The following example shows that you can display a form for a domain even if the form was not specified in the domain definition: DTR> DISPLAY_FORM YACHTF IN FORMSLIB; The following example displays the MANUFACTURER and MODEL fields on a form for the first five records of YACHTS: DTR> FOR FIRST 5 YACHTS CON> DISPLAY_FORM YACHTF IN FORMSLIB USING CON> BEGIN CON> PUT_FORM MANUFA = MANUFACTURER CON> PUT_FORM MODEL = MODEL CON> END; The following example displays the MANUFACTURER and MODEL fields on a form for the first record of YACHTS and assigns the values to two variables, BUILT and MODELLER: DTR> DECLARE BUILT PIC X(10). DTR> DECLARE MODELLER PIC X(10). DTR> FOR FIRST 1 YACHTS CON> DISPLAY_FORM BOATS IN [MORRIS]DTR32.FLB USING CON> BEGIN CON> PUT_FORM MANUFA = MANUFACTURER CON> PUT_FORM MODEL = MODEL CON> END RETRIEVE USING CON> BEGIN CON> BUILT = GET_FORM MANUFA CON> MODELLER = GET_FORM MODEL CON> END DTR> PRINT BUILT BUILT ALBERG DTR> PRINT MODELLER MODELLER 37 MK II DTR> You can use a form to store and modify values for selected fields. You can also associate more than one form with a single domain. See the DEC DATATRIEVE Guide to Interfaces for more examples.