DEC DATATRIEVE objects can be defined as temporary so that no permanent storage is required. The objects' time scope is limited to the DEC DATATRIEVE session. This is a useful feature to create DEC DATATRIEVE applications that: o Don't depend on any dictionary system (objects are temporary stored in main memory). o Don't conflict with existing objects and directories. o Don't need to delete objects and clean up directories. Temporary objects are defined using the DECLARE command. You can declare the following objects: o Domains o Records o Procedures o Tables o Databases Temporary objects can be identified by entering a SHOW command; those objects preceeded by a # sign are temporary. See the following example: DTR> DECLARE DOMAIN TEMP_YACHTS USING YACHT ON YACHT.DAT; DTR> SHOW DOMAINS Domains: * ACCOUNT_BALANCES;1 * ANNUAL_REPORT;1 # TEMP_YACHTS;1 * YACHTS;1 DTR>