Creates an output file that contains an annotated listing of the
    changes made to each specified element generation and places it
    in your current default directory or a specified directory.


            ANNOTATE  element-expression

1  –  Command Parameters


    Specifies one or more elements. An element expression can be an
    element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list
    of these separated by commas. If you specify a group name, CMS
    annotates each element in the group. If you use wildcards, CMS
    produces one annotated listing file for each matching element. By
    default, the most recent generation of an element on the main line
    of descent is annotated.

2  –  Description

    The ANNOTATE command documents the development of an element. This
    command creates an output file that contains an annotated listing;
    by default, the file name is the same as the element name and the
    file type is .ANN. The annotated listing file contains two parts:

    o  A history

    o  A source file listing

    The history includes the generation number, date, time, user,
    and remark associated with each generation of the element (and
    other file-related information when you use the /FULL qualifier).
    The generations are listed in reverse chronological order. The
    generation numbers of the specified generation and its ancestors
    are marked with an asterisk (*).

    The source file listing contains all the lines inserted or
    modified from generation 1 to the specified generation. The
    listing does not show lines deleted from the file. CMS inserts
    consecutive line numbers in the listing unless editor-assigned
    line numbers already exist. (The line numbers start with 1 for the
    first line and increase by 1 for each line.) The generation field
    starts at the first character position of each line. It contains
    the generation number of the most recent generation in which the
    line was inserted or modified. The generation field is blank if a
    line is unchanged since generation 1.

3  –  Qualifiers

3.1    /APPEND

    Controls whether CMS appends the history and source file listing
    to an existing file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND
    and the output file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you
    do not provide an output file specification (see the description
    for /OUTPUT), CMS searches your default directory for a file with
    the element file name and the file type .ANN.

3.2    /CONFIRM

    Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

    When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
    prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
    CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
    or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type
    any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an
    acceptable response.

    CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.

3.3    /FORMAT=(data-format,data-partition)

    Controls whether the history and source file listing is formatted,
    and specifies the type of formatting. You can specify one or both
    formatting parameters in any order.


    Specifies the type of format. Possible values for data formats
    include:   ASCII (Default), DECIMAL, HEXADECIMAL, and OCTAL.


    Specifies the type of data partition. Possible values for data
    partitions include:  BYTE, LONGWORD, RECORDS (Default), and WORD.

3.4    /FULL

    Directs CMS to include the following information about the file
    used to create each generation:

    o  Creation time
    o  Revision time
    o  Revision number
    o  Record format
    o  Record attributes

    CMS also indicates deleted lines in the source listing. Each
    set of one or more deleted lines is identified by a count of the
    deleted lines.

3.5    /GENERATION[=generation-expression]

    Specifies a particular generation of the element to be annotated.
    If you omit /GENERATION, CMS annotates the most recent generation
    on the main line of descent.

    The history contains a description of every generation of the
    element, including those created after the specified generation.
    (Generations created after the specified generation are not marked
    with an asterisk.)

3.6    /LOG (D)

    Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
    on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
    successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
    /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
    warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
    of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.

3.7    /MERGE=generation-expression

    Combines two generations of an element and creates a single
    file that contains the annotated listing. The parameter on the
    /MERGE qualifier specifies the generation that is merged into the
    retrieved generation. This command creates a file that contains
    the text common to both generations and the changes made to both
    generations. When changes that are not identical are made in
    the same position of the common ancestor, the changes from both
    generations are included in the resulting file and are marked as a
    conflict. By default, generations are not merged.

3.8    /OCCLUDE[=option,...]

    Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
    object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
    search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
    associated with the name of the object. The options field can
    contain the following keywords:

       ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
       ELEMENT (D)
       GROUP (D)
       CLASS (D)
       NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

    You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
    [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

    By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
    selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.

3.9    /OUTPUT[=file-specification]

    Directs CMS to write output to the specified file. CMS creates a
    new file if you do not specify /APPEND. If you omit the /OUTPUT
    qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT but do not provide a file
    specification), CMS creates a file with the element file name and
    the file type .ANN. Wildcards are allowed.

    If you annotate more than one element (by specifying wildcards or
    a group name for the element expression parameter), and you do not
    specify wildcards in the output file specification, CMS creates
    successive versions of the file indicated by /OUTPUT.

4  –  Example


      This command produces a file named TIMECVT.ANN, which contains
      the annotated listing of generation 3 of TIMECVT.BAS. The
      contents of TIMECVT.ANN are as follows:

 Annotated listing for element TIMECVT.BAS in CMS Library
 DISKX:[WORK.CMSLIB]  25-APR-1988 15:50:29

  4    15-APR-1988 10:01:55 JAMES "additional error checks"
 *3    12-APR-1988 15:49:01 JAMES "add check for invalid delta time"
 *2    27-MAR-1988 12:39:58 JAMES "jp - fixed length string required"
 *1    25-MAR-1988 15:37:11 JAMES "time conversion program"

 Annotated listing for element TIMECVT.BAS in CMS Library
 DISKX:[WORK.CMSLIB]  25-APR-1988 15:50:29

          1       10      rem Program to compute an absolute time given the
 present time
          2               rem and a delta time. The result is written to a file.
          4       20      OPTION TYPE = EXPLICIT
          5               DECLARE STRING DELTA_TIME
  2       6               MAP (STRING_LEN) STRING ASC_TIME = 80
          7               DECLARE LONG RETCODE
          8               DIM LONG BINARY_DELTA(1)
          9               DIM LONG NOW(1)
          10              DIM LONG BINARY_CVT_TIME(1)
          12      100     EXTERNAL LONG CONSTANT SS$_NORMAL
  3       13              EXTERNAL LONG CONSTANT SS$_IVTIME
          14              EXTERNAL LONG FUNCTION LIB$ADDX
          15              EXTERNAL LONG FUNCTION LIB$SUBX
          16              EXTERNAL LONG FUNCTION LIB$INT_OVER
          20                                              LONG BY REF,
          21      150     LET RETCODE = LIB$INT_OVER(0)
          22              PRINT "Input delta time"
          23              INPUT DELTA_TIME
          24              LET RETCODE = SYS$BINTIM ( DELTA_TIME,
  3       25      175     IF (RETCODE = SS$_NORMAL) THEN GOTO 200
  3       26              ELSE IF RETCODE = SS$_IVTIME THEN     &
  3       27                   PRINT ,"INVALID TIME"
  3       28                   GOTO DONE
  3       29                   END IF
  3       30              END IF
  3       31      200     LET retcode = SYS$GETTIM(NOW(0))
  3       32              IF (VAL( DELTA_TIME ) > 0 ) THEN      &
          33              retcode=LIB$ADDX(NOW(0),BINARY_DELTA (0) ,
          34              END IF
          35              LET retcode = SYS$ASCTIM(,ASC_TIME,BINARY_
          36              OPEN "TIME.TMP" FOR OUTPUT AS FILE #1
          37              PRINT #1,ASC_TIME
          38              CLOSE #1
          39      32767   Done:  END

      The element's history appears at the beginning of the
      file TIMECVT.ANN. The history lists the records of the
      transactions that created each of the four generations.
      However, because the third generation was annotated (ANNOTATE
      TIMECVT.BAS/GENERATION=3), changes made after generation 3
      are not shown in the annotated listing. Generation 3 and its
      ancestors are marked with an asterisk in the history.

      The source file listing shows each line of the file, including
      line numbers. The numbers farthest to the left are the
      generation numbers in which the line was most recently inserted
      or modified; the lines with no generation numbers have not
      changed since generation 1. The next column of numbers is
      assigned by CMS. The third column of numbers is included in
      the program itself.
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