008D8B22 Unable to select a record that satisfies the Boolean.


    There is no record in the collection that meets the conditions
    set forth in the Boolean expression.

    User Action:

    If you still require a selected record, either change the
    composition of the source collection or change the Boolean
    expression within the RSE.

2.238  –  SELNOTFND

    008D8362 Selected record not found.


    You selected a record from a collection, erased it, then tried
    to select it again. (A READY command generates this message if
    during a reready of a domain another user readies the domain and
    erases your selected record.)

    User Action:

    None. The record has been erased.

2.239  –  SELRECREQ

    008D83DA No selected record in collection.


    There is no record in the collection that meets the condition of
    your record selection expression.

    User Action:

    If you still require a selected record, either change the
    composition of the source collection or change the record
    selection expression.

2.240  –  SETNOTUSE

    008D8B62 Set "<set-name>" can not be used - either an owner or a
    member source is not ready.


    The statement you entered referred to a set for which not all
    necessary Oracle CODASYL DBMS domains or records are readied.

    User Action:

    Ready the missing sources and reenter the statement.

2.241  –  SORTOPEN

    008D8B4A Error creating the work files for the sort.


    The SORT statement could not open its work files. This usually
    means you have exceeded your quota for open files or run out of
    disk space.

    User Action:

    Check your quotas for open files and disk space and have these
    quotas enlarged if necessary.

2.242  –  SYNTAX

    008D8112 Expected <...>, encountered "<...>".


    You have made a syntax error.

    User Action:

    See help for the statement, command, clause, or expression that
    you used. Correct the syntax error and enter the command or
    statement again.

2.243  –  SYNTAX_ERR

    Syntax error at or near "!AD" .


    A general syntax error has been discovered which cannot be
    considered in the general schema of Expected X, Encountered Y.

    User Action:

    Check the syntax of command/statement.

2.244  –  TOOMANDIG

    008D815A Too many digits in numeric string (max is 18).


    A numeric PICTURE clause cannot specify more than 31 digits (PIC
    9(31)). When an item is defined as USAGE COMP, the associated
    PICTURE clause cannot specify more than 18 digits (PIC9(18)).

    User Action:

    Correct the PICTURE clause for the field so that the number of
    digits specified is no larger than the maximum number allowed for
    that field.

2.245  –  TOOMNYFLD

    008D8B72 Maximum number of fields exceeded.


    In the report writer, you have specified too many fields for the
    number of columns specified.

    User Action:

    Reduce the number of fields.

2.246  –  TXTNOTFND

    008D826A Source text for <...> not found in dictionary.


    You tried to show a dictionary object such as a record or
    procedure but there was no text in the data dictionary.

    User Action:

    See your system manager for help.

2.247  –  UNSCONV

    008D8212 Unsupported data conversion.


    Your definition uses an unsupported data type.

    User Action:

    Redefine the field or variable to use a data type that DEC
    DATATRIEVE supports. See the DEC DATATRIEVE Reference Manual
    for a list of valid data types.

2.248  –  UNTERQUO

    008D817A Unterminated quoted string.


    You entered an alphanumeric literal string without including the
    terminating quotation mark.

    User Action:

    Reenter the statement and add the missing quotation mark.

2.249  –  UNWIND

    008D821A Execution terminated by operator.


    You entered a CTRL/C to terminate your command or statement.

    User Action:

    None. DEC DATATRIEVE will handle all the cleanup. If you are
    storing or modifying records, data may be lost.

2.250  –  USESLOEXH

    008D8102 DDMF user slots are exhausted - cannot initialize
    another DEC DATATRIEVE stream.


    In callable DEC DATATRIEVE, your program has used all five slots
    available for DAB information.

    User Action:

    Call DTR$FINISH to free slots.

2.251  –  VALIDERR

    008D838A Validation error for field <field-name>.


    The value assignment for a field or variable does not meet the
    Boolean test in the VALID IF clause of the definition.

    User Action:

    Check the definition to see which values are allowed. Then
    reenter the Assignment statement using an acceptable value.

2.252  –  VIEDOMUND

    008D8492 Domain <domain-name> was not included in domain list for


    The view you tried to ready references a domain that DEC
    DATATRIEVE cannot find.

    User Action:

    Define a domain for the view or redefine the view to reference
    an existing domain, then reready the view. You can use the SHOW
    DOMAINS commands to see what existing domains are available.

2.253  –  VIEFIEUND

    008D848A Field <field-name> cannot be found in domain <domain-


    The view you tried to ready contains a field that does not exist
    in the domain the view references.

    User Action:

    Redefine the view to specify only those fields that are contained
    in the domain.

2.254  –  WRIACCREQ

    008D823A Write access is required for "<...>".


    You cannot store or erase records unless the record source is
    readied for WRITE access.

    User Action:

    Reready the source for write access and enter the STORE or ERASE

2.255  –  WRODOMTYP

    008D8372 "<...>" is not a domain based on a RMS file.


    You tried to define a file, but the domain you specified is not a
    domain based on a RMS file.

    User Action:

    Reenter the definition with a valid domain name.

2.256  –  WRONGSTALL

    008D810A Wrong call for current stallpoint.


    Your program calls the wrong callable DEC DATATRIEVE routine for
    the stallpoint. For example, DTR$GET_STRING can be called only
    when the stallpoint is DTR$K_STL_UDK.

    User Action:

    Make sure you are at the correct stallpoint for this call. If you
    see this error in interactive DEC DATATRIEVE, please submit an
    SPR if you are eligible.

3  –  Warning Messages


    008D8D30 ADT could not open a file with that name. Please enter
    another file name.


    008D8D40 <path-name> duplicates another name. Please enter a
    unique name.


