Creates a new file from one or more existing files. The COPY
    command can do the following:

    o  Copy an input file to an output file.

    o  Concatenate two or more input files into a single output file.

    o  Copy a group of input files to a group of output files.

    You can also specify certain qualifiers to invoke other

    o  Use /FTP to invoke the FTP utility to transfer files between
       hosts with possibly dissimilar file systems over a TCP/IP

    o  Use /RCP to invoke the RCP utility to copy files from host to
       host over a TCP/IP connection.

    o  Use /RECORDABLE_MEDIA to invoke the CDDVD utility to copy
       files from host/container file to CD-R/RW or DVD+R/RW.


      COPY  input-filespec[,...] output-filespec

1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the name of an existing file to be copied. The asterisk
    (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed.
    If you do not specify the device or directory, the COPY command
    uses your current default device and directory. If you specify
    more than one file, separate the file specifications with either
    commas (,)  or plus signs (+).


    Specifies the name of the output file into which the input is

    You must specify at least one field in the output file
    specification. If you do not specify the device or directory, the
    COPY command uses your current default device and directory. The
    COPY command replaces any other missing fields (file name, file
    type, version number) with the corresponding field of the input
    file specification. If you specify more than one input file, the
    COPY command generally uses the fields from the first input file
    to determine any missing fields in the output file.

    You can use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character in place of
    any two of the following: the file name, the file type, or the
    version number. The COPY command uses the corresponding field in
    the related input file to name the output file.

2  –  Qualifiers



    Forces the initial allocation of the output file to the
    specified number of 512-byte blocks. If you do not specify the
    /ALLOCATION qualifier, or if you specify it without the number-
    of-blocks parameter, the initial allocation of the output file is
    determined by the size of the input file being copied.

2.2    /BACKUP

    Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the
    /SINCE qualifier. The /BACKUP qualifier selects files according
    to the dates of their most recent backups. This qualifier
    is incompatible with the /CREATED, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED
    qualifiers, which also allow you to select files according
    to time attributes. If you specify none of these four time
    qualifiers, the default is the /CREATED qualifier.

2.3    /BEFORE


    Selects only those files dated prior to the specified time. You
    can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of absolute
    and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: BOOT,
    LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of
    the following qualifiers with the /BEFORE qualifier to indicate
    the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection:
    /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED.

    For complete information on specifying time values, see the
    OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.

2.4    /BLOCK_SIZE


    Overrides the default block size (124) used by COPY. You can
    specify a value in the range of 1 through 2**31-1.

2.5    /BY_OWNER


    Selects only those files whose owner user identification code
    (UIC) matches the specified owner UIC. The default UIC is that of
    the current process.

    Specify the UIC by using standard UIC format as described in the
    VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security.


       /CONCATENATE (default)

    Creates one output file from multiple input files when you do not
    use the asterisk (*)  or percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    in the output file specification. The /NOCONCATENATE qualifier
    generates multiple output files. A wildcard character in an input
    file specification results in a single output file consisting
    of the concatenation of all input files matching the file

    Files from Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 2 and 5 disks
    are concatenated in alphanumeric order. If you specify an
    asterisk (*)  or percent sign (%) wildcard character in the file
    version field, files are copied in descending order by version
    number. Files from Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 1 disks are
    concatenated in random order.

2.7    /CONFIRM

       /NOCONFIRM (default)

    Controls whether a request is issued before each copy operation
    to confirm that the operation should be performed on that file.
    The following responses are valid:

    YES      NO       QUIT
    TRUE     FALSE    Ctrl/Z
    1        0        ALL

    You can use any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters
    for word responses. You can abbreviate word responses to one or
    more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE), but these
    abbreviations must be unique. Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE,
    and 1. Negative answers include: NO, FALSE, 0, and pressing
    Return. Entering QUIT or pressing Ctrl/Z indicates that you want
    to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond by
    entering ALL, the command continues to process but no further
    prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of
    those in the list, DCL issues an error message and redisplays
    the prompt.



