1 – rdacl_get_access
NAME rdacl_get_access - Reads a privilege attribute certificate SYNOPSIS #include <dce/rdaclif.h> void rdacl_get_access( handle_t h, sec_acl_component_name_t component_name, uuid_t *manager_type, sec_acl_permset_t *net_rights, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the object whose ACL is to be accessed. component_name A character string containing the name of the target object. manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use sec_acl_get_manager_types() to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given object. Output net_rights The output list of access rights, in sec_acl_permset_t form. This is a 32-bit set of permission flags supported by the manager type. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The rdacl_get_access() routine determines the complete extent of access to the specified object by the calling process. Although the rdacl_test_access() routines are the preferred method of testing access, this routine is useful for implementing operations like the conventional UNIX access function. NOTES This call is not intended to be used by application programs. The sec_acl Application Programming Interface (API) provides all the functionality necessary to use the ACL facility. This reference page is provided for programmers who wish to write an ACL manager. In order to write an ACL manager, a programmer must implement the entire rdacl interface. This network interface is called on the client side via the sec_acl local interface. Developers are responsible for implementing the server side of this interface. Test server code is included as a sample implementation. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]RDACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/rdaclif.h was derived. ERRORS sec_acl_invalid_manager_type The manager type is not valid. sec_acl_invalid_acl_type The ACL type is not valid. sec_acl_not_authorized The requested operation is not allowed. sec_acl_object_not_found The requested object could not be found. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro rdacl_test_access
2 – rdacl_get_manager_types
NAME rdacl_get_manager_types - Lists the types of ACLs protecting an object SYNOPSIS #include <dce/rdaclif.h> void rdacl_get_manager_types( handle_t h, sec_acl_component_name_t component_name, sec_acl_type_t sec_acl_type, unsigned32 size_avail, unsigned32 *size_used, unsigned32 *num_types, uuid_t manager_types[], error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. component_name A character string containing the name of the target object. sec_acl_type The ACL type. The sec_acl_type_t data type distinguishes the various types of ACLs an object can possess for a given manager type. The possible values are as follows: + sec_acl_type_object + sec_acl_type_default_object + sec_acl_type_default_container size_avail An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the allocated length of the manager_types[] array. Output size_used An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of output entries returned in the manager_types[] array. num_types An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of types returned in the manager_types[] array. This is always equal to size_used. manager_types[] An array of length size_avail to contain UUIDs (of type uuid_t) identifying the different types of ACL managers protecting the target object. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The rdacl_get_manager_types() routine returns a list of the types of ACLs protecting an object. For example, in addition to the regular file system ACL, a file representing the stable storage of some database could have an ACL manager that supported permissions allowing database updates only on certain days of the week. ACL editors and browsers can use this operation to determine the ACL manager types that a particular reference monitor is using to protect a selected entity. Then, using the rdacl_get_printstring() routine, they can determine how to format for display the permissions supported by a specific manager. NOTES This call is not intended to be used by application programs. The sec_acl Application Programming Interface (API) provides all the functionality necessary to use the ACL facility. This reference page is provided for programmers who wish to write an ACL manager. In order to write an ACL manager, a programmer must implement the entire rdacl interface. This network interface is called on the client side via the sec_acl local interface. Developers are responsible for implementing the server side of this interface. Test server code is included as a sample implementation. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]RDACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/rdaclif.h was derived. ERRORS error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro rdacl_get_printstring
3 – rdacl_get_mgr_types_semantics
NAME rdacl_get_manager_types_semantics - Lists the ACL manager types protecting an object and the POSIX semantics supported by each manager type SYNOPSIS #include <dce/rdaclif.h> void rdacl_get_mgr_types_semantics( handle_t h, sec_acl_component_name_t component_name, sec_acl_type_t sec_acl_type, unsigned32 size_avail, unsigned32 *size_used, unsigned32 *num_types, uuid_t manager_types[], sec_acl_posix_semantics_t posix_semantics[], error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. component_name A character string containing the name of the target object. sec_acl_type The ACL type used to limit the function's output to ACL managers that control the specified types of ACLs. The possible values are as follows: + sec_acl_type_object - Object ACL, the ACL controlling access to an object. + sec_acl_type_default_object - Initial Object ACL, the default ACL for objects created in a container object. + sec_acl_type_default_container - Initial Container ACL, the default ACL for containers created in a container object. size_avail An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the allocated length of the manager_types[] and the posix_semantics[] arrays. Output size_used An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of output entries returned in the manager_types[] array. num_types An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of types returned in the manager_types[] array. This is always equal to size_used. manager_types[] An array of length size_avail containing the returned UUIDs (of type uuid_t) identifying the different ACL manager types protecting the target object. posix_semantics[] An array of length size_avail containing the POSIX semantics (of type sec_acl_posix_semantics_t) that are supported by each returned ACL manager type. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The rdacl_get_manager_types_semantics() routine returns a list of the ACL manager types protecting an object and a list of the POSIX semantics supported by those ACL manager types. Access to an object can be controlled by multiple ACL manager types. For example, access to a file representing the stable storage of a database could be controlled by two ACL manager types each with completely different sets of permissions: one to provide standard file system access (read, write, execute, etc.) and one to provide access that allows database updates only on certain days of the week. ACL editors and browsers can use this operation to determine the ACL manager types that a particular reference monitor is using to protect a selected entity. Then, using the rdacl_get_printstring() routine, they can determine how to format for display the permissions supported by a specific manager. NOTES This call is not intended to be used by application programs. The sec_acl Application Programming Interface (API) provides all the functionality necessary to use the ACL facility. This reference page is provided for programmers who wish to write an ACL manager. In order to write an ACL manager, a programmer must implement the entire rdacl interface. This network interface is called on the client side via the sec_acl local interface. Developers are responsible for implementing the server side of this interface. Test server code is included as a sample implementation. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]RDACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/rdaclif.h was derived. ERRORS error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro rdacl_get_printstring
4 – rdacl_get_printstring
NAME rdacl_get_printstring - Returns printable ACL strings SYNOPSIS #include <dce/rdaclif.h> void rdacl_get_printstring( handle_t h, uuid_t *manager_type, unsigned32 size_avail, uuid_t *manager_type_chain, sec_acl_printstring_t *manager_info, boolean32 *tokenize, unsigned32 *total_num_printstrings, unsigned32 *size_used, sec_acl_printstring_t printstrings[], error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use rdacl_get_manager_types() to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given object. size_avail An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the allocated length of the printstrings[] array. Output manager_type_chain If the target object ACL contains more than 32 permission bits, multiple manager types are used, one for each 32-bit wide "slice" of permissions. The UUID returned in manager_type_chain refers to the next ACL manager in the chain. If there are no more ACL managers for this ACL, uuid_nil is returned. manager_info Provides a name and helpstring for the given ACL manager. tokenize When FALSE this variable indicates that the returned permission printstrings are unambiguous and therefore may be concatenated when printed without confusion. When TRUE, however, this property does not hold, and the strings need to be separated when printed or passed. total_num_printstrings An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the total number of permission printstrings supported by this ACL manager type. size_used An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of permission entries returned in the printstrings[] array. printstrings[] An array of permission printstrings of type sec_acl_printstring_t. Each entry of the array is a structure containing three components: printstring A character string of maximum length sec_acl_printstring_len containing the printable representation of a specified permission. helpstring A character string of maximum length sec_acl_printstring_help_len containing some text that can be used to describe the specified permission. permissions A sec_acl_permset_t permission set describing the permissions that are to be represented with the companion printstring. The array consists of one such entry for each permission supported by the ACL manager identified by manager_type. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The rdacl_get_printstring() routine returns an array of printable representations (called printstrings) for each permission bit or combination of permission bits the specified ACL manager will support. The ACL manager type specified must be one of the types indicated by the ACL handle. In addition to returning the printstrings, this routine also returns instructions about how to print the strings. When the tokenize variable is set to FALSE, a print string might be r or w, which could be concatenated in the display as rw without any confusion. However, when the tokenize variable is TRUE, it implies the printstrings might be of a form like read or write, which must be displayed separated by spaces or colons or something. In any list of permission printstrings, there may appear to be some redundancy. ACL managers often define aliases for common permission combinations. By convention, however, simple entries need to appear at the beginning of the printstrings[] array, and combinations need to appear at the end. NOTES This call is not intended to be used by application programs. The sec_acl Application Programming Interface (API) provides all the functionality necessary to use the ACL facility. This reference page is provided for programmers who wish to write an ACL manager. In order to write an ACL manager, a programmer must implement the entire rdacl interface. This network interface is called on the client side via the sec_acl local interface. Developers are responsible for implementing the server side of this interface. Test server code is included as a sample implementation. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]RDACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/rdaclif.h was derived. ERRORS sec_acl_unknown_manager_type The manager type selected is not among those referenced by the input handle. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_acl_bind rdacl_get_manager_types
5 – rdacl_get_referral
NAME rdacl_get_referral - Gets a referral to an ACL update site SYNOPSIS #include <dce/rdaclif.h> void rdacl_get_referral( handle_t h, sec_acl_component_name_t component_name, uuid_t *manager_type, sec_acl_type_t sec_acl_type, sec_acl_tower_set_t *towers[], error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. component_name A character string containing the name of the target object. manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use sec_acl_get_manager_types() to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given object. sec_acl_type The ACL type. The sec_acl_type_t data type distinguishes the various types of ACLs an object can possess for a given manager type. The possible values are as follows: + sec_acl_type_object + sec_acl_type_default_object + sec_acl_type_default_container Output towers[] A pointer to address information indicating an ACL update site. This information, obtained from the RPC runtime, is used by the client-side code to construct a new ACL binding handle indicating a site that will not return the sec_acl_site_readonly error. The sec_acl_tower_set_t structure contains an array of towers (called towers[]) and an unsigned 32-bit integer indicating the number of array elements (called count). This type enables the client to pass in an unallocated array of towers and have the server allocate the correct amount. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The rdacl_get_referral() routine obtains a referral to an ACL update site. This function is used when the current ACL site yields a sec_acl_site_readonly error. Some replication managers will require all updates for a given object to be directed to a given replica. If clients of the generic ACL interface know they are dealing with an object that is replicated in this way, this function allows them to recover from the problem and rebind to the proper update site. The DCE network registry, for example, is replicated this way. NOTES This call is not intended to be used by application programs. The sec_acl Application Programming Interface (API) provides all the functionality necessary to use the ACL facility. This reference page is provided for programmers who wish to write an ACL manager. In order to write an ACL manager, a programmer must implement the entire rdacl interface. This network interface is called on the client side via the sec_acl local interface. Developers are responsible for implementing the server side of this interface. Test server code is included as a sample implementation. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]RDACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/rdaclif.h was derived. ERRORS sec_acl_unknown_manager_type The manager type selected is not an available option. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro
6 – rdacl_lookup
NAME rdacl_lookup - Returns the ACL for an object SYNOPSIS #include <dce/rdaclif.h> void rdacl_lookup( handle_t h, sec_acl_component_name_t component_name, uuid_t *manager_type, sec_acl_type_t sec_acl_type, sec_acl_result_t *result); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. component_name A character string containing the name of the target object. manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use sec_acl_get_manager_types() to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given object. sec_acl_type The ACL type. The sec_acl_type_t data type distinguishes the various types of ACLs an object can possess for a given manager type. The possible values are as follows: + sec_acl_type_object + sec_acl_type_default_object + sec_acl_type_default_container Output result A pointer to a tagged union of type sec_acl_result_t. The tag is the completion status, result.st. If result.st is equal to error_status_ok, the union contains an ACL. Otherwise, the completion status indicates an error, and the union is empty. If the call returned successfully, the result.tagged_union.sec_acl_list_t structure contains a sec_acl_list_t. This data type is an array of pointers to sec_acl_ts that define ACLs. If the permission set of the returned ACL is 32 bits or smaller, sec_acl_list_t points to only one sec_acl_t. If the permission set of the returned ACL is larger than 32 bits, multiple sec_acl_ts are used to hold them, and the sec_acl_list_t points to multiple sec_acl_ts. DESCRIPTION The rdacl_lookup() routine loads into memory a copy of an object's ACL corresponding to the specified manager type. The routine returns a pointer to the ACL. This routine is only used by ACL editors and browsers; an application would use sec_acl_test_access() or sec_acl_test_access_on_behalf() to process the contents of an ACL. NOTES This call is not intended to be used by application programs. The sec_acl Application Programming Interface (API) provides all the functionality necessary to use the ACL facility. This reference page is provided for programmers who wish to write an ACL manager. In order to write an ACL manager, a programmer must implement the entire rdacl interface. This network interface is called on the client side via the sec_acl local interface. Developers are responsible for implementing the server side of this interface. Test server code is included as a sample implementation. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]RDACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/rdaclif.h was derived. ERRORS sec_acl_unknown_manager_type The manager type selected is not an available option. sec_acl_cant_allocate_memory The requested operation requires more memory than is avail- able. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_acl_bind sec_acl_test_access sec_acl_test_access_on_behalf
7 – rdacl_replace
NAME rdacl_replace - Replaces an ACL SYNOPSIS #include <dce/rdaclif.h> void rdacl_replace( handle_t h, sec_acl_component_name_t component_name, uuid_t *manager_type, sec_acl_type_t sec_acl_type, sec_acl_list_t *sec_acl_list, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. component_name A character string containing the name of the target object. manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use sec_acl_get_manager_types() to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given object. sec_acl_type The ACL type. The sec_acl_type_t data type distinguishes the various types of ACLs an object can possess for a given manager type. The possible values are as follows: + sec_acl_type_object + sec_acl_type_default_object + sec_acl_type_default_container sec_acl_list The new ACL to use for the target object. This is represented by a pointer to the sec_acl_list_t structure containing the complete Access Control List. An ACL contains a list of ACL entries, the UUID of the default cell where authentication takes place (foreign entries in the ACL contain the name of their parent cell), and the UUID of the ACL manager to interpret the list. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The rdacl_replace() routine replaces the ACL indicated by the input handle with the information in the sec_acl_list parameter. ACLs are thought of as immutable, and in order to modify them, an editing application must read an entire ACL (using the sec_acl_lookup() routine), modify it as needed, and replace it using this routine. NOTES This call is not intended to be used by application programs. The sec_acl Application Programming Interface (API) provides all the functionality necessary to use the ACL facility. This reference page is provided for programmers who wish to write an ACL manager. In order to write an ACL manager, a programmer must implement the entire rdacl interface. This network interface is called on the client side via the sec_acl local interface. Developers are responsible for implementing the server side of this interface. Test server code is included as a sample implementation. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]RDACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/rdaclif.h was derived. ERRORS sec_acl_unknown_manager_type The manager type selected is not an available option. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_acl_bind sec_acl_lookup
8 – rdacl_test_access
NAME rdacl_test_access - Tests access to an object SYNOPSIS #include <dce/rdaclif.h> boolean32 rdacl_test_access( handle_t h, sec_acl_component_name_t component_name, uuid_t *manager_type, sec_acl_permset_t desired_permset, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. component_name A character string containing the name of the target object. manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use sec_acl_get_manager_types() to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given object. desired_permset A permission set in sec_acl_permset_t form containing the desired privileges. This is a 32-bit set of permission flags supported by the manager type. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The rdacl_test_access() routine determines if the specified ACL contains entries granting privileges to the calling process matching those in desired_permset. An application generally only inquires after the minimum set of privileges needed to accomplish a specific task. NOTES This call is not intended to be used by application programs. The sec_acl Application Programming Interface (API) provides all the functionality necessary to use the ACL facility. This reference page is provided for programmers who wish to write an ACL manager. In order to write an ACL manager, a programmer must implement the entire rdacl interface. This network interface is called on the client side via the sec_acl local interface. Developers are responsible for implementing the server side of this interface. Test server code is included as a sample implementation. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]RDACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/rdaclif.h was derived. ERRORS sec_acl_unknown_manager_type The manager type selected is not an available option. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro rdacl_test_access_on_behalf
9 – rdacl_test_access_on_behalf
NAME rdacl_test_access_on_behalf - Tests access to an object on behalf of another process SYNOPSIS #include <dce/rdaclif.h> boolean rdacl_test_access_on_behalf( handle_t h, sec_acl_component_name_t component_name, uuid_t *manager_type, sec_id_pac_t *subject, sec_acl_permset_t desired_permset, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. component_name A character string containing the name of the target object. manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use sec_acl_get_manager_types() to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given object. subject A Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) for the subject process. The PAC contains the name and UUID of the principal and parent cell of the subject process, as well as a list of any groups to which it belongs. The PAC also contains a flag (named authenticated). When set, it indicates that the certificate was obtained from an authenticated source. When not set, the certificate must not be trusted. (The field is FALSE when it was obtained from the rpc_auth layer and the protect level was set to rpc_c_protect_level_none. This indicates that no authentication protocol was actually used in the remote procedure call; the identity was simply transmitted from the caller to the callee. If an authentication protocol was used, then the flag is set to TRUE.) A server uses rpc_binding_inq_auth_client() to acquire a certificate for the client process. desired_permset A permission set in sec_acl_permset_t form containing the desired privileges. This is a 32-bit set of permission flags supported by the manager type. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The rdacl_test_access_on_behalf() routine determines if the specified ACL contains entries granting privileges to the subject, a process besides the calling process, matching those in desired_permset. This routine succeeds only if the access is available to both the caller process as well as the subject identified in the call. An application will generally only inquire after the minimum set of privileges needed to accomplish a specific task. NOTES This call is not intended to be used by application programs. The sec_acl Application Programming Interface (API) provides all the functionality necessary to use the ACL facility. This reference page is provided for programmers who wish to write an ACL manager. In order to write an ACL manager, a programmer must implement the entire rdacl interface. This network interface is called on the client side via the sec_acl local interface. Developers are responsible for implementing the server side of this interface. Test server code is included as a sample implementation. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]RDACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/rdaclif.h was derived. ERRORS sec_acl_unknown_manager_type The manager type selected is not an available option. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro rdacl_test_access rpc_binding_inq_auth_client
10 – sec_acl_bind
NAME sec_acl_bind - Returns a handle for an object's ACL SYNOPSIS #include <dce/daclif.h> void sec_acl_bind( unsigned char *entry_name, boolean32 bind_to_entry, sec_acl_handle_t *h, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input entry_name The name of the target object. Subsequent ACL operations using the returned handle will affect the ACL of this object. bind_to_entry Bind indicator, for use when entry_name identifies both an entry in the global namespace and an actual object. A TRUE value binds the handle to the entry in the namespace, while FALSE binds the handle to the actual object. Output h A pointer to the sec_acl_handle_t variable to receive the returned ACL handle. The other sec_acl routines use this handle to refer to the ACL for the object specified with entry_name. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_acl_bind() routine returns a handle bound to the indicated object's ACL. This routine is central to all the other sec_acl routines, each of which requires this handle to identify the ACL on which to operate. NOTES If the specified name is both an actual object, and an entry in the global namespace, there are two ACLs associated with it. For example, in addition to the ACL normally attached to file system objects, the root directory of a file system has an ACL corresponding to its entry in the global namespace. This controls access by outsiders to the entire file system, whereas the resident ACL for the root directory only controls access to the directory and, by inheritance, its sub- directories. The ambiguity must be resolved with the bind_to_entry parameter. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/daclif.h was derived. ERRORS sec_acl_object_not_found The requested object could not be found. sec_acl_no_acl_found There is no ACL associated with the specified object. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro
11 – sec_acl_bind_to_addr
NAME sec_acl_bind_to_addr - Returns a handle to an object identified by its network address SYNOPSIS #include <dce/daclif.h> void sec_acl_bind_to_addr( unsigned char *site_addr, sec_acl_component_name_t component_name, sec_acl_handle_t *h, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input site_addr An RPC string binding to the fully qualified network address of the target object. component_name The name of the target object. Subsequent ACL operations using the returned handle will affect the ACL of this object. Output h A pointer to the sec_acl_handle_t variable to receive the returned ACL handle. The other sec_acl routines use this handle to refer to the ACL for the object specified with entry_name. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_acl_bind_to_addr() routine returns a handle bound to the indicated object's ACL manager. This routine and the sec_acl_bind() routine are central to all the other sec_acl routines, each of which requires a handle to identify the ACL on which to operate. This routine differs from sec_acl_bind() in that it binds to the network address of the target object, rather than to a cell namespace entry. Therefore, unlike sec_acl_bind(), it is possible to pass sec_acl_bind_to_addr() a null string as a component name and to bind with a nonexistent name. The purpose of this call is to eliminate the necessity of looking up an object's name. To validate the name, use sec_acl_bind(). FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/daclif.h was derived. ERRORS sec_acl_object_not_found The requested object could not be found. sec_acl_no_acl_found There is no ACL associated with the specified object. sec_acl_unable_to_authenticate The call could not authenticate to the server that manages the target object's ACL. sec_acl_bind_error The call could not bind to the requested site. sec_acl_invalid_site_name The site_addr parameter is invalid. sec_acl_cant_allocate_memory Memory allocation failure. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro
12 – sec_acl_calc_mask
NAME sec_acl_calc_mask - Returns the sec_acl_type_mask_obj entry for the specified ACL list SYNOPSIS #include <dce/daclif.h> void sec_acl_calc_mask( sec_acl_list_t *sec_acl_list, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input/Output *sec_acl_list A pointer to a sec_acl_type_t the specifies the number of ACLs of each ACL type. The sec_acl_type_t data type distinguishes between the various types of ACLs an object can possess for a given manager. In the file system, for example, most objects have only one ACL, controlling the access to that object, but objects that control the creation of other objects (sometimes referred to as "containers") may have more. A directory, for example, can have ACLs to be used as initial values when member objects are created. Do not confuse ACL types with the permissions corresponding to different ACL manager types or with the ACL manager types them- selves. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_acl_calc_mask() routine calculates and sets the sec_acl_e_type_mask_obj entry of the specified ACL list. The value of the sec_acl_e_type_mask_obj entry is the union of the permissions of all ACL entries that refer to members of the File Group Class. This operation is performed locally, within the client. The function does not check to determine if the manager to which the specified ACL list will be submitted supports the sec_acl_e_type_mask_obj entry type. The calling application must determine whether to call this routine, after obtaining the required, if any, POSIX semantics, via the sec_acl_get_mgr_types_semantics() routine. NOTES This call is provided in source code form. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/daclif.h was derived. ERRORS sec_acl_cant_allocate_memory Requested operation requires more memory than is available. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro
13 – sec_acl_get_access
NAME sec_acl_get_access - Lists the access (permission set) that the caller has for an object SYNOPSIS #include <dce/daclif.h> void sec_acl_get_access( sec_acl_handle_t h, uuid_t *manager_type, sec_acl_permset_t *net_rights, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the object whose ACL is to be accessed. Use sec_acl_bind() to create this handle. manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the manager type of the ACL in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use sec_acl_get_manager_types() to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given object. Output net_rights The output list of access rights in sec_acl_permset_t form. This is a 32-bit set of permission flags supported by the manager type. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_acl_get_access() routine determines the complete extent of access to the specified object by the calling process. Although the sec_acl_test_access() and sec_acl_test_access_on_behalf() routines are the preferred method of testing access, this routine is useful for implementing operations like the conventional UNIX access function. Permissions Required The sec_acl_get_access() routine requires at least one permission of any kind on the object for which the access is to be returned. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/daclif.h was derived. ERRORS error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_acl_test_access sec_acl_test_access_on_behalf
14 – sec_acl_get_error_info
NAME sec_acl_get_error_info - Returns error information from an ACL handle SYNOPSIS #include <dce/daclif.h> error_status_t sec_acl_get_error_info( sec_acl_handle_t h); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target ACL. The handle is bound to the ACL with the sec_acl_bind() routine, which also specifies the name of the object to which the target ACL belongs. DESCRIPTION The sec_acl_get_error_info() routine returns error information from the specified ACL handle. During a call to a routine in the sec_acl Application Programming Interface (API), error codes received from the RPC runtime or other APIs are saved in the ACL handle and a corresponding error code from the sec_acl set is passed back by the ACL API. The sec_acl_get_error_info() routine returns the last error code stored in the ACL handle for those clients who need to know exactly what went wrong. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/daclif.h was derived. RETURN VALUES This routine returns a value of type error_status_t, indicating the cause of the last error issued by the RPC runtime. ERRORS sec_acl_invalid_handle The ACL handle specified by sec_acl_handle_t is invalid. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_acl_bind sec_acl_lookup
15 – sec_acl_get_manager_types
NAME sec_acl_get_manager_types - Lists the manager types of the ACLs protecting an object SYNOPSIS #include <dce/daclif.h> void sec_acl_get_manager_types( sec_acl_handle_t h, sec_acl_type_t sec_acl_type, unsigned32 size_avail, unsigned32 *size_used, unsigned32 *num_types, uuid_t manager_types[], error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. Use sec_acl_bind() to create this handle. sec_acl_type The ACL type. The sec_acl_type_t data type distinguishes the various types of ACLs an object can possess for a given manager type. The possible values are as follows: + sec_acl_type_object + sec_acl_type_default_object + sec_acl_type_default_container size_avail An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the allocated length of the manager_types[] array. Output size_used An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of output entries returned in the manager_types[] array. num_types An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of types returned in the manager_types[] array. This may be greater than size_used if there was not enough space allocated in the manager_types[] array for all the manager types. manager_types[] An array of length size_avail to contain UUIDs (of type uuid_t) identifying the different types of ACL managers protecting the target object. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_acl_get_manager_types() routine returns a list of the manager types of ACLs of type sec_acl_type that are protecting the object identified by h. For example, in addition to the regular file system ACL, a file representing the stable storage of some database could have an ACL manager that supported permissions allowing database updates only on certain days of the week. ACL editors and browsers can use this operation to determine the ACL manager types that a particular reference monitor is using to protect a selected entity. Then, using the sec_acl_get_printstring() routine, they can determine how to format for display the permissions supported by a specific manager. Permissions Required The sec_acl_get_manager_types() routine requires at least one permission of any kind on the object for which the ACL manager types are to be returned. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/daclif.h was derived. ERRORS error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_acl_bind sec_acl_get_printstring
16 – sec_acl_get_manager_types_semantics
NAME sec_acl_get_mgr_types_semantics - Lists the manager types of the ACLs protecting an object SYNOPSIS #include <dce/daclif.h> void sec_acl_get_mgr_types_semantics( sec_acl_handle_t h, sec_acl_type_t sec_acl_type, unsigned32 size_avail, unsigned32 *size_used, unsigned32 *num_types, uuid_t manager_types[], sec_acl_posix_semantics_t posix_semantics[], error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. Use sec_acl_bind() to create this handle. sec_acl_type The ACL type. The sec_acl_type_t data type distinguishes the various types of ACLs an object can possess for a given manager type. The possible values are as follows: + sec_acl_type_object + sec_acl_type_default_object + sec_acl_type_default_container size_avail An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the allocated length of the manager_types[] array. Output size_used An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of output entries returned in the manager_types[] array. num_types An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of types returned in the manager_types[] array. This may be greater than size_used if there was not enough space allocated in the manager_types[] array for all the manager types. manager_types[] An array of length size_avail to contain UUIDs (of type uuid_t) identifying the different types of ACL managers protecting the target object. posix_semantics[] An array of POSIX semantics supported by each manager type with entries of type sec_acl_posix_semantics_t. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_acl_get_mgr_types_semantics() routine returns a list of the manager types of ACLs of type sec_acl_type that are protecting the object identified by h. For example, in addition to the regular file system ACL, a file representing the stable storage of some database could have an ACL manager that supported permissions allowing database updates only on certain days of the week. ACL editors and browsers can use this operation to determine the ACL manager types that a particular reference monitor is using to protect a selected entity. Then, using the sec_acl_get_printstring() routine, they can determine how to format for display the permissions supported by a specific manager. Permissions Required The sec_acl_get_mgr_types_semantics() routine requires at least one permission of any kind on the object for which the ACL manager types are to be returned. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/daclif.h was derived. ERRORS error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_acl_bind sec_acl_get_printstring
17 – sec_acl_get_printstring
NAME sec_acl_get_printstring - Returns printable ACL strings SYNOPSIS #include <dce/daclif.h> void sec_acl_get_printstring( sec_acl_handle_t h, uuid_t *manager_type, unsigned32 size_avail, uuid_t *manager_type_chain, sec_acl_printstring_t *manager_info, boolean32 *tokenize, unsigned32 *total_num_printstrings, unsigned32 *size_used, sec_acl_printstring_t printstrings[], error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. Use sec_acl_bind() to create this handle. manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use sec_acl_get_manager_types() to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given object. size_avail An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the allocated length of the printstrings[] array. Output manager_type_chain If the target object ACL contains more than 32 permission bits, multiple manager types are used, one for each 32-bit wide "slice" of permissions. The UUID returned in manager_type_chain refers to the next ACL manager in the chain. If there are no more ACL managers for this ACL, uuid_nil is returned. manager_info Provides a name and helpstring for the given ACL manager. tokenize When FALSE, this variable indicates that the returned permission printstrings are unambiguous and therefore may be concatenated when printed without confusion. When TRUE, however, this property does not hold, and the strings need to be separated when printed or passed. total_num_printstrings An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the total number of permission printstrings supported by this ACL manager type. size_used An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of permission entries returned in the printstrings[] array. printstrings[] An array of permission printstrings of type sec_acl_printstring_t. Each entry of the array is a structure containing the following three components: printstring A character string of maximum length sec_acl_printstring_len describing the printable representation of a specified permission. helpstring A character string of maximum length sec_acl_printstring_help_len containing some text that can be used to describe the specified permission. permissions A sec_acl_permset_t permission set describing the permissions that are represented with the companion printstring. The array consists of one such entry for each permission supported by the ACL manager identified by manager_type. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_acl_get_printstring() routine returns an array of printable representations (called "printstrings") for each permission bit or combination of permission bits the specified ACL manager supports. The ACL manager type specified must be one of the types protecting the object indicated by h. In addition to returning the printstrings, this routine also returns instructions about how to print the strings. When the tokenize variable is set to FALSE, a printstring might be r or w, which could be concatenated in the display as rw without any confusion. However, when the tokenize variable is TRUE, it implies the printstrings might be of a form like read or write, which must be displayed separated by spaces or colons or something. In any list of permission printstrings, there may appear to be some redundancy. ACL managers often define aliases for common permission combinations. By convention, however, simple entries should appear at the beginning of the printstrings[] array, and combinations should appear at the end. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/daclif.h was derived. ERRORS sec_acl_unknown_manager_type The manager type selected is not among those referenced by the input handle. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_acl_bind sec_acl_get_manager_types
