The UNSTRING statement separates contiguous data in a sending field and
  stores it in one or more receiving fields.

  Format -

   UNSTRING src-string

       [ DELIMITED BY [ALL] delim [ OR [ALL] delim ] ... ]

       INTO { dest-string [DELIMITER IN delim-dest] [COUNT IN countr] } ...

       [ WITH POINTER pointr ]

       [ TALLYING IN tally-ctr ]

       [ ON OVERFLOW stment ] [ NOT ON OVERFLOW stment ]

       [ END-UNSTRING ]

1  –  src-string

  is the identifier of an alphanumeric class data item.  It cannot be
  reference modified. Src-string is the sending field.

2  –  delim

  is a nonumeric literal or the identifier of an alphanumeric data item.
  It is the delimiter for the UNSTRING operation.

3  –  dest-string

  is the identifier of an alphanumeric, alphabetic, or numeric DISPLAY
  data item.  It is the receiving field for the data from src-string.

4  –  delim-dest

  is the identifier of an alphanumeric data item.  It is the receiving
  field for delimiters.

5  –  countr

  is the identifier of an elementary numeric data item described as an
  integer.  It contains the count of characters moved.

6  –  pointr

  is the identifier of an elementary numeric data item described as an
  integer.  It points to the current character position in src-string.

7  –  tally-ctr

  is the identifier of an elementary numeric data item described as an
  integer.  It counts the number of dest-string fields accessed during
  the UNSTRING operation.

8  –  stment

  is an imperative statement.
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