    Specifies that the output file must occupy contiguous physical
    disk blocks. By default, the COPY command creates an output file
    in the same format as the corresponding input file. Also, by
    default, if not enough space exists for a contiguous allocation,
    the COPY command does not report an error. If you copy multiple
    input files of different formats, the output file may or may not
    be contiguous. You can use the /CONTIGUOUS qualifier to ensure
    that files are copied contiguously.

    The /CONTIGUOUS qualifier has no effect when you copy files to
    or from tapes because the size of the file on tape cannot be
    determined until after it is copied to the disk. If you copy a
    file from a tape and want the file to be contiguous, use the COPY
    command twice: once to copy the file from the tape, and a second
    time to create a contiguous file.

2.9    /CREATED

       /CREATED (default)

    Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
    qualifier. The /CREATED qualifier selects files based on their
    dates of creation. This qualifier is incompatible with the
    /BACKUP, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED qualifiers, which also allow
    you to select files according to time attributes. If you specify
    none of these four time qualifiers, the default is the /CREATED

2.10    /EXCLUDE


    Excludes the specified files from the copy operation. You can
    include a directory but not a device in the file specification.
    The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    are allowed in the file specification; however, you cannot use
    relative version numbers to exclude a specific version. If you
    specify only one file, you can omit the parentheses.

2.11    /EXPIRED

    Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
    qualifier. The /EXPIRED qualifier selects files according to
    their expiration dates. (The expiration date is set with the
    SET FILE/EXPIRATION_DATE command.) The /EXPIRED qualifier
    is incompatible with the /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /MODIFIED
    qualifiers, which also allow you to select files according
    to time attributes. If you specify none of these four time
    qualifiers, the default is the /CREATED qualifier.

2.12    /EXTENSION


    Specifies the number of blocks to be added to the output
    file each time the file is extended. If you do not specify
    the /EXTENSION qualifier, the extension attribute of the
    corresponding input file determines the default extension
    attribute of the output file.

2.13    /LOG

       /NOLOG (default)

    Controls whether the COPY command displays the file
    specifications of each file copied.

    When you use the /LOG qualifier, the COPY command displays the
    following for each copy operation:

    o  The file specifications of the input and output files

    o  The number of blocks or the number of records copied
       (depending on whether the file is copied on a block-by-block
       or record-by-record basis)

    o  The total number of new files created

2.14    /MODIFIED

    Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
    qualifier. The /MODIFIED qualifier selects files according to
    the dates on which they were last modified. This qualifier
    is incompatible with the /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /EXPIRED
    qualifiers, which also allow you to select files according
    to time attributes. If you specify none of these four time
    modifiers, the default is the /CREATED qualifier.

2.15    /OVERLAY

       /NOOVERLAY (default)

    Requests that data in the input file be copied into the existing
    specified file, overlaying the existing data, rather than
    allocating new space for the file. The physical location of
    the file on disk does not change; however, for RMS indexed and
    relative files, if the output file has fewer blocks allocated
    than the input file, the copy fails giving an RMS-E-EOF error.

    The /OVERLAY qualifier is ignored if the output file is written
    to a non-file-structured device.



    Specifies protection for the output file.

    o  Specify the ownership parameter as system (S),  owner (O),
       group (G),  or world (W).

    o  Specify the access parameter as read (R),  write (W), execute
       (E),  or delete (D).

    The default protection, including any protection attributes not
    specified, is that of the existing output file. If no output file
    exists, the current default protection applies.

    For more information on specifying protection codes, see the VSI
    OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

2.17    /READ_CHECK

       /NOREAD_CHECK (default)

    Reads each record in the input files twice to verify that it has
    been read correctly.

2.18    /REPLACE

       /NOREPLACE (default)

    Requests that, if a file exists with the same file specification
    as that entered for the output file, the existing file is to
    be deleted. The COPY command allocates new space for the output
    file. In general, when you use the /REPLACE qualifier, include
    version numbers with the file specifications. By default, the
    COPY command creates a new version of a file if a file with
    that specification exists, incrementing the version number. The
    /NOREPLACE qualifier signals an error when a conflict in version
    numbers occurs.