18 – sec_acl_lookup
NAME sec_acl_lookup - Returns the ACL for an object SYNOPSIS #include <dce/daclif.h> void sec_acl_lookup( sec_acl_handle_t h, uuid_t *manager_type, sec_acl_type_t sec_acl_type, sec_acl_list_t *sec_acl_list, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. Use sec_acl_bind() to create this handle. manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use sec_acl_get_manager_types() to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given object. sec_acl_type The ACL type. The sec_acl_type_t data type distinguishes the various types of ACLs an object can possess for a given manager type. The possible values are as follows: + sec_acl_type_object + sec_acl_type_default_object + sec_acl_type_default_container Output sec_acl_list A pointer to the sec_acl_list_t structure to receive the complete Access Control List. An ACL contains a list of ACL entries, the UUID of the default cell where authentication takes place (foreign entries in the ACL contain the name of their home cell), and the UUID of the ACL manager to interpret the list. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_acl_lookup() routine loads into memory a copy of an object's ACL corresponding to the specified manager type. The routine returns a pointer to the ACL. This routine is only used by ACL editors and browsers; an application would use sec_acl_test_access() or sec_acl_test_access_on_behalf() to process the contents of an ACL. Permissions Required The sec_acl_lookup() routine requires at least one permission of any kind on the object for which the ACL is to be returned. NOTES The memory containing the sec_acl_t structure for each ACL is dynamically allocated. Use the sec_acl_release() routine to return each ACL's memory block to the pool when an application is finished with the ACLs. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/daclif.h was derived. ERRORS sec_acl_unknown_manager_type The manager type selected is not an available option. sec_acl_cant_allocate_memory The requested operation requires more memory than is avail- able. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_acl_bind sec_acl_test_access sec_acl_test_access_on_behalf
19 – sec_acl_release
NAME sec_acl_release - Releases ACL storage SYNOPSIS #include <dce/daclif.h> void sec_acl_release( sec_acl_handle_t h, sec_acl_t *sec_acl, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. Use sec_acl_bind() to create this handle. sec_acl A pointer to the complete ACL associated with the target object. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_acl_release() routine releases any local storage associated with the ACL object, returning it to the pool. This is strictly a local operation (since the storage in question is local), and has no effect on the remote object or its ACL. The ACL handle is in the argument list only for consistency with other sec_acl routines. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/daclif.h was derived. ERRORS error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_acl_bind sec_acl_lookup
20 – sec_acl_release_handle
NAME sec_acl_release_handle - Removes an ACL handle SYNOPSIS #include <dce/daclif.h> void sec_acl_release_handle( sec_acl_handle_t *h, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h The handle to be removed. The handle is bound to the object to which the ACL belongs with the sec_acl_bind() routine. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_acl_release_handle() routine removes the specified handle. This is strictly a local operation, and has no effect on the remote object or its ACL. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/daclif.h was derived. ERRORS error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_acl_bind
21 – sec_acl_replace
NAME sec_acl_replace - Replaces an ACL SYNOPSIS #include <dce/daclif.h> void sec_acl_replace( sec_acl_handle_t h, uuid_t *manager_type, sec_acl_type_t sec_acl_type, sec_acl_list_t *sec_acl_list, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. Use sec_acl_bind() to create this handle. manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use sec_acl_get_manager_types() to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given object. sec_acl_type The ACL type. The sec_acl_type_t data type distinguishes the various types of ACLs an object can possess for a given manager type. The possible values are as follows: + sec_acl_type_object + sec_acl_type_default_object + sec_acl_type_default_container sec_acl_list The new ACL to use for the target object. This is represented by a pointer to the sec_acl_list_t structure containing the complete Access Control List. An ACL contains a list of ACL entries, the UUID of the default cell where authentication will take place (foreign entries in the ACL contain the name of their parent cell), and the UUID of the ACL manager to interpret the list. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_acl_replace() routine replaces the ACL indicated by the input handle with the information in the sec_acl_list parameter. ACLs are thought of as immutable, and in order to modify them, an editing application must read an entire ACL (using the sec_acl_lookup() routine), modify it as needed, and replace it using this routine. Permissions Required The sec_acl_replace() routine requires the c (control) permission on the object for which the ACL is to be replaced. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/daclif.h was derived. ERRORS sec_acl_unknown_manager_type The manager type selected is not an available option. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_acl_bind sec_acl_lookup
22 – sec_acl_test_access
NAME sec_acl_test_access - Tests access to an object SYNOPSIS #include <dce/daclif.h> boolean32 sec_acl_test_access( sec_acl_handle_t h, uuid_t *manager_type, sec_acl_permset_t desired_permset, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. Use sec_acl_bind() to create this handle. manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use sec_acl_get_manager_types() to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given object. desired_permset A permission set in sec_acl_permset_t form containing the desired privileges. This is a 32-bit set of permission flags supported by the manager type. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_acl_test_access() routine determines if the specified ACL contains entries granting privileges to the calling process matching those in desired_permset. An application generally only inquires after the minimum set of privileges needed to accomplish a specific task. Permissions Required The sec_acl_test_access() routine requires at least one permission of any kind on the object for which the privileges are to be tested. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/daclif.h was derived. RETURN VALUES The routine returns TRUE if the calling application program is authorized to access the target object with the privileges in desired_permset. ERRORS sec_acl_unknown_manager_type The manager type selected is not an available option. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_acl_bind sec_acl_test_access_on_behalf
23 – sec_acl_test_access_on_behalf
NAME sec_acl_test_access_on_behalf - Tests access to an object on behalf of another process SYNOPSIS #include <dce/daclif.h> boolean32 sec_acl_test_access_on_behalf( sec_acl_handle_t h, uuid_t *manager_type, sec_id_pac_t *subject, sec_acl_permset_t desired_permset, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the target object. Use sec_acl_bind() to create this handle. manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use sec_acl_get_manager_types() to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given object. subject A Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) for the subject process. The PAC contains the name and UUID of the principal and cell of the subject process, as well as a list of any groups to which it belongs. The PAC also contains a flag (named authenticated). When set, it indicates that the certificate was obtained from an authenticated source. When not set, the certificate must not be trusted. (The field is FALSE when it was obtained from the rpc_auth layer and the protect level was set to rpc_c_protect_level_none. This indicates that no authentication protocol was actually used in the remote procedure call; the identity was simply transmitted from the caller to the callee. If an authentication protocol was used, then the flag is set to TRUE.) If a null PAC is passed, the subject is treated as an "anonymous user", matching only the any_other and unauthenticated entries (if they exist) on the ACL. A server uses rpc_binding_inq_auth_client() to acquire a certificate for the client process. desired_permset A permission set in sec_acl_permset_t form containing the desired privileges. This is a 32-bit set of permission flags supported by the manager type. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_acl_test_access_on_behalf() routine determines if the specified ACL contains entries that grant the privileges specified in desired_permset to the subject process. An application generally inquires about only the minimum set of privileges needed to accomplish a specific task. Permissions Required The sec_acl_test_access_on_behalf() routine requires at least one permission of any kind on the object for which the privileges are to be tested. Both the calling process and the identified subject must have permission on the object. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DACLIF.IDL The idl file from which dce/daclif.h was derived. RETURN VALUES If the routine completes successfully (with a completion status of error_status_ok) it returns a value of + TRUE if the caller has any access (at least one permission of any kind), and the subject has the desired_permset privileges. + FALSE if both the caller and the subject have any access, but the subject does not have the desired_permset privileges. If the routine does not complete successfully, it returns a bad completion status code and a return value of FALSE. ERRORS sec_acl_unknown_manager_type The manager type selected is not an available option. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_acl_bind sec_acl_test_access rpc_binding_inq_auth_client
24 – sec_attr_trig_query
NAME sec_attr_trig_query - Reads attributes coded with an attribute trigger type of query SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_attr_trig.h> void sec_attr_trig_query ( handle_t h, sec_attr_component_name_t cell_name, sec_attr_component_name_t component_name, sec_attr_trig_cursor_t *cursor, unsigned32 num_attr_keys, unsigned32 space_avail, sec_attr_t attr_keys[], unsigned32 *num_returned, sec_attr_t attrs[], sec_attr_trig_timeval_sec_t time_to_live[], unsigned32 *num_left, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the trigger server to be accessed Use the trigger binding information specified in the attribute encoding to acquire a bound handle. cell_name A value of sec_attr_component_name_t that identifies the cell in which the object whose attribute is to be accessed resides. Supply a NULL cell_name to specify the local cell (/.:). component_name A value of sec_attr_component_name_t that identifies the name of the object whose attribute is to be accessed. If cell_name specifies a foreign cell, component_name is interpreted as a UUID in string format since the caller of this interface knows only the UUID, not the name, of the foreign principal. num_attr_keys An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the number of elements in the attr_keys[] array. This integer must be greater than 0. space_avail An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the size of the attr_keys[] array. attr_keys[] An array of values of type sec_attr_t. For each attribute instance, the sec_attr_t array contains an attr_id (a UUID of type uuid_t) to identify the attribute to be queried and an attr_value. attr_value can be used to pass in optional information required by the attribute trigger query. If no additional information is to be passed, set attr_value to sec_attr_enc_void. This is actually accomplished by setting the sec_attr_encoding_t data type to sec_attr_enc_void. The size of the attr_keys[] array is determined by num_attr_keys. Input/Output cursor A pointer to a cursor of type sec_attr_trig_cursor_t. As an input parameter, cursor can be initialized (by the sec_addr_trig_cursor_init routine) or uninitialized. As an output parameter, cursor is positioned past the attributes returned in this call. Output num_returned A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the number of attribute instances returned in the attr_keys[] array. attrs[] An array of values of type sec_attr_t. The size of this array is determined by the space_avail parameter and the length by the num_returned parameter. time_to_live[], An array of values of type sec_attr_trig_timeval_sec_t. For each attribute in the attrs[] array, The time_to_live[] array specifies the time in seconds that the attribute can be safely cached. num_left A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer that supplies the number of attributes found but not returned because of space constraints in the attrs[] buffer. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_attr_trig_query() routine reads attributes coded with an attribute trigger type of query. The sec_attr_trig_query() routine is called by the DCE attribute lookup code for all schema entries that specify a query attribute trigger (sec_attr_trig_type_query specified with the sec_attr_trig_type_flags_t data type). The attribute query code passes the sec_attr_trig_query() input parameters to a user-written query attribute trigger server and receives the output parameters back from the server. Although generally this routine it is not called directly, this reference page is provided for users who are writing the attribute trigger servers that will receive sec_attr_trig_query() input and supply its output. Multi-valued attributes are returned as independent attribute instances sharing the same attribute UUID. A read of an attribute set returns all instances of members of the set; the attribute set instance is not returned. For objects in the local cell, set the cell_name parameter to null, and the component_name parameter to specify the object's name. For objects in a foreign cell, set the cell_name parameter to identify the name of the foreign cell, and the component_name parameter to the UUID in string format that identifies the object in the foreign cell. The cursor parameter specifies a cursor of type sec_attr_trig_cursor_t that establishes the point in the attribute list at which to start processing the query. Use the sec_attr_trig_cursor_init function to initialize a list cursor. If cursor is uninitialized, the server begins processing the query at the first attribute that satisfies the search criteria. Note that generally, sec_attr_trig_cursor_init function makes a remote call to the specified server. To initialize the cursor without making this remote call, set the sec_attr_trig_cursor_init function valid parameter to 0. The num_left parameter contains the number of attributes that were found but could not be returned because of space constraints of the attrs[] array. (Note that this number may be inaccurate if the target server allows updates between successive queries.) To obtain all of the remaining attributes, set the size of the attrs[] array so that it is large enough to hold the number of attributes listed in num_left. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_ATTR_TRIG.IDL The idl file from which sec_attr_trig.h was derived. ERRORS not_all_available unauthorized error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_attr_trig_cursor_init sec_attr_trig_update
25 – sec_attr_trig_update
NAME sec_attr_trig_update - For attributes coded with an attribute trigger type of update, passes attribute updates to an update attribute trigger server for evaluation SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_attr_trig.h> void sec_attr_trig_update ( handle_t h, sec_attr_component_name_t cell_name, sec_attr_component_name_t component_name, unsigned32 num_to_write, unsigned32 space_avail, sec_attr_t in_attrs[], unsigned32 *num_returned, sec_attr_t out_attrs[], unsigned32 *num_left, signed32 *failure_index, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input h A handle referring to the trigger server to be accessed. Use the trigger binding information specified in the attribute encoding to acquire a bound handle. cell_name A value of sec_attr_component_name_t that identifies the cell in which the object whose attribute is to be accessed resides. Supply a NULL cell_name to specify the local cell (/.:). component_name A value of sec_attr_component_name_t that identifies the name of the object whose attribute is to be accessed. If cell_name specifies a foreign cell, component_name is interpreted as a UUID in string format since the caller of this interface knows only the UUID, not the name, of the foreign principal. num_to_write An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the number of elements in the in_attrs array. This integer must be greater than 0. space_avail An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the size of the out_attrs array. in_attrs[] An array of values of type sec_attr_t that specifies the attribute instances to be written. The size of in_attrs[] is determined by num_to_write. Output num_returned A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the number of attribute instances returned in the out_attrs[] array. out_attrs[] An array of values of type sec_attr_t. These values, supplied by the update attribute trigger server, are in a form suitable for storage in the registry database. num_left A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer that supplies the number of attributes that were found but not returned because of space constraints in the out_attrs[] buffer. failure_index In the event of an error, failure_index is a pointer to the element in the in_attrs[] array that caused the update to fail. If the failure cannot be attributed to a specific attribute, the value of failure_index is -1. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_attr_trig_update() routine passes attributes coded with an attribute trigger type of update to a user-written update attribute trigger server for evaluation before the updates are made to the registry. Although generally this routine it is not called directly, this reference page is provided for users who are writing the attribute trigger servers that will receive sec_attr_trig_update() input and supply its output. The sec_attr_trig_update() routine is called by the DCE attribute update code for all schema entries that specify an update attribute trigger (sec_attr_trig_type_update specified with the sec_attr_trig_type_flags_t data type). The attribute update code passes the sec_attr_trig_update() input parameters to a user-written update attribute trigger server and receives the output parameters back from the server. The attribute trigger server is responsible for evaluating the semantics of the entry in order to reject or accept it, and the attribute trigger server may even make changes in the output it sends back to the update code to ensure the entry adheres to the semantics. The output received from the attribute trigger server is in a form to be stored in the registry. (Note that update attribute trigger servers do not store attribute values. Attribute values are stored in the registry database.) This is an atomic operation: if the update of any attribute in the array fails to pass the evaluation, all updates are aborted. The attribute causing the update to fail is identified in failure_index. If the failure cannot be attributed to a given attribute, failure_index contains -1. For objects in the local cell, set the cell_name parameter to null, and the component_name parameter to specify the object's name. For objects in a foreign cell, set the cell_name parameter the the name of the foreign cells, and the component_name parameter to specify the UUID in string format that identifies the object in the foreign cell. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_ATTR_TRIG.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_attr_trig.h was derived. ERRORS database read only server unavailable invalid/unsupported attribute type invalid encoding type value not unique site read only unauthorized error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_attr_trig_query
26 – sec_cred_free_attr_cursor
NAME sec_cred_free_attr_cursor - Free the local resources allocated to a sec_attr_cursor_t used by the sec_cred_get_extended_attrs() call SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> void sec_cred_free_attr_cursor ( sec_cred_attr_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input/Output cursor As input, a pointer to a sec_cred_attr_cursor_t whose resources are to be freed. As output a pointer to an initialized sec_cred_attr_cursor_t with allocated resources freed. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_free_attr_cursor() routine frees the resources assoicated with a cursor of type sec_cred_attr_cursor_t used by the sec_cred_get_extended_attrs() call. ERRORS error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_cred_get_extended_attrs sec_cred_initialize_attr_cursor
27 – sec_cred_free_cursor
NAME sec_cred_free_cursor - Release local resources allocated to a sec_cred_cursor_t used by the sec_cred_get_delegate() call SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> void sec_cred_free_cursor ( sec_cred_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input/Output cursor As input, a sec_cred_cursor_t whose resources are to be freed. As output, a sec_cred_cursor_t whose resources are freed. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_free_cursor() routine releases local resources allocated to a sec_cred_cursor_t used by the sec_cred_get_delegate() call. ERRORS sec_login_s_no_memory error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_cred_get_delegate sec_cred_initialize_cursor
28 – sec_cred_free_pa_handle
NAME sec_cred_free_pa_handle - Free the local resources allocated to a privilege attribute handle of type sec_cred_pa_handle_t used by the sec_cred_get_initiator() and sec_cred_get_delegate() calls SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> void sec_cred_free_pa_handle ( sec_cred_pa_handle__t *pa_handle, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input/Output pa_handle As input, a pointer to a sec_cred_pa_handle_t whose resources are to be freed. As output a pointer to a sec_cred_pa_handle_t with allocated resources freed. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_free_pa_handle() routine frees the resources assoicated with a privilege attribute handle of type sec_cred_pa_handle_t used by the sec_cred_get_initiator() and sec_cred_get_delegate() calls. ERRORS error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_cred_get_initiator sec_cred_get_delegate
29 – sec_cred_get_authz_session_info
NAME sec_cred_get_authz_session_info - Returns session-specific information that represents an authenticated client's credentials. SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> void sec_cred_get_authz_session_info( rpc_authz_cred_handle_t callers_identity, uuid_t *session_id, sec_timeval_t *session_expiration, error_status_t *status ); PARAMETERS Input callers_identity A credential handle of type rpc_authz_cred_handle_t. This handle is supplied as output of the rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller() call. Output session_ID A pointer to a uuid_t that identifies the client's DCE authorization session. session_expiration A pointer to a sec_timeval_t that specifies the expiration time of the authenticated client's credentials. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_get_authz_session_info() routine retrieves session-specific information that represents the credentials of authenticated client specified by callers_identity. If the client is a member of a delegation chain, the information represents the credentials of all members of the chain. The information can aid application servers in the construction of identity-based caches. For example, it could be used as a key into a cache of previously allocated delegation contexts and thus avoid the overhead of allocating a new login context on every remote operation. It could also be used as a key into a table of previously computed authorization decisions. Before you execute this call, you must execute an rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller() call to obtain an rpc_authz_cred_handle_t for the callers_identity parameter. ERRORS sec_cred_s_authz_cannot_comply error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller
30 – sec_cred_get_client_princ_name
NAME sec_cred_get_client_princ_name - Returns the principal name associated with a credential handle SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> void sec_cred_get_client_princ_name( rpc_authz_cred_handle_t callers_identity, unsigned_char_p_t *client_princ_name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input callers_identity A handle of type rpc_authz_cred_handle_t to the credentials for which to return the principal name. This handle is supplied as output of the rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller() call. Output client_princ_name A pointer to the principal name of the server's rpc client. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_get_client_princ_name() routine extracts the principal name associated with the credentials identified by callers_pas. Before you execute sec_cred_get_client_princ_name(), you must execute an rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller() call to obtain an rpc_authz_cred_handle_t for the callers_identity parameter. ERRORS sec_cred_s_authz_cannot_comply error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller
31 – sec_cred_get_deleg_restrictions
NAME sec_cred_get_deleg_restrictions - Returns delegate restrictions from a privilege attribute handle SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> sec_id_restriction_set_t *sec_cred_get_deleg_restrictions( sec_cred_pa_handle_t callers_pas, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input callers_pas A value of type sec_cred_pa_handle_t that provides a handle to a principal's privilege attributes. This handle is supplied as output of the sec_cred_get_initiator() call, the sec_cred_get_delegate() call and the sec_login_cred calls. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_get_deleg_restrictions () routine extracts delegate restrictions from the privilege attribute handle identified by callers_pas. The restrictions are returned in a sec_id_restriction_set_t. Before you execute sec_cred_get_pa_data(), you must execute a sec_cred_get_initiator() or sec_cred_get_delegate() call to obtain a sec_cred_pa_handle_t for the callers_pas parameter. ERRORS sec_cred_s_invalid_pa_handle error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_cred_get_delegate sec_cred_get_initiator
32 – sec_cred_get_delegate
NAME sec_cred_get_delegate - Returns a handle to the privilege attributes of an intermediary in a delegation chain SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> sec_cred_pa_handle_t sec_cred_get_delegate( rpc_authz_cred_handle_t callers_identity, sec_cred_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input callers_identity A handle of type rpc_authz_cred_handle_t. This handle is supplied as output of the rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller() call. Input/Output cursor As input, a pointer to a cursor of type sec_cred_cursor_t that has been initialized by the sec_cred_initialize_cursor() call. As an output parameter, cursor is a pointer to a cursor of type sec_attr_srch_cursor_t that is positioned past the principal whose privilege attributes have been returned in this call. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_get_delegate() routine returns a handle to the the privilege attributes of an intermediary in a delegation chain that performed an authenticated RPC operation. This call is used by servers. Clients use the sec_login_cred_get_delegate() routine to return the privilege attribute handle of an intermediary in a delegation chain. The credential handle identified by callers_identity contains authenti- cation and authorization information for all delegates in the chain. This call returns a handle (sec_cred_pa_handle_t) to the privilege attributes of one of the delegates in the binding handle. The sec_cred_pa_handle_t returned by this call is used in other sec_cred_get... calls to obtain privilege attribute information for a single delegate. To obtain the privilege attributes of each delegate in the credential handle identified by callers_identity, execute this call until the message sec_cred_s_no_more_entries is returned. Before you execute sec_cred_get_delegate(), you must execute: + An rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller() call to obtain an rpc_authz_cred_handle_t for the callers_identity parameter. + A sec_cred_initialize_cursor() call to initialize a cursor of type sec_cred_cursor_t. Use the sec_cred_free_pa_handle() all to free the resources associated with the sec_cred_pa_handle_t. ERRORS sec_cred_s_invalid_auth_handle sec_cred_s_invalid_cursor sec_cred_s_no_more_entries error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller sec_cred_initialize_cursor sec_cred_get_deleg_restrictions sec_cred_get_delegation_type sec_cred_get_extended_attrs sec_cred_get_opt_restrictions sec_cred_get_pa_date sec_cred_get_req_restrictions sec_cred_get_tgt_restrictions sec_cred_get_v1_pac sec_cred_free_pa_handle
33 – sec_cred_get_delegation_type
NAME sec_cred_get_delegation_type - Returns the delegation type from a privilege attribute handle SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> sec_id_delegation_type_t *sec_cred_get_delegation_type( sec_cred_pa_handle_t callers_pas, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input callers_pas A value of type sec_cred_pa_handle_t that provides a handle to a principal's privilege attributes. This handle is supplied as output of either the sec_cred_get_initiator() call or ec_cred_get_delegate() call. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_get_delegation_type () routine extracts the delegation type from the privilege attribute handle identified by callers_pas and returns it in a sec_id_delegation_type_t. Before you execute sec_cred_get_delegation_type(), you must execute a sec_cred_get_initiator() or sec_cred_get_delegate() call to obtain a sec_cred_pa_handle_t for the callers_pas parameter. ERRORS sec_cred_s_invalid_pa_handle error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_cred_get_delegate sec_cred_get_initiator
34 – sec_cred_get_extended_attrs
NAME sec_cred_get_extended_attrs - Returns extended attributes from a privilege handle SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> void sec_cred_get_extended_attrs( sec_cred_pa_handle_t callers_pas, sec_cred_attr_cursor_t *cursor sec_attr_t *attr error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input callers_pas A handle of type sec_cred_pa_handle_t to the caller's privilege attributes. This handle is supplied as output of either the sec_cred_get_initiator() call or sec_cred_get_delegate() call. Input/Output cursor A cursor of type sec_cred_attr_cursor_t that has been initialized by the sec_cred_initialize_attr_cursor() routine. As input cursor must be initialized. As output, cursor is positioned at the first attribute after the returned attribute. Output attr A pointer to a value of sec_attr_t that contains extended registry attributes. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_get_extended_attrs() routine extracts extended registry initialized from the privilege attribute handle identified by callers_pas. Before you execute call, you must execute: + A sec_cred_get_initiator() or sec_cred_get_delegate() call to obtain a sec_cred_pa_handle_t for the callers_pas parameter. + A sec_cred_initialize_attr_cursor() to initialize a sec_attr_t. To obtain all the extended registry attributes in the privilege attribute handle, repeat sec_cred_get_extended_attrs() calls until the status message no_more_entries_available is returned. ERRORS sec_cred_s_invalid_pa_handle sec_cred_s_invalid_cursor sec_cred_s_no_more_entries error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_cred_initialize_attr_cursor sec_cred_get_initiator sec_cred_get_delegate
35 – sec_cred_get_initiator
NAME sec_cred_get_initiator - Returns the privilege attributes of the initiator of a delegation chain SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> sec_cred_pa_handle_t sec_cred_get_initiator( rpc_authz_cred_handle_t callers_identity, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input callers_identity A credential handle of type rpc_authz_cred_handle_t. This handle is supplied as output of the rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller() call. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_get_initiator() routine returns a handle to the the privilege attributes of the initiator of a delegation chain that performed an authenticated RPC operation. The credential handle identified by callers_identity contains authentication and authorization information for all delegates in the chain. This call returns a handle (sec_cred_pa_handle_t) to the privilege attributes of the client that initiated the delegation chain. The sec_cred_pa_handle_t returned by this call is used in other sec_cred_get... calls to obtain privilege attribute information for the initiator. Before you execute sec_cred_get_initiator(), you must execute an rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller() call to obtain an rpc_authz_cred_handle_t for the callers_identity parameter. ERRORS sec_cred_s_invalid_auth_handle error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller sec_cred_get_deleg_restrictions sec_cred_get_delegation_type sec_cred_get_extended_attrs sec_cred_get_opt_restrictions sec_cred_get_pa_date sec_cred_get_req_restrictions sec_cred_get_tgt_restrictions sec_cred_get_v1_pac
36 – sec_cred_get_opt_restrictions
NAME sec_cred_get_opt_restrictions - Returns optional restrictions from a privilege handle SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> sec_id_opt_req_t *sec_cred_get_opt_restrictions( sec_cred_pa_handle_t callers_pas, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input callers_pas A handle of type sec_cred_pa_handle_t to a principal's privilege attributes. This handle is supplied as output of either the sec_cred_get_initiator() call or sec_cred_get_delegate() call. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_get_opt_restrictions () routine extracts optional restrictions from the privilege attribute handle identified by callers_pas and returns them in a sec_id_restriction_set_t. Before you execute sec_cred_get_pa_data(), you must execute a sec_cred_get_initiator() or sec_cred_get_delegate() call to obtain a sec_cred_pa_handle_t for the callers_pas parameter. ERRORS sec_cred_s_invalid_pa_handle error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_cred_get_delegate sec_cred_get_initiator
37 – sec_cred_get_pa_data
NAME sec_cred_get_pa_data - Returns identity information from a privilege attribute handle SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> sec_id_pa_t *sec_cred_get_pa_data( sec_cred_pa_handle_t callers_pas, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input callers_pas A handle of type sec_cred_pa_handle_t to a principal's privilege attributes. This handle is supplied as output of either the sec_cred_get_initiator() call or sec_cred_get_delegate() call. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_get_pa_data() routine extracts identity information from the privilege attribute handle specified by callers_pas and returns it in a sec_id_pa_t. The identity information includes an identifier of the princpal's locall cell and the principal's local and foreign group sets. Before you execute sec_cred_get_pa_data(), you must execute a sec_cred_get_initiator() or sec_cred_get_delegate() call to obtain a sec_cred_pa_handle_t for the callers_pas parameter. ERRORS sec_cred_s_invalid_pa_handle error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_cred_get_delegate sec_cred_get_initiator
38 – sec_cred_get_req_restrictions
NAME sec_cred_get_req_restrictions - Returns required restrictions from a privilege attribute handle SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> sec_id_opt_req_t *sec_cred_get_req_restrictions ( sec_cred_pa_handle_t callers_pas, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input callers_pas A handle of type sec_cred_pa_handle_t to a principal's privilege attributes. This handle is supplied as output of either the sec_cred_get_initiator() call or sec_cred_get_delegate() call. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_get_req_restrictions() routine extracts required restrictions from the privilege attribute handle identified by callers_pas and returns them in a sec_id_opt_req_t. Before you execute sec_cred_get_req_restrictions(), you must execute a sec_cred_get_initiator() or sec_cred_get_delegate() call to obtain a sec_cred_pa_handle_t for the callers_pas parameter. ERRORS sec_cred_s_invalid_pa_handle error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_cred_get_delegate sec_cred_get_initiator
39 – sec_cred_get_tgt_restrictions
NAME sec_cred_get_tgt_restrictions - Returns target restrictions from a privilege attribute handle SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> sec_id_restriction_set_t *sec_cred_get_tgt_restrictions( sec_cred_pa_handle_t callers_pas, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input callers_pas A handle of type sec_cred_pa_handle_t to a principal's privilege attributes. This handle is supplied as output of either the sec_cred_get_initiator() call or sec_cred_get_delegate() call. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_get_tgt_restrictions() routine extracts target restrictions from the privilege attribute handle identified by callers_pas and returns them in a sec_id_restriction_set_t. Before you execute sec_cred_get_tgt_restrictions(), you must execute a sec_cred_get_initiator() or sec_cred_get_delegate() call to obtain a sec_cred_pa_handle_t for the callers_pas parameter. ERRORS sec_cred_s_invalid_pa_handle error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_cred_get_delegate sec_cred_get_initiator
40 – sec_cred_get_v1_pac
NAME sec_cred_get_v1_pac - Returns pre-1.1 PAC from a privilege attribute handle SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> sec_id_pac_t *sec_cred_get_v1_pac( sec_cred_pa_handle_t callers_pas, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input callers_pas A handle of type sec_cred_pa_handle_t to the principal's privilege attributes. This handle is supplied as output of either the sec_cred_get_initiator() call or sec_cred_get_delegate() call. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_get_v1_pac() routine extracts the privilege attributes from a pre-1.1 PAC for the privilege attribute handle specified by callers_pas and returns them in a sec_id_pa_t. Before you execute sec_cred_get_v1_pac(), you must execute a sec_cred_get_initiator() or sec_cred_get_delegate() call to obtain a sec_cred_pa_handle_t for the callers_pas parameter. ERRORS sec_cred_s_invalid_pa_handle error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_cred_get_delegate sec_cred_get_initiator
