SHOW ALL Displays the names of all the objects and directories listed in your default Oracle CDD/Repository dictionary, the name of your default directory, the names of the collections, the other readied RSE sources (domains, relations, Oracle CODASYL DBMS records), and the loaded tables and forms in your workspace. DMU format record and domain definitions are indicated with an asterisk (*). SHOW collection-name Displays the collection name, the name of the domain, relation, or Oracle CODASYL DBMS record within which the collection has been established, the number of records in the collection, the status of the selected record within the collection, the names of the keys on which the collection has been sorted, and the command that created the collection. SHOW COLLECTIONS Displays the names of the collections you are using. SHOW CURRENT Displays the name of the domain, relation, or Oracle CODASYL DBMS record within which the CURRENT collection has been formed, the number of records in the CURRENT collection, the status of the selected record in the CURRENT collection, and the names of the keys on which the collection has been sorted. SHOW database-name For relational databases, displays the name and the file specification of the database. For Oracle CODASYL DBMS, displays the name, the subschema name, the schema path name, and the root file specification of the database. SHOW DATABASES Displays the names of the relational and Oracle CODASYL DBMS databases listed in your default directory. SHOW DICTIONARIES Displays the names of the dictionary directories appended to your default directory. (This option tells you if the dictionary branch continues lower than your current location.) SHOW DICTIONARY Displays the full dictionary path name of your default directory. SHOW domain-name Displays the name, the record definition name, and the file specification of the domain based on a RMS file. Displays the domain name, the associated Oracle CODASYL DBMS record, and the database name associated with the Oracle CODASYL DBMS domain. Displays the domain name, the associated relation name, and the database name associated with the relational domain. SHOW DOMAINS Displays the names of all domains cataloged in your default directory. DMU format domains are indicated by an asterisk (*). SHOW EDIT Indicates whether SET EDIT_BACKUP or SET NO EDIT_BACKUP is in effect in your DEC DATATRIEVE session. SET EDIT_BACKUP is the default. If you enter the command SET NO EDIT_BACKUP and edit any definitions, DEC DATATRIEVE deletes the highest version of the definitions when you exit the editor. SET NO EDIT_BACKUP automatically keeps outdated versions of definitions from piling up in your directory, but could erase the only definition you have to fall back on should you make a mistake in your editing. SHOW FIELDS Displays the names, data types, and index-key information of the fields of all domains you have readied. It also displays the names and data types of global variables. For RMS sources, the SHOW FIELDS command indicates whether or not a key field is the primary key or an alternate key. For fields from non-RMS sources, SHOW FIELDS indicates an indexed key. SHOW FIELDS FOR domain-name collection-name dbms-record rdb-relational-name Displays the names, data types, end index-key information of the fields in the domain, collection, dbms-record, or rdb-relation you specify after FOR. You can only specify the name of a readied domain. SHOW FORMS Displays the form name, the form file, and the form product name of all loaded forms. SHOW FUNCTIONS Displays all the loaded user functions and the subset they belong to. SHOW HELP Indicates which of the settings for the HELP command is in effect. The settings are HELP_LINES, HELP_PROMPT, and HELP_ WINDOW. SHOW KEYDEFS Shows all current key definitions in all states. A state allows the same key to be assigned multiple definitions by associating each definition with a different state key. In addition to SHOW KEYDEFS, you can use the function FN$SHOW_KEYDEFS to show all key definitions. This command is not available in a DECwindows Motif environment. SHOW path-name Displays the text of the domain, record, procedure, or table definition specified by the dictionary path name. SHOW PLOTS Displays the names of the loaded plots from the directory specified in the SET PLOTS command. SHOW PRIVILEGES Displays the access privileges you have to the directory at which you are currently located. SHOW PRIVILEGES FOR path-name Displays the access privileges you have to the directory or object you name in the FOR clause. SHOW procedure-name Displays the name of the procedure, the commands and statements contained in the procedure, and the END_PROCEDURE clause. SHOW PROCEDURES Displays the names of all procedures cataloged in the directory at which you are currently located. SHOW READY Displays for each readied domain based on a RMS file the full dictionary path name, the file organization of the associated data file, the access control option (EXCLUSIVE, PROTECTED, or SHARED), and the access mode (READ, WRITE, EXTEND, or MODIFY). For all readied relational and Oracle CODASYL DBMS domains, the SHOW READY command displays the name, type, access option, access mode, and the domain path. For individual relations and Oracle CODASYL DBMS records, the SHOW READY command displays the name, type, access option, access mode, and the dictionary path to the database. The most recently readied domain, relation, or Oracle CODASYL DBMS record is at the top of the displayed list. The SHOW READY command also displays the full dictionary path name and table type of all tables loaded in your workspace. SHOW record-name Displays the name, level numbers, fields, and field definitions of the record. It also allows you to display those records defined by the CDO utility. SHOW RECORDS Displays the names of all record definitions cataloged at your current directory location. DMU format records are indicated by an asterisk (*). SHOW SET_UP Displays the current status of the options you can control with the SET command: ABORT/NO ABORT, APPLICATION_KEYPAD/ NO APPLICATION_KEYPAD, COLUMNS_PAGE, FORM/NO FORM, NULLS/NO NULLS, PROMPT/NO PROMPT, SEARCH/NO SEARCH, SEMICOLON/ NO SEMICOLON, VARIABLES PROCEDURES, and VERIFY/NOVERIFY. SHOW SETS Displays the names of any available Oracle CODASYL DBMS sets and their Oracle CODASYL DBMS insertion and retention classes. SHOW SYNONYMS Displays the names of any synonyms for DEC DATATRIEVE keywords in effect during your DEC DATATRIEVE session. SHOW table-name Displays the name of the table, the code and translation pairs, and the END_TABLE clause. SHOW TABLES Displays the names of all dictionary tables and domain tables cataloged in your default directory. SHOW VARIABLES Displays the contents of all variable declarations in effect in the current DEC DATATRIEVE session.