    008D8DB0 A field in a record cannot have a length of zero. Please
    answer with an integer.


    008D8D58 Please use one of these format numbers: 1, 2, 3, or 4.


    008D8D50 Please use a valid file name. Enter up to 9 letters or
    digits, and optionally a period and up to 3 letters or digits.


    008D8DB8 <...> violates the rules for DEC DATATRIEVE names.
    Please enter a valid name.


    008D8D48 Please answer with DATE, PERCENT, MONEY, NUMBERS,
    CHARACTERS, or GROUP. You can also use the abbreviations D, P,
    M, N, C, or G.


    008D8D60 Do not use the domain name as the name of the key field.
    Please enter the name of a field.


    008D8D38 That name duplicates a DEC DATATRIEVE keyword. Please
    enter another name.


    008D8DA8 This name exceeds the 30-character limit for DEC
    DATATRIEVE names. Please enter another name.

3.11  –  ADTENODOM

    008D8D68 You have not defined any domains or fields.


    008D8E00 No HELP text has been supplied for this state.


    008D8E08 No prompt text has been supplied for this state.

3.14  –  ADTENOTCR

    008D8D80 Do not respond by only pressing RETURN.


    008D8D88 To specify an index key name, use the name of a field
    you have previously defined.


    008D8D28 Do not use all spaces and/or tabs.


    008D8D70 Please answer with an integer.


    008D8D78 Please answer with a number greater than zero.


    008D8D90 You have already used this field as a key.


    008D8D98 This field is too long for the type of data it can
    contain. Its size cannot exceed 18 digits.


    008D8DA0 The total number of digits is zero. Please enter a
    larger number of digits.

3.22  –  ADTEYESNO

    008D8DC0 Please answer with either YES (Y) or NO (N).

3.23  –  ASSNEGUNS

    008D8B00 Assignment of negative value to unsigned item; absolute
    value used.

3.24  –  ASSUMELIT

    008D84E0 "<...>" not field, assumed literal.

3.25  –  BADASSIGN

    008D939A Variable "<...>" may contain an incorrect value due to
    error during assignment.

3.26  –  BADFLDEXP

    008D9958 Field <...> ignored because of invalid expression.

3.27  –  BADFLDTYP

    008D9290 Field <field-name> ignored because unsupported datatype.

3.28  –  BADHLPLIN

    008D8C10 Help line number out of range or not enough lines. Top:
    <number> Bottom: <number>.

3.29  –  BADLOGNAM

    008D99A0 Error found while processing logical name <...>

3.30  –  BADMISLEN

    008D8690 Missing value edit string longer than edit string.

3.31  –  BADMODSTO

    008D93A8 Field "<field-name>" may contain an incorrect value due
    to error during STORE or MODIFY.

3.32  –  BADRDYMOD

    008D9448 The value of DTR$READY_MODE "<...>" is not a valid
    access option.

3.33  –  BADRELNAM

    008D97C0 Invalid relation name. <...> will be used and the
    remainder dropped.


    008D9330 Segmented string field <field-name> must have "T" edit
    string, defaulting to T(COLUMNS_PAGE).

3.35  –  BADSIGN

    008D94F0 Invalid sign or signs in string <...>.


    008D8AA8 Source cannot be re-readied at this access mode unless a
    COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or FINISH is issued.

3.37  –  CANTSPAWN

    008D9920 Subprocess could not be spawned.

3.38  –  CDDONLY

    008D9530 You cannot perform this operation on CDO dictionary node

3.39  –  CHGSNAPAC

    008D93C8 SNAPSHOT WRITE is not a valid access mode. Readying
    "<...>" SNAPSHOT READ.

3.40  –  CHILDMSG

    008D9748 <...> is related to an entity whose relationships have
    changed, triggered by <...> entity <...>.

3.41  –  CLAIGNGRP

    008D8EC8 <...> clause ignored in group field definition.

3.42  –  CLAIGNORE

    008D8EB8 <...> clause is ignored when you use a COMPUTED BY

3.43  –  COMPLEX

    008D84A8 Data conversion error on complex data type.

3.44  –  COMPURCOL

    008D8510 COMMIT or ROLLBACK executed; collection <collection-
    name> automatically released.

3.45  –  CONSIGUSA

    008D84C0 Conflicting SIGN and USAGE clauses, ignoring "<...>".

3.46  –  CONVALCOM

    008D84C8 Conflicting VALID and COMPUTED clauses.

3.47  –  CTXMAGIC

    008D8538 Not enough context. Some field names resolved by Context

3.48  –  DATCNVERR

    008D84A0 Conversion error in date string "<...>".

3.49  –  DATINPERR

    008D8A88 Error translating DTR$DATE_INPUT (translated value


    008D9950 Unable to allocate scroll lines, defaulting to <...>.

3.51  –  DELNOPRIV

    008D9310 No privilege to delete object "<...>".


    008D93E0 "<...>" cannot be readied with the same name as a
    currently readied source.

3.53  –  DIVBYZERO

    008D84F8 Attempt to divide by zero. Returning -1 as a value.


    008D9550 Relationships cannot be applied to DMU objects. The
    RELATIONSHIPS QUALIFIER has been removed from domain <...>.

3.55  –  ENDOFSTR

    008D8BE0 End of string - no more tokens available for user
    defined keyword.

3.56  –  EXPCOTAVA

    008D8530 Expected collection, table, or variable, encountered

3.57  –  FLDTYPCNV

    008D9A70 Field <field-name> converted to <data-type> because of
    unsupported data type.

3.58  –  IGNVALEXP

    008D9960 Invalid VALID IF expression in field <...> will be


    008D8F78 Illegal ASCII character "<...>".