41 – sec_cred_initialize_attr_cursor
NAME sec_cred_initialize_attr_cursor - Initialize a sec_attr_cursor_t used by the sec_cred_get_extended_attrs() call SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> void sec_cred_initialize_attr_cursor ( sec_cred_attr_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input/Output cursor As input, a pointer to a sec_cred_attr_cursor_t to be initialized. As output a pointer to an initialized sec_cred_attr_cursor_t. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_initialize_attr_cursor() routine allocates and initializes a cursor of type sec_cred_attr_cursor_t for use with the sec_cred_get_extended_attrs() call. Use the sec_cred_free_attr_cursor() call to free the resources allocated to cursor. ERRORS sec_login_s_no_memory error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_cred_get_extended_attrs sec_cred_free_attr_cursor
42 – sec_cred_initialize_cursor
NAME sec_cred_initialize_cursor - Initialize a sec_cred_cursor_t used by the sec_cred_get_delegate() call SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> void sec_cred_initialize_cursor ( sec_cred_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input/Output cursor As input, a sec_cred_cursor_t to be initialized. As output, an initialized sec_cred_cursor_t. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_initialize_cursor() routine initializes a cursor of type sec_cursor_t for use with the sec_cred_get_delegate() call. Use the sec_cred_free_cursor() call to free the resources allocated to cursor. ERRORS sec_login_s_no_memory error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_cred_get_delegate sec_cred_free_cursor
43 – sec_cred_is_authenticated
NAME sec_cred_is_authenticated - Returns true if the supplied credentials are authenticated and false if they are not SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> boolean32 sec_cred_is_authenticated( rpc_authz_cred_handle_t callers_identity, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input callers_identity A handle of type rpc_authz_cred_handle_t to the credentials to check for authentication. This handle is supplied as output of the rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller() call. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_cred_is_authenticated() routine returns true if the credentials identified by callers_identity are authenticated or false if they are not. Before you execute this call, you must execute an rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller() call to obtain an rpc_authz_cred_handle_t for the callers_identity parameter. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_CRED.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_cred.h was derived. RETURN VALUES The routine returns true is the credentials are authenticated; false if they are not. ERRORS TBS RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller
44 – sec_id_gen_group
NAME sec_id_gen_group - Generates a global name from cell and group UUIDs SYNOPSIS #include <dce/secidmap.h> void sec_id_gen_group( sec_rgy_handle_t context, uuid_t *cell_idp, uuid_t *group_idp, sec_rgy_name_t global_name, sec_rgy_name_t cell_namep, sec_rgy_name_t group_namep, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. cell_idp A pointer to the UUID of the home cell of the group whose name is in question. group_idp A pointer to the UUID of the group whose name is in question. Output global_name The global (full) name of the group in sec_rgy_name_t form. cell_namep The name of the group's home cell in sec_rgy_name_t form. group_namep The local (with respect to the home cell) name of the group in sec_rgy_name_t form. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the function returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_id_gen_group() routine generates a global name from input cell and group UUIDs. For example, given a UUID specifying the cell /.../world/hp/brazil, and a UUID specifying a group resident in that cell named writers, the routine would return the global name of that group, in this case, /.../world/hp/brazil/writers. It also returns the simple names of the cell and group, translated from the UUIDs. The routine will not produce translations to any name for which a NULL pointer has been supplied. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SECIDMAP.IDL The idl file from which dce/secidmap.h was derived. ERRORS sec_id_e_name_too_long The name is too long for current implementation. sec_id_e_bad_cell_uuid The cell UUID is not valid. sec_rgy_object_not_found The registry server could not find the specified group. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_id_gen_name sec_id_parse_group sec_id_parse_name
45 – sec_id_gen_name
NAME sec_id_gen_name - Generates a global name from cell and principal UUIDs SYNOPSIS #include <dce/secidmap.h> void sec_id_gen_name( sec_rgy_handle_t context, uuid_t *cell_idp, uuid_t *princ_idp, sec_rgy_name_t global_name, sec_rgy_name_t cell_namep, sec_rgy_name_t princ_namep, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. cell_idp A pointer to the UUID of the home cell of the principal whose name is in question. princ_idp A pointer to the UUID of the principal whose name is in question. Output global_name The global (full) name of the principal in sec_rgy_name_t form. cell_namep The name of the principal's home cell in sec_rgy_name_t form. princ_namep The local (with respect to the home cell) name of the principal in sec_rgy_name_t form. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the function returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_id_gen_name() routine generates a global name from input cell and principal UUIDs. For example, given a UUID specifying the cell /.../world/hp/brazil, and a UUID specifying a principal resident in that cell named writers/tom, the routine would return the global name of that principal, in this case, /.../world/hp/brazil/writers/tom. It also returns the simple names of the cell and principal, translated from the UUIDs. The routine will not produce translations to any name for which a NULL pointer has been supplied. Permissions Required The sec_id_gen_name() routine requires at least one permission of any kind on the account associated with the input cell and principal UUIDs. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SECIDMAP.IDL The idl file from which dce/secidmap.h was derived. ERRORS sec_id_e_name_too_long The name is too long for current implementation. sec_id_e_bad_cell_uuid The cell UUID is not valid. sec_rgy_object_not_found The registry server could not find the specified principal. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_id_gen_group sec_id_parse_group sec_id_parse_name
46 – sec_id_parse_group
NAME sec_id_parse_group - Translates a global name into group and cell names and UUIDs SYNOPSIS #include <dce/secidmap.h> void sec_id_parse_group( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_name_t global_name, sec_rgy_name_t cell_namep, uuid_t *cell_idp, sec_rgy_name_t group_namep, uuid_t *group_idp, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. global_name The global (full) name of the group in sec_rgy_name_t form. Output cell_namep The output name of the group's home cell in sec_rgy_name_t form. cell_idp A pointer to the UUID of the home cell of the group whose name is in question. group_namep The local (with respect to the home cell) name of the group in sec_rgy_name_t form. group_idp A pointer to the UUID of the group whose name is in question. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the function returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_id_parse_group() routine translates a global group name into a cell name and a cell-relative group name. It also returns the UUIDs associated with the group and its home cell. The routine will not produce translations to any name for which a NULL pointer has been supplied. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SECIDMAP.IDL The idl file from which dce/secidmap.h was derived. ERRORS sec_id_e_name_too_long The name is too long for current implementation. sec_id_e_bad_cell_uuid The cell UUID is not valid. sec_rgy_object_not_found The registry server could not find the specified group. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_id_gen_group sec_id_gen_name sec_id_parse_group sec_id_parse_name
47 – sec_id_parse_name
NAME sec_id_parse_name - Translates a global name into principal and cell names and UUIDs SYNOPSIS #include <dce/secidmap.h> void sec_id_parse_name( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_name_t global_name, sec_rgy_name_t cell_namep, uuid_t *cell_idp, sec_rgy_name_t princ_namep, uuid_t *princ_idp, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. global_name The global (full) name of the principal in sec_rgy_name_t form. Output cell_namep The output name of the principal's home cell in sec_rgy_name_t form. cell_idp A pointer to the UUID of the home cell of the principal whose name is in question. princ_namep The local (with respect to the home cell) name of the principal in sec_rgy_name_t form. princ_idp A pointer to the UUID of the principal whose name is in question. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the function returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_id_parse_name() routine translates a global principal name into a cell name and a cell-relative principal name. It also returns the UUIDs associated with the principal and its home cell. The routine will not produce translations to any name for which a NULL pointer has been supplied. Permissions Required Only if princ_idp is requested as output does the sec_id_parse_name() routine require a permission. In this case, the routine requires at least one permission of any kind on the account whose global principal name is to be translated. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SECIDMAP.IDL The idl file from which dce/secidmap.h was derived. ERRORS sec_id_e_name_too_long The name is too long for current implementation. sec_id_e_bad_cell_uuid The cell UUID is not valid. sec_rgy_object_not_found The registry server could not find the specified principal. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_id_gen_name
48 – sec_key_mgmt_change_key
NAME sec_key_mgmt_change_key - Changes a principal's key SYNOPSIS #include <dce/keymgmt.h> void sec_key_mgmt_change_key( sec_key_mgmt_authn_service authn_service, void *arg, idl_char *principal_name, unsigned32 key_vno, void *keydata, sec_timeval_period_t *garbage_collect_time, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input authn_service Identifies the authentication protocol using this key. The possible authentication protocols are as follows: rpc_c_authn_dce_secret DCE shared-secret key authentication. rpc_c_authn_dce_public DCE public key authentication (reserved for future use). arg This parameter can specify either the local key file or an argument to the get_key_fn key acquisition routine of the rpc_server_register_auth_info routine. A value of NULL specifies that the default key file (DCE$LOCAL:[KRB]V5SRVTAB.;) should be used. A key file name specifies that file should be used as the key file. You must prepend the file's absolute filename with FILE: and the file must have been created with the rgy_edit ktadd command or the sec_key_mgmt_set_key function. Any other value specifies an argument for the get_key_fn key acquisition routine. See the rpc_server_register_auth_info reference page for more information. principal_name A pointer to a character string indicating the name of the principal whose key is to be changed. key_vno The version number of the new key. If 0 (zero) is specified, the routine will select the next appropriate key version number. keydata A pointer to a structure of type sec_passwd_rec_t. Output garbage_collect_time The number of seconds that must elapse before all currently valid tickets (which are encoded with the current or previous keys) expire. At that time, all obsolete keys may be "garbage collected", since no valid tickets encoded with those keys will remain outstanding on the network. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_key_mgmt_change_key() routine performs all activities necessary to update a principal's key to the specified value. This includes updating any local storage for the principal's key and also performing any remote operations needed to keep the authentication protocol (or network registry) current. Old keys for the principal are garbage collected if appropriate. FILES The idl file from which dce/keymgmt.h was derived. ERRORS Any error condition will leave the key state unchanged. sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unavailable The old key is not present and therefore cannot be used to set a client side authentication context. sec_key_mgmt_e_authn_invalid The authentication protocol is not valid. sec_key_mgmt_e_auth_unavailable The authentication protocol is not available to update the network database or to obtain the necessary network credentials. sec_key_mgmt_e_unauthorized The caller is not authorized to perform the operation. sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unsupported The key type is not supported. sec_key_mgmt_e_key_version_ex A key with this version number already exists. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. sec_rgy_object_not_found No principal was found with the given name. sec_login_s_no_memory A memory allocation error occurred. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_key_mgmt_generate_key sec_key_mgmt_set_key
49 – sec_key_mgmt_delete_key
NAME sec_key_mgmt_delete_key - Deletes a key from the local storage SYNOPSIS #include <dce/keymgmt.h> void sec_key_mgmt_delete_key( sec_key_mgmt_authn_service authn_service, void *arg, idl_char *principal_name, unsigned32 key_vno, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input authn_service Identifies the authentication protocol using this key. The possible authentication protocols are as follows: rpc_c_authn_dce_secret DCE shared-secret key authentication. rpc_c_authn_dce_public DCE public key authentication (reserved for future use). arg This parameter can specify either the local key file or an argument to the get_key_fn key acquisition routine of the rpc_server_register_auth_info routine. A value of NULL specifies that the default key file (DCE$LOCAL:[KRB]V5SRVTAB.;) should be used. A key file name specifies that file should be used as the key file. You must prepend the file's absolute filename with FILE: and the file must have been created with the rgy_edit ktadd command or the sec_key_mgmt_set_key function. Any other value specifies an argument for the get_key_fn key acquisition routine. See the rpc_server_register_auth_info() reference page for more information. principal_name A pointer to a character string indicating the name of the principal whose key is to be deleted. key_vno The version number of the desired key. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_key_mgmt_delete_key() routine deletes the specified key from the local key store. If an administrator ever discovers or suspects that the security of a server's key has been compromised, the administrator should delete the key immediately with sec_key_mgmt_delete_key(). This routine removes the key from the local key storage, which invalidates all extant tickets encoded with the key. If the compromised key is the current one, the principal should change the key with sec_key_mgmt_change_key() before deleting it. It is not an error for a process to delete the current key (as long as it is done after the network context has been established), but it may seriously inconvenience legitimate clients of a service. This routine deletes all key types that have the specified key version number. A key type identifies the data encryption algorithm being used (for example, DES). This routine differs from sec_key_mgmt_delete_key_type() in that sec_key_mgmt_delete_key_type() deletes only the specified key version of the specified key type from the local key store. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]KEYMGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/keymgmt.h was derived. ERRORS Any error condition will leave the key state unchanged. sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unavailable The requested key is not present. sec_key_mgmt_e_authn_invalid The authentication protocol is not valid. sec_key_mgmt_e_unauthorized The caller is not authorized to perform the operation. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_key_mgmt_delete_key_type sec_key_mgmt_garbage_collect
50 – sec_key_mgmt_delete_key_type
NAME sec_key_mgmt_delete_key_type - Deletes a key version of a key type from the local key storage SYNOPSIS #include <dce/keymgmt.h> void sec_key_mgmt_delete_key_type( sec_key_mgmt_authn_service authn_service, void *arg, idl_char *principal_name, void *keytype, unsigned32 key_vno, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input authn_service Identifies the authentication protocol using this key. The possible authentication protocols are as follows: rpc_c_authn_dce_secret DCE shared-secret key authentication. rpc_c_authn_dce_public DCE public key authentication (reserved for future use). arg This parameter can specify either the local key file or an argument to the get_key_fn key acquisition routine of the rpc_server_register_auth_info routine. A value of NULL specifies that the default key file (DCE$LOCAL:[KRB]V5SRVTAB.;) should be used. A key file name specifies that file should be used as the key file. You must prepend the file's absolute filename with FILE: and the file must have been created with the rgy_edit ktadd command or the sec_key_mgmt_set_key routine. Any other value specifies an argument for the get_key_fn key acquisition routine. See the rpc_server_register_auth_info() reference page for more information. principal_name A pointer to a character string indicating the name of the principal whose key type is to be deleted. keytype A pointer to a value of type sec_passwd_type_t. The value identifies the data encryption algorithm that is being used (for example, DES). key_vno The version number of the desired key. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_key_mgmt_delete_key_type() routine deletes the specified key version of the specified key type from the local key store. It differs from sec_key_mgmt_delete_key() in that sec_key_mgmt_delete_key() deletes all key types that have the same key version number. This routine removes the key from the local key storage, which invalidates all extant tickets encoded with the key. If the key in question is the current one, the principal should change the key with sec_key_mgmt_change_key() before deleting it. It is not an error for a process to delete the current key (as long as it is done after the network context has been established), but it may seriously inconvenience legitimate clients of a service. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]KEYMGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/keymgmt.h was derived. ERRORS Any error condition will leave the key state unchanged. sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unavailable The requested key is not present. sec_key_mgmt_e_authn_invalid The authentication protocol is not valid. sec_key_mgmt_e_unauthorized The caller is not authorized to perform the operation. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_key_mgmt_delete_key sec_key_mgmt_garbage_collect
51 – sec_key_mgmt_free_key
NAME sec_key_mgmt_free_key - Frees the memory used by a key value SYNOPSIS #include <dce/keymgmt.h> void sec_key_mgmt_free_key( void *keydata, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input keydata A pointer to a structure of type sec_passwd_rec_t. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. DESCRIPTION The sec_key_mgmt_free_key() routine releases any storage allocated for the indicated key data by sec_key_mgmt_get_key(). The storage for the key data returned by sec_key_mgmt_get_key() is dynamically allocated. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]KEYMGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/keymgmt.h was derived. ERRORS error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_key_mgmt_get_key
52 – sec_key_mgmt_garbage_collect
NAME sec_key_mgmt_garbage_collect - Deletes obsolete keys SYNOPSIS #include <dce/keymgmt.h> void sec_key_mgmt_garbage_collect( sec_key_mgmt_authn_service authn_service, void *arg, idl_char *principal_name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input authn_service Identifies the authentication protocol using this key. The possible authentication protocols are as follows: rpc_c_authn_dce_secret DCE shared-secret key authentication. rpc_c_authn_dce_public DCE public key authentication (reserved for future use). arg This parameter can specify either the local key file or an argument to the get_key_fn key acquisition routine of the rpc_server_register_auth_info routine. A value of NULL specifies that the default key file (DCE$LOCAL:[KRB]V5SRVTAB.;) should be used. A key file name specifies that file should be used as the key file. You must prepend the file's absolute filename with FILE: and the file must have been created with the rgy_edit ktadd command or the sec_key_mgmt_set_key routine. Any other value specifies an argument for the get_key_fn key acquisition routine. See the rpc_server_register_auth_info() reference page for more information. principal_name A pointer to a character string indicating the name of the principal whose key information is to be garbage collected. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_key_mgmt_garbage_collect() routine discards any obsolete key information for this principal. An obsolete key is one that can only decode invalid tickets. As an example, consider a key that was in use on Monday, and was only used to encode tickets whose maximum lifetime was 1 day. If that key was changed at 8:00 a.m. Tuesday morning, then it would become obsolete by 8:00 a.m. Wednesday morning, at which time there could be no valid tickets outstanding. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]KEYMGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/keymgmt.h was derived. ERRORS sec_key_mgmt_e_authn_invalid The authentication protocol is not valid. sec_key_mgmt_e_unauthorized The caller is not authorized to perform the operation. Requested key not present. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. sec_rgy_object_not_found No principal was found with the given name. sec_login_s_no_memory A memory allocation error occurred. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_key_mgmt_delete_key
53 – sec_key_mgmt_gen_rand_key
NAME sec_key_mgmt_gen_rand_key - Generates a new random key of a specified key type SYNOPSIS #include <dce/keymgmt.h> void sec_key_mgmt_gen_rand_key( sec_key_mgmt_authn_service authn_service, void *arg, idl_char *principal_name, void *keytype, unsigned32 key_vno, void **keydata, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input authn_service Identifies the authentication protocol using this key. The possible authentication protocols are as follows: rpc_c_authn_dce_secret DCE shared-secret key authentication. rpc_c_authn_dce_public DCE public key authentication (reserved for future use). arg This parameter can specify either the local key file or an argument to the get_key_fn key acquisition routine of the rpc_server_register_auth_info routine. A value of NULL specifies that the default key file (DCE$LOCAL:[KRB]V5SRVTAB.;) should be used. A key file name specifies that file should be used as the key file. You must prepend the file's absolute filename with FILE: and the file must have been created with the rgy_edit ktadd command or the sec_key_mgmt_set_key routine. Any other value specifies an argument for the get_key_fn key acquisition routine. See the rpc_server_register_auth_info() reference page for more information. principal_name A pointer to a character string indicating the name of the principal for whom the key is to be generated. keytype A pointer to a value of type sec_passwd_type_t. The value identifies the data encryption algorithm to be used for the key (for example, DES). key_vno The version number of the new key. Output keydata A pointer to a value of sec_passwd_rec_t. The storage for keydata is allocated dynamically, so the returned pointer actually indicates a pointer to the key value. The storage for this data may be freed with the sec_key_mgmt_free_key() function. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_key_mgmt_gen_rand_key() routine generates a new random key for a specified principal and of a specified key type. The generated key can be used with the sec_key_mgmt_change_key() and sec_key_mgmt_set_key() routines. Note that to initialize the random keyseed, the process must first make an authenticated call such as sec_rgy_site_open(). FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]KEYMGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/keymgmt.h was derived. ERRORS sec_key_mgmt_e_not_implemented The specified keytype is not supported. sec_s_no_key_seed No random key seed has been set. sec_s_no_memory Unable to allocate memory. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_key_mgmt_change_key sec_key_mgmt_generate_key sec_key_mgmt_set_key
54 – sec_key_mgmt_get_key
NAME sec_key_mgmt_get_key - Retrieves a key from local storage SYNOPSIS #include <dce/keymgmt.h> void sec_key_mgmt_get_key( sec_key_mgmt_authn_service authn_service, void *arg, idl_char *principal_name, unsigned32 key_vno, void **keydata, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input authn_service Identifies the authentication protocol using this key. The possible authentication protocols are as follows: rpc_c_authn_dce_secret DCE shared-secret key authentication. rpc_c_authn_dce_public DCE public key authentication (reserved for future use). arg This parameter can specify either the local key file or an argument to the get_key_fn key acquisition routine of the rpc_server_register_auth_info routine. A value of NULL specifies that the default key file (DCE$LOCAL:[KRB]V5SRVTAB.;) should be used. A key file name specifies that file should be used as the key file. You must prepend the file's absolute filename with FILE: and the file must have been created with the rgy_edit ktadd command or the sec_key_mgmt_set_key routine. Any other value specifies an argument for the get_key_fn key acquisition routine. See the rpc_server_register_auth_info() reference page for more information. principal_name A pointer to a character string indicating the name of the principal to whom the key belongs. key_vno The version number of the desired key. To return the latest version of the key, set this parameter to sec_c_key_version_none. Output keydata A pointer to a value of type sec_passwd_rec_t. The storage for keydata is allocated dynamically, so the returned pointer actually indicates a pointer to the key value. The storage for this data may be freed with the sec_key_mgmt_free_key() routine. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_key_mgmt_get_key() routine extracts the specified key from the local key store. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]KEYMGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/keymgmt.h was derived. ERRORS sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unavailable The requested key is not present. sec_key_mgmt_e_authn_invalid The authentication protocol is not valid. sec_key_mgmt_e_unauthorized The caller is not authorized to perform the operation. sec_s_no_memory Unable to allocate memory. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro
55 – sec_key_mgmt_get_next_key
NAME sec_key_mgmt_get_next_key - Retrieves successive keys from the local key storage SYNOPSIS #include <dce/keymgmt.h> void sec_key_mgmt_get_next_key( void *cursor, idl_char **principal_name, unsigned32 *key_vno, void **keydata, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input cursor A pointer to the current cursor position in the local key storage. The cursor position is set via the routine sec_key_mgmt_initialize_cursor(). Output principal_name A pointer to a character string indicating the name of the principal associated with the extracted key. Free the storage for the principal name with the free() function. key_vno The version number of the extracted key. keydata A pointer to a value of type sec_passwd_rec_t. The storage for keydata is allocated dynamically, so the returned pointer actually indicates a pointer to the key value. The storage for this data may be freed with the sec_key_mgmt_free_key() function. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_key_mgmt_get_next_key() routine extracts the key pointed to by the cursor in the local key store and updates the cursor to point to the next key. By repeatedly calling this routine you can scan all the keys in the local store. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]KEYMGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/keymgmt.h was derived. ERRORS sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unavailable The requested key is not present. sec_key_mgmt_e_unauthorized The caller is not authorized to perform the operation. sec_s_no_memory Unable to allocate memory. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_key_mgmt_get_key sec_key_mgmt_initialize_cursor
56 – sec_key_mgmt_get_next_kvno
NAME sec_key_mgmt_get_next_kvno - Retrieves the next eligible key version number for a key SYNOPSIS #include <dce/keymgmt.h> void sec_key_mgmt_get_next_kvno( sec_key_mgmt_authn_service authn_service, void *arg, idl_char *principal_name, void *keytype, unsigned32 *key_vno, unsigned32 *next_key_vno, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input authn_service Identifies the authentication protocol using this key. The possible authentication protocols are as follows: rpc_c_authn_dce_secret DCE shared-secret key authentication. rpc_c_authn_dce_public DCE public key authentication (reserved for future use). arg This parameter can specify either the local key file or an argument to the get_key_fn key acquisition routine of the rpc_server_register_auth_info routine. A value of NULL specifies that the default key file (DCE$LOCAL:[KRB]V5SRVTAB.;) should be used. A key file name specifies that file should be used as the key file. You must prepend the file's absolute filename with FILE: and the file must have been created with the rgy_edit ktadd command or the sec_key_mgmt_set_key routine. Any other value specifies an argument for the get_key_fn key acquisition routine. See the rpc_server_register_auth_info() reference page for more information. principal_name A pointer to a character string indicating the name of the principal associated with the key. keytype A pointer to a value of type sec_passwd_type_t. The value identifies the data encryption algorithm (for example, DES) being used for the key. Output key_vno The current version number of the key. Specify NULL if you do not need this value to be returned. next_key_vno The next eligible version number for the key. Specify NULL if you do not need this value to be returned. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_key_mgmt_get_next_kvno() routine returns the current and next eligible version numbers for a key from the registry server (not from the local key table). The key is identified via its associated authentication protocol, principal name, and key type. The arg value associated with the key is also specified. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]KEYMGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/keymgmt.h was derived. ERRORS sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unavailable The requested key is not present. sec_key_mgmt_e_authn_invalid The authentication protocol is not valid. sec_key_mgmt_e_unauthorized The caller is not authorized to perform the operation. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. sec_rgy_object_not_found No principal was found with the given name. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro
57 – sec_key_mgmt_initialize_cursor
NAME sec_key_mgmt_initialize_cursor - Repositions the cursor in the local key store SYNOPSIS #include <dce/keymgmt.h> void sec_key_mgmt_initialize_cursor( sec_key_mgmt_authn_service authn_service, void *arg, idl_char *principal_name, void *keytype, void **cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input authn_service Identifies the authentication protocol using this key. The possible authentication protocols are as follows: rpc_c_authn_dce_secret DCE shared-secret key authentication. rpc_c_authn_dce_public DCE public key authentication (reserved for future use). arg This parameter can specify either the local key file or an argument to the get_key_fn key acquisition routine of the rpc_server_register_auth_info routine. A value of NULL specifies that the default key file (DCE$LOCAL:[KRB]V5SRVTAB.;) should be used. A key file name specifies that file should be used as the key file. You must prepend the file's absolute filename with FILE: and the file must have been created with the rgy_edit ktadd command or the sec_key_mgmt_set_key routine. Any other value specifies an argument for the get_key_fn key acquisition routine. See the rpc_server_register_auth_info() reference page for more information. principal_name A pointer to a character string indicating the name of the principal whose key is to be accessed. To access all keys in the local key store, supply NULL for this parameter. keytype A pointer to the data encryption algorithm (for example, DES) being used for the key. Output cursor The returned cursor value. The storage for the cursor information is allocated dynamically, so the returned pointer actually indicates a pointer to the cursor value. The storage for this data may be freed with the sec_key_mgmt_release_cursor() routine. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_key_mgmt_initialize_cursor() routine resets the cursor in the local key store. Use this routine to reposition the cursor before performing a scan of the local store via sec_key_mgmt_get_next_key(). The returned cursor value is supplied as input to sec_key_mgmt_get_next_key(). FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]KEYMGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/keymgmt.h was derived. ERRORS sec_s_no_memory Unable to allocate memory. sec_key_mgmt_e_authn_invalid The authentication protocol is not valid. sec_key_mgmt_e_unauthorized The caller is not authorized to perform the operation. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_key_mgmt_get_next_key sec_key_mgmt_release_cursor
58 – sec_key_mgmt_manage_key
NAME sec_key_mgmt_manage_key - Automatically changes a principal's key before it expires SYNOPSIS #include <dce/keymgmt.h> void sec_key_mgmt_manage_key( sec_key_mgmt_authn_service authn_service, void *arg, idl_char *principal_name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input authn_service Identifies the authentication protocol using this key. The possible authentication protocols are as follows: rpc_c_authn_dce_secret DCE shared-secret key authentication. rpc_c_authn_dce_public DCE public key authentication (reserved for future use). arg This parameter can specify either the local key file or an argument to the get_key_fn key acquisition routine of the rpc_server_register_auth_info routine. A value of NULL specifies that the default key file (DCE$LOCAL:[KRB]V5SRVTAB.;) should be used. A key file name specifies that file should be used as the key file. You must prepend the file's absolute filename with FILE: and the file must have been created with the rgy_edit ktadd command or the sec_key_mgmt_set_key routine. Any other value specifies an argument for the get_key_fn key acquisition routine. See the rpc_server_register_auth_info() reference page for more information. principal_name A pointer to a character string indicating the name of the principal whose key is to be managed. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_key_mgmt_manage_key() routine changes the specified principal's key on a regular basis, as determined by the local cell's policy. It will run indefinitely, never returning during normal operation, and therefore should be invoked only from a thread that has been devoted to managing keys. This routine queries the DCE Registry to determine the password expiration policy that applies to the named principal. It then idles until a short time before the current key is due to expire and then uses the sec_key_mgmt_gen_rand_key() to produce a new random key, updating both the local key store and the DCE Registry. This routine also invokes sec_key_mgmt_garbage_collect() as needed. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]KEYMGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/keymgmt.h was derived. ERRORS sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unavailable The old key is not present and therefore cannot be used to set a client side authentication context. sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unsupported The key type is not supported. sec_key_mgmt_e_authn_invalid The authentication protocol is not valid. sec_key_mgmt_e_unauthorized The caller is not authorized to perform the operation. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. sec_rgy_object_not_found No principal was found with the given name. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_key_mgmt_gen_rand_key sec_key_mgmt_garbage_collect
59 – sec_key_mgmt_release_cursor
NAME sec_key_mgmt_release_cursor - Releases the memory used by an initialized cursor value SYNOPSIS #include <dce/keymgmt.h> void sec_key_mgmt_release_cursor( void **cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input cursor A pointer to the cursor value for which the storage is to be released. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. DESCRIPTION The sec_key_mgmt_release_cursor() routine releases any storage allocated for the indicated cursor value by sec_key_mgmt_initialize_cursor(). The storage for the cursor value returned by sec_key_mgmt_initialize_cursor() is dynamically allocated. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]KEYMGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/keymgmt.h was derived. ERRORS sec_key_mgmt_e_unauthorized The caller is not authorized to perform the operation. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_key_mgmt_initialize_cursor
60 – sec_key_mgmt_set_key
NAME sec_key_mgmt_set_key - Inserts a key value into the local storage SYNOPSIS #include <dce/keymgmt.h> void sec_key_mgmt_set_key( sec_key_mgmt_authn_service authn_service, void *arg, idl_char *principal_name, unsigned32 key_vno, void *keydata, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input authn_service Identifies the authentication protocol using this key. The possible authentication protocols are as follows: rpc_c_authn_dce_secret DCE shared-secret key authentication. rpc_c_authn_dce_public DCE public key authentication (reserved for future use). arg This parameter can specify either the local key file or an argument to the get_key_fn key acquisition routine of the rpc_server_register_auth_info routine. A value of NULL specifies that the default key file (DCE$LOCAL:[KRB]V5SRVTAB.;) should be used. A key file name specifies that file should be used as the key file. The file name must begin with FILE:. If the file name does not begin with FILE:, the code will add it. Any other value specifies an argument for the get_key_fn key acquisition routine. See the rpc_server_register_auth_info() reference page for more information. principal_name A pointer to a character string indicating the name of the principal associated with the key to be set. key_vno The version number of the key to be set. keydata A pointer to the key value to be set. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_key_mgmt_set_key() routine performs all local activities necessary to update a principal's key to the specified value. This routine will not update the authentication protocol's value for the principal's key. In some circumstances, a server may only wish to change its key in the local key storage, and not in the DCE Registry. For example, a database system may have several replicas of a master database, managed by servers running on independent machines. Since these servers together represent only one service, they should all share the same key. This way, a user with a ticket to use the database can choose whichever server is least busy. To change the database key, the master server would signal all the replica (slave) servers to change the current key in their local key storage. They would use the sec_key_mgmt_set_key() routine, which does not communicate with the DCE Registry. Once all the slaves have complied, the master server can then change the Registry key and its own local storage. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]KEYMGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/keymgmt.h was derived. ERRORS sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unavailable The old key is not present and therefore cannot be used to set a client side authentication context. sec_key_mgmt_e_authn_invalid The authentication protocol is not valid. sec_key_mgmt_e_unauthorized The caller is not authorized to perform the operation. sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unsupported The key type is not supported. sec_key_mgmt_e_key_version_ex A key with this version number already exists. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_key_mgmt_change_key sec_key_mgmt_gen_rand_key
