008D81F2 "<...>" is undefined or used out of context. Explanation: A name is "undefined" if spelled incorrectly or if it does not exist in any of the definitions DEC DATATRIEVE uses to process your statement. A name is "used out of context" when DEC DATATRIEVE cannot use it to determine which records or fields you want to access. User Action: Check to make sure the name specified is valid. If it is, make corrections to your statement so that DEC DATATRIEVE can link, for example, a field to the correct record source or a list item to the correct list (OCCURS field). If the name used out of context is in an Assignment statement, make sure it is on the correct side of the equal sign. If the name used out of context is a list field (or any of its items), you might have to add to your statement certain clauses that enable DEC DATATRIEVE to access lists correctly.