3.60  –  ILLASCNUM

    008D89D0 Illegal ASCII numeric "<...>".

3.61  –  INVKEYMOD

    008D94A8 "<...>" is not a valid alternate keypad mode.

3.62  –  INVMSG

    008D9740 <...> is invalid, triggered by <...> entity <...>.

3.63  –  LITTYPCVN

    008D9A78 A literal was converted to <dtype> because of
    unsupported data type.

3.64  –  MISCLAMIS

    008D8520 MISSING VALUE not defined for <...>, using default

3.65  –  MSGPROB

    008D9768 An error occurred while fetching Oracle CDD/Repository
    messages for <...>.

3.66  –  NEWVERMSG

    008D9758 <...> uses an entity which has new versions, triggered
    by <...> entity <...>.

3.67  –  NOACCCHG

    008D84D8 Couldn't change access to readied domain.

3.68  –  NOBANISH

    008D9838 BANISH option ignored for CDO element <...>.

3.69  –  NOCONSIST

    008D93D8 CONSISTENCY/CONCURRENCY is being ignored for non-
    relational source "<...>".

3.70  –  NODELETE

    008D9A28 Could not delete temporary file !AS


    008D9868 X (EXTEND) protection option ignored for CDO dictionary.

3.72  –  NOFORWARD

    008D9870 F (FORWARD) protection option ignored for CDO


    008D9858 G (GLOBAL_DELETE) protection option ignored for CDO

3.74  –  NOHISTORY

    008D9878 H (HISTORY) protection option ignored for CDO

3.75  –  NONDIGIT

    008D84B8 Non-digit in string "<...>", ignoring character(s).


    008D9860 P (PASS_THRU) protection option ignored for CDO


    008D9828 Password ignored for CDO element <...>.

3.78  –  NORECSEL

    008D8528 No record selected, printing whole collection.

3.79  –  NOSEGASS

    008D9380 Ignoring illegal assignment to or from segmented string
    field <field-name>.


    008D9338 Segmented string field <field-name> cannot have a
    default value, default value will be ignored.


    008D9340 Segmented string field <field-name> cannot have a
    missing value, missing value will be ignored.

3.82  –  NOSNAPCOM

    008D93F8 A COMMIT cannot be done while there is a Oracle CODASYL
    DBMS source readied in SNAPSHOT mode.

3.83  –  NOTALLREL

    008D97E0 Some domains referenced by view are defined without
    RELATIONSHIPS. Therefore not all view relationships will be


    008D9830 Terminal option <...> ignored for CDO element <...>.

3.85  –  NOTINTAB

    008D83A8 Value not found in table.


    008D93F0 Oracle CODASYL DBMS source does not permit snapshots.
    "<...>" cannot be readied SNAPSHOT.

3.87  –  OVERFLOW

    008D84D0 Data conversion overflow.

3.88  –  OVFDURMUL

    008D8508 Overflow during multiplication.

3.89  –  PLONUMARG

    008D8E58 Wrong number of arguments supplied to internal plot

3.90  –  POSMSG

    008D9738 <...> is possible invalid, triggered by <...> entity


    008D92F0 No objects purged for the current default dictionary.

3.92  –  PURELMNOT

    008D92E8 No objects purged for dictionary element "<...>".

3.93  –  PURNOTDTR

    008D9308 Element "<...>" is not a Domain, Record, Procedure, or

3.94  –  PURNOTFND

    008D9300 Dictionary element "<...>" not found.


    008D92B8 Statement containing COMMIT aborted after first COMMIT.

3.96  –  RDBERRFIN

    008D93B0 Unable to start a relational database transaction,
    finishing all relational domains.

3.97  –  RDYMODIGN

    008D9450 The preceding error occurred while translating
    DTR$READY_MODE. Therefore, the DEC DATATRIEVE default access
    option will be used.

3.98  –  REDEFINE

    008D0588 Element to be redefined not found in dictionary - new
    element defined.

3.99  –  RELMSG

    008D9730 <...> is related to an invalid <...>, triggered by <...>
    entity <...>.

3.100  –  RELONLYCDO

    008D9558 RELATIONSHIPS will be applied only to CDO objects.

3.101  –  RESATTNAM

    008D99AA <...> is a reserved attribute name.

3.102  –  ROLLBACK

    008D8A60 COMMIT failed, automatic ROLLBACK in progress.

3.103  –  ROLPURCOL

    008D92D8 ROLLBACK executed; collection <...> automatically


    008D9350 Error canceling segmented string created for field


    008D9358 Error closing segmented string for field <field-name>.


    008D9368 Error creating segmented string for output to field


    008D9370 Error opening segmented string from field <field-name>.


    008D9360 Error reading segmented string from field <field-name>.


    008D9348 Error writing to segmented string field <field-name>.


    008D92A0 Some record sources currently READYed SNAPSHOT will now
    be accessed SHARED READ.

3.111  –  SYNALDEC

    008D8C30 "<...>" is already declared a synonym.

3.112  –  TOOMANDEC

    008D8A80 Too many decimal points in string "<...>", ignoring all
    but first.

3.113  –  TOOMANSIG

    008D8A78 Too many signs in string "<...>", ignoring all but

3.114  –  TRAPURCOL

    008D9270 New relational transaction started; collection <...>
    automatically released.

3.115  –  TRUDURASS

    008D8500 Truncation during assignment.

3.116  –  TRUNCSTR

    008D8BF0 Truncated a token. Remainder returned on next call.

3.117  –  UNDERFLOW

    008D84B0 Data conversion underflow.