61 – sec_login_become_delegate
NAME sec_login_become_delegate - Causes an intermediate server to become a delegate in traced delegation chain SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> sec_login_handle_t sec_login_become_delegate( rpc_authz_cred_handle_t callers_identity, sec_login_handle_t my_login_context, sec_id_delegation_type_t delegation_type_permitted, sec_id_restriction_set_t *delegate_restrictions, sec_id_restriction_set_t *target_restrictions, sec_id_opt_req_t *optional_restrictions, sec_id_opt_req_t *required_restrictions, sec_id_compatibility_mode_t compatibility_mode, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input callers_identity A handle of type rpc_authz_cred_handle_t to the authenticated identity of the previous delegate in the delegation chain. The handle is supplied by the rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller() call. my_login_context A value of sec_login_handle_t that provides an opaque handle to the identity of the client that is becoming the intermediate delegate. The sec_login_handle_t that specifies the client's identity is supplied as output of the following calls: + sec_login_get_current_context() if the client inherited the identity of the current context + The sec_login_setup_identity() and the sec_login_validate_identity() pair that together establish an authenticated identity if a new identity was established Note that this identity specified by sec_login_handle_t must be a simple login context; it cannot be a compound identity created by a previous sec_login_become_delegate() call. delegation_type_permitted A value of sec_id_delegation_type_t that specifies the type of delegation to be enabled. The types available are: sec_id_deleg_type_none No delegation. sec_id_deleg_type_traced Traced delegation. sec_id_deleg_type_impersonation Simple (impersonation) delegation. Note that the initiating client sets the type of delegation. If it is set as traced, all delegates must also specify traced delegation; they cannot specify simple delegation. The same is true if the initiating client sets the delegation type as simple; all subsequent delegates must also specify simple delegation. The intermediate delegates can, however, specify no delegation to indicate that the delegation chain can proceed no further. delegate_restrictions A pointer to a sec_id_restriction_set_t that supplies a list of servers that can act as delegates for the intermediate client identified by my_login_context. These servers are added to delegates permitted by the delegate_restrictions parameter of the sec_login_become_initiator call. target_restrictions A pointer to a sec_id_restriction_set_t that supplies a list of servers that can act as targets for the intermediate client identified by my_login_context. These servers are added to targets specified by the target_restrictions parameter of the sec_login_become_initiator call. optional_restrictions A pointer to a sec_id_opt_req_t that supplies a list of application-defined optional restrictions that apply to the intermediate client identified by my_login_context. These restrictions are added to the restrictions identified by the optional_restrictions parameter of the sec_login_become_initiator call. required_restrictions A pointer to a sec_id_opt_req_t that supplies a list of application-defined required restrictions that apply to the intermediate client identified by my_login_context. These restrictions are added to the restrictions identified required_restrictions parameter of the sec_login_become_initiator call. compatibility_mode A value of sec_id_compatibility_mode_t that specifies the compatibility mode to be used when the intermediate client operates on pre-1.1 servers. The modes available are: sec_id_compat_mode_none Compatibility mode is off. sec_id_compat_mode_initiator Compatibility mode is on. The pre-1.1 PAC data is extracted from the EPAC of the initiating client. sec_id_compat_mode_caller Compatibility mode is on. The pre-1.1 PAC data extracted from the EPAC of the last client in the delegation chain. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_become_delegate() is used by intermediate servers to become a delegate for the client identified by callers_identity. The routine returns a new login context (of type sec_login_handle_t) that carries delegation information. This information includes the delegation type, delegate and target restrictions, and any application-defined optional and required restrictions. The new login context created by this call can then used to to set up authenticated rpc with an intermediate or target server using the rpc_binding_set_auth_info() call. Any delegate, target, required, or optional restrictions specified in this call are added to the restrictions specified by the initiating client and any intermediate clients. The sec_login_become_delegate() call is run only if the initiating client enabled traced delegation by setting the delegation_type_permitted parameter in the sec_login_become_initiator call to sec_id_deleg_type_traced. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_invalid_context sec_login_s_compound_delegate sec_login_s_invalid_deleg_type err_sec_login_invalid_delegate_restriction err_sec_login_invalid_target_restriction err_sec_login_invalid_opt_restriction err_sec_login_invalid_req_restriction sec_login_s_invalid_compat_mode sec_login_s_deleg_not_enabled error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: intro sec_login_become_initiator sec_login_become_impersonator rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller sec_login_get_current_context sec_login_setup_identity sec_login_validate_identity
62 – sec_login_become_impersonator
NAME sec_login_become_impersonator - Causes an intermediate server to become a delegate in a simple delegation chain SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> sec_login_handle_t sec_login_become_impersonator( rpc_authz_cred_handle_t callers_identity, sec_id_delegation_type_t delegation_type_permitted, sec_id_restriction_set_t *delegate_restrictions, sec_id_restriction_set_t *target_restrictions, sec_id_opt_req_t *optional_restrictions, sec_id_opt_req_t *required_restrictions, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input callers_identity A handle of type rpc_authz_cred_handle_t to the authenticated identity of the previous delegate in the delegation chain. The handle is supplied by the rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller() call. delegation_type_permitted A value of sec_id_delegation_type_t that specifies the type of delegation to be enabled. The types available are: sec_id_deleg_type_none No delegation. sec_id_deleg_type_traced Traced delegation. sec_id_deleg_type_impersonation Simple (impersonation) delegation. The initiating client sets the type of delegation. If it is set as traced, all delegates must also specify traced delegation; they cannot specify simple delegation. The same is true if the initiating client sets the delegation type as simple; all subsequent delegates must also specify simple delegation. The intermediate delegates can, however, specify no delegation to indicate that the delegation chain can proceed no further. delegate_restrictions A pointer to a sec_id_restriction_set_t that supplies a list of servers that can act as delegates for the client becoming the delegate. These servers are added to the delegates permitted by the delegate_restrictions parameter of the sec_login_become_initiator call. target_restrictions A pointer to a sec_id_restriction_set_t that supplies a list of servers that can act as targets for the client becoming the delegate. These servers are added to targets specified by the target_restrictions parameter of the sec_login_become_initiator call. optional_restrictions A pointer to a sec_id_opt_req_t that supplies a list of application-defined optional restrictions that apply to the client becoming the delegate. These restrictions are added to the restrictions identified by the optional_restrictions parameter of the sec_login_become_initiator call. required_restrictions A pointer to a sec_id_opt_req_t that supplies a list of application-defined required restrictions that apply to the client becoming the delegate. These restrictions are added to the restrictions identified required_restrictions parameter of the sec_login_become_initiator call. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_become_impersonator() is used by intermediate servers to become a delegate for the client identified by callers_identity. The routine returns a new login context (of type sec_login_handle_t) that carries delegation information. This information includes the delegation type, delegate, and target restrictions, and any application-defined optional and required restrictions. The new login context created by this call can then used to to set up authenticated rpc with an intermediate or target server using the rpc_binding_set_auth_info() call. The effective optional and required restrictions are the union of the optional and required restrictions specified in this call and specified by the initiating client and any intermediate clients. The effective target and delegate restrictions are the intersection of the target and delegate restrictions specified in this call and specified by the initiating client and any intermediate clients. The sec_login_become_impersonator call is call is run only if the initiating client enabled simple delegation by setting the delegation_type_permitted parameter in the sec_login_become_initiator call to sec_id_deleg_type_simple. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_invalid_deleg_type err_sec_login_invalid_delegate_restriction err_sec_login_invalid_target_restriction err_sec_login_invalid_opt_restriction err_sec_login_invalid_req_restriction sec_login_s_invalid_compat_mode sec_login_s_deleg_not_enabled error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_become_initiator rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller
63 – sec_login_become_initiator
NAME sec_login_become_initiator - Constructs a new login context that enables delegation for the calling client SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> sec_login_handle_t sec_login_become_initiator( sec_login_handle_t my_login_context, sec_id_delegation_type_t delegation_type_permitted, sec_id_restriction_set_t *delegate_restrictions, sec_id_restriction_set_t *target_restrictions, sec_id_opt_req_t *optional_restrictions, sec_id_opt_req_t *required_restrictions, sec_id_compatibility_mode_t compatibility_mode, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input my_login_context A value of sec_login_handle_t that provides an opaque handle to the identity of the client that is enabling delegation. The sec_login_handle_t that specifies the client's identity is supplied as output of the following calls: + sec_login_get_current_context() if the client inherited the identity of the current context + The sec_login_setup_identity() and the sec_login_validate_identity() pair that together establish an authentiated identity if a new identity was established delegation_type_permitted A value of sec_id_delegation_type_t that specifies the type of delegation to be enabled. The types available are: sec_id_deleg_type_none No delegation. sec_id_deleg_type_traced Traced delegation. sec_id_deleg_type_impersonation Simple (impersonation) delegation. Note each subsequent intermediate delegate of the delegation chain started by the initiating client must set the delegation type to traced if the initiating client set it to traced or to simple if the initiating client set it to simple. Intermediate delegates, however, can set the delegation type to no delegation to indicate that the delegation chain can proceed no further. delegate_restrictions A pointer to a sec_id_restriction_set_t that supplies a list of servers that can act as delegates for the client initiating delegation. target_restrictions A pointer to a sec_id_restriction_set_t that supplies a list of servers that can act as targets for the client initiating delegation. optional_restrictions A pointer to a sec_id_opt_req_t that supplies a list of application-defined optional restrictions that apply to the client initiating delegation. required_restrictions A pointer to a sec_id_opt_req_t that supplies a list of application-defined required restrictions that apply to the client initiating delegation. compatibility_mode A value of sec_id_compatibility_mode_t that specifies the compatibility mode to be used when the initiating client interacts with pre-1.1 servers. The modes available are: sec_id_compat_mode_none Compatibility mode is off. sec_id_compat_mode_initiator Compatibility mode is on. The pre-1.1 PAC data is extracted from the EPAC of the initiating client. sec_id_compat_mode_caller Compatibility mode is on. The pre-1.1 PAC data extracted from the EPAC of the last client in the delegation chain. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_become_initiator() enables delegation for the calling client by constructing a new login context (in a sec_login_handle_t) that carries delegation information. This information includes the delegation type, delegate, and target restrictions, and any application-defined optional and required restrictions. The new login context is then used to to set up authenticated rpc with an intermediate server using the rpc_binding_set_auth_info() call. The intermediary can continue the delegation chain by calling sec_login_become_delegate (if the delegation type is sec_id_deleg_type_traced) or sec_login_become_impersonator (if the delegation type is sec_id_deleg_type_impersonation). FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_invalid_context sec_login_s_invalid_deleg_type err_sec_login_invalid_delegate_restriction err_sec_login_invalid_target_restriction err_sec_login_invalid_opt_restriction err_sec_login_invalid_req_restriction sec_login_s_invalid_compat_mode error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_become_delegate sec_login_become_impersonator sec_login_get_current_context sec_login_setup_identity sec_login_validate_identity
64 – sec_login_certify_identity
NAME sec_login_certify_identity - Certifies the network authentication service SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> boolean32 sec_login_certify_identity( sec_login_handle_t login_context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context An opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_certify_identity() routine certifies that the Security Server used to set up and validate a login context is legitimate. A legitimate server is one that knows the host machine's secret key. On some systems, this may be a privileged operation. Information may be retrieved via sec_login_get_pwent(), sec_login_get_groups(), and sec_login_get_expiration() from an uncertified login context, but such information cannot be trusted. All system login programs that use the sec_login interface must call sec_login_certify_identity() to certify the Security Server. If they do not, they open the local file system to attacks by imposter Security servers returning suspect local process credentials (UUID and group IDs). This operation updates the local registry with the login context credentials if the certification check succeeds. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. RETURN VALUES The routine returns a boolean32 value that is TRUE if the certification was successful, and FALSE otherwise. ERRORS sec_login_s_config The DCE configuration (dce_config) information is not available. sec_login_s_context_invalid The input context is invalid. sec_login_s_default_use It is an error to try to certify the default context. error_status_ok The call was successful. EXAMPLES Applications wishing to perform a straightforward login could use the sec_login package as follows: if (sec_login_setup_identity(user_name, sec_login_no_flags, &login_context, &st)) { ... get password from user... if (sec_login_validate_identity(login_context, password, &reset_passwd, &auth_src, &st)) { if (!sec_login_certify_identity(login_context, &st)) exit(error_weird_auth_svc); sec_login_set_context(login_context, &st); if (auth_src != sec_login_auth_src_network) printf("no network credentials"); if (reset_passwd) { ... get new password from user, reset registry record ... }; sec_login_get_pwent(login_context, &pw_entry, &st); if (pw_entry.pw_expire < todays_date) { sec_login_purge_context(&login_context, &st); exit(0) } ... any other application specific login valid actions ... } } else { sec_login_purge_context(&login_context, &st); ... application specific login failure actions ... } } RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro, sec_login_get_pwent sec_login_get_groups sec_login_get_expiration
65 – sec_login_cred_get_delegate
NAME sec_login_cred_get_delegate - Returns a handle to the privilege attributes of an intermediary in a delegation chain Used by clients. SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> sec_cred_pa_handle_t sec_login_cred_get_delegate( sec_login_handle_t login_context, sec_cred_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context A value of sec_login_handle_t that provides an opaque handle to a login context for which delegation has been enabled. The sec_login_handle_t that specifies the identity is supplied as output of the sec_login_become_delegate() call. Input/Output cursor As input, a pointer to a cursor of type sec_cred_cursor_t that has been initialized by the sec_login_cred_init_cursor() call. As an output parameter, cursor is a pointer to a cursor of type sec_cred_cursor_t that is positioned past the principal whose privilege attributes have been returned in this call. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_cred_get_delegate() routine returns a handle of type sec_login_handle_t to the the privilege attributes of an intermediary in a delegation chain that performed an authenticated RPC operation. This call is used by clients. Servers use the sec_cred_get_delegate() routine to return the privilege attribute handle of an intermediary in a delegation chain. The login context identified by login_context contains all members in the delegation chain. This call returns a handle (sec_cred_pa_handle_t) to the privilege attributes of one of the delegates in the login context. The sec_cred_pa_handle_t returned by this call is used in other sec_cred_get... calls to obtain privilege attribute information for a single delegate. To obtain the privilege attributes of each delegate in the credential handle identified by callers_identity, execute this call until the message sec_cred_s_no_more_entries is returned. Before you execute sec_login_cred_get_delegate(), you must execute a sec_login_cred_init_cursor() call to initialize a cursor of type sec_cred_cursor_t. Use the sec_cred_free_pa_handle() sec_cred_free_cursor() calls to free the resources allocated to the sec_cred_pa_handle_t and cursor. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_cred_s_invalid_cursor sec_cred_s_no_more_entries error_status_ok EXAMPLES RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_cred_init_cursor sec_cred_get_pa_date sec_cred_get_extended_attrs sec_cred_get_v1_pac sec_cred_get_tgt_restrictions sec_cred_get_deleg_restrictions sec_cred_get_opt_restrictions sec_cred_get_req_restrictions sec_cred_get_delegation_type
66 – sec_login_cred_get_initiator
NAME sec_login_cred_get_initiator - Returns information about the delegation initiator in a specified login context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> sec_cred_pa_handle_t sec_login_cred_get_initiator( sec_login_handle_t login_context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context A value of sec_login_handle_t that provides an opaque handle to a login context for which delegation has been enabled. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_cred_get_initiator() routine returns a handle of type sec_cred_pa_handle_t to the privilege attributes of the delegation initiator. The login context identified by login_context contains all members in the delegation chain. This call returns a handle (sec_cred_pa_handle_t) to the privilege attributes of the initiator. The sec_cred_pa_handle_t returned by this call is used in other sec_cred_get... calls to obtain privilege attribute information for the initiator single delegate. Use the sec_cred_free_pa_handle() call to free the resources allocated to the sec_cred_pa_handle_t handle. FILES SYS$LIBRARY:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_invalid_context error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_cred_get_pa_date sec_cred_get_extended_attrs sec_cred_get_v1_pac sec_cred_get_tgt_restrictions sec_cred_get_deleg_restrictions sec_cred_get_opt_restrictions sec_cred_get_req_restrictions sec_cred_get_delegation_type
67 – sec_login_cred_init_cursor
NAME sec_login_cred_init_cursor - Initialize a sec_cred_cursor_t SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_cred.h> void sec_login_cred_init_cursor ( sec_cred_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input/Output cursor As input, a pointer to a sec_cred_cursor_t to be initialized. As output, a pointer to an initialized sec_cred_cursor_t. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_cred_init_cursor() routine allocates and initializes a cursor of type sec_cursor_t for use with the sec_login_cred_get_delegate() call. Use the sec_cred_free_cursor() call to free the resources allocated to cursor. ERRORS sec_cred_s_invalid_cursor sec_login_s_no_memory error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_cred_get_delegate
68 – sec_login_disable_delegation
NAME sec_login_disable_delegation - Disables delegation for a specified login context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> sec_logon_handle_t *sec_login_disable_delegation( sec_login_handle_t login_context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context An opaque handle to login context for which delegation has been enabled. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_disable_delegation() routine disables delegation for a specified login context. It returns a new login context of type sec_login_handle_t without any delegation information, thus preventing any further delegation. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_invalid_context error_status_ok EXAMPLES RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_become_initiator sec_login_become_delegate sec_login_become_impersonator
69 – sec_login_export_context
NAME sec_login_export_context - Creates an exportable login context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> void sec_login_export_context( sec_login_handle_t login_context, unsigned32 buf_len, idl_byte buf[], unsigned32 *len_used, unsigned32 *len_needed, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context An opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) buf_len An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the allocated length (in bytes) of the buffer that is to contain the login context. Output buf[] An idl_byte array that contains the exportable login context upon return. len_used A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer indicating the number of bytes needed for the entire login context, up to buf_len. len_needed If the allocated length of the buffer is too short, an error is issued (sec_login_s_no_memory), and on return this pointer indicates the number of bytes necessary to contain the login context. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_export_context() routine obtains an exportable version of the login context information. This information may be passed to another process running on the same machine. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_no_memory Not enough space was allocated for the buf[] array. The len_needed parameter will point to the needed length. sec_login_s_handle_invalid The login context handle is invalid. sec_login_s_context_invalid The login context specified by the input handle is invalid. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_import_context
70 – sec_login_free_net_info
NAME sec_login_free_net_info - Frees storage allocated for a principal's network information SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> void sec_login_free_net_info( sec_login_net_info_t *net_info); PARAMETERS Input/Output net_info A pointer to the sec_login_net_info_t structure to be freed. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_free_net_info() routine frees any memory allocated for a principal's network information. Network information is returned by a previous successful call to sec_login_inquire_net_info(). CAUTIONS This routine does not return any completion codes. Make sure that you supply a valid sec_login_net_info_t address. The routine simply frees a range of storage beginning at the supplied address, without regard to the actual contents of the storage. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_inquire_net_info
71 – sec_login_get_current_context
NAME sec_login_get_current_context - Returns a handle to the current login context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> void sec_login_get_current_context( sec_login_handle_t *login_context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Output login_context A pointer to an opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_get_current_context() routine retrieves a handle to the login context for the currently established network identity. The context returned is created from locally cached data so subsequent data extraction operations may return some NULL values. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_no_current_context There was no current context to retrieve. (See sec_login_setup_identity for information about how to set up, validate, and implement a login context.) error_status_ok The call was successful. EXAMPLES The following example illustrates use of the sec_login_get_current_context() routine as part of a process to change the groupset: sec_login_get_current_context(&login_context, &st); sec_login_get_groups(login_context, &num_groups, &groups, &st); ...the group IDs have to be converted from the returned UNIX numbers into UUIDs (use sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id)... for (i=0; i < num_groups; i++) { ... query whether the user wants to discard any of the current group memberships. Copy new groupset to the new_groups array ... } if ( !sec_login_newgroups(sec_login_no_flags, num_new_groups, new_groups, &login_context, &st)) { if (st == sec_login_s_groupset_invalid) printf("New groupset invalid0); ... application specific error handling ... } RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_setup_identity
72 – sec_login_get_expiration
NAME sec_login_get_expiration - Returns the TGT lifetime for an authenticated identity SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> void sec_login_get_expiration( sec_login_handle_t login_context, signed32 *identity_expiration, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context An opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) Output identity_expiration The lifetime of the Ticket-Granting Ticket (TGT) belonging to the authenticated identity identified by login_context. It can be used in the same ways as a UNIX time_t. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns one of the following status codes: + error_status_ok to indicate that the login context has been validated and certified. + sec_login_s_not_certified to indicate that the login context has been validated, but not certified. Although this code indicates successful completion, it warns you that the context is not validated. If the call does not complete successfully, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_get_expiration() routine extracts the lifetime for the TGT belonging to the authenticated identity contained in the login context. The liftime value is filled in if available; otherwise, it is set to 0 (zero). This routine allows an application to tell an interactive user how long the user's network login (and authenticated identity) will last before having to be refreshed. The routine works only on previously certified contexts. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_context_invalid The login context itself is invalid. sec_login_s_default_use There was illegal use of the default login handle. sec_login_s_not_certified The login context has not been certified. sec_login_s_no_current_context The calling process has no context of its own. error_status_ok The call was successful. EXAMPLES Since the authenticated network identity for a process has a finite lifetime, there is a risk it will expire during some long network operation, preventing the operation from completing. To avoid this situation, an application might, before initiating a long operation, use the sec_login package to check the expiration time of its identity and refresh it if there is not enough time remaining to complete the operation. After refreshing the identity, the process must validate it again with sec_login_validate_identity(). sec_login_get_expiration(login_context, &expire_time, &st); if (expire_time < (current_time + operation_duration)) { if (!sec_login_refresh_identity(login_context, &st)) { if (st == sec_login_s_refresh_ident_bad) { ... identity has changed ... } else { ... login context cannot be renewed ... exit(error_context_not_renewable); } if (sec_login_validate_identity(login_context, password, &reset_passwd, &auth_src, &st)) { ... identity validated ... } else { ... validation failed ... exit(error_validation_failure); } } } operation(); RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_get_current_context
73 – sec_login_get_groups
NAME sec_login_get_groups - Returns the groupset from a login context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> void sec_login_get_groups( sec_login_handle_t login_context, unsigned32 *num_groups, signed32 **group_set, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context An opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) Output num_groups An unsigned 32-bit integer indicating the total number of groups returned in the group_set array. group_set The list of groups to which the user belongs. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns one of the following status codes: + error_status_ok to indicate that the login context has been validated and certified. + sec_login_s_not_certified to indicate that the login context has been validated, but not certified. Although this code indicates successful completion, it warns you that the context is not validated. If the call does not complete successfully, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_get_groups() routine returns the groups contained in the supplied login context. Part of a network identity is a list of the various groups to which the principal belongs. The groups are used to determine a user's access to various objects and services. This routine extracts from the login context a list of the groups for which the user has established network privileges. The routine works only on previously validated contexts. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_context_invalid The login context itself is not valid. sec_login_s_info_not_avail The login context has no UNIX information. sec_login_s_default_use Illegal use of the default login handle occurred. sec_login_s_not_certified The login context has not been certified. sec_login_s_not_certified The login context is not certified. sec_rgy_object_not_found The registry server could not find the specified login context data. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. EXAMPLES The following example illustrates use of the sec_login_get_groups() routine as part of a process to change the groupset: sec_login_get_current_context(&login_context, &st); sec_login_get_groups(login_context, &num_groups, &groups, &st); ...the group IDs have to be converted from the returned UNIX numbers into UUIDs (use sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id)... for (i=0; i < num_groups; i++) { ... query whether the user wants to discard any of the current group memberships. Copy new groupset to the new_groups array ... } if ( !sec_login_newgroups(sec_login_no_flags, num_new_groups, new_groups, &login_context, &st)) { if (st == sec_login_s_groupset_invalid) printf("New groupset invalid0); ... application specific error handling ... } RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist
74 – sec_login_get_pwent
NAME sec_login_get_pwent - Returns a passwd-style entry for a login context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> void sec_login_get_pwent( sec_login_handle_t login_context, sec_login_passwd_t *pwent, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context An opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) Output pwent A pointer to a pointer to the returned passwd-style structure. The particular structure depends on the underlying system. For example, on a system with a passwd structure like that supported by 4.4BSD and OSF/1, the structure (found in /usr/include/pwd.h) is: struct passwd { char *pw_name; /* user name */ char *pw_passwd; /* encrypted password */ int pw_uid; /* user uid */ int pw_gid; /* user gid */ time_t pw_change; /* password change time */ char *pw_class; /* user access class */ char *pw_gecos; /* miscellaneous account info */ char *pw_dir; /* home directory */ char *pw_shell; /* default shell */ time_t pw_expire; /* account expiration */ }; status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns one of the following status codes: + error_status_ok to indicate that the login context has been validated and certified. + sec_login_s_not_certified to indicate that the login context has been validated, but not certified. Although this code indicates successful completion, it warns you that the context is not validated. If the call does not complete successfully, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_get_pwent() routine creates a passwd-style structure for the current network login context. This is generally useful for establishing the local operating system context. Applications that require all of the data normally extracted via getpwnam() should extract that data from the login context with this call. This routine works only on explicitly created (not inherited or imported) contexts. CAUTIONS The returned sec_login_passwd_t structure points to data stored in the structure indicated by the login_context pointer and must be treated as read-only data. Writing to these data objects may cause unexpected failures. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. EXAMPLES The following example illustrates use of the sec_login_get_pwent() routine: #include <pwd.h> struct passwd *pwd; sec_login_get_pwent( login_context, &(sec_login_passwd_t*)pwd,&status ); printf ("%s",pwd->pw_name); ERRORS sec_login_s_context_invalid The login context itself is invalid. sec_login_s_not_certified The login context has not been certified. sec_login_s_default_use Illegal use of the default login handle occurred. sec_login_s_info_not_avail The login context has no UNIX information. sec_rgy_object_not_found The registry server could not find the specified login context data. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro
75 – sec_login_import_context
NAME sec_login_import_context - Imports a login context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> void sec_login_import_context( unsigned32 buf_len, idl_byte buf[], sec_login_handle_t *login_context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input buf_len The allocated length (in bytes) of the buffer containing the login context. buf[] An idl_byte array containing the importable login context. Output login_context An opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_import_context() routine imports a context obtained via a call to sec_login_export_context() performed on the same machine. To import a login context, users must have the appropriate privileges. Nonprivileged users can import only their own login context; privileged users can import the login contexts created by any users. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_context_invalid The login context itself is not valid. sec_login_s_default_use Illegal use of the default login handle occurred. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_export_context
76 – sec_login_init_first
NAME sec_login_init_first - Initializes the default context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> void sec_login_init_first( error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_init_first() routine initializes the default context inheritance mechanism. If the default inheritance mechanism is already initialized, the operation fails. Typically, this routine is called by the initial process at machine boot time to initialize the default context inheritance mechanism for the host machine process hierarchy. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_default_use The default context is already initialized. sec_login_s_privileged An unprivileged process was called in. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_setup_first sec_login_validate_first
77 – sec_login_inquire_net_info
NAME sec_login_inquire_net_info - Returns a principal's network information SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> void sec_login_inquire_net_info( sec_login_handle_t login_context, sec_login_net_info_t *net_info, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context An opaque handle to the login context for the desired principal. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) Output net_info A pointer to the returned sec_login_net_info_t data structure that contains the principal's network information. The sec_login_net_info_t structure is defined as follows: typedef struct { sec_id_pac_t pac; unsigned32 acct_expiration_date; unsigned32 passwd_expiration_date; unsigned32 identity_expiration_date; } sec_login_net_info_t; }; status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns one of the following status codes: + error_status_ok to indicate that the principal's network information returned in the sec_login_net_info_t data structure has been validated and certified. + sec_login_s_not_certified to indicate that the principal's network information returned in the sec_login_net_info_t data structure has been validated, but not certified. Although this code indicates successful completion, it warns you that the information is not validated. If the call does not complete successfully, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_inquire_net_info() routine returns network information for the principal identified by the specified login context. The network information consists of the following: + The Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) that describes the identity and group memberships of the principal. + The expiration date for the principal's account in the DCE Registry. + The expiration date for the principal's password in the DCE Registry. + The lifetime for the principal's authenticated network identity. This is the lifetime of the principal's TGT (see the sec_login_get_expiration() routine). A value of 0 (zero) for an expiration date means there is no expiration date. In other words, the principal's account, password, or authenticated identity is good indefinitely. To remove the returned net_info structure when it is no longer needed, use sec_login_free_net_info(). FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_not_certified The login context is not certified. sec_login_s_context_invalid The login context is not valid. sec_login_s_no_current_context The default context was specified, but none exists. sec_login_s_auth_local Operation not valid on local context. The call's identity was not authenticated. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_get_expiration sec_login_free_net_info
78 – sec_login_newgroups
