008D956A The DEC DATATRIEVE window interface is not active. Explanation: This error is generated in one of two ways: o One of the following calls was made while the DECwindows Motif interface is inactive: - DTR$FINISH_WINDOWS - DTR$WINDOW_MSG - DTR$WINDOW_OUTPUT o DECwindows Motif cannot be initialized when the DTR$WINDOWS call is made. This is indicated when a DTR$_NOWINDOWS status is returned to the caller. User Action: Take one of the following actions: o If the error was generated because the user made a call to DTR$FINISH_WINDOWS, DTR$WINDOW_MSG, or DTR$WINDOW_OUTPUT prior to activating the DECwindows Motif interface, then make a DTR$FINISH call followed by a DTR$WINDOWS call. The DTR$WINDOWS call initializes the DECwindows Motif terminal handler. The call DTR$FINISH_WINDOWS ends a DEC DATATRIEVE session with DECwindows Motif. o If the error was generated because the DECwindows Motif interface could not be initialized, report the situation to your system manager.