A character string literal is a string of printing characters up to 253 characters long. The maximum size for an input line in DEC DATATRIEVE is 255 characters, but in character string literals, two of those characters are used for the quotation marks. The printing characters consist of the uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and the following special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + ` [ { ] } ~ ; : ' " \ | , < . > / ? To type a literal on more than one line, enter a hyphen immediately before pressing the RETURN key. DEC DATATRIEVE strips the hyphen from that part of the character string literal and waits for you to complete the literal by typing the closing quotation mark. As long as the total number of characters in the literal does not exceed 253, you can use any number of continuation characters between the quotation marks. Although DEC DATATRIEVE usually converts all lowercase letters of your input to uppercase, it preserves lowercase letters in character string literals. Because the case of the character string literals is preserved, comparisons using these literals are case sensitive.