NAME sec_login_newgroups - Changes the group list for a login context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> boolean32 sec_login_newgroups( sec_login_handle_t login_context, sec_login_flags_t flags, unsigned32 num_local_groups, sec_id_t local_groups[], sec_login_handle_t *restricted_context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context An opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) flags A set of flags of type sec_login_flags_t. These contain information about how the new network credentials will be used. Currently, the only flag used is sec_login_credentials_private, that, when set, implies that the new context is only to be used by the calling process. If this flag is not set (flags = sec_login_no_flags), descendants of the calling process may also use the new network credentials. num_local_groups An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of local group identities to include in the new context. local_groups[] An array of sec_id_t elements. Each element contains the UUID of a local group identity to include in the new context. These identities are local to the cell. Optionally, each element may also contain a pointer to a character string containing the name of the local group. Output restricted_context An opaque handle to the login context containing the changed group list. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_newgroups() routine changes the group list for the specified login context. Part of a network identity is a list of the various groups to which a principal belongs. The groups are used to determine a user's access to various objects and services. This routine returns a new login context that contains the changed group list. To remove the new login context when it is no longer needed, use sec_login_purge_context(). This operation does not need to be validated as the user identity does not change. Consequently, knowledge of the password is not needed. NOTES urrently you can have only groups from the local cell. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. RETURN VALUES This routine returns TRUE when the new login context is successfully established. ERRORS sec_login_s_auth_local Operation not valid on local context. sec_login_s_default_use It is an error to try to certify the default context. sec_login_s_groupset_invalid The input list of group names is invalid. There may be groups to which the caller does not belong, or the list may contain groups that do not exist. error_status_ok The call was successful. EXAMPLES The following example illustrates use of the sec_login_newgroups() routine as part of a process to change the groupset: sec_login_get_current_context(&login_context, &st); sec_login_get_groups(login_context, &num_groups, &groups, &st); ...the group IDs have to be converted from the returned UNIX numbers into UUIDs (use sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id)... for (i=0; i < num_groups; i++) { ... query whether the user wants to discard any of the current group memberships. Copy new groupset to the new_groups array ... } if ( !sec_login_newgroups(sec_login_no_flags, num_new_groups, new_groups, &login_context, &st)) { if (st == sec_login_s_groupset_invalid) printf("New groupset invalid0); ... application specific error handling ... } RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_get_groups sec_login_purge_context
79 – sec_login_purge_context
NAME sec_login_purge_context - Destroys a login context and frees its storage SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> void sec_login_purge_context( sec_login_handle_t *login_context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context A pointer to an opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) Note that a pointer to the handle is submitted, so the handle may be reset to NULL upon successful completion. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_purge_context() routine frees any storage allocated for the specified login context and destroys the associated network credentials, if any exist. CAUTIONS Applications must be cautious when purging the current context as this destroys network credentials for all processes that share the credentials. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_default_use Illegal use of the default login handle occurred. sec_login_s_context_invalid The login context itself is not valid. error_status_ok The call was successful. EXAMPLES The following example illustrates use of the sec_login_purge_context() routine as part of a straightforward login process: if (sec_login_setup_identity( user_name, sec_login_no_flags, &login_context, &st)) { ... get password from user... if (sec_login_validate_identity(login_context, password, &reset_passwd, &auth_src, &st)) { if (!sec_login_certify_identity(login_context, &st)) exit(error_wierd_auth_svc); sec_login_set_context(login_context, &st); if (auth_src != sec_login_auth_src_network) printf("no network credentials"); if (reset_passwd) { ... get new password from user, reset registry record ... }; sec_login_get_pwent(login_context, &pw_entry, &st); if (pw_entry.pw_expire < todays_date) { sec_login_purge_context(&login_context, &st); exit(0) } ... any other application specific login valid actions ... } } else { sec_login_purge_context(&login_context, &st); ... application specific login failure actions ... } } RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_set_context sec_login_setup_identity sec_login_validate_identity
80 – sec_login_refresh_identity
NAME sec_login_refresh_identity - Refreshes an authenticated identity for a login context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> boolean32 sec_login_refresh_identity( sec_login_handle_t login_context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context An opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_refresh_identity() routine refreshes a previously established identity. It operates on an existing valid context, and cannot be used to change credentials associated with that identity. The refreshed identity reflects changes that affect ticket lifetimes, but not other changes. For example, the identity will reflect a change to maximum ticket lifetime, but not the addition of the identity as a member to a group. Only a DCE login reflects all administrative changes made since the last login. The refreshed identity must be validated with sec_login_validate_identity() before it can be used. It is an error to refresh a locally authenticated context. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_context_invalid The login context itself is not valid. sec_login_s_default_use Illegal use of the default login handle occurred. sec_login_s_no_memory Not enough memory is available to complete the operation. error_status_ok The call was successful. EXAMPLES Since the authenticated network identity for a process has a finite lifetime, there is a risk it will expire during some long network operation, preventing the operation from completing. For a server application that must run with an authenticated network identity because they themselves sometimes act as clients of another server, the sec_login calls can be used to check the network identity expiration date, run sec_login_refresh_identity and sec_login_validate_identity before the expiration. This will prevent interruptions in the server's operation due to the restrictions in network access applied to an unauthenticated identity. sec_login_get_expiration(login_context, &expire_time, &st); if (expire_time < (current_time + operation_duration)) { if (!sec_login_refresh_identity(login_context, &st)) { ... login context cannot be renewed ... ... sleep and try again .... } } else { if (sec_login_validate_identity(login_context, password, &reset_passwd, &auth_src, &st)) { ... identity validated ... } else { ... validation failed ... exit(error_validation_failure); } } } operation(); RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_validate_identity
81 – sec_login_release_context
NAME sec_login_release_context - Frees storage allocated for a login context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> void sec_login_release_context( sec_login_handle_t *login_context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input/Output login_context A pointer to an opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_release_context() routine frees any memory allocated for a login context. Unlike sec_login_purge_context(), it does not destroy the associated network credentials that still reside in the credential cache. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_default_use Illegal use of the default login handle occurred. sec_login_s_context_invalid The login context itself is invalid. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_purge_context
82 – sec_login_set_context
NAME sec_login_set_context - Creates network credentials for a login context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> void sec_login_set_context( sec_login_handle_t login_context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context An opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_set_context() routine sets the network credentials to those specified by the login context. This context must have been previously validated. Contexts acquired through sec_login_get_current_context() or sec_login_newgroups() do not need to be validated since those routines return previously alidated contexts. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_context_invalid The login context itself is invalid. sec_login_s_default_use Illegal use of the default login handle occurred. sec_login_s_auth_local Operation not valid on local context. error_status_ok The call was successful. EXAMPLES The following example illustrates use of the sec_login_set_context() routine as part of a straightforward login process: if (sec_login_setup_identity( user_name, sec_login_no_flags, &login_context, &st )) { ... get password from user... if (sec_login_validate_identity(login_context, password, &reset_passwd, &auth_src, &st)) { if (!sec_login_certify_identity(login_context, &st)) exit(error_weird_auth_svc); sec_login_set_context(login_context, &st); if (auth_src != sec_login_auth_src_network) printf("no network credentials"); if (reset_passwd) { ... get new password from user, reset registry record ... }; sec_login_get_pwent(login_context, &pw_entry, &st); if (pw_entry.pw_expire < todays_date) { sec_login_purge_context(&login_context, &st); exit(0) } ... any other application specific login valid actions ... } } else { sec_login_purge_context(&login_context, &st); ... application specific login failure actions ... } } RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_setup_identity sec_login_validate_identity
83 – sec_login_set_extended_attrs
NAME sec_login_set_extended_attrs - Constructs a new login context that contains extended registry attributes SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> sec_login_handle_t sec_login_set_extended_attrs( sec_login_handle_t my_login_context, unsigned32 num_attributes, sec_attr_t attributes[] error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input my_login_context A value of sec_login_handle_t that provides an opaque handle to the identity of the calling client. num_attributes An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the number of elements in the attributes[] array. The number must be greater than 0. attributes[] An array of values of type sec_attr_t that specifies the list of attributes to be set in the new login context. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_set_extended_attrs() constructs a login context that contains extended registry attributes that have been established for the object identified by my_login_context. The attributes themselves must have been established and attached to the object using the Extended Registry Attribute API. The input attributes[] array of sec_attr_t values should specify the attr_id field for each requested attribute. Since the lookup is by attribute type ID only, set the attribute.attr_value.attr_encoding field to sec_attr_enc_void for each attribute. Note that sec_attr_t is an Extended Registry Attribute data type. For more information on Extended Registry Attributes, see the description of the sec_attr calls in this document and the chapter titled "The Extended Registry Attribute API" in the DCE Application Development Guide. You cannot use this call to add extended registry attributes to a delegation chain. If you pass in a login context that refers to a delegation chain, an invalid context error will be returned. The routine returns a new login context of type sec_login_handle_t that includes the attributes specified in the attributes[] array. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_invalid_context error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_... calls sec_login_become_impersonator sec_login_setup_identity sec_login_validate_identity sec_login_set_context
84 – sec_login_setup_first
NAME sec_login_setup_first - Sets up the default network context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> boolean32 sec_login_setup_first( sec_login_handle_t *init_context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Output init_context A pointer to an opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. In this call, the context will be that of the host machine initial process. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_setup_first() routine sets up the default context network identity. If the default context already contains valid credentials, the routine fails. Typically, this routine is called from the Security Validation Service of the dced process to breathe life into the default credentials for the host machine process hierarchy. This routine uses the hostname available via the local dce_config interface as the principal name for the setup, so it does need a principal name as input. RETURN VALUES The routine returns a boolean32 value that is TRUE if the setup was successful, and FALSE otherwise. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_default_use The default context is already in use and does not need to be set up again. sec_login_s_no_current_context The calling process has no context of its own. sec_login_s_privileged An unprivileged process was called in. sec_login_s_config The DCE configuration (dce_config) information is not available. sec_rgy_object_not_found The principal does not exist. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The network registry is not available. sec_login_s_no_memory A memory allocation error occurred. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_init_first sec_login_validate_first
85 – sec_login_setup_identity
NAME sec_login_setup_identity - Sets up the user's network identity SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> boolean32 sec_login_setup_identity( unsigned_char_p_t principal, sec_login_flags_t flags, sec_login_handle_t *login_context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input principal A pointer (type unsigned_char_p_t) indicating a character string containing the principal name on the registry account corresponding to the calling process. flags A set of flags of type sec_login_flags_t. These contain information about how the new network credentials are to be used. Output login_context A pointer to an opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_setup_identity() routine creates any local context necessary to perform authenticated network operations. It does not establish any local operating system context; that is the responsibility of the caller. It is the standard network login function. The network identity set up by this operation cannot be used until it is validated via sec_login_validate_identity(). The sec_login_setup_identity() operation and the sec_login_validate_identity() operation are two halves of a single logical operation. Together they collect the identity data needed to establish an authenticated identity. NOTES Neither sec_login_setup_identity() nor sec_login_validate_identity() check for account or identity expiration. The application program using this interface is responsible for such checks. RETURN VALUES The routine returns TRUE if the identity has been successfully established. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_object_not_found The principal does not exist. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The network registry is not available. sec_login_s_no_memory Not enough memory is available to complete the operation. error_status_ok The call was successful. EXAMPLES The following example illustrates use of the sec_login_setup_identity() routine as part of a straightforward login process: if (sec_login_setup_identity( user_name, sec_login_no_flags, &login_context, &st )) { ... get password from user... if (sec_login_validate_identity(login_context, password, &reset_passwd, &auth_src, &st)) { if (!sec_login_certify_identity(login_context, &st)) exit(error_weird_auth_svc); sec_login_set_context(login_context, &st); if (auth_src != sec_login_auth_src_network) printf("no network credentials"); if (reset_passwd) { ... get new password from user, reset registry record ... }; sec_login_get_pwent(login_context, &pw_entry, &st); if (pw_entry.pw_expire < todays_date) { sec_login_purge_context(&login_context, &st); exit(0) } ... any other application specific login valid actions ... } } else { sec_login_purge_context(&login_context, &st); ... application specific login failure actions ... } } RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_validate_identity sec_login_set_context
86 – sec_login_valid_and_cert_ident
NAME sec_login_valid_and_cert_ident - Validates and certifies a login context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> boolean32 sec_login_valid_and_cert_ident( sec_login_handle_t login_context, sec_passwd_rec_t *passwd, boolean32 *reset_passwd, sec_login_auth_src_t *auth_src, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context An opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) passwd A password record to be checked against the password in the principal's registry account. The routine returns TRUE if the two match. The contents of the passwd parameter are erased after the call has finished processing it. Output reset_passwd A pointer to a 32-bit boolean32 value. The routine returns TRUE if the account password has expired and must be reset. auth_src A 32-bit set of flags identifying the source of the authentication. Upon return after successful authentication, the flags in auth_src indicate what authority was used to validate the login context. If the authentication was accomplished with the network authority, the sec_login_auth_src_network flag is set, and the process login context has credentials to use the network. If the authentication was accomplished with local data only (either the principal's account is tailored for the local machine with overrides, or the network authority is unavailable), the sec_login_auth_src_local flag is set. Login contexts that are authenticated locally may not be used to establish network credentials because they have none. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_valid_and_cert_ident() routine validates and certifies a login context established with sec_login_setup_identity(). The caller must supply the user's password as input with the passwd parameter. This routine combines the operations of the sec_login_validate_identity() and sec_login_certify_identity() routines. It is intended for use by system login programs that need to extract trustworthy operating system credentials for use in setting the local identity for a process. This operation destroys the contents of the passwd input parameter. If the network security service is unavailable or if the user's password has been overridden on the host, a locally authenticated context is created, and the auth_src parameter is set to sec_login_auth_src_local. Data extracted from a locally authenticated context may be used to set the local OS identity, but it cannot be used to establish network credentials. This routine is a privileged operation. RETURN VALUES The routine returns TRUE if the login identity has been successfully validated. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_passwd_invalid The input string does not match the account password. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. sec_login_s_acct_invalid The account is invalid or has expired. sec_login_s_privileged This is a privileged operation and was invoked by an unprivileged process. sec_login_s_null_password The input string is NULL. sec_login_s_default_use The input context was the default context, which cannot be validated. sec_login_s_already_valid The login context has already been validated. sec_login_s_unsupp_passwd_type The password type is not supported. sec_login_s_no_memory Not enough memory is available to complete the operation. sec_login_s_preauth_failed Preauthentication failure. error_status_ok The call was successful. EXAMPLES The following example illustrates use of the sec_login_valid_and_cert_ident() routine as part of a system login process: if (sec_login_setup_identity(<user>, sec_login_no_flags, &login_context, &st)) { ... get password ... if (sec_login_valid_and_cert_ident(login_context, password, &st)) { if (auth_src == sec_login_auth_src_network) { if (GOOD_STATUS(&st) sec_login_set_context(login_context); } } if (reset_passwd) { ... reset the user's password ... if (passwd_reset_fails) { sec_login_purge_context(login_context) ... application login failure actions ... } ... application specific login valid actions ... } } RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_certify_identity sec_login_setup_identity sec_login_validate_identity
87 – sec_login_valid_from_keytable
NAME sec_login_valid_from_keytable - Validates a login context's identit using input from a specified keytable file SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> boolean32 sec_login_valid_from_keytable( sec_login_handle_t login_context, unsigned32 authn_service, void *arg, unsigned32 try_kvno, unsigned32 *used_kvno, boolean32 *reset_passwd, sec_login_auth_src_t *auth_src, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context An opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal's name and UUID, account restrictions, records of the account principal's group memberships, and the account's home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) authn_service Identifies the authentication protocol using the key. The possible authentication protocols are as follows: rpc_c_authn_dce_secret DCE shared-secret key authentication. rpc_c_authn_dce_public DCE public key authentication (reserved for future use). arg This parameter can specify either the local keytab file or an argument to the get_key_fn key acquisition routine of the rpc_server_register_auth_info routine. A value of NULL specifies that the default keytab file should be used. A keytab file name specifies that that file should be used as the keytab file. You must prepend the file's absolute filename with FILE: and the file must have been created with the rgy_edit command or the sec_key_mgmt_set_key routine. Any other value specifies an argument for the get_key_fn key acquisition routine. See the rpc_server_register_auth_info() reference page for more information. try_kvno The version number of the key in the keytab file to try first. Specify NULL to try the current version of the key. Output used_kvno A pointer to a 32-bit boolean32 value that specifies the version number of the the key from the keytab file that was used to successfully validate the login context, if any. reset_passwd A pointer to a 32-bit boolean32 value. The routine returns TRUE if the account password has expired and should be reset. auth_src How the the login context was authorized. The sec_login_auth_src_t data type distinguishes the various ways the login context was authorized. There are three possible values: sec_login_auth_src_network Authentication accomplished through the normal network authority. A login context authenticated this way will have all the network credentials it ought to have. sec_login_auth_src_local Authentication accomplished via local data. Authentication occurs locally if a principal's account is tailored for the local machine, or if the network authority is unavailable. Since a login contexts authenticated locally has no network credentials, it can not be used for network operations. sec_login_auth_src_overridden Authentication accomplished via the override facility. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_valid_from_keytable () routine validates the login context established with sec_login_setup_identity(). The sec_login_valid_from_keytable () routine obtains the principal's password from the specified keytable. If try_kvno specifies a key version number, that version number key is tried first, otherwise the current key version number is tried first. The function trys all keys in the keytable until it finds one that validates the login context. This operation must be invoked before the network credentials can be used. NOTES A context is not secure and must not be set or exported until the authentication service is itself authenticated with the sec_login_certify_identity() call. RETURN VALUES The routine returns TRUE if the login context has been successfully validated. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_passwd_invalid The input string does not match the account password. sec_rgy_server_unavailable There is no data with which to compare the input string. sec_login_s_acct_invalid The account is invalid or has expired. sec_login_s_default_use The input context was the default context, which cannot be validated. sec_login_s_already_valid The login context has already been validated. sec_login_s_unsupp_passwd_type The password type is not supported. sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unavailable The requested key is not present. sec_key_mgmt_e_authn_invalid The authentication protocol is not valid. sec_key_mgmt_e_unauthorized The caller is not authorized to perform the operation. sec_s_no_memory Unable to allocate memory. error_status_ok The call was successful. EXAMPLES The following example illustrates use of the sec_login_valid_from_keytable() routine as part of a straightforward login process: if (sec_login_setup_identity( user_name, sec_login_no_flags, &login_context, &st )) { ... get password from local keytable... if (sec_login_valid_from_keytable( login_context, authn_service, arg, try_kvno, &used_kvno, &reset_passwd, &auth_src, &st )) { sec_login_set_context(login_context, &st); if (auth_src != sec_login_auth_src_network) printf("no network credentials"); } ... any other application specific login valid actions ... } } else { sec_login_purge_context(&login_context, &st); ... application specific login failure actions ... } } RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_validate_identity sec_login_certify_identity sec_login_setup_identity sec_login_valid_and_cert_ident
88 – sec_login_validate_first
NAME sec_login_validate_first - Validates the initial login context SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> boolean32 sec_login_validate_first( sec_login_handle_t init_context, boolean32 *reset_passwd, sec_login_auth_src_t *auth_src, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input init_context An opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. In this call, the context will be that of the host machine initial process. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) Output reset_passwd A pointer to a 32-bit boolean32 value. The routine returns TRUE if the account password has expired and must be reset. auth_src A 32-bit set of flags identifying the source of the authentication. Upon return after successful authentication, the flags in auth_src indicate what authority was used to validate the login context. If the authentication was accomplished with the network authority, the sec_login_auth_src_network flag is set, and the process login context has credentials to use the network. If the authentication was accomplished with local data only (either the principal's account is tailored for the local machine with overrides, or the network authority is unavailable), the sec_login_auth_src_local flag is set. Login contexts that are authenticated locally may not be used to establish network credentials because they have none. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_validate_first() routine validates the default login context established via sec_login_setup_first(). Typically, this operation is called from the Security Validation Service of the dced process to validate the default credentials for the host machine process hierarchy. This operation uses the password for the local host, and therefore does not require a password parameter. RETURN VALUES The routine returns a boolean32 value that is TRUE if the setup was successful, and FALSE otherwise. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_privileged An unprivileged process was called in. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The network authentication service was unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_init_first sec_login_setup_first
89 – sec_login_validate_identity
NAME sec_login_validate_identity - Validates a login context's identity SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_login.h> boolean32 sec_login_validate_identity( sec_login_handle_t login_context, sec_passwd_rec_t *passwd, boolean32 *reset_passwd, sec_login_auth_src_t *auth_src, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input login_context An opaque handle to login context data. The login context contains, among other data, the account principal name and UUID, account restrictions, records of group membership, and the process home directory. (See sec_intro for more details about the login context.) passwd A password record to be checked against the password in the principal's registry account. The routine returns TRUE if the two match. The contents of the passwd parameter are erased after the call has finished processing it. Output reset_passwd A pointer to a 32-bit boolean32 value. The routine returns TRUE if the account password has expired and must be reset. auth_src How the the login context was authorized. The sec_login_auth_src_t data type distinguishes the various ways the login context was authorized. There are three possible values: sec_login_auth_src_network sec_login_auth_src_local sec_login_auth_src_overridden status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_login_validate_identity() routine validates the login context established with sec_login_setup_identity(). This operation must be invoked before the network credentials can be used. The caller must supply the user's password in a sec_passwd_rec_t as input with the passwd parameter. The following example sets up a plaintext password for the passwd parameter: sec_passwd_str_t tmp_passwd; passwd.version_number = sec_passwd_c_version_none; passwd.pepper = NULL; passwd.key.key_type = sec_passwd_plain; strncpy( (char *) tmp_passwd, (char *) my_passwd, sec_passwd_str_max_len ); tmp_passwd[sec_passwd_str_max_len] = ' '; passwd_rec.key.tagged_union.plain = &(tmp_passwd[0]); When a network identity is set, only state information for network operations has been established. The local operating system identity has not been modified. It is the responsibility of the caller to establish any local operating identity state. The sec_login_setup_identity() operation and the sec_login_validate_identity() operation are two halves of a single logical operation. Together they collect the identity data needed to establish an authenticated identity. The operations are independent so the user's password need not be sent across the network. The identity validation performed by sec_login_validate_identity() is a local operation. NOTES A context is not secure and must not be set or exported until the authentication service is itself authenticated with the sec_login_certify_identity() call. System login programs that set local operating system identity using data extracted from a login context should use sec_login_valid_and_cert_ident() instead of sec_login_validate_identity(). If the Security server and client clocks are not synchronized to within 2 to 3 minutes of each other, this call can return a password validation error. RETURN VALUES The routine returns TRUE if the login identity has been successfully validated. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_LOGIN.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_login.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_passwd_invalid The input string does not match the account password. sec_rgy_server_unavailable There is no data with which to compare the input string. sec_login_s_acct_invalid The account is invalid or has expired. sec_login_s_null_password The input string is NULL. sec_login_s_default_use The input context was the default context, which cannot be validated. sec_login_s_already_valid The login context has already been validated. sec_login_s_unsupp_passwd_type The password type is not supported. sec_login_s_no_memory Not enough memory is available to complete the operation. sec_login_s_preauth_failed Preauthentication failure. error_status_ok The call was successful. EXAMPLES The following example illustrates use of the sec_login_validate_identity() routine as part of a straightforward login process: if (sec_login_setup_identity( user_name, sec_login_no_flags, &login_context, &st )) { ... get password from user... if (sec_login_validate_identity(login_context, password, &reset_passwd, &auth_src, &st)) { if (!sec_login_certify_identity(login_context, &st)) exit(error_weird_auth_svc); sec_login_set_context(login_context, &st); if (auth_src != sec_login_auth_src_network) printf("no network credentials"); if (reset_passwd) { ... get new password from user, reset registry record ... }; sec_login_get_pwent(login_context, &pw_entry, &st); if (pw_entry.pw_expire < todays_date) { sec_login_purge_context(&login_context, &st); exit(0) } ... any other application specific login valid actions ... } } else { sec_login_purge_context(&login_context, &st); ... application specific login failure actions ... } } RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_login_certify_identity sec_login_setup_identity sec_login_valid_and_cert_ident
90 – sec_pwd_mgmt_free_handle
NAME sec_pwd_mgmt_free_handle - Frees storage allocated for a password management handle SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_pwd_mgmt.h> void sec_pwd_mgmt_free_handle( sec_pwd_mgmt_handle_t *pwd_mgmt_h, error_status_t *stp ) PARAMETERS Input/Output pwd_mgmt_h A handle to the password management data which is to be freed. Output stp A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_pwd_mgmt_free_handle() routine frees any memory allocated for the contents of a password management handle. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_PWD_MGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_pwd_mgmt.h was derived. ERRORS error_status_ok The call was successful RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_pwd_mgmt_setup
91 – sec_pwd_mgmt_gen_pwd
NAME sec_pwd_mgmt_gen_pwd - Generate a set of passwords SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_pwd_mgmt.h> void sec_pwd_mgmt_gen_pwd( sec_pwd_mgmt_handle_t pwd_mgmt_h, unsigned32 num_pwds, unsigned32 *num_returned, sec_passwd_rec_t gen_pwds[], error_status_t *stp ) PARAMETERS Input pwd_mgmt_h A handle to user's password management data. num_pwds Number of generated passwords requested. Output num_returned Number of generated passwords returned in the gen_pwds[] array. gen_pwds Array of generated passwords. Each generated password is stored in a sec_passwd_rec_t structure. stp A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_pwd_mgmt_gen_pwd() routine retrieves a set of generated passwords from a password management server which is exporting the rsec_pwd_mgmt_gen_pwd() routine. It obtains the binding information to this server from the pwd_mgmt_h handle. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_PWD_MGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_pwd_mgmt.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_era_pwd_mgmt_auth_type The pwd_mgmt_binding ERA must contain authentication information. sec_pwd_mgmt_svr_unavail The password management server is unavailable sec_pwd_mgmt_svr_error Generic error returned from password management server. An administrator should check the password management server's log file for more information. error_status_ok The call was successful Various RPC communication errors can be returned if there are failures when binding to the password management server. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_pwd_mgmt_setup pwd_strengthd
92 – sec_pwd_mgmt_get_val_type
NAME sec_pwd_mgmt_get_val_type - Gets users password validation type SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_pwd_mgmt.h> void sec_pwd_mgmt_get_val_type( sec_pwd_mgmt_handle_t pwd_mgmt_h, signed32 *pwd_val_type, error_status_t *stp ) PARAMETERS Input pwd_mgmt_h A handle to a user's password management data. Output pwd_val_type The user's password validation type. This is retrieved from the pwd_val_type ERA. The possible values and their meaning are: (none): the user has no password policy. (user_select): the user must choose his/her own password. (user_can_select): the user can choose his/her own password or request a generated password. (generation_required): the user must use a generated password. stp A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, stp is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_pwd_mgmt_get_val_type() routine returns the value of the user's password validation type, as specified by the pwd_val_type ERA. If the ERA does not exist, 0 (none) is returned in pwd_val_type. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_PWD_MGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_pwd_mgmt.h was derived. ERRORS error_status_ok The call was successful Various RPC communication errors can be returned if there are failures when binding to the password management server. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_pwd_mgmt_setup
93 – sec_pwd_mgmt_setup
NAME sec_pwd_mgmt_setup - Sets up the user's password policy information SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_pwd_mgmt.h> void sec_pwd_mgmt_setup( sec_pwd_mgmt_handle_t *pwd_mgmt_h, sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t login_name, sec_login_handle_t your_lc, rpc_binding_handle_t pwd_mgmt_bind_h, error_status_t *stp ) PARAMETERS Input context A registry server handle indicating the desired registry site. login_name The login name of the user. your_lc The login context handle of the user currently logged in. If null is specified, the default login context will be used. pwd_mgmt_bind_h An RPC binding handle to the password management server. Use of this parameter is currently unsupported. The password management server binding handle will be retrieved from the pwd_mgmt_binding ERA. Set this parameter to NULL. Output pwd_mgmt_h A pointer to an opaque handle to password management/policy data. pwd_mgmt_h contains, among other data, the account name, values of password management ERAs, and a binding handle to the password management server. stp A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, stp is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_pwd_mgmt_setup() routine collects the data required to perform remote password management calls to the password management server. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_PWD_MGMT.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_pwd_mgmt.h was derived. ERRORS sec_s_no_memory Not enough memory is available to complete the operation. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The network registry is not available. error_status_ok The call was successful RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_pwd_mgmt_free_handle sec_pwd_mgmt_gen_pwd sec_pwd_mgmt_get_val_type pwd_strengthd
94 – sec_rgy_acct_add
