Each time you give DEC DATATRIEVE a command or statement to
execute, DEC DATATRIEVE determines the message it should display.
Each message includes a severity level, a code, a name, and a
text string.
The message severity level determines whether DEC DATATRIEVE
completes your command or statement and what warning or
information DEC DATATRIEVE displays. Your command or statement
results in one of the following severity levels:
o Severe Error
o Error
o Warning
o Informational
In addition to DEC DATATRIEVE error messages, there are specific
DEC DATATRIEVE Client for Windows error messages that also relate
to any client application calling the DEC DATATRIEVE server,
through the callable interface.
The message code is a number that identifies the message.
The message name is a symbol beginning with the prefix DTR$_
that also identifies the message. The message code and the
message name are synonymous; they represent the same value. In
most cases, the DEC DATATRIEVE documentation recommends using
the message name rather than the actual hexidecimal code value
because the name is easier to remember.
The message text is a string that DEC DATATRIEVE displays to tell
you how it is responding to your command or statement.
Additional Information: