The LINAGE clause specifies the number of lines on a logical page. It can also specify the size of the logical page's top and bottom margins and the line where the footing area begins in the page body. Format - LINAGE IS {page-lines} LINES [ WITH FOOTING AT footing-line ] [ LINES AT TOP top-lines ] [ LINES AT BOTTOM bottom-lines ]
1 – page-lines
is a positive integer or the data-name of an elementary unsigned integer numeric data item. Its value must be greater than zero. It specifies the number of lines that can be written or spaced on the logical page. If page-lines is a data-name, it can be qualified.
2 – footing-line
is a positive integer or the data-name of an elementary unsigned integer numeric data item. Its value must be greater than zero, but cannot be greater than page-lines. Footing-lines specifies the line number where the footing area begins in the page body. If footing-line is a data-name, it can be qualified.
3 – top-lines
is an integer or the data-name of an elementary unsigned integer numeric data item. Its value can be zero. Top-lines specifies the number of lines in the top margin of the logical page. If top-lines is a data-name, it can be qualified.
4 – bottom-lines
is an integer or the data-name of an elementary unsigned integer numeric data item. Its value can be zero. Bottom-lines specifies the number of lines in the bottom margin of the logical page. If bottom-lines is a data-name, it can be qualified.