NAME sec_rgy_acct_add - Adds an account for a login name SYNOPSIS #include <dce/acct.h> void sec_rgy_acct_add( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t *login_name, sec_rgy_acct_key_t *key_parts, sec_rgy_acct_user_t *user_part, sec_rgy_acct_admin_t *admin_part, sec_passwd_rec_t *caller_key, sec_passwd_rec_t *new_key, sec_passwd_type_t new_keytype, sec_passwd_version_t *new_key_version, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. login_name A pointer to the account login name. A login name is composed of three character strings, containing the principal, group, and organization (PGO) names corresponding to the account. All three names must be completely specified. key_parts A pointer to the minimum abbreviation allowed when logging in to the account. Abbreviations are not currently implemented and the only legal value is sec_rgy_acct_key_person. user_part A pointer to the sec_rgy_acct_user_t structure containing the user part of the account data. This represents such information as the account password, home directory, and default shell. admin_part A pointer to the sec_rgy_acct_admin_t structure containing the administrative part of an account's data. This information includes the account creation and expiration dates and flags describing limits to the use of privilege attribute certificates, among other information. caller_key A key to use to encrypt new_key for transmission to the registry server. new_key The password for the new account. During transmission to the registry server, it is encrypted with caller_key. new_keytype The type of the new key. The server uses this parameter to decide how to encode new_key if it is sent as plaintext. Output new_key_version The key version number returned by the server. If the client requests a particular key version number (via the version_number field of the new_key input parameter), the server returns the requested version number back to the client. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_acct_add() routine adds an account with the specified login name. The login name is given in three parts, corresponding to the principal, group, and organization names for the account. The key_parts variable specifies the minimum login abbreviation for the account. If the requested abbreviation duplicates an existing abbreviation for another account, the routine supplies the next shortest unique abbreviation and returns this abbreviation in key_parts. Abbreviations are not currently implemented. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_acct_add() routine requires the following permissions on the account (principal) that is to be added: + The m (mgmt_info) permission to change management information. + The a (auth_info) permission to change authentication information. + The u (user_info) permission to change user information. NOTES The constituent principal, group, and organization (PGO) items for an account must be added before the account can be created. (See the sec_rgy_pgo_add() routine). Also, the principal must have been added as a member of the specified group and organization. (See the sec_rgy_pgo_add_member() routine). FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]ACCT.IDL The idl file from which dce/acct.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The client program is not authorized to add an account to the registry. sec_rgy_not_member_group The indicated principal is not a member of the indicated group. sec_rgy_not_member_org The indicated principal is not a member of the indicated organization. sec_rgy_not_member_group_org The indicated principal is not a member of the indicated group or organization. sec_rgy_object exists The account to be added already exists. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_acct_delete sec_rgy_login_get_info sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_add_member sec_rgy_site_open
95 – sec_rgy_acct_admin_replace
NAME sec_rgy_acct_admin_replace - Replaces administrative account data SYNOPSIS #include <dce/acct.h> void sec_rgy_acct_admin_replace( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t *login_name, sec_rgy_acct_key_t *key_parts, sec_rgy_acct_admin_t *admin_part, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. login_name A pointer to the account login name. A login name is composed of three character strings, containing the principal, group, and organization (PGO) names corresponding to the account. For the group and organization names, blank strings can serve as wildcards, matching any entry. The principal name must be input. key_parts A pointer to the minimum abbreviation allowed when logging in to the account. Abbreviations are not currently implemented and the only legal value is sec_rgy_acct_key_person. admin_part A pointer to the sec_rgy_acct_admin_t structure containing the administrative part of an account's data. This information includes the account creation and expiration dates and flags describing limits to the use of privilege attribute certificates, among other information, and can be modified only by an administrator. The sec_rgy_acct_admin_t structure contains the following fields: creator The identity of the principal who created this account in sec_rgy_foreign_id_t form. This field is set by the registry server. creation_date The date (sec_timeval_sec_t) the account was created. This field is set by the registry server. last_changer The identity of the principal who last modified any of the account information (user or administrative). This field is set by the registry server. change_date The date (sec_timeval_sec_t) the account was last modified (either user or administrative data). This field is set by the registry server. expiration_date The date (sec_timeval_sec_t) the account will cease to be valid. good_since_date This date (sec_timeval_sec_t) is for Kerberos-style, ticket-granting ticket revocation. Ticket-granting tickets issued before this date will not be honored by authenticated network services. flags Contains administration flags used as part of the administrator's information for any registry account. This field is in sec_rgy_acct_admin_flags_t form. (See sec_intro for a complete description of these flags.) authentication_flags Contains flags controlling use of authentication services. This field is in sec_rgy_acct_auth_flags_t form. (See sec_intro for a complete description of these flags.) Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_acct_admin_replace() routine replaces the administrative information in the account record specified by the input login name. The administrative information contains limitations on the account's use and privileges. It can be modified only by a registry administrator; that is, a user with the admin_info (abbreviated as a) privilege for an account. The key_parts variable identifies how many of the login_name parts to use as the unique abbreviation for the account. If the requested abbreviation duplicates an existing abbreviation for another account, the routine supplies the next shortest unique abbreviation and returns this abbreviation using key_parts. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_acct_admin_replace() routine requires the following permissions on the account principal: + The m (mgmt_info) permission, if flags or expiration_date is to be changed. + The a (auth_info) permission, if authentication_flags or good_since_date is to be changed. NOTES All users need the w (write) privilege in the appropriate ACL entry to modify any account information. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]ACCT.IDL The idl file from which dce/acct.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The client program is not authorized to change the administrative information for the specified account. sec_rgy_object_not_found The registry server could not find the specified name. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_acct_user_replace sec_rgy_acct_replace_all sec_rgy_acct_lookup
96 – sec_rgy_acct_delete
NAME sec_rgy_acct_delete - Deletes an account SYNOPSIS #include <dce/acct.h> void sec_rgy_acct_delete( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t *login_name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. login_name A pointer to the account login name. A login name is composed of three character strings, containing the principal, group, and organization (PGO) names corresponding to the account. Only the principal name is required to perform the deletion. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_acct_delete() routine deletes from the registry the account corresponding to the specified login name. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_acct_delete() routine requires the following permissions on the account principal: + The m (mgmt_info) permission to remove management information. + The a (auth_info) permission to remove authentication information. + The u (user_info) permission to remove user information. NOTES Even though the account is deleted, the PGO items corresponding to the account remain. These must be deleted with separate calls to sec_rgy_pgo_delete(). FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]ACCT.IDL The idl file from which dce/acct.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The client program is not authorized to delete the specified account. sec_rgy_object_not_found No PGO item was found with the given name. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_acct_add sec_rgy_pgo_delete
97 – sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist
NAME sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist - Returns the projects in an account's project list SYNOPSIS #include <dce/acct.h> void sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t *login_name, sec_rgy_cursor_t *projlist_cursor, signed32 max_number, signed32 *supplied_number, uuid_t id_projlist[], signed32 unix_projlist[], signed32 *num_projects, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. login_name A pointer to the account login name. A login name is composed of three character strings, containing the principal, group, and organization (PGO) names corresponding to the account. For the group and organization names, blank strings can serve as wildcards, matching any entry. The principal name must be input. max_number The maximum number of projects to be returned by the call. This must be no larger than the allocated size of the projlist[] arrays. Input/Output projlist_cursor An opaque pointer indicating a specific project in an account's project list. The sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist() routine returns the project indicated by projlist_cursor, and advances the cursor to point to the next project in the list. When the end of the list is reached, the routine returns the value sec_rgy_no_more_entries in the status parameter. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to reset the cursor. Output supplied_number A pointer to the actual number of projects returned. This will always be less than or equal to the max_number supplied on input. If there are more projects in the account list, sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist() sets projlist_cursor to point to the next entry after the last one in the returned list. id_projlist[] An array to receive the UUID of each project returned. The size allocated for the array is given by max_number. If this value is less than the total number of projects in the account project list, multiple calls must be made to return all of the projects. unix_projlist[] An array to receive the UNIX number of each project returned. The size allocated for the array is given by max_number. If this value is less than the total number of projects in the account project list, multiple calls must be made to return all of the projects. num_projects A pointer indicating the total number of projects in the specified account's project list. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist() routine returns members of the project list for the specified account. It returns the project information in two arrays. The id_projlist[] array contains the UUIDs for the returned projects. The unix_projlist[] array contains the UNIX numbers for the returned projects. The project list cursor, projlist_cursor, provides an automatic place holder in the project list. The sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist() routine automatically updates this variable to point to the next project in the project list. To return an entire project list, reset projlist_cursor with sec_rgy_cursor_reset() on the initial call and then issue successive calls until all the projects are returned. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist() routine requires the r (read) permission on the account principal for which the project list data is to be returned. CAUTIONS There are several different types of cursors used in the registry Application Programmer Interface (API). Some cursors point to PGO items, others point to members in a membership list, and others point to account data. Do not use a cursor for one sort of object in a call expecting another sort of object. For example, you cannot use the same cursor on a call to sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist() and sec_rgy_pgo_get_next(). The behavior in this case is undefined. Furthermore, cursors are specific to a server. A cursor pointing into one replica of the registry database is useless as a pointer into another replica. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to refresh a cursor for use with another call or for another server. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]ACCT.IDL The idl file from which dce/acct.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_no_more_entries The cursor is at the end of the list of projects. sec_rgy_not_authorized The client program is not authorized to see a project list for this principal. sec_rgy_object exists The account to be added already exists. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_cursor_reset sec_rgy_pgo_get_next
98 – sec_rgy_acct_lookup
NAME sec_rgy_acct_lookup - Returns data for a specified account SYNOPSIS #include <dce/acct.h> void sec_rgy_acct_lookup( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t *name_key, sec_rgy_cursor_t *account_cursor, sec_rgy_login_name_t *name_result, sec_rgy_sid_t *id_sid, sec_rgy_unix_sid_t *unix_sid, sec_rgy_acct_key_t *key_parts, sec_rgy_acct_user_t *user_part, sec_rgy_acct_admin_t *admin_part, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_key A pointer to the account login name. A login name is composed of three character strings, containing the principal, group, and organization (PGO) names corresponding to the account. Blank strings serve as wildcards, matching any entry. Input/Output account_cursor An opaque pointer to a specific account in the registry database. If name_key is blank, sec_rgy_acct_lookup() returns information about the account to which the cursor is pointing. On return, the cursor points to the next account in the database after the returned account. If name_key is blank and the account_cursor has been reset with sec_rgy_cursor_reset(), sec_rgy_acct_lookup() returns information about the first account in the database. When the end of the list of accounts in the database is reached, the routine returns the value sec_rgy_no_more_entries in the status parameter. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to refresh the cursor. Output name_result A pointer to the full login name of the account (including all three names) for which the information is returned. The remaining parameters contain the information belonging to the returned account. id_sid A structure containing the three UUIDs of the principal, group, and organization for the account. unix_sid A structure containing the three UNIX numbers of the principal, group, and organization for the account. key_parts A pointer to the minimum abbreviation allowed when logging in to the account. Abbreviations are not currently implemented and the only legal value is sec_rgy_acct_key_person. user_part A pointer to the sec_rgy_acct_user_t structure containing the user part of the account data. This represents such information as the account password, home directory, and default shell, all of which are accessible to, and may be modified by, the account owner. admin_part A pointer to the sec_rgy_acct_admin_t structure containing the administrative part of an account's data. This information includes the account creation and expiration dates and flags describing limits to the use of privilege attribute certificates, among other information, and can be modified only by an administrator. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_acct_lookup() routine returns all the information about an account in the registry database. The account can be specified either with name_key or account_cursor. If name_key is completely blank, the routine uses the account_cursor value instead. For name_key, a zero-length principal, group, or organization key serves as a wildcard. For example, a login name key with the principal and organization fields blank returns the next (possibly first) account whose group matches the input group field. The full login name of the returned account is passed back in name_result. The account_cursor provides an automatic place holder in the registry database. The routine automatically updates this variable to point to the next account in the database, after the account for which the information was returned. If name_key is blank and the account_cursor has been reset with sec_rgy_cursor_reset()*O, sec_rgy_acct_lookup() returns information about the first account in the database. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_acct_lookup() routine requires the r (read) permission on the account principal to be viewed. CAUTIONS There are several different types of cursors used in the registry Application Programmer Interface (API). Some cursors point to PGO items, others point to members in a membership list, and others point to account data. Do not use a cursor for one sort of object in a call expecting another sort of object. For example, you cannot use the same cursor on a call to sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist() and sec_rgy_pgo_get_next(). The behavior in this case is undefined. Furthermore, cursors are specific to a server. A cursor pointing into one replica of the registry database is useless as a pointer into another replica. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to renew a cursor for use with another call or for another server. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]ACCT.IDL The idl file from which dce/acct.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_no_more_entries The cursor is at the end of the accounts in the registry. sec_rgy_object_not_found The input account could not be found by the registry server. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_cursor_reset sec_rgy_acct_replace_all sec_rgy_acct_admin_replace sec_rgy_acct_user_replace
99 – sec_rgy_acct_passwd
NAME sec_rgy_acct_passwd - Changes the password for an account SYNOPSIS #include <dce/acct.h> void sec_rgy_acct_passwd( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t *login_name, sec_passwd_rec_t *caller_key, sec_passwd_rec_t *new_key, sec_passwd_type_t new_keytype, sec_passwd_version_t *new_key_version, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. login_name A pointer to the account login name. A login name is composed of three character strings, containing the principal, group, and organization (PGO) names corresponding to the account. All three strings must be completely specified. caller_key A key to use to encrypt the key for transmission to the registry server. If communications secure to the rpc_c_authn_level_pkt_privacy level are available on a system, then this parameter is not necessary, and the packet encryption is sufficient to ensure security. new_key The password for the new account. During transmission to the registry server, it is encrypted with caller_key. new_keytype The type of the new key. The server uses this parameter to decide how to encode new_key if it is sent as plaintext. Output new_key_version The key version number returned by the server. If the client requests a particular key version number (via the version_number field of the new_key input parameter), the server returns the requested version number back to the client. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_acct_passwd() routine changes an account password to the input password character string. Wildcards (blank fields) are not permitted in the specified account name; the principal, group, and organization names of the account must be completely specified. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_acct_passwd() routine requires the u (user_info) permission on the account principal whose password is to be changed. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]ACCT.IDL The idl file from which dce/acct.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The client program is not authorized to change the password of this account. sec_rgy_object_not_found The account to be modified was not found by the registry server. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro
100 – sec_rgy_acct_rename
NAME sec_rgy_acct_rename - Changes an account login name SYNOPSIS #include <dce/acct.h> void sec_rgy_acct_rename( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t *old_login_name, sec_rgy_login_name_t *new_login_name, sec_rgy_acct_key_t *new_key_parts, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. old_login_name A pointer to the current account login name. The login name is composed of three character strings, containing the principal, group, and organization (PGO) names corresponding to the account. All three strings must be completely specified. new_login_name A pointer to the new account login name. Again, all three component names must be completely specified. Input/Output new_key_parts A pointer to the minimum abbreviation allowed when logging in to the account. Abbreviations are not currently implemented and the only legal value is sec_rgy_acct_key_person. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_acct_rename() routine changes an account login name from old_login_name to new_login_name. Wildcards (empty fields) are not permitted in either input name; both the old and new login names must completely specify their component principal, group, and organization names. Note, though, that the principal component in a login name cannot be changed. The new_key_parts variable identifies how many of the new_login_name parts to use as the unique abbreviation for the account. If the requested abbreviation duplicates an existing abbreviation for another account, the routine identifies the next shortest unique abbreviation and returns this abbreviation using new_key_parts. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_acct_rename() routine requires the m (mgmt_info) permission on the account principal to be renamed. NOTES The sec_rgy_acct_rename() routine does not affect any of the registry PGO data. The constituent principal, group, and organization items for an account must be added before the account can be created. (See the sec_rgy_pgo_add routine). Also, the principal must have been added as a member of the specified group and organization. (See the sec_rgy_pgo_add_member routine). FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]ACCT.IDL The idl file from which dce/acct.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The client program is not authorized to make the changes. sec_rgy_object_not_found The account to be modified was not found by the registry server. sec_rgy_name_exists The new account name is already in use by another account. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_acct_add
101 – sec_rgy_acct_replace_all
NAME sec_rgy_acct_replace_all - Replaces all account data for an account SYNOPSIS #include <dce/acct.h> void sec_rgy_acct_replace_all( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t *login_name, sec_rgy_acct_key_t *key_parts, sec_rgy_acct_user_t *user_part, sec_rgy_acct_admin_t *admin_part, boolean32 set_password, sec_passwd_rec_t *caller_key, sec_passwd_rec_t *new_key, sec_passwd_type_t new_keytype, sec_passwd_version_t *new_key_version, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. login_name A pointer to the account login name. A login name is composed of three character strings, containing the principal, group, and organization (PGO) names corresponding to the account. For the group and organization names, blank strings can serve as wildcards, matching any entry. The principal name must be input. user_part A pointer to the sec_rgy_acct_user_t structure containing the user part of the account data. This represents such information as the account password, home directory, and default shell, all of which are accessible to, and may be modified by, the account owner. admin_part A pointer to the sec_rgy_acct_admin_t structure containing the administrative part of an account's data. This information includes the account creation and expiration dates and flags describing limits to the use of privilege attribute certificates, among other information, and can be modified only by an administrator. set_passwd The password reset flag. If you set this parameter to TRUE, the account's password will be changed to the value specified in new_key. caller_key A key to use to encrypt the key for transmission to the registry server. If communications secure to the rpc_c_authn_level_pkt_privacy level are available on a system, then this parameter is not necessary, and the packet encryption is sufficient to ensure security. new_key The password for the new account. During transmission to the registry server, it is encrypted with caller_key. new_keytype The type of the new key. The server uses this parameter to decide how to encode the plaintext key. Input/Output key_parts A pointer to the minimum abbreviation allowed when logging in to the account. Abbreviations are not currently implemented and the only legal value is sec_rgy_acct_key_person. Output new_key_version The key version number returned by the server. If the client requests a particular key version number (via the version_number field of the new_key input parameter), the server returns the requested version number back to the client. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_acct_replace_all() routine replaces both the user and administrative information in the account record specified by the input login name. The administrative information contains limitations on the account's use and privileges. The user information contains such information as the account home directory and default shell. Typically, the administrative information can only be modified by a registry administrator (users with admin_info (a) privileges for an account), while the user information can be modified by the account owner (users with user_info (u) privileges for an account). Use the set_passwd parameter to reset the account password. If you set this parameter to TRUE, the account's pasword is changed to the value specified in new_key. The key_parts variable identifies how many of the login_name parts to use as the unique abbreviation for the replaced account. If the requested abbreviation duplicates an existing abbreviation for another account, the routine identifies the next shortest unique abbreviation and returns this abbreviation using key_parts. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_acct_replace_all() routine requires the following permissions on the account principal: + The m (mgmt_info) permission, if flags or expiration_date is to be changed. + The a (auth_info) permission, if authentication_flags or good_since_date is to be changed. + The u (user_info) permission, if user flags, gecos, homedir (home directory), shell, or passwd (password) are to be changed. NOTES All users need the w (write) privilege to modify any account information. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]ACCT.IDL The idl file from which dce/acct.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The client program is not authorized to change account information. sec_rgy_object_not_found The specified account could not be found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_acct_add sec_rgy_acct_admin_replace sec_rgy_acct_rename sec_rgy_acct_user_replace
102 – sec_rgy_acct_user_replace
NAME sec_rgy_acct_user_replace - Replaces user account data SYNOPSIS #include <dce/acct.h> void sec_rgy_acct_user_replace( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t *login_name, sec_rgy_acct_user_t *user_part, boolean32 set_passwd, sec_passwd_rec_t *caller_key, sec_passwd_rec_t *new_key, sec_passwd_type_t new_keytype, sec_passwd_version_t *new_key_version, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. login_name A pointer to the account login name. A login name is composed of three character strings, containing the principal, group, and organization (PGO) names corresponding to the account. For the group and organization names, blank strings can serve as wildcards, matching any entry. The principal name must be input. user_part A pointer to the sec_rgy_acct_user_t structure containing the user part of the account data. This represents such information as the account password, home directory, and default shell, all of which are accessible to, and may be modified by, the account owner. The structure contains the following fields: gecos A character string containing information about the account owner. This often includes such information as their name and telephone number. homedir The default directory upon login for the account. shell The default shell to use upon login. passwd_version_number The password version number, a 32-bit unsigned integer, set by the registry server. passwd_dtm The date and time of the last password change (in sec_timeval_sec_t form), also set by the registry server. flags A flag set of type sec_rgy_acct_user_flags_t. passwd The account's encrypted password. set_passwd The password reset flag. If you set this parameter to TRUE, the user's password will be changed to the value specified in new_key. caller_key A key to use to encrypt the key for transmission to the registry server. If communications secure to the rpc_c_authn_level_pkt_privacy level are available on a system, then this parameter is not necessary, and the packet encryption is sufficient to ensure security. new_key The password for the new account. During transmission to the registry server, it is encrypted with caller_key. new_keytype The type of the new key. The server uses this parameter to decide how to encode the plaintext key. Output new_key_version The key version number returned by the server. If the client requests a particular key version number (via the version_number field of the new_key input parameter), the server returns the requested version number back to the client. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_acct_user_replace() routine replaces the user information in the account record specified by the input login name. The user information contains such information as the account home directory and default shell. Typically, the the user information can be modified by the account owner (users with user_info (u) privileges for an account). Use the set_passwd parameter to reset the user's password. If you set this parameter to TRUE, the user's pasword is changed to the value specified in new_key. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_acct_user_replace() routine requires the u (user_info) permission on the account principal. NOTES All users need the w (write) privilege to modify any account information. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]ACCT.IDL The idl file from which dce/acct.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The client program is not authorized to modify the account data. sec_rgy_object_not_found The specified account could not be found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_acct_add sec_rgy_acct_admin_replace sec_rgy_acct_rename sec_rgy_acct_replace_all
103 – sec_rgy_attr_cursor_alloc
NAME sec_rgy_attr_cursor_alloc - Allocates resources to a cursor used by the sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id call SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr.h> void sec_rgy_attr_cursor_alloc( sec_attr_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Output cursor A pointer to a sec_attr_cursor_t. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the call returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_cursor_alloc() call allocates resources to a cursor used with the sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id call. This routine, which is a local operation, does not initialize cursor. The sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init() routine, which makes a remote call, allocates and initializes the cursor. In addition, sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init() returns the total number of attributes attached to the object as an output parameter; sec_rgy_attr_cursor_alloc() does not. Permissions Required None FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_ATTR_BASE.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_attr_base.h was derived. ERRORS no such object error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init sec_rgy_attr_cursor_release sec_rgy_attr_cursor_reset sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id
104 – sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init
NAME sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init - Initialize a cursor used by the sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id call SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr.h> void sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init ( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t name, unsigned32 *cur_num_attrs, sec_attr_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain A value of type sec_rgy_domain_t that identifies the registry domain in which the object specified by name resides. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. This parameter is ignored if name is policy or replist. name A pointer to a sec_rgy_name_t character string containing the name of the person, group, or organization to which the attribute to be scanned is attached. Output cur_num_attrs A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the number of attributes currently attached to the object. cursor A pointer to a sec_rgy_cursor_t positioned at the first attribute in the list of the object's attributes. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init() routine initializes a cursor of type sec_attr_cursor_t (used with the sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id call) and initializes the cursor to the first attribute in the specified object's list of attributes. This call also supplies the total number of attributes attached to the object as part of its output. The cursor allocation is a local operation. The cursor initialization is a remote operation and makes a remote call to the Registry. Use the sec_rgy_attr_cursor_release() call to release all resources allocated to a sec_attr_cursor_t cursor. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init() routine requires at least one permission (of any type) on the person, group, or organization to which the attribute to be scanned is attached. ERRORS no such object error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id sec_rgy_attr_cursor_release
105 – sec_rgy_attr_cursor_release
NAME sec_rgy_attr_cursor_release - Release a cursor of typesec_attr_cursor_t that was allocated with the sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init() or sec_rgy_attr_cursor_alloc() call SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr.h> void sec_rgy_attr_cursor_release ( sec_attr_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. Input/Output *cursor As an input parameter, a pointer to an uninitialized cursor of type sec_attr_cursor_t. As an output parameter, a pointer to an uninitialized cursor of type sec_attr_cursor_t with all resources released. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_cursor_release() routine releases all resources allocated to a sec_attr_cursor_t by the sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init() or sec_rgy_attr_cursor_alloc() call. This is a local-only operation and makes not remote calls. Permissions Required None. ERRORS No such object error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init sec_rgy_attr_cursor_alloc sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id
106 – sec_rgy_attr_cursor_reset
NAME sec_rgy_attr_cursor_reset - Rinitializes a cursor that has been allocated with either sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init() or sec_rgy_attr_cursor_alloc(). SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_attr_base.h> void sec_attr_cursor_reset( sec_attr_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input/Output cursor A pointer to a sec_attr_cursor_t. As an input parameter, an initialized cursor. As an output parameter, cursor is reset to the first attribute in the schema. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_cursor_reset() routine resets a dce_attr_cursor_t that has been allocated by either a sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init() or sec_rgy_attr_cursor_alloc(). The reset cursor can then be used to process a new sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id query by reusing the cursor instead of releasing and re-allocating it. This is a local operation and makes no remote calls. Permissions Required None. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr.h was derived. ERRORS error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init sec_rgy_attr_cursor_alloc sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id
107 – sec_rgy_attr_delete
NAME sec_rgy_attr_delete - Deletes specified attributes for a specified object SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr.h> void sec_rgy_attr_delete ( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t name, unsigned32 num_to_delete, sec_attr_t attrs[], signed32 *failure_index, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain A value of type sec_rgy_domain_t that identifies the registry domain in which the object identified by name resides. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. This parameter is ignored if name is policy or replist. name A character string of type sec_rgy_name_t specifying the name of the person, group, or organization to which the attributes are attached. num_to_delete A 32-bit integer that specifies the number of elements in the attrs[] array. This integer must be greater than 0. attrs[] An array of values of type sec_attr_t that specifies the attribute instances to be deleted. The size of the array is determined by num_to_delete. Output failure_index In the event of an error, failure_index is a pointer to the element in the in_attrs[] array that caused the update to fail. If the failure cannot be attributed to a specific attribute, the value of failure_index is -1. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_delete() routine deletes attributes. This is an atomic operation: if the deletion of any attribute in the attrs[] array fails, all deletions are aborted. The attribute causing the delete to fail is identified in failure_index. If the failure cannot be attributed to a given attribute, failure_index contains -1. The attrs array, which specifies the attributes to be deleted, contains values of type sec_attr_t These values consist of: + attr_id, a UUID that identifies the attribute type + attr_value, values of sec_attr_value_t that specify the attribute's encoding type and values. To delete attributes that are not multi-valued and to delete all instances of a multi-valued attribute, an attribute UUID is all that is required. For these attribute instances, supply the attribute UUID in the input array and set the attribute encoding (in sec_attr_encoding_t) to sec_attr_enc_void. To delete a specific instance of a multi-valued attribute, supply the UUID and value that uniquely identify the multi-valued attribute instance in the input array. Note that if the deletion of any attribute instance in the array fails, all fail. However, to help pinpoint the cause of the failure, the call identifies the first attribute whose deletion failed in a failure index by array element number. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_delete() routine requires the delete permission set for each attribute type identified in the attrs[] array. These permissions are defined as part of the ACL manager set in the schema entry for the attribute type. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr.h was derived. ERRORS unauthorized database read only server unavailable invalid/unsupported attribute type site read only error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_update
108 – sec_rgy_attr_get_effective
