Declare the DATATRIEVE domain D0 as pointing to the CDD$DATABASE database D_CDD$DATABASE. DTR> DECLARE DOMAIN D0 USING D_CDD$DATABASE WITH RELATIONSHIPS ; Declare the Oracle CODASYL DBMS domain D2. The name of the record-type is VENDOR, and the name of the database instance is CDD$TOP.DTR$LIB.DEMO.DBMS.PARTS_DB. The domain definition includes the FORM clause. DTR> DECLARE DOMAIN D2 DFN> USING VENDOR OF DATABASE CDD$TOP.DTR$LIB.DEMO.DBMS.PARTS_DB DFN> FORM IS EMPFOR IN FORMS:PARTS.FLB; DTR> Declare a network domain called REMOTE_YACHTS: DTR> DECLARE DOMAIN REMOTE_YACHTS USING DFN> CDD$TOP.DTR$LIB.DEMO.YACHTS AT DFN> VAX32"SMITH ADRIENNE" FORM IS YACHT1 IN DTRFRM; DTR> The following example declares a DEC DATATRIEVE domain that automatically uses a form. The domain is declared for the relation EMPLOYEES. DTR> DECLARE DOMAIN EMPLOYEES DFN> USING EMPLOYEES OF DATABASE PERSONNEL DFN> FORM IS EMPFOR IN FORMSLIB; DTR> Declare the domain PHONES. Use the record definition PHONE_REC that is cataloged in the directory CDD$TOP.DEPARTMENT. Specify PHONE.DAT as the data file: DTR> DECLARE DOMAIN PHONES USING DFN> CDD$TOP.DEPARTMENT.PHONE_REC ON PHONE.DAT; DTR> Declare a view of yacht and owner information: DTR> DECLARE DOMAIN BOAT_VIEW OF YACHTS, OWNERS USING 01 BOAT_INFO OCCURS FOR YACHTS. 03 TYPE FROM YACHTS. 03 SKIPPERS OCCURS FOR OWNERS WITH TYPE EQ BOAT.TYPE. 05 NAME FROM OWNERS. 05 BOAT_NAME FROM OWNERS. ; DTR> READY BOAT_VIEW DTR> PRINT FIRST 4 BOAT_VIEW BOAT MANUFACTURER MODEL NAME NAME ALBERG 37 MK II ALBIN 79 ALBIN BALLAD ALBIN VEGA STEVE DELIVERANCE HUGH IMPULSE DTR> You can use a view domain such as BOAT_VIEW as a source for modifying data in a domain based on a RMS file.