2.19    /SINCE


    Selects only those files dated on or after the specified time.
    You can specify time as absolute time, as combination of absolute
    and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: BOOT,
    Specify one of the following qualifiers with the /SINCE qualifier
    to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for
    selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED.

    For complete information about specifying time values, see the
    OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.

2.20    /STYLE


    Specifies the file name format for display purposes.

    The valid keywords for this qualifier are CONDENSED and EXPANDED.
    Descriptions are as follows:

    Keyword     Explanation

    CONDENSED   Displays the file name representation of what is
    (default)   generated to fit into a 255-length character string.
                This file name may contain a DID or FID abbreviation
                in the file specification.
    EXPANDED    Displays the file name representation of what is
                stored on disk. This file name does not contain any
                DID or FID abbreviations.

    The keywords CONDENSED and EXPANDED are mutually exclusive. This
    qualifier specifies which file name format is displayed in the
    output message, along with the confirmation if requested.

    File errors are displayed with the CONDENSED file specification
    unless the EXPANDED keyword is specified.

    See the OpenVMS User's Manual for more information.

2.21    /SYMLINK

       /NOSYMLINK (default)

    If the input file is a symbolic link, the file to which the
    symbolic link refers is the file that is copied.

    The /SYMLINK qualifier indicates that any input symbolic link is

    If the file named in the command is a symlink, the command
    operates on the symlink target. The valid keywords for this
    qualifier are [NO]WILDCARD and [NO]ELLIPSIS. Descriptions are
    as follows:

    Keyword     Explanation

    NOWILDCARD  Indicates that symlinks are disabled during directory
                wildcard searches.
    WILDCARD    Indicates that symlinks are enabled during wildcard
    NOELLIPSIS  Indicates that symlinks are matched for all wildcard
                fields except for ellipsis.
    ELLIPSIS    Equivalent to WILDCARD (included for command

2.22    /TRUNCATE

       /TRUNCATE (default)

    Controls whether the COPY command truncates an output file at
    the end-of-file (EOF) when copying it. This operation can only be
    used with sequential files.

    By default, the actual size of the input file determines the size
    of the output file. If you select /NOTRUNCATE, the allocation of
    the input file determines the size of the output file.

2.23    /VOLUME


    Places the output file on the specified relative volume number of
    a multivolume set. By default, the COPY command places the output
    file arbitrarily in a multivolume set.

2.24    /WRITE_CHECK

       /NOWRITE_CHECK (default)

    Reads each record in the output file after it is written to
    verify that the record copied successfully and that the file
    can be read subsequently without error.


       Some hardware devices, such as TK50 tape drives, verify data
       integrity as part of their hardware function. For devices
       such as these, you do not need to use /WRITE_CHECK. For
       information about which devices provide automatic write
       checking, consult your hardware documentation.

3  –  Examples


      In this example, the COPY command copies the contents of the
      file TEST.DAT from the default disk and directory to a file
      named NEWTEST.DAT on the same disk and directory. If a file
      named NEWTEST.DAT exists, the COPY command creates a new
      version of the file.


      In this example, the first COPY command copies the file
      ALPHA.TXT into a file named TMP.TXT. The COPY command uses the
      file type of the input file to complete the file specification
      for the output file. The second COPY command creates a file
      named ALPHA.TMP. The COPY command uses the file name of the
      input file to name the output file.

    3.$ COPY *.* PRTLND::*.*

      In this example, the COPY command copies all files within the
      user directory at the local node to the remote node PRTLND. The
      new files have the same names as the input file. You must have
      write (W) access to the default directory on remote node PRTLND
      for the command to work.


      In this example, the COPY command copies the file TEST.DAT;5
      on the device DISK2 at node BOSTON to a new file named TEST.DAT
      at remote node DALLAS. The /ALLOCATION qualifier initially
      allocates 50 blocks for the new file TEST.DAT at node DALLAS.
      The access control string SAM SECReturn is used to access the
      remote directory.


      In this example, the COPY command creates the new empty
      directory [JONES.MONKEY] that is registered in the
      [JONES]MONKEY.DIR directory file. After the COPY command
      creates the new [JONES]MONKEY.DIR directory file, you can copy
      or create files in the [JONES.MONKEY] directory.