NAME sec_rgy_attr_get_effective - Reads effective attributes by ID SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr.h> void sec_rgy_attr_get_effective( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t name, unsigned32 num_attr_keys, sec_attr_t attr_keys[], sec_attr_vec_t *attr_list, error_status_t status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain A value of type sec_rgy_domain_t that identifies the domain in which the named object resides. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_principal The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. This parameter is ignored if name is policy or replist. name A pointer to a sec_rgy_name_t character string containing the name of the person, group, or organization to which the attribute is attached. num_attr_keys An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the number of elements in the the attr_keys[] array. If num_attr_keys is set to 0, all of the effective attributes that the caller is authorized to see are returned. attr_keys[] An array of values of type sec_attr_t that specify the UUIDs of the attributes to be returned if they are effective. If the attribute type is associated with a query attribute trigger, the sec_attr_t attr_value field can be used to pass in optional information required by the attribute trigger query. If no information is to be passed in the attr_value field (whether the type indicates an attribute trigger query or not), set the attribute's encoding type to sec_rgy_attr_enc_void. The size of the attr_keys[] array is determined by the num_attr_keys parameter. Output attr_list A pointer an attribute vector allocated by the server containing all of the effective attributes matching the search criteria (defined in num_attr_keys or attr_keys[] ). The server allocates a buffer large enough to return all the requested attributes so that subsequent calls are not necessary. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_get_effective() routine returns the UUIDs of a pecified object's effective attributes. Effective attributes are determined by setting of the schema entry apply_defaults flag: + If the flag is set off, only the attributes directly attached to the object are effective. + If the flag is set on, the effective attributes are obtained by performing the following steps for each attribute identified by UUID in the attr_keys array: 1. If the object named by name is a principal and if the a requested attribute exists on the principal, that attribute is effective and is returned. If it does not exist, the search continues. 2. The next step in the search depends on the type of object: For principals with accounts: a. The organization named in the principal's account is examined to see if an attribute of the requested type exists. If it does, it is effective and is returned; then the search for that attribute ends. If it does not exist, the search for that attribute continues to the policy object as described in b, below. b. The registry policy object is examined to see if an attribute of the requested type exits. If it does, it is returned. If it does not, a message indicating the no attribute of the type exists for the object is returned. For principals without accounts, for groups, and for organizations: the registry policy object is examined to see if an attribute of the requested type exits. If it does, it is returned. If it does not, a message indicating the no attribute of the type exists for the object is returned. For multi-valued attributes, the call returns a sec_attr_t for each value as an individual attribute instance. For attribute sets, the call returns a sec_attr_t for each member of the set; it does not return the set instance. If the attribute instance to be read is associated with a query attribute trigger that requires additional information before it can process the query request, use a sec_attr_value_t to supply the requested information. To do this: + Set the sec_attr_encoding_t to an encoding type that is compatible with the information required by the query attribute trigger. + Set the sec_attr_value_t to hold the required information. If the attribute instance to be read is not associated with a query trigger or no additional information is required by the query trigger, an attribute UUID is all that is required. For these attribute instances, supply the attribute UUID in the input array and set the attribute encoding (in sec_attr_encoding_t) to sec_attr_enc_void. If the requested attribute type is associated with a query trigger, the value returned for the attribute will be the binding (as set in the schema entry) of the trigger server. The caller must bind to the trigger server and pass the original input query attribute to the sec_attr_trig_query call in order to retrieve the attribute value. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr.h was derived. ERRORS error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro
109 – sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id
NAME sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id - Reads a specified object's attribute(s), expanding attribute sets into individual member attributes SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr.h> void sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id ( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t name, sec_attr_cursor_t *cursor, unsigned32 num_attr_keys, unsigned32 space_avail, sec_attr_t attr_keys[], unsigned32 *num_returned, sec_attr_t attrs[], unsigned32 *num_left, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain A value of type sec_rgy_domain_t that identifies the registry domain in which the object specified by name resides. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. This parameter is ignored if name is policy or replist. name A pointer to a sec_rgy_name_t character string containing the name of the person, group, or organization to which the attribute is attached. num_attr_keys An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the number of elements in the attr_keys array. Set this parameter to 0 to return all of the object's attributes that the caller is authorized to see. space_avail An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the size of the attr_keys array. attr_keys[] An array of values of type sec_attr_t that identify the attribute type ID of the attribute instance(s) to be looked up. If the attribute type is associated with a query attribute trigger, the sec_attr_t attr_value field can be used to pass in optional information required by the attribute trigger query. If no information is to be passed in the attr_value field (whether the type indicates an attribute trigger query or not), set the attribute's encoding type to sec_rgy_attr_enc_void. The size of the attr_keys[] array is determined by the num_attr_keys parameter. Input/Output cursor A pointer to a sec_attr_cursor_t. As an input parameter, cursor is a pointer to a sec_attr_cursor_t initialized by a sec_rgy_attr_srch_cursor_init call. As an output parameter, cursor is a pointer to a sec_attr_cursor_t that is positioned past components returned in this call. Output num_returned A pointer to a 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of attribute instances returned in the attrs[] array. attrs An array of values of type sec_attr_t that contains the attributes retrieved by UUID. The size of the array is determined by space_avail and the length by num_returned. num_left A pointer to a 32-bit unsigned integer that supplies the number of attributes that were found but could not be returned because of space constraints in the attrs[] buffer. To ensure that all the attributes will be returned, increase the size of the attrs[] array by increasing the size of space_avail and num_returned. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok, or, if the requested attributes were not available, it returns the message not_all_available. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id() function reads those attributes specified by UUID for an object specified by name. This routine is similar to the sec_rgy_attr_lookup_no_expand routine with one exception: for attribute sets, the sec_rgy_attr_lookup_no_expand routine returns a sec_attr_t for the set instance only; it does not expand the set and return a sec_attr_t for each member in the set. This call expands attribute sets and returns a sec_attr_t for each member in the set. If the num_attr_keys parameter is set to 0, all of the object's attributes that the caller is authorized to see are returned. This routine is useful for programmatic access. For multi-valued attributes, the call returns a sec_attr_t for each value as an individual attribute instance. For attribute sets, the call returns a sec_attr_t for each member of the set; it does not return the set instance. The attr_keys[] array, which specifies the attributes to be returned, contains values of type sec_attr_t. These values consist of: + attr_id, a UUID that identifies the attribute type + attr_value, values of sec_attr_value_t that specify the attribute's encoding type and values. Use the attr_id field of each attr_keys array element, to specify the UUID that identifies the attribute type to be returned. If the attribute instance to be read is not associated with a query trigger or no additional information is required by the query trigger, an attribute UUID is all that is required. For these attribute instances, supply the attribute UUID in the input array and set the attribute encoding (in sec_attr_encoding_t) to sec_attr_enc_void. If the attribute instance to be read is associated with a query attribute trigger that requires additional information before it can process the query request, use a sec_attr_value_t to supply the requested information. To do this: + Set the sec_attr_encoding_t to an encoding type that is compatible with the information required by the query attribute trigger. + Set the sec_attr_value_t to hold the required information. Note that if you set num_attr_keys to zero to return all of the object's attributes and that attribute is associated with a query attribute trigger, the attribute trigger will be called with no input attribute information (that would normally have been passed in via the attr_value field). The cursor parameter specifies a cursor of type sec_attr_cursor_t initialized to the point in the attribute list at which to start processing the query. Use the sec_attr_cursor_init function to initialize cursor. If cursor is uninitialized, the server begins processing the query at the first attribute that satisfies the search criteria. The num_left parameter contains the number of attributes that were found but could not be returned because of space constraints of the attrs[] array. (Note that this number may be inaccurate if the target server allows updates between successive queries.) To obtain all of the remaining attributes, set the size of the attrs[] array so that it is large enough to hold the number of attributes listed in num_left. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id() routine requires the query permission set for each attribute type identified in the attr_keys[] array. These permissions are defined as part of the ACL manager set in the schema entry of each attribute type. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr.h was derived. ERRORS unauthorized registry server unavailable trigger server unavailable error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_lookup_no_expand sec_rgy_attr_attr_lookup_by_name
110 – sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_name
NAME sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_name - Read a single attribute instance for a specific object SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr.h> void sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_name( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t name, char *attr_name, sec_attr_t *attr, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain A value of type sec_rgy_domain_t that identifies the domain in which the named object resides. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_principal The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. This parameter is ignored if name is policy or replist. name A pointer to a sec_rgy_name_t character string containing the name of the person, group, or organization to which the attribute is attached. attr_name An pointer to a character string that specifies the name of the attribute to be retrieved. Output attr A pointer to a sec_attr_t that contains the first instance of the named attribute. status A pointer to the completion status. The completion status can be one of the following: + error_status_ok if all instances of the value are returned with no errors. + more_available if a multi-valued attribute was specified as name and the routine completed successfully. For multi- valued attributes, this routine returns the first instance of the attribute. + attribute_set_instance if an attribute set was specified as name and the routine completed successfully. + An error message is the routine did not complete successfully. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_name() routine returns the named attribute for a named object. This routine is useful for an interactive editor. For multi-valued attributes, this routine returns the first instance of the attribute. To retrieve every instance of the attribute, use the sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id call, supplying the attribute UUID returned in the attr parameter. For attribute sets, the routine returns the attribute set instance, not the member instances. To retrieve all members of the set, use the sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id call, supplying the the attribute set UUID returned in the attr parameter. Warning This routine does not provide for input data to an attribute trigger query operation. If the named attribute is associated with a query attribute trigger, the attribute trigger will be called with no input attribute value information. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_name() routine requires the query permission set for the attribute type of the attribute instance identified by attr_name. These permissions are defined as part of the ACL manager set in the schema entry of each attribute type ERRORS unauthorized registry server unavailable trigger server unavailable error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id sec_rgy_attr_lookup_no_expand
111 – sec_rgy_attr_lookup_no_expand
NAME sec_rgy_attr_lookup_no_expand - Reads a specified object's attribute(s), without expanding attribute sets into individual member attributes SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr.h> void sec_rgy_attr_lookup_no_expand( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t name, sec_attr_cursor_t *cursor, unsigned32 num_attr_keys, unsigned32 space_avail, uuid_t attr_keys[], unsigned32 *num_returned, sec_attr_t attr_sets[], unsigned32 *num_left, error_status_t status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain A value of type sec_rgy_domain_t that identifies the domain in which the named object resides. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_principal The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. This parameter is ignored if name is policy or replist. name A pointer to a sec_rgy_name_t character string containing the name of the person, group, or organization to which the attribute is attached. num_attr_keys An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the number of elements in the the attr_keys[] array. If num_attr_keys is set to 0, all attribute sets that the caller is authorized to see are returned. space_avail An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the size of the attrs_sets[] array. attr_keys[] An array of values of type uuid_t that specify the UUIDs of the attribute sets to be returned. The size of the attr_keys[] array is determined by the num_attr_keys parameter. Input/Output cursor A pointer to a sec_attr_cursor_t. As an input parameter, cursor is a pointer to a sec_attr_cursor_t that is initialized by the sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init. As an output parameter, cursor is a pointer to a sec_attr_cursor_t that is positioned past the attribute sets returned in this call. Output num_returned A pointer to a 32-bit integer that specifies the number of attribute sets returned in the attrs[] array. attr_sets An array of values of type sec_attr_t that contains the attribute sets retrieved by UUID. The size of the array is determined by space_avail and the length by num_returned. num_left A pointer to a 32-bit unsigned integer that supplies the number of attribute sets that were found but could not be returned because of space constraints in the attr_sets[] buffer. To ensure that all the attributes will be returned, increase the size of the attr_sets[] array by increasing the size of space_avail and num_returned. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_lookup_no_expand() routine reads attribute sets. This routine is similar to the sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id() routine with one exception: for attribute sets, the sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id() routine expands attribute sets and returns a sec_attr_t for each member in the set. This call does not. Instead it returns a sec_attr_t for the set instance only. The sec_rgy_attr_lookup_no_expand() routine is useful for programmatic access. cursor is a cursor of type sec_attr_cursor_t that establishes the point in the attribute set list from which the server should start processing the query. Use the sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init function to initialize cursor. If cursor is uninitialized, the server begins processing the query with the first attribute that satisfies the search criteria. The num_left parameter contains the number of attribute sets that were found but could not be returned because of space constraints of the attr_sets[] array. (Note that this number may be inaccurate if the target server allows updates between successive queries.) To obtain all of the remaining attribute sets, set the size of the attr_sets[] array so that it is large enough to hold the number of attributes listed in num_left. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_lookup_no_expand() routine requires the query permission set for each attribute type identified in the attr_keys[] array. These permissions are defined as part of the ACL manager set in the schema entry of each attribute type. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr.h was derived. ERRORS unauthorized registry server unavailable invalid/unsupported attribute type error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_id sec_rgy_attr_lookup_by_name
112 – sec_rgy_attr_sch_aclmgr_strings
NAME sec_rgy_attr_sch_aclmgr_strings - Returns printable ACL strings associated with an ACL manager protecting a bound to schema object SYNOPSIS #include <dce/dce_attr_base.h> void sec_rgy_attr_sch_aclmgr_strings( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_attr_component_name_t schema_name, uuid_t *acl_mgr_type, unsigned32 size_avail, uid_t *acl_mgr_type_chain, sec_acl_printstring_t *acl_mgr_info, boolean32 *tokenize, unsigned32 *total_num_printstrings, unsigned32 *size_used, sec_acl_printstring_t permstrings[], error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open to acquire a bound handle. schema_name Reserved for future use. acl_manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the schema object whose ACL is bound to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use sec_rgy_attr_sch_get_acl_mgrs to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given schema object. size_avail An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the allocated length of the permstrings[] array. Output acl_mgr_type_chain If the target object ACL contains more than 32 permission bits, chains of manager types are used: each manager type holds one 32-bit segment of permissions. The UUID returned in acl_mgr_type_chain refers to the next ACL manager in the chain. If there are no more ACL managers in the chain, uuid_nil is returned. acl_mgr_info A pointer to a printstring that contains the ACL manager type's name, help information, and set of supported of permission bits. tokenize A pointer to a variable that specifies whether or not printstrings will be passed separately: + TRUE indicates that the printstrings must be printed or passed separately. + FALSE indicates that the printstrings are unambiguous and can be concatenated when printed without confusion. total_num_printstrings A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer containing the total number of permission entries supported by this ACL manager type. size_used A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of permission entries returned in the permstrings[] array. permstrings[] An array of printstrings of type sec_acl_printstring_t. Each entry of the array is a structure containing the following three components: printstring A character string of maximum length sec_acl_printstring_len describing the printable representation of a specified permission. helpstring A character string of maximum length sec_acl_printstring_help_len containing some text that can be used to describe the specified permission. permissions A sec_acl_permset_t permission set describing the permissions that are represented with the companion printstring. The array consists of one such entry for each permission supported by the ACL manager identified by acl_mgr_type. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_sch_aclmgr_strings() routine returns an array of printable representations (called "printstrings") for each permission bit or combination of permission bits the specified ACL manager supports. The ACL manager type specified by acl_mgr_type must be one of the types protecting the schema object bound to by h. In addition to returning the printstrings, this routine also returns instructions about how to print the strings in the tokenize variable. If this variable is set to FALSE, the printstrings can be concatenated. If it is set to TRUE, the printstrings cannot be concatenated. For example a printstrings of r or w could be concatenated as rw without any confusion. However, printstrings in a form of read or write, should not be concatenated. ACL managers often define aliases for common permission combinations. By convention, simple entries appear at the beginning of the printstrings[] array, and combinations appear at the end. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_sch_scl_mgr_strings() routine requires the r permission on the attr_schema object. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR_SCH.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h was derived. ERRORS sec_attr_unauthorized sec_attr_svr_unavailable sec_attr_no_memory error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_sch_get_acl_mgrs
113 – sec_rgy_attr_sch_create_entry
NAME sec_rgy_attr_sch_create_entry - Create a schema entry SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h> void sec_rgy_attr_sch_create_entry( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_attr_component_name_t schema_name, sec_attr_schema_entry_t *schema_entry, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open to acquire a bound handle. schema_name Reserved for future use. schema_entry A pointer to a sec_attr_schema_entry_t that contains the schema entry values for the schema in which the entry is to be created. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_sch_create_entry() routine creates schema entries that define attribute types. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_sch_create_entry() routine requires i permission on the attr_schema object. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR_SCH.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h was derived. ERRORS sec_attr_bad_name sec_attr_bad_encoding_type sec_attr_bad_acl_mgr_set sec_attr_bad_acl_mgr_type sec_attr_bad_permset sec_attr_bad_intercell_action sec_attr_trig_bind_info_missing sec_attr_bad_bind_info sec_attr_bad_bind_svr_name sec_attr_bad_bind_prot_level sec_attr_bad_bind_authn_svc sec_attr_bad_bind_authz_svc sec_attr_bad_uniq_query_accept sec_attr_bad_scope sec_attr_bad_comment sec_attr_type_id_exists sec_attr_name_exists sec_attr_unauthorized sec_attr_svr_read_only sec_attr_svr_unavailable sec_attr_no_memory RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_sch_delete_entry sec_rgy_attr_sch_update
114 – sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc
NAME sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc - Allocates resources to a cursor used with the sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan call SYNOPSIS void sec_rgy_att_sch_cursor_alloc( dce_attr_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Output cursor A pointer to a sec_attr_cursor_t. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the call returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc() call allocates resources to a cursor used with the sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan() call. This routine, which is a local operation, does not initialize cursor. The sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init() routine, which makes a remote call, allocates and initializes the cursor. In addition, sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init() returns the total number of entries found in the schema as an output parameter; sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc() does not. Permissions Required None. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR_SCH.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.id was derived. ERRORS sec_attr_no_memory error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_release sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan
115 – sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init
NAME sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init - Initialize and allocate a cursor used with the sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan call SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h> void sec_rgy_attr_cursor_init( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_attr_component_name_t schema_name, unsigned32 *cur_num_entries, sec_attr_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. schema_name Reserved for future use. Output cur_num_entries A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the total number of entries contained in the schema at the time of this call. cursor A pointer to a sec_attr_cursor_t that is initialized to the first entry in the the schema. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the call returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init() call initializes and allocates resources to a cursor used with the sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan call. This call makes remote calls to initialize the cursor. To limit the number of remote calls, use the sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc() call to allocate cursor, but not initialize it. Be aware, however, that the sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init() call supplies the total number of entries found in the schema as an output parameter; the sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc() call does not. If the cursor iunput to sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan has not been initialized, the sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan call will initialize it; if it has been initialized, sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan advances it. Permissions Required None. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR_SCH.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h was derived. ERRORS sec_attr_unauthorized sec_attr_svr_unavailable sec_attr_no_memory error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_release sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc
116 – sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_release
NAME sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_release - Release states associated with a cursor used by the sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan routine SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h> void sec_rgy_attr_cursor_release( sec_attr_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input/Output cursor A pointer to a sec_attr_cursor_t. As an input parameter, cursor must have been initialized to the first entry in a schema. As an output parameter, cursor is uninitialized with all resources releases. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init() routine releases the resources allocated to the cursor used by the sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan routine. This call is a local operation and makes no remote calls. Permissions Required None. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR_SCH.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h was derived. ERRORS error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_allocate sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan
117 – sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_reset
NAME sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_reset - Resets a cursor that has been allocated with either sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init() or sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc(). SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h> void dce_attr_cursor_reset( sec_attr_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input/Output cursor A pointer to a sec_attr_cursor_t. As an input parameter, an initialized cursor. As an output parameter, cursor is reset to the first attribute in the schema. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_reset() routine resets a dce_attr_cursor_t that has been allocated by either a sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init() or sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc(). The reset cursor can then be used to process a new sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan query by reusing the cursor instead of releasing and re-allocating it. This is a local operation and makes no remote calls. Permissions Required None. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR_SCH.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h was derived. ERRORS sec_attr_bad_cursor error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan
118 – sec_rgy_attr_sch_delete_entry
NAME sec_rgy_attr_sch_delete_entry - Delete a schema entry SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h> void sec_rgy_attr_sch_delete_entry( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_attr_component_name_t schema_name, uuid_t *attr_id, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. schema_name Reserved for future use. attr_id A pointer to a uuid_t that identifies the schema entry to be deleted. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_sch_delete_entry() routine deletes a schema entry. Because this is a radical operation that invalidates any existing attributes of this type on objects dominated by the schema, access to this operation should be severely limited. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_sch_delete_entry() routine requires the d permission on the attr_schema object. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR_SCH.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h was derived. ERRORS sec_attr_sch_entry_not_found sec_attr_unauthorized sec_attr_svr_read_only sec_attr_svr_unavailable sec_attr_no_memory error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_sch_create_entry sec_rgy_attr_sch_update_entry
119 – sec_rgy_attr_sch_get_acl_mgrs
NAME sec_rgy_attr_sch_get_acl_mgrs - Retrieve the manager types of the ACLs protecting the objects dominated by a named schema SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h> void sec_rgy_attr_sch_get_acl_mgrs( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_attr_component_name_t schema_name, unsigned32 size_avail, unsigned32 *size_used, unsigned32 *num_acl_mgr_types, uuid_t acl_mgr_types[], error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. schema_name Reserved for future use. size_avail An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the allocated length of the acl_manager_types[] array. Output size_used An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of output entries returned in the acl_mgr_types[] array. num_acl_mgr_types An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of types returned in the acl_mgr_types[] array. This may be greater than size_used if there was not enough space allocated by size_avail for all the manager types in the acl_manager_types[] array. acl_mgr_types[] An array of the length specified in size_avail to contain UUIDs (of type uuid_t) identifying the types of ACL managers protecting the target object. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_sch_get_acl_mgrs() routine returns a list of the manager types protecting the schema object identified by context. ACL editors and browsers can use this operation to determine the ACL manager types protecting a selected schema object. Then, using the sec_rgy_attr_sch_aclmgr_strings() routine, they can determine how to format for display the permissions supported by that ACL manager type. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_sch_get_acl_mgrs() routine requires the r permission on the attr_schema object. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR_SCH.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h was derived. ERRORS sec_attr_unauthorized sec_attr_svr_unavailable sec_attr_no_memory error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_sch_aclmgr_strings
120 – sec_rgy_attr_sch_lookup_by_id
NAME sec_rgy_attr_sch_lookup_by_id - Read a schema entry identified by UUID SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h> void sec_rgy_attr_sch_lookup_by_id( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_attr_component_name_t schema_name, uuid_t *attr_id, sec_attr_schema_entry_t *schema_entry, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. schema_name Reserved for future use. attr_id A pointer to a uuid_t that identifies a schema entry. Output schema_entry A sec_attr_schema_entry_t that contains an entry identified by attr_id. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_sch_lookup_by_id() routine reads a schema entry identified by attr_id. This routine is useful for programmatic access. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_sch_lookup_by_id() routine requires the r permission on the attr_schema object. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR_SCH.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h was derived. ERRORS sec_attr_sch_entry_not_found sec_attr_unauthorized sec_attr_svr_unavailable sec_attr_no_memory error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_sch_lookup_by_name sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan
121 – sec_rgy_attr_sch_lookup_by_name
NAME sec_rgy_attr_sch_lookup_by_name - Read a schema entry identified by name SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h> void sec_rgy_attr_sch_lookup_by_name( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_attr_component_name_t schema_name, char *attr_name, sec_attr_schema_entry_t *schema_entry, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. schema_name Reserved for future use. attr_name A pointer to a character string that identifies the schema entry. Output schema_entry A sec_attr_schema_entry_t that contains the schema entry identified by attr_name. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_sch_lookup_by_name() routine reads a schema entry identified by name. This routine is useful for use with an interactive editor. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_sch_lookup_by_name() routine requires the r permission on the attr_schema object. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR_SCH.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h was derived. ERRORS sec_attr_sch_entry_not_found sec_attr_bad_name sec_attr_unauthorized sec_attr_svr_unavailable sec_attr_no_memory error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_sch_lookup_by_id sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan
122 – sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan
NAME sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan - Read a specified number of schema entries SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h> void sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_attr_component_name_t schema_name, sec_attr_cursor_t *cursor, unsigned32 num_to_read, unsigned32 *num_read, sec_attr_schema_entry_t schema_entries[], error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. schema_name Reserved for future use. num_to_read An unsigned 32-bit integer specifying the size of the schema_entries[] array and the maximum number of entries to be returned. Input/Output cursor A pointer to a sec_attr_cursor_t. As input cursor must be allocated and can be initialized. If cursor is not initialized, sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan will initialized. As output, cursor is positioned at the first schema entry after the returned entries. Output num_read A pointer an unsigned 32-bit integer specifying the number of entries returned in schema_entries[]. schema_entries[] A sec_attr_schema_entry_t that contains an array of the returned schema entries. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan() routine reads schema entries. The read begins at the entry at which the input cursor is positioned and ends after the number of entries specified in num_to_read. The input cursor must have been allocated by either the sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init() or the sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc() call. If the input cursor is not initialzed, sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan() initializes it; if cursor is initialized, sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan() simply advances it. To read all entries in a schema, make successive sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan() calls. When all entries have been read, the call returns the message no_more_entries. This routine is useful as a browser. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan() routine requires r permission on the attr_schema object. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR_SCH.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h was derived. ERRORS sec_attr_bad_cursor sec_attr_unauthorized sec_attr_svr_unavailable sec_attr_no_memory error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_release
123 – sec_rgy_attr_sch_update_entry
NAME sec_rgy_attr_sch_update_entry - Update a schema entry SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h> void sec_rgy_attr_sch_update_entry( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_attr_component_name_t schema_name, sec_attr_schema_entry_parts_t modify_parts, sec_attr_schema_entry_t *schema_entry, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. schema_name Reserved for future use. modify_parts A value of type sec_attr_schema_entry_parts_t that identifies the fields in schema_entry that can be modified. schema_entry A pointer to a sec_attr_schema_entry_t that contains the schema entry values for the schema entry to be updated. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_sch_update_entry() routine modifies schema entries. Only those schema entry fields set to be modified in the sec_attr_schema_entry_parts_t data type can be modified. Some schema entry components can never be modified. Instead to make any changes to these components, the schema entry must be deleted (which deletes all attribute instances of that type) and recreated. The schema entry components that can never be modified are listed below: + Attribute name + Reserved flag + Apply defaults flag + Intercell action flag + Trigger binding + Comment Fields that are arrays of structures (such as acl_mgr_set and trig_binding) are completely replaced by the new input array. This operation cannot be used to add a new element to the existing array. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_sch_update_entry() routine requires the M permission on the attr_schema object. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR_SCH.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h was derived. ERRORS sec_attr_field_no_update sec_attr_bad_name sec_attr_bad_acl_mgr_set sec_attr_bad_acl_mgr_type sec_attr_bad_permset sec_attr_bad_intercell_action sec_attr_trig_bind_info_missing sec_attr_bad_bind_info sec_attr_bad_bind_svr_name sec_attr_bad_bind_prot_level sec_attr_bad_bind_authn_svc sec_attr_bad_bind_authz_svc sec_attr_bad_uniq_query_accept sec_attr_bad_comment sec_attr_name_exists sec_attr_sch_entry_not_found sec_attr_unauthorized sec_attr_svr_read_only sec_attr_svr_unavailable sec_attr_no_memory error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_sch_delete_entry sec_rgy_attr_sch_create_entry
124 – sec_rgy_attr_test_and_update
