DTRHELP.HLB  —  Commands Statements Clauses, DECLARE RECORD Command, Arguments

       Is the name of the record being declared.


       This clause is ignored.

                  { MAJOR-MINOR         }
                  { LEFT-RIGHT          }

       Specifies the type of word-boundary alignment DEC DATATRIEVE uses
       when storing records in the data file. It also controls the way
       DEC DATATRIEVE retrieves data from data files created by user
       programs or other application software. The default allocation
       is no alignment. See the DEC COBOL[TM] documentation set for more
       information on word-boundary alignment and allocation of fill


       Is the description of the fields in the record. Each definition
       has one of the following formats:

         level-number-1  field-name-1.
         level-number-2  field-name-2  field-definition-2.
         [level-number-n  field-name-n  field-definition-n.]
               .        .        .
               .        .        .
               .        .        .


                                {FIELD  }
         level-number-n  FROM   {GROUP  }  path-name.
                                {       }


       Is the level number for the field in the record definition. It
       indicates the relationship of the field to the other fields in
       the record definition.


       Is the name of the field. Every field must have a name. The
       keyword FILLER is a special field name that can be repeated at
       the same level in the record definition.


       Is a field definition. A record definition must contain at least
       one field definition. Elementary fields must have at least one
       field definition clause, but group fields are not required to
       have any field definition clauses.

       Each field definition must end with a period (.).


       Allows you to create a definition using fields imported from
       dictionary field/record definitions.


       Specifies that you are referencing an existing field.
       If the field-pathname points to a Oracle CDD/Repository object,
       this must be a CDO field. Otherwise it identifies the first
       field of a DECLAREd or a text-definition record.


       Specifies that you are referencing an existing group field.
       If the field-pathname points to a Oracle CDD/Repository object,
       this must be a CDO record. Otherwise it may point to a
       DECLAREd or a text-definition record.


       Specifies the path name of the field or record referenced by a
       FROM field. It can be a simple name (for DECLAREd object) or
       a relative or absolute dictionary pathname.

    ; (semicolon)
       Ends the record definition.
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