      The second COPY command in this example copies files from the
      [SMITH.MONKEY] directory to the [JONES.MONKEY] directory.


      In this example, the COPY command creates the new empty
      directory file, called [SMITH]DOGS.DIR. Use this copy command
      to create a directory file that has the same attributes as the
      [SMITH]CATS.DIR file. This command example has the same effect
      as entering the command:


      $ DELETE [SMITH.TIGER]*.*;*

      In this example, the COPY command creates the new empty
      directory file called [SMITH.ANIMALS]TIGER.DIR. The subsequent
      commands in this example then copy the files from the
      [SMITH.TIGER] directory to the [SMITH.ANIMALS.TIGER] directory,
      then delete the original TIGER.DIR directory file. Because
      TIGER.DIR is a directory file, you must specify a protection
      code of DELETE before you can delete the directory.

4    /FTP

    Transfers files between hosts with possibly dissimilar file
    systems over a TCP/IP connection by invoking the FTP utility.


      COPY/FTP  input-filespec output-filespec

4.1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the name of an existing file (the source file) to be


    Specifies the name of the output file (the destination file) into
    which the input file is copied.

4.2  –  Qualifiers

4.2.1    /ANONYMOUS

    Causes an anonymous access to the remote node or nodes.
    /ANONYMOUS is the default remote access. The password
    passed to the remote node should be in the form of

4.2.2    /ASCII

    Used to identify an ASCII file (text file). /ASCII is the

4.2.3    /BINARY

    Required to identify binary files.

4.2.4    /FDL

    This qualifier is optional. Causes interaction with an FDL (file
    definition language) file. If the file is being copied to the
    local OpenVMS system, a remote FDL file is sought and interpreted
    for the operation. If the file is being copied outside the local
    OpenVMS system, an FDL file is generated and copied in addition
    to the requested file. If the /FDL qualifier is specified and the
    vendor application does not support it, a warning message may be

4.2.5    /LOG

    Displays a message at SYS$OUTPUT when a file is transferred.

4.2.6    /NOSTRUVMS

    Used to explicitly disable the negotiation of STRU OpenVMS
    transfers. Otherwise, some servers will immediately abort when
    negotiating the feature.

4.2.7    /PASSIVE


    Controls whether the FTP client or server initiates the data
    connection. If you do not specify this qualifier, the Internet
    Protocol appropriate value is used. The values are: OFF for IPv4,
    ON for IPv6.

    The following table describes the /PASSIVE options:

    Option      Description

    OFF         The FTP server initiates the data connection.
    ON          The FTP client initiates the data connection.
                This is often used where a firewall between the FTP
                client and server prevents the server from making an
                outbound connection.

                ON is the default value only if /PASSIVE is

    The underlying TCP/IP Networking product must recognize this
    qualifier and must support FTP passive in order for this
    qualifier to have an effect.

    Note that the /PASSIVE qualifier is equivalent to the FTP PASV

4.2.8    /VERBOSE


    Specifies whether all messages (including banner messages) are to
    be displayed on the terminal. By default, disables the display of
    the messages.

4.3  –  Examples

    1.$ COPY/FTP/FDL/ANON rms_indexed_file.idx -

      This example transfers the OpenVMS RMS file rms_indexed_
      file.idx to the remote file public/rms.idx.file on remotehst5
      over a TCP/IP connection. Access to the remote host is
      anonymous and an FDL file is generated and copied along with

    2.$ COPY/FTP/VERBOSE sys$ -
"username password"::sys$login:login.tmp

      This example transfers the OpenVMS RMS file sys$
      to the remote file sys$login:login.tmp over a TCP/IP connection
      while specifying the user name and password on the remote


      In this example, the COPY/FTP command copies the file
      RESULTS.LOG to the file DKA200$:[JONES.DATA]RESULTS.LOG using
      the user account JONES, with password BYRONBAY on node grad,
      that is located in the internet domain.

5    /RCP

    Copies files from host to host over a TCP/IP connection by
    invoking the RCP utility.