3.118  –  UNKMSG

    008D9760 <...> has a message of unknown type triggered by <...>
    entity <...>.

3.119  –  UNSHOWDB

    008D94D8 Unable to show <...> relational database.

4  –  Informational Messages

4.1  –  ADTFCHAR

    008D8DCB <field-name> <(query-name)> <number> characters

4.2  –  ADTFDATE

    008D8DD3 <field-name> <(query-name)> is a date


    008D8DDB <field-name> <(query-name)>


    008D8DE3 <field-name> <(query-name)> <number> digits left (and 2
    digits right) of the decimal, is money


    008D8DEB <field-name> <(query-name)> <number> digits left and
    <number> digits right of the decimal


    008D8DF3 <field-name> <(query-name)> is a percent


    008D8E2B ADT backing up one state

4.8  –  ADTIDEF

    008D8DFB The DEC DATATRIEVE definitions for your domain are
    located in file <file-spec>. The record length is <number> bytes.


    008D8E33 A D T? - Help! - Fields < -Back up PF2 - Screen Help

4.10  –  APPKEYPAD

    008D94E3 < Application keypad mode >

4.11  –  BACKTRACE

    008D863B <command line entered>


    008D8623 Collections:


    008D92B3 COMMIT / ROLLBACK completed.

4.14  –  DATABASES

    008D898B Databases:

4.15  –  DELNOTFOU

    008D85E3 Dictionary object does not exist.


    008D85DB Dictionaries:


    008D8593 The default directory is <path-name>

4.18  –  DISPLAY

    008D860B DISPLAY: <...>

4.19  –  DOMAINS

    008D859B Domains:

4.20  –  EDITBACK

    008D8F53 Edit backup


    008D8F5B Edit no backup

4.22  –  FORMINLIB

    008D8E98 Form <form-name> in <form-library>

4.23  –  FORMS

    008D8E8B Loaded forms:

4.24  –  GHEALL

    008D88A3 Use all of the records in the current collection

4.25  –  GHEALPHA

    008D87FB Alpha/numeric field

4.26  –  GHEALPHAQ

    008D8803 Alpha/numeric field (alias for <field-name>)

4.27  –  GHEANY

    008D8993 Search list

4.28  –  GHEAT

    008D906B Print values when the page or a field value changes


    008D9193 Average of a field

4.30  –  GHEBOTTOM

    008D9073 Print values at the end of a page or field value

4.31  –  GHEBY

    008D9073 Required word in the language


    008D9083 Dictionary names (A-Z, 0-9, _, $) separated with periods

4.33  –  GHECHAR

    008D91E3 <any character>

4.34  –  GHECOLECT

    008D87DB Record collection

4.35  –  GHECOMMA

    008D908B Comma to separate elements

4.36  –  GHECOMP

    008D91D3 <space>

4.37  –  GHECOMPU

    008D882B A computed value

4.38  –  GHECOMPUQ

    008D8833 A computed value (alias for <field-name>)

4.39  –  GHECONTAI

    008D894B Containing a substring

4.40  –  GHECOUNT

    008D919B Number of records

4.41  –  GHECROSS

    008D8C68 Join another record source to prior sources

4.42  –  GHEDATE

    008D881B Date field

4.43  –  GHEDATEQ

    008D8823 Date field (alias for <field-name>)

4.44  –  GHEDECR

    008D9093 Sort field from largest to smallest

4.45  –  GHEDECREA

    008D88B3 Sort backwards

4.46  –  GHEDICT

    008D909B Change dictionary for your domains and procedures

4.47  –  GHEDOMAIN

    008D87D3 Record domain

4.48  –  GHEENDREP

    008D90A3 Finish the report statement

4.49  –  GHEEQUAL

    008D90AB Equals

4.50  –  GHEFILNAM

    008D90B3 Filename or device for output

4.51  –  GHEFIND

    008D878B Retrieve a collection of records

4.52  –  GHEFIRST

    008D90BB First record of the collection

4.53  –  GHEGE

    008D892B Greater than or equal

4.54  –  GHEGROUP

    008D884B Group field

4.55  –  GHEGROUPQ

    008D8853 Group field (alias for <field-name>)

4.56  –  GHEGT

    008D8933 Greater than

4.57  –  GHEINCR

    008D90C3 Sort field from largest to smallest

4.58  –  GHELAST

    008D90CB Last record of the collection

4.59  –  GHELE

    008D893B Less than or equal

4.60  –  GHELEAVE

    008D87AB Return to normal DEC DATATRIEVE


    008D90D3 Parenthesized value expression

4.62  –  GHELIST

    008D883B List

4.63  –  GHELISTQ

    008D8843 List (alias for <field-name>)


    008D90DB Quoted string

4.65  –  GHELT

    008D8943 Less than

4.66  –  GHEMAX

    008D91C3 Maximum value of a field

4.67  –  GHEMIN

    008D91CB Minimum value of a field

4.68  –  GHEMODIFY

    008D876B Update field values for selected record


    008D90E3 Finish the current line of the report

4.70  –  GHENEXT

    008D8913 Next record of the collection (default case)

4.71  –  GHENOT

    008D90EB Reverse the sense of the comparison

4.72  –  GHENUMBER

    008D90F3 A number

4.73  –  GHENUMBR

    008D880B Numeric field

4.74  –  GHENUMBRQ

    008D8813 Numeric field (alias for <field-name>)

