The following example shows how to declare a numeric variable with a money edit string, give it a value, and use both the PRINT statement and the DISPLAY statement to display that value: DTR> DECLARE SALARY PIC Z(5)9V99 EDIT_STRING $$$$$$.99. DTR> SALARY = 15753.67 DTR> PRINT SALARY SALARY $15753.67 DTR> DISPLAY SALARY DISPLAY: 15753.67 DTR> The following example redeclares the above variable as a character variable, assigns a new value, and displays that value: DTR> DECLARE SALARY PIC X(15). DTR> SALARY = "MUCH TOO LOW" DTR> PRINT SALARY SALARY MUCH TOO LOW DTR> DISPLAY SALARY DISPLAY: MUCH TOO LOW The following example displays the group fields TYPE and SPECS from the domain YACHTS: DTR> READY YACHTS DTR> FIND FIRST 1 YACHTS [1 Record found] DTR> SELECT; PRINT LENGTH OVER MANUFACTURER MODEL RIG ALL WEIGHT BEAM PRICE ALBERG 37 MK II KETCH 37 20,000 12 $36,951 DTR> DISPLAY TYPE DISPLAY: ALBERG 37 MK II DTR> DISPLAY SPECS DISPLAY: KETCH 37 200001236951 DTR>