      COPY/RCP  input-filespec output-filespec

5.1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the name of an existing file (the source file) to be


    Specifies the name of the output file (the destination file) into
    which the input file is copied.

5.2  –  Qualifiers


    Specifies that Kerberos authentication should be used for
    acquiring access to the remote node.

5.2.2    /LOG

    Displays a message in SYS$OUTPUT when a file is transferred.

5.2.3    /PRESERVE

    Preserves the file protection codes.

5.2.4    /RECURSIVE

    Requests a subdirectory copy operation.

5.2.5    /TRUNCATE


    Truncates the user name to 8 characters.

5.2.6    /USERNAME


    Optional qualifier that specifies the remote user name. The
    standard operation is to log in to a remote system using the same
    user name as at the local terminal. The command supports quoted
    parameters in the /USERNAME value.

5.3  –  Example

  $ COPY/RCP local_file.c remotehst4"Smith smpw"::rem_file.c

      This example copies local_file.c to rem_file.c on the remote
      host remotehst4 over a TCP/IP connection.


    The COPY/RECORDABLE_MEDIA (CDDVD) Utility allows users to create
    Compact Disk (CD) and Digital Versatile Disk (DVD) media directly
    on OpenVMS, using an optional optical disk recorder.

    CDDVD generates ISO/IEC 10149 Mode 1 (2048-byte blocks, data)
    single-session optical media recordings. CDDVD supports the
    recording of various optical media formats, including CD
    Recordable (CD-R), CD Rewritable (CD-RW), DVD Recordable (DVD+R)
    and DVD Rewritable (DVD+RW) formats. For a successful recording
    operation, one or more of these formats must be available within
    the target optical disk recording device. Compatible recording
    media must also be loaded into the recording device.

    The COPY/RECORDABLE_MEDIA command opens the specified input disk
    image file or input master device and records the entire contents
    to the specified CD-R, CD-RW, DVD+R, and DVD+RW media formats.


      COPY/RECORDABLE_MEDIA  source-path-name target-path-name

6.1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the name of an existing file (the source file) to be


    This is the data source for the recording operation.

    Specify the name of a disk file containing a disk image to be
    copied onto the target recording media, or the device name of the
    input device containing the disk volume master for the recording.

    On OpenVMS systems, this is usually a Logical Disk (LD) Utility
    LDAu: device.


    The device name of the target recordable media device.

    This is usually the name of an ATAPI (DQcu:) SCSI (DKcu:), or USB
    (DNcu:): CD-R/RW or DVD+R/RW recording device, or both.

6.2  –  Qualifiers

6.2.1    /BELL

    Sounds an audible signal when the requested recording operation
    completes successfully.

6.2.2    /FORMAT

       /NOFORMAT (default)

    Requests that rewritable (RW) media be formatted or reformatted
    prior to use. This qualifier is required for writing to blank
    rewritable media or rewriting rewritable media.

    If the target media cannot be formatted, this command qualifier
    is ignored.

    If not specified, the appropriate keyword is automatically
    selected for the fastest formatting speed available for the
    target recording media.

    Keywords for the /FORMAT Qualifier lists available keywords.

    Keyword     Description

    WAIT        Applies to DVD+RW. The default for the /FORMAT
                qualifier is not to wait for the formatting to
                complete because waiting is usually unnecessary and
                far slower.

                Selecting WAIT causes the entire format to run
                synchronously to completion before beginning the
                recording operation.

                The default is to:

                o  Operate asynchronously

                o  Perform background formatting

                o  Run both the media format operation and the
                   recording operations concurrently

    ERASE       Applies to CD-RW.

                The default for the /FORMAT qualifier is to perform a
                quick erasure because a full erasure is usually both
                unnecessary and far slower.

                Selecting ERASE causes the CD-RW rewritable disk to
                be entirely erased as part of the format operation.
                This erasure is performed and is completed before the
                recording operation begins.

                The default is to perform a quick erasure.