4.75  –  GHEOF

    008D90FB Required word in the language

4.76  –  GHEON

    008D9103 Send report output to a file or device

4.77  –  GHEOPER

    008D910B Arithmetic operator: +, -, * or /

4.78  –  GHEOVER

    008D8C73 Qualify a record stream

4.79  –  GHEPAGE

    008D9113 Print values at the start or end of the page

4.80  –  GHEPLOT

    008D8C63 Graph data from the current collection

4.81  –  GHEPLOTS

    008D911B Change the dictionary for your plots

4.82  –  GHEPRINT

    008D8773 Print a record or records

4.83  –  GHEPRIOR

    008D891B Previous record

4.84  –  GHEPROC

    008D8C5B Invoke a DEC DATATRIEVE procedure

4.85  –  GHEQUOTE

    008D9123 Any character, end with a quote

4.86  –  GHEREADY

    008D879B Make domain available

4.87  –  GHEREADYM

    008D895B Read and modify access only

4.88  –  GHEREADYR

    008D8953 Read access only

4.89  –  GHEREADYW

    008D8963 Read, modify and store access

4.90  –  GHEREPORT

    008D912B Create a formatted report

4.91  –  GHEREPPRI

    008D9133 Print values for every record

4.92  –  GHEREPREP

    008D913B Print values at the start or end of the report

4.93  –  GHERETURN

    008D890B Finish statement


    008D9143 Closing parenthesis


    008D91B3 Compute statistical for each record

4.96  –  GHESELECT

    008D8783 Pick out a particular record for update

4.97  –  GHESET

    008D8FB3 Set default dictionary or plot dictionary

4.98  –  GHESHOCOL

    008D914B Display available collections

4.99  –  GHESHOCUR

    008D9153 Display details about the current collection

4.100  –  GHESHODOM

    008D915B Display available domains

4.101  –  GHESHOPLO

    008D9163 Display available plots

4.102  –  GHESHOPRO

    008D916B Display available procedures

4.103  –  GHESHORDY

    008D9173 Display details about readied domains

4.104  –  GHESHOW

    008D87A3 Display status information

4.105  –  GHESORT

    008D877B Rearrange a collection

4.106  –  GHESTART

    008D917B Starting with a substring

4.107  –  GHESTDDEV

    008D91A3 Standard deviation of a field

4.108  –  GHESTORE

    008D8793 Store a new record

4.109  –  GHETERM

    008D91DB <return>

4.110  –  GHETOP

    008D9183 Print values at the start of a page or field value

4.111  –  GHETOTAL

    008D91AB Sum of a field

4.112  –  GHEWITH

    008D87EB Qualify record search

4.113  –  GPRALL

    008D91EB All value expression list

4.114  –  GPRALLFLD

    008D8883 ALL, fieldname list or <return>


    008D8FE3 ALL, value expression or <return>

4.116  –  GPRALPHA

    008D8E6B alphanumeric field

4.117  –  GPRATBOT



    008D8FEB AT control break, PRINT or END_REPORT

4.119  –  GPRATTOP

    008D8F13 AT TOP OF or PRINT

4.120  –  GPRBREAK

    008D8FF3 PAGE, REPORT or sorted field name

4.121  –  GPRBY

    008D8FFB BY sorted field list

4.122  –  GPRCDDPATH

    008D918B dictionary path name

4.123  –  GPRCOLECT

    008D8733 collection name

4.124  –  GPRCOMAND

    008D8703 Enter command, type ? for help.

4.125  –  GPRCOMPAR

    008D87F3 comparison

4.126  –  GPRCOMRET

    008D8873 comma or <return>

4.127  –  GPRCROSS

    008D8C7B CROSS record-source, WITH boolean, or <return>

4.128  –  GPRDATE

    008D8E73 date field


    008D9003 DECREASING, INCREASING or field name

4.130  –  GPRDOMAIN

    008D870B domain name, end with space

4.131  –  GPRDOMCOL

    008D87CB domain or collection name

4.132  –  GPRFIELD

    008D8723 field name

4.133  –  GPRFILNAM

    008D900B file name

4.134  –  GPRFLDDEC

    008D88AB fieldname or DECREASING

4.135  –  GPRFLDPAG

    008D8F23 Field name or PAGE

4.136  –  GPRFLDRET

    008D887B fieldname list or <return>

4.137  –  GPRFLOAT

    008D8E63 numeric field

4.138  –  GPRLIST

    008D899B list

4.139  –  GPRMORE

    008D86FB More? (type N for no):

4.140  –  GPRNUMBER

    008D8CAB number

4.141  –  GPRNUMRET

    008D9013 number, end with a <space> or <return>

4.142  –  GPROF

    008D901B OF control break

4.143  –  GPRON

    008D9023 ON filename or <return>

4.144  –  GPROCOMRET

    008D902B one of +, -, *, /, comma or <return>

4.145  –  GPROPER

    008D8CE3 Optional arithmetic operator


    008D903B one of +, -, *, /, ), or <return>

4.147  –  GPROPRET

    008D9033 one of +, -, *, / or <return>

4.148  –  GPROVER

    008D8C83 OVER, CROSS, WITH, or <return>

4.149  –  GPRPLOT

    008D8C43 plot name

4.150  –  GPRPLOTARG

    008D91F3 <...>

4.151  –  GPRPRINT

    008D8F2B PRINT

4.152  –  GPRPROC

    008D8C53 procedure name

4.153  –  GPRQUOTE

    008D886B character string, end with a quote

4.154  –  GPRRDYMOD

    008D8713 ready mode, or <return>

4.155  –  GPRRETURN

    008D8E7B <return>

4.156  –  GPRRUNNING

    008D91BB running statistical

4.157  –  GPRSELOPT

    008D8923 which record or <return>

4.158  –  GPRSETOPT

    008D9043 set option

4.159  –  GPRSHOCAT

    008D872B category

4.160  –  GPRSHOWOPT

    008D904B show option

4.161  –  GPRTOPBOT

    008D9053 TOP or BOTTOM of control break

4.162  –  GPRVALRET

    008D905B value expression or <return>

4.163  –  GPRVALUE

    008D9063 value expression

4.164  –  GPRWITH

    008D871B WITH or <return>

4.165  –  GUIBADCHR

    008D87C3 Unusable character, type ? to get valid responses.

4.166  –  GUIBRETB

    008D87BB <return>

4.167  –  GUIEXECUT

    008D885B [Executing...]

4.168  –  GUILEAVNG

    008D8863 You're on your own now. Good luck!

4.169  –  GUINOLINE

    008D8E4B Can't complete line

4.170  –  GUINOMORE

    008D8B1B No more

4.171  –  GUINOWORD

    008D8E23 Can't complete word

4.172  –  GUINUMBER

    008D8F43 <a number>

4.173  –  GUINXTCMD

    008D89B3 Ready for next command

4.174  –  GUIPOSRES

    008D87B3 Possible responses are:

4.175  –  GUIWORKING

    008D91FB [Working...]

4.176  –  HELPCONTIN

    008D8FD3 Type <RETURN> to continue.

4.177  –  HELPLINES

    008D8C0B Lines <number> to <number>

4.178  –  HLPACTIVE

    008D9943 DEC DATATRIEVE help window already active.

4.179  –  HLPNOPMPT

    008D8D0B No prompting

4.180  –  HLPNOWNDW

    008D8D1B No window

4.181  –  HLPPROMPT

    008D8D13 Prompting

4.182  –  HLPWINDOW

    008D8D23 Window

4.183  –  KEYATRBTS

    008D94A3 [no]echo, [no]terminate, [no]erase, [no]lock, [set state

4.184  –  KEYDEF

    008D949B <...> = "<key definition>".

4.185  –  KEYSTATE

    008D9493 <...> state keypad definitions:

4.186  –  LOADEDTAB

    008D8893 Loaded tables:

4.187  –  LOOKINFOR

    008D857B [Looking for <...>]

4.188  –  LOSSOFPREC

    008D8FA3 Loss of precision during arithmetic calculation.

4.189  –  MAGICFAIL

    008D8B0B Context Searcher failed trying to resolve field.

4.190  –  MORESTR

    008D8BEB There are more tokens available for user defined

4.191  –  NEWDOMVER

    008D9802 DEFINE FILE parameters conflict with previous values.
    Therefore a new version of <...> has been created.

4.192  –  NODBMDOM

    008D8403 No Oracle CODASYL DBMS domains readied-nothing to COMMIT
    or ROLLBACK.

4.193  –  NODOMGLO

    008D85A3 No ready sources or global variables declared.

4.194  –  NOESTCOLL

    008D862B No established collections.

4.195  –  NOFORMS

    008D8E93 No loaded forms.

4.196  –  NOGLOVAR

    008D89C3 No global variables are declared.

4.197  –  NOLOADTAB

    008D889B No loaded tables.

4.198  –  NOMESSAGES

    008D9753 <...> has no messages.

4.199  –  NOMORESEL

    008D8F9B Collection <collection-name> will no longer have a
    selected record.

4.200  –  NOREADOM

    008D85BB No ready sources.

4.201  –  NOSETSUSE

    008D8633 No sets are currently useful.

4.202  –  NOSNAPSDBM

    008D93EB "<...>" cannot be accessed in SNAPSHOT mode. Changing
    mode to SHARED READ.

4.203  –  NOTINIMAG

    008D8E43 That DEC DATATRIEVE feature was not included when this
    image was built.

4.204  –  NUMKEYPAD

    008D94EB < Numeric keypad mode >

4.205  –  OPENFILE

    008D8BC3 Creating file <file-spec> ...

4.206  –  OPENLP

    008D8BD3 Spooling output to <device>.

4.207  –  OPENTERM

    008D8BCB Sending output to terminal <device>.

4.208  –  PLOTS

    008D85B3 Plots:

4.209  –  PLOTSAT

    008D8ED3 Plots from <...>:

4.210  –  PROCEDURES

    008D85AB Procedures:

4.211  –  PROMPT

    008D8543 Enter <...>:

4.212  –  PW_PROMPT

    008D8553 Enter password for <...>:

4.213  –  RDBRB

    008D0582 Relational Database

4.214  –  RDSSIGNOFF

    008D920B DEC DATATRIEVE Remote Server terminating with status

4.215  –  RDSSIGNON

    008D9203 DEC DATATRIEVE Remote Server Protocol <...>.<...>


    008D92AB READY SNAPSHOT (READ) mode has been changed to READY
    SHARED READ mode for the current RMS record source.

4.217  –  RECFOUND

    008D8613 [<number> record(s) found]

4.218  –  RECLENGTH

    008D858B [Record is <number> byte(s) long.]

4.219  –  RECORDS

    008D85CB Records:

4.220  –  REINITCDD

    008D946B Starting a new Oracle CDD/Repository stream.

4.221  –  REMCMD

    008D8CF3 REMCMD> <...>

4.222  –  REMOTEMSG

    008D8603 [DDMF] <...>.

4.223  –  REMPACKET

    008D861B Packet received, type <...>.

4.224  –  RE_PROMPT

    008D854B Reenter <...>:

4.225  –  RMSERROR

    008D8EDB Error using RMS file "<file-name>".

4.226  –  RMSKEYUSE

    008D8EB3 Performing <...> boolean on RMS key field <field-name>.

4.227  –  RMSLKWAIT

    008D8F63 Waiting for a locked RMS record...

4.228  –  SELPURCOL

    008D8A53 Parent collection de-selected, collection <collection-
    name> automatically released.