6.2.3    /LOG

       /LOG (default)

    Shows basic device information and the progress of the recording
    operation. Use /NOLOG to disable the normal output from the

6.2.4    /SPEED

    If you must use the lower-speed or poor-quality CD recording
    media, the /SPEED qualifier is often required for successful
    completion of the recording process. You might need to select a
    recording speed below the rated speed of the CD drive itself.

    Specifically, you might need to select a recording speed that
    is compatible with both the CD drive and the CD recording media
    loaded in the drive.

    The /SPEED qualifier accepts a single keyword for a requested
    device speed:

    o  1X

    o  2X

    o  4X

    o  8X

    o  16X

    o  32X

    o  MAXIMUM

    The CDDVD utility attempts to match the requested speed to a
    speed that the device supports. (Not all devices support all
    speeds, including the lowest speed, 1X, or the highest speed
    available.) The default speed is the maximum speed that the
    target device supports. DVD+R/RW drives select the maximum
    recording speed based on information encoded on the media.

    You need to specify this qualifier only under one of the
    following circumstances:

    o  When incompatibilities or recording errors are reported during
       a previous failed recording operation.

    o  If the CD media in use has a rated recording speed below the
       drive default recording settings.

    o  If CDDVD application, processor, or system I/O performan
       constraints exist.

    CD drives can select speeds faster than those supported by the
    particular media loaded in the drive. VSI recommends that you
    select only media that match the recording capabilities of the
    drive. In other words, do not attempt to exceed the recording
    speed limits of the particular CD media. Selecting faster media
    will not make a slow drive record any faster, and selecting
    faster speeds with slow media can trigger recording errors and
    corrupt media.

    If the recording process fails during the recording operation,
    discard the write-once media and try a slower recording speed.
    (Note that you can attempt to reformat and rerecord on rewritable

6.2.5    /VERIFY

    Specifies that the contents of the output media be compared to
    the contents of the input source after the recording operation.
    Any data comparison errors detected are displayed.

6.2.6    /WRITE

       /WRITE (default)

    Allows you to test the system and device I/O throughput and the
    command syntax without recording on the target media.

    If you specify /NOWRITE and if the target drive supports the
    underlying test-write hardware capability, all I/O operates as
    usual although /NOWRITE disables writing to the media.

    /WRITE is the default, and causes the target optical media to be

6.3  –  Examples

      $_      [/BELL] -
      $_      [/DATA_CHECK=WRITE] -
      $_      [/EXTENSIONS[=(keywords)]] -
      $_      [/[NO]LOG] -
      $_      [/SPEED={1X|2X|4X|8X|16X|32X|MAXIMUM}] -
      $_      source-path-name target-device-name

      This example shows the generic format of the COPY/RECORDABLE_
      MEDIA command.

      VSI OpenVMS CD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW Utility  V1.0-0
      Copyright 2015 VMS Software, Inc.

      Output device vendor: HP
      Output device product name: DVD Writer 740b
      Commencing media format operation
      Formatting may require up to an hour
      Output medium format: DVD+RW
       Input data being read from: LDA1:
       Input data size: 1200000 blocks

      Starting operation at: 15:28:16

      16 sectors written

      30000 sectors written; estimated completion in 00:06:52; at 15:35:55
      37000 sectors written; estimated completion in 00:06:54; at 15:36:07
      46000 sectors written; estimated completion in 00:06:36; at 15:36:03
      57000 sectors written; estimated completion in 00:06:08; at 15:35:51
      71000 sectors written; estimated completion in 00:06:00; at 15:36:04
      88000 sectors written; estimated completion in 00:05:26; at 15:35:56
      110000 sectors written; estimated completion in 00:04:55; at 15:35:58
      137000 sectors written; estimated completion in 00:04:12; at 15:35:56
      171000 sectors written; estimated completion in 00:03:14; at 15:35:48
      213000 sectors written; estimated completion in 00:02:10; at 15:35:48
      266000 sectors written; estimated completion in 00:00:54; at 15:35:50
      300000 sectors written; operation completed
      Operation completed at: 15:35:47
      Elapsed time for operation: 00:07:30
      Synchronizing with output device cache
      Processing completed

      This example demonstrates recording the contents of LDA1:
      device onto the DVD+RW media loaded into device DQA1:.
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