4.229  –  SELRECCLE

    008D8F8B SELECT failed due to deadlock.

4.230  –  SELRECLOS

    008D8F93 Failed to retrieve a selected record following a re-

4.231  –  SHOABORT

    008D88D3 Abort

4.232  –  SHOCOLCOL

    008D864B Collection <collection-name>

4.233  –  SHOCOLDOM

    008D8653 Domain: <domain-name>

4.234  –  SHOCOLNREC

    008D865B Number of Records: <number>

4.235  –  SHOCOLNSR

    008D867B No Selected Record

4.236  –  SHOCOLREL

    008D931B Relation: <...>

4.237  –  SHOCOLPAG

    008D88C3 Columns-page: <number>

4.238  –  SHOCOLSOR

    008D86C3 Sort order: <...>

4.239  –  SHOCOLSR2

    008D86CB <...>

4.240  –  SHOCOLSRN

    008D8663 Selected Record: <number>

4.241  –  SHOCOLSRND

    008D8673 Selected Record: <number> (Dropped)

4.242  –  SHOCOLSRNE

    008D866B Selected Record: <number> (Erased)

4.243  –  SHOFORM

    008D88E3 Form

4.244  –  SHOLCKWAT

    008D8F6B Lock wait

4.245  –  SHONOABO

    008D88CB No abort

4.246  –  SHONOFOR

    008D88DB No form


    008D8F73 No lock wait

4.248  –  SHONOPRO

    008D88FB No prompt

4.249  –  SHONOSEA

    008D88EB No search

4.250  –  SHONOSEMI

    008D8E1B No semicolon

4.251  –  SHONOVERI

    008D8CFB No verify

4.252  –  SHOPRIVC

    008D89FB C (CONTROL) - may issue DEFINEP, SHOWP, DELETEP commands

4.253  –  SHOPRIVD

    008D8A03 D (LOCAL_DELETE) - may delete a dictionary object

4.254  –  SHOPRIVE

    008D89F3 E (DTR_EXTEND/EXECUTE) - may ready to EXTEND, or access
    table or procedure

4.255  –  SHOPRIVF

    008D8A0B F (FORWARD) - may create a subdictionary

4.256  –  SHOPRIVG

    008D8A13 G (GLOBAL_DELETE) - may delete a directory and its

4.257  –  SHOPRIVH

    008D8A1B H (HISTORY) - may add entries to object's history list

4.258  –  SHOPRIVM

    008D89EB M (DTR_MODIFY) - may ready for READ, MODIFY

4.259  –  SHOPRIVNO

    008D8A43 No privileges to directory or dictionary object.

4.260  –  SHOPRIVP

    008D8A23 P (PASS_THRU) - may use given name of directory or
    object in pathname

4.261  –  SHOPRIVR

    008D89DB R (DTR_READ) - may ready for READ, use SHOW and EXTRACT

4.262  –  SHOPRIVS

    008D8A2B S (SEE) - may see (read) dictionary

4.263  –  SHOPRIVU

    008D8A33 U (UPDATE) - may update dictionary object

4.264  –  SHOPRIVW

    008D89E3 W (DTR_WRITE) - may ready for READ, WRITE, MODIFY, or

4.265  –  SHOPRIVX

    008D8A3B X (EXTEND) - may create directory or object within

4.266  –  SHOPROMPT

    008D8903 Prompt

4.267  –  SHOSEARCH

    008D88F3 Search

4.268  –  SHOSEMI

    008D8E13 Semicolon

4.269  –  SHOSETUP

    008D88BB Set-up:

4.270  –  SHOVERIFY

    008D8D03 Verify

4.271  –  SHOWEDIT

    008D8F4B Edit setting:

4.272  –  SHOWHELP

    008D8C03 Help Settings:

4.273  –  SHOWPROC

    008D8AE3 PROCEDURE <procedure-name>

4.274  –  SHOWSYN

    008D8EAB <synonym> for <keyword>

4.275  –  SHOWTEXT

    008DAC3 <text>

4.276  –  SHUTDOWN

    008D856B Shut down DEC DATATRIEVE/DDMF.

4.277  –  SIGNON

    008D855B DEC DATATRIEVE <version> Digital Query and Report System
    Type HELP for help

4.278  –  SIGNON_FT

    008D8B2B DEC DATATRIEVE <version> Digital Query and Report System
    Type HELP for help

4.279  –  SOURCE

    008D9223 Ready sources:

4.280  –  STACKSIZE

    008D943B DEC DATATRIEVE stack size is <number>.

4.281  –  STAMISDAT

    008D851B [Function computed using <number> of <number> values.]

4.282  –  SUCCESS

    008D8563 Statement completed successfully.

4.283  –  SYNONYMS

    008D8EA3 Synonyms:

4.284  –  TABLES

    008D85D3 Tables:

4.285  –  TARRECDRO

    008D8763 Target record has already been dropped.

4.286  –  UDKUNWIND

    008D8C9B Unwind UDK processing one level.

4.287  –  VARIABLES

    008D868B Global variables

4.288  –  VIDEOHELP

    008D8BFB H E L P - type <PF2> for help. Type <RETURN> to change
    help topics.

4.289  –  ZEROOBJ

    008D83A3 Can't take MAX, MIN, or AVERAGE of zero objects.

5  –  DEC DATATRIEVE Client for Windows Error Messages

    The following error messages are specific to DEC DATATRIEVE
    Client for Windows and any client application that calls the
    DEC DATATRIEVE server through the call interface.


    9284842 Operation has been aborted because of user requests.


    9285346 Invalid get context.


    9273586 Invalid identifier for the DEC DATATRIEVE session.


    9282172 Invalid transport value.


    9285354 Attempt to call a get while another one was in process.


    9281378 Buffer is too small.


    9285364 Internal error on the Client end.


    9282180 Client Server internal error: EXIT THE PROGRAM! This
    error may appear when you use the DECnet protocol and either the
    DDMFVxx.COM file associated to port number 30 is not found, or
    port number 30 has not been defined.


    9284692 The Authoritative Answer Host was not found. The node
    name is either wrong or it has not been defined in the Host.

5.10  –  DTR_E_EACCESS

    9284858 Socket error: access denied at connection request. This
    error may appear when you use the DECnet protocol and you enter
    either an invalid user or an invalid password.


    9284698 The specified address is already in use.


    9284706 The specified address is not available from the local


    9284644 The addresses in the specified family cannot be used
    with this socket (network communication endpoint). The Client is
    probably not using the correct WINSOCK.DLL library.

5.14  –  DTR_E_EBADF

    9284556 Invalid argument.


    9284812 The connection was aborted due to timeout or other


    9284714 The attempt to connect was forcefully rejected. This
    error may appear when you use the TCP/IP protocol and the REXEC
    service on the server is either not found or disabled.


    9284740 The connection was reset by the remote side.


    9284722 A destination address is required.

5.19  –  DTR_E_EFAULT

    9284788 The pointer to the buffer in which the value for the
    requested option is supplied is not in a valid part of the
    process address space.


    9284746 The Authoritative Answer Host is not reachable.


    9284610 A blocking Windows Sockets call is in progress.

5.22  –  DTR_E_EINTR

    9284572 The blocking call has been canceled.

5.23  –  DTR_E_EINVAL

    9284564 The command is not applicable to the type of socket
    (network communication endpoint) supplied.

5.24  –  DTR_E_EISCONN

    9284778 The socket (network communication endpoint) is already

5.25  –  DTR_E_EMFILE

    9284652 No more file descriptors are available.


    9284636 The datagram was too large to fit into the specified
    buffer and was truncated.


    9284596 The network subsystem has failed.


    9284764 The connection must be reset because the Windows Sockets
    implementation dropped it.


    9284588 The network cannot be reached from this host at this
    time. This error may appear when you try to use the TCP/IP
    protocol but you have only configured the DECnet protocol, and
    vice versa.

5.30  –  DTR_E_ENOBUFS

    9284660 No buffer space is available. The attempted operation has


    9284628 The socket (network communication endpoint) is not


    9284604 The descriptor is not a socket (network communication


    9284668 The specified protocol is not supported.


    9284676 The specified protocol is the wrong type for this socket
    (network communication endpoint).


    9284684 The specified socket (network communication endpoint)
    type is not supported in this address family.


    9284730 Attempt to connect timed out without establishing a
    connection. This error appears in the following cases:

    o  When you use the DECnet protocol and the executable file
       on the server either crashed or is not found. For more
       information, see the NETSERVER.LOG file located in the
       server's top level directory.

    o  When you use the TCP/IP protocol and the executable file on
       the server crashed before connection with the client. For more
       information, see the UCX$REXECD_STARTUP.LOG file located in
       the server's top level directory.

    o  When you use the TCP/IP protocol and you try to connect a
       DEC DATATRIEVE Client for Windows Version 1.1 with a DEC
       DATATRIEVE server Version 7.0.


    9284756 Too many socket (network communication endpoint)


    9284618 The socket (network communication endpoint) is marked as
    non-blocking and the requested operation would block.


    9284868 Unable to perform network operation in a SendMessage
    execution thread.


    9284818 Invalid connection identifier.


    9281370 Invalid context.


    9284548 DDMF server version mismatch. Unable to connect to the


    9283746 Invalid MDB handle.

5.44  –  DTR_E_INVSTR

    9282154 Invalid string.


    9282146 Maximum number of available sessions has been reached.

5.46  –  DTR_E_NOMEM

    9281362 Out of memory.

5.47  –  DTR_E_NORMAL

    9274723 Call completed successfully.


    9284580 Before using this Application Programming Interface,
    you must initialize the underlying Windows DLL (Dynamic Link


    9285378 Attempt to call a get while one was in process in another
    Windows task.


    9282162 Caller specified an incorrect address to return the
    connection identifier.

5.51  –  DTR_E_NULLCTX

    9284770 The caller did not specify a context.

5.52  –  DTR_E_NULLPTR

    9281346 Caller specified invalid pointers.


    9284836 Fault while working on operating system context.


    9284852 Lost communication synchronization.


    9284826 Five Windows tasks are already using the DLL.


    9273930 The pathname is not a directory name.


    9285372 Internal error on the Server end.


    9281354 String is too long.


    9284794 The underlying network subsystem is not ready for network


    This is a TCP/IP error occurring when you try to connect to a DEC
    DATATRIEVE server and the executable file on the server is not


    This is a TCP/IP error occurring when you try to connect to a DEC
    DATATRIEVE server and you enter an invalid password.


    This is a TCP/IP error occurring when you try to connect to a DEC
    DATATRIEVE server and the login is invalid.


    This is a TCP/IP error occurring when you try to connect to a DEC
    DATATRIEVE server and either the file DDMFVxx.COM is not found on
    the server, or the logical name DTR$TCPSERVER is not defined.


    9281386 Too many fields.


    9281394 Unknown object.

5.66  –  DTR_E_UNWIND

    9273874 Execution terminated by operator.


    9273602 Five concurrent DEC DATATRIEVE sessions have already been
    initialized. You cannot initialize another.


    9284804 The requested version of Windows Sockets API support is
    not provided by this particular Windows Sockets implementation.
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