NAME sec_rgy_attr_test_and_update - Updates specified attribute instances for a specified object only if a set of control attribute instances match the object's existing attribute instances SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr.h> void sec_rgy_attr_test_and_update ( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t name, unsigned32 num_to_test, sec_attr_t test_attrs[], unsigned32 num_to_write, sec_attr_t update_attrs[], signed32 *failure_index, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain A value of type sec_rgy_domain_t that identifies the registry domain in which the object specified by name resides. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. This parameter is ignored if name is policy or replist. name A character string of type sec_rgy_name_t specifying the name of the person, group, or organization to which the attribute is attached. num_to_test An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the number of elements in the test_attrs[] array. This integer must be greater than 0. test_attrs[] An array of values of type sec_attr_t that specifies the control attributes. The update takes place only if the types and values of the control attributes exactly match those of the attribute instances on the named registry object. The size of the array is determined by num_to_test. num_to_write A 32-bit integer that specifies the number of attribute instances returned in the update_attrs[] array. update_attrs An array of values of type sec_attr_t that specifies the attribute instances to be updated. The size of the array is determined by num_to_write. Output failure_index In the event of an error, failure_index is a pointer to the element in the update_attrs[] array that caused the update to fail. If the failure cannot be attributed to a specific attribute, the value of failure_index is -1. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_test_and_update() routine updates an attribute only if the set of control attributes specified in the test_attrs[] match attributes that already exist for the object. This update is an atomic operation: if any of the control attributes do not match existing attributes, none of the updates are performed, and if an update should be performed, but the write cannot occur for whatever reason to any member of the update_attrs[] array, all updates are aborted. The attribute causing the update to fail is identified in failure_index. If the failure cannot be attributed to a given attribute, failure_index contains -1. If an attribute instance already exists which is identical in both attr_id and attr_value to an attribute specified in in_attrs[], the existing attribute information is overwritten by the new information. For multi-valued attributes, every instance with the same attr_id is overwritten with the supplied values. If an attribute instance does not exist, it is created. If you specify an attribute set for updating, the update applies to the set instance, the set itself, not the members of the set. To update a member of an attribute set, supply the UUID of the set member. If an input attribute is associated with an update attribute trigger server, the attribute trigger server is invoked (by the sec_attr_trig_update() function) and the in_attr[] array is supplied as input. The output attributes from the update attribute trigger server are stored in the registry database and returned in the out_attrs[] array. Note that the update attribute trigger server may modify the values before they are used to update the registry database. This is the only circumstance under which the values in the out_attrs[] array differ from the values in the in_attrs[] array. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_test_and_update() routine routine requires the test permission and the update permission set set for each attribute type identified in the test_attrs[] array. These permissions are defined as part of the ACL manager set in the schema entry of each attribute type. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr.h was derived. ERRORS control attribute has changed unauthorized database read only server unavailable invalid/unsupported attribute type invalid encoding type value not unique trigger server unavailable site read only error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_update sec_rgy_attr_delete
125 – sec_rgy_attr_update
NAME sec_rgy_attr_update - Creates and updates attribute instances for a specified object SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr.h> void sec_rgy_attr_update ( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t name, unsigned32 num_to_write, unsigned32 space_avail, sec_attr_t in_attrs[], unsigned32 *num_returned, sec_attr_t out_attrs[], unsigned32 *num_left, signed32 *failure_index, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain A value of type sec_rgy_domain_t that identifies the registry domain in which the object specified by name resides. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. This parameter is ignored if name is policy or replist. name A character string of type sec_rgy_name_t specifying the name of the person, group, or organization to which the attribute is attached. num_to_write A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of elements in the in_attrs array. This integer must be greater than 0. space_avail A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of the out_attrs array. This integer must be greater than 0. in_attrs[] An array of values of type sec_attr_t that specifies the attribute instances to be updated. The size of the array is determined by num_to_write. Output num_returned A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the number of attribute instances returned in the out_attrs[] array. out_attrs An array of values of type sec_attr_t that specifies the updated attribute instances. Not that only if these attributes were processed by an update attribute trigger server will they differ from the attributes in the in_attrs[] array. The size of the array is determined by space_avail and the length by num_returned. num_left A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer that supplies the number of attributes that could not be returned because of space constraints in the out_attrs[] buffer. To ensure that all the attributes will be returned, increase the size of the out_attrs[] array by increasing the size of space_avail and num_returned. failure_index In the event of an error, failure_index is a pointer to the element in the in_attrs[] array that caused the update to fail. If the failure cannot be attributed to a specific attribute, the value of failure_index is -1. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_update() routine creates new attribute instances and updates existing attribute instances attached to a object specified by name and Registry domain. The instances to be created or updated are passed as an array of sec_attr_t data types. This is an atomic operation: if the creation of any attribute in the in_attrs[] array fails, all updates are aborted. The attribute causing the update to fail is identified in failure_index. If the failure cannot be attributed to a given attribute, failure_index contains -1. The in_attrs array, which specifies the attributes to be created, contains values of type sec_attr_t. These values are: + attr_id, a UUID that identifies the attribute type + attr_value, values of sec_attr_value_t that specify the attribute's encoding type and values. If an attribute instance already exists which is identical in both attr_id and attr_value to an attribute specified in in_attrs, the existing attribute information is overwritten by the new information. For multi-valued attributes, every instance with the same attr_id is overwritten with the supplied values. If an attribute instance does not exist, it is created. For multi-valued attributes, because every instance of the multi-valued attribute is identified by the same UUID, every instance is overwritten with the supplied value. To change only one of the values, you must supply the values that should be unchanged as well as the new value. To create instances of multi-valued attributes, create individual sec_attr_t data types to define each multi-valued attribute instance and then pass all of them in in the input array. If an input attribute is associated with an update attribute trigger server, the attribute trigger server is invoked (by the sec_attr_trig_update() function) and the in_attr[] array is supplied as input. The output attributes from the update attribute trigger server are stored in the registry database and returned in the out_attrs[] array. Note that the update attribute trigger server may modify the values before they are used to update the registry database. This is the only circumstance under which the values in the out_attrs[] array differ from the values in the in_attrs[] array. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_attr_update() routine requires the update permission set for each attribute type identified in the in_attrs[] array. These permissions are defined as part of the ACL manager set in the schema entry of each attribute type. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr.h was derived. ERRORS unauthorized database read only server unavailable invalid/unsupported attribute type invalid encoding type value not unique attribute instance already exists trigger server unavailable site read only error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_delete sec_rgy_attr_test_and_update
126 – sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_effective
NAME sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_effective - Returns the effective authentication policy for an account SYNOPSIS #include <dce/policy.h> void sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_effective( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t *account, sec_rgy_plcy_auth_t *auth_policy, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. account A pointer to the account login name (type sec_rgy_login_name_t). A login name is composed of three character strings, containing the principal, group, and organization (PGO) names corresponding to the account. If all three fields contain empty strings, the authentication policy returned is that of the registry. Output auth_policy A pointer to the sec_rgy_plcy_auth_t structure to receive the authentication policy. The authentication policy structure contains the maximum lifetime for an authentication ticket, and the maximum amount of time for which one can be renewed. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_effective() routine returns the effective authentication policy for the specified account. The authentication policy in effect is the more restrictive of the registry and the account policies for each policy category. If no account is specified, the registry's authentication policy is returned. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_effective() routine requires the r (read) permission on the policy object from which the data is to be returned. If an account is specified and an account policy exists, the routine also requires the r (read) permission on the account principal. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]POLICY.IDL The idl file from which dce/policy.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_object_not_found The specified account could not be found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_info sec_rgy_auth_plcy_set_info
127 – sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_info
NAME sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_info - Returns the authentication policy for an account SYNOPSIS #include <dce/policy.h> void sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_info( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t *account, sec_rgy_plcy_auth_t *auth_policy, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. account A pointer to the account login name (type sec_rgy_login_name_t). A login name is composed of three character strings, containing the principal, group, and organization (PGO) names corresponding to the account. Output auth_policy A pointer to the sec_rgy_plcy_auth_t structure to receive the authentication policy. The authentication policy structure contains the maximum lifetime for an authentication ticket, and the maximum amount of time for which one can be renewed. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_info() routine returns the authentication policy for the specified account. If no account is specified, the registry's authentication policy is returned. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_info() routine requires the r (read) permission on the policy object or account principal from which the data is to be returned. NOTES The actual policy in effect will not correspond precisely to what is returned by this call if the overriding registry authentication policy is more restrictive than the policy for the specified account. Use sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_effective() to return the policy currently in effect for the given account. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]POLICY.IDL The idl file from which dce/policy.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_object_not_found No account with the given login name could be found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_effective sec_rgy_auth_plcy_set_info
128 – sec_rgy_auth_plcy_set_info
NAME sec_rgy_auth_plcy_set_info - Sets the authentication policy for an account SYNOPSIS #include <dce/policy.h> void sec_rgy_auth_plcy_set_info( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t *account, sec_rgy_plcy_auth_t *auth_policy, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. account A pointer to the account login name (type sec_rgy_login_name_t). A login name is composed of three character strings, containing the principal, group, and organization (PGO) names corresponding to the account. All three names must be completely specified. auth_policy A pointer to the sec_rgy_plcy_auth_t structure containing the authentication policy. The authentication policy structure contains the maximum lifetime for an authentication ticket, and the maximum amount of time for which one can be renewed. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_auth_plcy_set_info() routine sets the indicated authentication policy for the specified account. If no account is specified, the authentication policy is set for the registry as a whole. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_auth_plcy_set_info() routine requires the a (auth_info) permission on the policy object or account principal for which the data is to be set. NOTES The policy set on an account may be less restrictive than the policy set for the registry as a whole. In this case, the change in policy has no effect, since the effective policy is the most restrictive combination of the principal and registry authentication policies. (See the sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_effective() routine). FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]POLICY.IDL The idl file from which dce/policy.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_object_not_found No account with the given login name could be found. sec_rgy_not_authorized The user is not authorized to update the specified record. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_effective sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_info
129 – sec_rgy_cell_bind
NAME sec_rgy_cell_bind - Binds to a registry in a cell SYNOPSIS #include <dce/binding.h> void sec_rgy_cell_bind( unsigned_char_t *cell_name, sec_rgy_bind_auth_info_t *auth_info, sec_rgy_handle_t *context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input cell_name A character string (type unsigned_char_t) containing the name of the cell in question. Upon return, a Security Server for that cell is associated with context, the registry server handle. The cell must be specified completely and precisely. This routine offers none of the pathname resolving services of sec_rgy_site_bind(). auth_info A pointer to the sec_rgy_bind_auth_info_t structure that identifies the authentication protocol, protection level, and authorization protocol to use in establishing the binding. (See the rpc_binding_set_auth_info() routine). Output context A pointer to a sec_rgy_handle_t variable. Upon return, this contains a registry server handle indicating ("bound to") the desired registry site. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_cell_bind() routine establishes a relationship with a registry site at an arbitrary level of security. The cell_name parameter identifies the target cell. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]BINDING.IDL The idl file from which dce/binding.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_site_bind
130 – sec_rgy_cursor_reset
NAME sec_rgy_cursor_reset - Resets the registry database cursor SYNOPSIS #include <dce/misc.h> void sec_rgy_cursor_reset( sec_rgy_cursor_t *cursor); PARAMETERS Input/Output cursor A pointer into the registry database. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_cursor_reset() routine resets the database cursor to return the first suitable entry. A cursor is a pointer into the registry. It serves as a place holder when returning successive items from the registry. A cursor is bound to a particular server. In other words, a cursor that is in use with one replica of the registry has no meaning for any other replica. If a calling program attempts to use a cursor from one replica with another, the cursor is reset and the routine for which the cursor was specified returns the first item in the database. A cursor that is in use with one call cannot be used with another. For example, you cannot use the same cursor on a call to sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist() and sec_rgy_pgo_get_next(). The behavior in this case is undefined. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]MISC.IDL The idl file from which dce/misc.h was derived. EXAMPLES The following example illustrates use of the cursor within a loop. The initial sec_rgy_cursor_reset() call resets the cursor to point to the first item in the registry. Successive calls to sec_rgy_pgo_get_next() return the next PGO item and update the cursor to reflect the last item returned. When the end of the list of PGO items is reached, the routine returns the value sec_rgy_no_more_entries in the status parameter. sec_rgy_cursor_reset(&cursor); do { sec_rgy_pgo_get_next(context, domain, scope, &cursor, &item, name &status); if (status == error_status_ok) { /* Print formatted PGO item info */ } } while (status == error_status_ok); RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist sec_rgy_acct_lookup sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_get_members sec_rgy_pgo_get_next
131 – sec_rgy_login_get_effective
NAME sec_rgy_login_get_effective - Returns the effective login data for an account SYNOPSIS #include <dce/misc.h> void sec_rgy_login_get_effective( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t *login_name, sec_rgy_acct_key_t *key_parts, sec_rgy_sid_t *sid, sec_rgy_unix_sid_t *unix_sid, sec_rgy_acct_user_t *user_part, sec_rgy_acct_admin_t *admin_part, sec_rgy_plcy_t *policy_data, signed32 max_number, signed32 *supplied_number, uuid_t id_projlist[], signed32 unix_projlist[], signed32 *num_projects, sec_rgy_name_t cell_name, uuid_t *cell_uuid, sec_override_fields_t *overridden, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context The registry server handle. max_number The maximum number of projects to be returned by the call. This must be no larger than the allocated size of the projlist[] arrays. Input/Output login_name A pointer to the account login name. A login name is composed of the names for the account's principal, group, and organization (PGO) items. Output key_parts A pointer to the minimum abbreviation allowed when logging in to the account. Abbreviations are not currently implemented and the only legal value is sec_rgy_acct_key_person. sid A pointer to a sec_rgy_sid_t structure to receive the returned Subject Identifier (SID) for the account. This structure consists of the UUIDs for the account's PGO items. unix_sid A pointer to a sec_rgy_unix_sid_t structure to receive the returned UNIX Subject Identifier (SID) for the account. This structure consists of the UNIX numbers for the account's PGO items. user_part A pointer to a sec_rgy_acct_user_t structure to receive the returned user data for the account. admin_part A pointer to a sec_rgy_acct_admin_t structure to receive the returned administrative data for the account. policy_data A pointer to a sec_rgy_policy_t structure to receive the policy data for the account. The policy data is associated with the account's organization, as identified in the login name. supplied_number A pointer to the actual number of projects returned. This will always be less than or equal to the max_number supplied on input. id_projlist[] An array to receive the UUID of each project returned. The size allocated for the array is given by max_number. If this value is less than the total number of projects in the account project list, multiple calls must be made to return all of the projects. unix_projlist[] An array to receive the UNIX number of each project returned. The size allocated for the array is given by max_number. If this value is less than the total number of projects in the account project list, multiple calls must be made to return all of the projects. num_projects A pointer indicating the total number of projects in the specified account's project list. cell_name The name of the account's cell. cell_uuid The UUID for the account's cell. overridden A pointer to a 32-bit set of flags identifying the local overrides, if any, for the account login information. [NOT APPLICABLE ON OPENVMS] status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_login_get_effective() routine returns effective login information for the specified account. Login information is extracted from the account's entry in the registry database. Effective login information is the login information from the registry database. The overridden parameter indicates which, if any, of the following local overrides have been defined for the account: + The UNIX user ID + The group ID + The encrypted password + The account's miscellaneous information (gecos) field + The account's home directory + The account's login shell FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]MISC.IDL The idl file from which dce/misc.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy__object_not_found The specified account could not be found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_acct_add sec_rgy_login_get_info
132 – sec_rgy_login_get_info
NAME sec_rgy_login_get_info - Returns login information for an account SYNOPSIS #include <dce/misc.h> void sec_rgy_login_get_info( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_login_name_t *login_name, sec_rgy_acct_key_t *key_parts, sec_rgy_sid_t *sid, sec_rgy_unix_sid_t *unix_sid, sec_rgy_acct_user_t *user_part, sec_rgy_acct_admin_t *admin_part, sec_rgy_plcy_t *policy_data, signed32 max_number, signed32 *supplied_number, uuid_t id_projlist[], signed32 unix_projlist[], signed32 *num_projects, sec_rgy_name_t cell_name, uuid_t *cell_uuid, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context The registry server handle. max_number The maximum number of projects to be returned by the call. This must be no larger than the allocated size of the projlist[] arrays. Input/Output login_name A pointer to the account login name. A login name is composed of the names for the account's principal, group, and organization (PGO) items. Output key_parts A pointer to the minimum abbreviation allowed when logging in to the account. Abbreviations are not currently implemented and the only legal value is sec_rgy_acct_key_person. sid A pointer to a sec_rgy_sid_t structure to receive the UUID's representing the account's PGO items. unix_sid A pointer to a sec_rgy_unix_sid_t structure to receive the UNIX numbers for the account's PGO items. user_part A pointer to a sec_rgy_acct_user_t structure to receive the returned user data for the account. admin_part A pointer to a sec_rgy_acct_admin_t structure to receive the returned administrative data for the account. policy_data A pointer to a sec_rgy_policy_t structure to receive the policy data for the account. The policy data is associated with the account's organization, as identified in the login name. supplied_number A pointer to the actual number of projects returned. This will always be less than or equal to the max_number supplied on input. id_projlist[] An array to receive the UUID of each project returned. The size allocated for the array is given by max_number. If this value is less than the total number of projects in the account project list, multiple calls must be made to return all of the projects. unix_projlist[] An array to receive the UNIX number of each project returned. The size allocated for the array is given by max_number. If this value is less than the total number of projects in the account project list, multiple calls must be made to return all of the projects. num_projects A pointer indicating the total number of projects in the specified account's project list. cell_name The name of the account's cell. cell_uuid The UUID for the account's cell. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_login_get_info() routine returns login information for the specified account. This information is extracted from the account's entry in the registry database. To return any local over- rides for the account's login data, use sec_rgy_login_get_effective(). Permissions Required The sec_rgy_login_get_info() routine requires the r (read) permission on the account principal from which the data is to be returned. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]MISC.IDL The idl file from which dce/misc.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_object_not_found The specified account could not be found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_acct_add sec_rgy_login_get_effective
133 – sec_rgy_pgo_add
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_add - Adds a PGO item to the registry database SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_add( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t name, sec_rgy_pgo_item_t *pgo_item, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. name A pointer to a sec_rgy_name_t character string containing the name of the new PGO item. pgo_item A pointer to a sec_rgy_pgo_item_t structure containing the data for the new PGO item. The data in this structure includes the PGO item's name, UUID, UNIX number (if any), and administrative data, such as whether the item may have (or belong to) a concurrent group set. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_add() routine adds a PGO item to the registry database. The PGO data consists of the following: + The Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the PGO item. Specify NULL to have the registry server create a new UUID for an item. + The UNIX number for the PGO item. If the registry uses embedded UNIX IDs (where a subset of the UUID bits represent the UNIX ID), then the specified ID must match the UUID, if both are specified. Use a value of -1 for the UNIX number to match any value. + The quota for subaccounts allowed for this item entry. + The full name of the PGO item. + Flags (in the sec_rgy_pgo_flags_t format) indicating whether - A principal item is an alias. - The PGO item can be deleted from the registry. - A principal item can have a concurrent group set. - A group item can appear in a concurrent group set. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_pgo_add() routine requires the i (insert) permission on the parent directory in which the the PGO item is to be created. NOTES An account can be added to the registry database only when all its constituent PGO items are already in the database, and the appropriate membership relationships between them are established. For example, to establish an account with principal name tom, group name writers, and organization name hp, all three names must exist as independent PGO items in the database. Furthermore, tom must be a member of writers, which must be a member of hp. (See sec_rgy_acct_add() to add an account to the registry.) FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The client program is not authorized to add the specified PGO item. sec_rgy_object_exists A PGO item already exists with the name given in name. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_delete sec_rgy_pgo_rename sec_rgy_pgo_replace sec_rgy_acct_add
134 – sec_rgy_pgo_add_member
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_add_member - Adds a person to a group or organization SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_add_member( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t go_name, sec_rgy_name_t person_name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the person, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_group The go_name parameter identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The go_name parameter identifies an organization. go_name A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the name of the group or organization to which the specified person will be added. person_name A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the name of the person to be added to the membership list of the group or organization specified by go_name. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_add_member() routine adds a member to the membership list of a group or organization in the registry database. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_pgo_add_member() routine requires the M (Member_list) permission on the group or organization item specified by go_name. If go_name specifies a group, the routine also requires the g (groups) permission on the principal person_name. NOTES An account can be added to the registry database only when all its constituent PGO items are already in the database, and the appropriate membership relationships between them are established. For example, to establish an account with person name tom, group name writers, and organization name hp, all three names must exist as independent PGO items in the database. Furthermore, tom must be a member of writers, which must be a member of hp. (See the sec_rgy_acct_add() routine to add an account to the registry.) FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The client program is not authorized to add members to the specified group or organization. sec_rgy_bad_domain An invalid domain was specified. A member can be added only to a group or organization, not a person. sec_rgy_object_not_found The registry server could not find the specified name. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_delete_member sec_rgy_pgo_get_members sec_rgy_pgo_is_member
135 – sec_rgy_pgo_delete
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_delete - Deletes a PGO item from the registry database SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_delete( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. name A pointer to a sec_rgy_name_t character string containing the name of the PGO item to be deleted. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_delete() routine deletes a PGO item from the registry database. Any account depending on the deleted PGO item is also deleted. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_pgo_delete() routine requires the following permissions: + The d (delete) permission on the parent directory that contains the the PGO item to be deleted. + The D (Delete_object) permission on the PGO item itself. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The client program is not authorized to delete the specified item. sec_rgy_object_not_found The registry server could not find the specified item. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add
136 – sec_rgy_pgo_delete_member
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_delete_member - Deletes a member of a group or organization SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_delete_member( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t go_name, sec_rgy_name_t person_name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the person, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_group The go_name parameter identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The go_name parameter identifies an organization. go_name A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the name of the group or organization from which the specified person will be deleted. person_name A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the name of the person to be deleted from the membership list of the group or organization specified by go_name. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_delete_member() routine deletes a member from the membership list of a group or organization. Any accounts in which the person holds the deleted group or organization membership are also deleted. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_pgo_delete_member() routine requires the M (Member_list) permission on the group or organization item specified by go_name. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The client program is not authorized to delete the specified member. sec_rgy_bad_domain An invalid domain was specified. Members can exist only for groups and organizations, not for persons. sec_rgy_object_not_found The specified group or organization was not found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_add_member
137 – sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_eff_unix_num
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_eff_unix_num - Returns the name and data for a PGO item identified by its effective UNIX number SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_eff_unix_num( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t scope, signed32 unix_id, boolean32 allow_aliases, sec_rgy_cursor_t *item_cursor, sec_rgy_pgo_item_t *pgo_item, sec_rgy_name_t name, boolean32 *overridden, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The UNIX number identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The UNIX number identifies a group. Note that this function does not support the value sec_rgy_domain_org. scope A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the scope of the desired search. The registry database is designed to accommodate a tree-structured name hierarchy. The scope of a search is the name of the branch under which the search takes place. For example, all names in a registry might start with /alpha, and be divided further into /beta or /gamma. To search only the part of the database under /beta, the scope of the search would be /alpha/beta, and any resulting PGO items would have names beginning with this string. Note that these naming conventions need not have anything to do with group or organization PGO item membership lists. unix_id The UNIX number of the desired registry PGO item. allow_aliases A boolean32 value indicating whether to search for a primary PGO item, or whether the search can be satisfied with an alias. If TRUE, the routine returns the next entry found for the PGO item. If FALSE, the routine returns only the primary entry. Input/Output item_cursor An opaque pointer indicating a specific PGO item entry in the registry database. The sec_rgy_pgo_get_next() routine returns the PGO item indicated by item_cursor, and advances the cursor to point to the next item in the database. When the end of the list of entries is reached, the routine returns the value sec_rgy_no_more_entries in the status parameter. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to reset the cursor. Output pgo_item A pointer to a sec_rgy_pgo_item_t structure to receive the data for the returned PGO item. The data in this structure includes the PGO item's name, UUID, UNIX number (if any), and administrative data, such as whether the item, if a principal, may have a concurrent group set. The data is as it appears in the registry, for that UNIX number. name A pointer to a sec_rgy_name_t character string containing the returned name for the PGO item. overridden A pointer to a boolean32 value indicating whether or not the supplied UNIX number has an entry in the local override file (passwd_override or group_override). [NOT APPLICABLE ON OPENVMS] status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_eff_unix_num() routine returns the name and data for a PGO item. The desired item is identified by its type (domain) and its UNIX number. This routine is similar to the sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num() routine. The difference between the routines is that on UNIX, sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_eff_unix_num() first searches the local override files for the respective name_domain for a match with the supplied UNIX number. If an override match is found, and an account or group name is found in that entry, then that name is used to obtain PGO data from the registry and the value of the overridden parameter is set to TRUE. The item_cursor parameter specifies the starting point for the search through the registry database. It provides an automatic place holder in the database. The routine automatically updates this variable to point to the next PGO item after the returned item. The returned cursor location can be supplied on a subsequent database access call that also uses a PGO item cursor. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_eff_unix_num() routine requires the r (read) permission on the PGO item to be viewed. CAUTIONS There are several different types of cursors used in the registry Application Programmer Interface (API). Some cursors point to PGO items, others point to members in a membership list, and others point to account data. Do not use a cursor for one sort of object in a call expecting another sort of object. For example, you cannot use the same cursor on a call to sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist() and sec_rgy_pgo_get_next(). The behavior in this case is undefined. Furthermore, cursors are specific to a server. A cursor pointing into one replica of the registry database is useless as a pointer into another replica. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to renew a cursor for use with another call or for another server. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_no_more_entries The cursor is at the end of the list of PGO items. sec_rgy_object_not_found The specified PGO item was not found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_get_next sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_name sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id sec_rgy_cursor_reset
138 – sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id - Returns the name and data for a PGO item identified by its UUID SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t scope, uuid_t *item_id, boolean32 allow_aliases, sec_rgy_cursor_t *item_cursor, sec_rgy_pgo_item_t *pgo_item, sec_rgy_name_t name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The UUID identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The UUID identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The UUID identifies an organization. scope A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the scope of the desired search. The registry database is designed to accommodate a tree-structured name hierarchy. The scope of a search is the name of the branch under which the search takes place. For example, all names in a registry might start with /alpha, and be divided further into /beta or /gamma. To search only the part of the database under /beta, the scope of the search would be /alpha/beta, and any resulting PGO items would have names beginning with this string. Note that these naming conventions need not have anything to do with group or organization PGO item membership lists. item_id A pointer to the uuid_t variable containing the UUID (Unique Universal Identifier) of the desired PGO item. allow_aliases A boolean32 value indicating whether to search for a primary PGO item, or whether the search can be satisfied with an alias. If TRUE, the routine returns the next entry found for the PGO item. If FALSE, the routine returns only the primary entry. Input/Output item_cursor An opaque pointer indicating a specific PGO item entry in the registry database. The sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id() routine returns the PGO item indicated by item_cursor, and advances the cursor to point to the next item in the database. When the end of the list of entries is reached, the routine returns sec_rgy_no_more_entries in the status parameter. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to reset the cursor. Output pgo_item A pointer to a sec_rgy_pgo_item_t structure to receive the data for the returned PGO item. The data in this structure includes the PGO item's name, UUID, UNIX number (if any), and administrative data, such as whether the item, if a principal, may have a concurrent group set. name A pointer to a sec_rgy_name_t character string containing the returned name for the PGO item. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id() routine returns the name and data for a PGO item. The desired item is identified by its type (domain) and its UUID. The item_cursor parameter specifies the starting point for the search through the registry database. It provides an automatic place holder in the database. The routine automatically updates this variable to point to the next PGO item after the returned item. The returned cursor location can be supplied on a subsequent database access call that also uses a PGO item cursor. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id() routine requires the r (read) permission on the PGO item to be viewed. CAUTIONS There are several different types of cursors used in the registry Application Programmer Interface (API). Some cursors point to PGO items, others point to members in a membership list, and others point to account data. Do not use a cursor for one sort of object in a call expecting another sort of object. For example, you cannot use the same cursor on a call to sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist() and sec_rgy_pgo_get_next(). The behavior in this case is undefined. Furthermore, cursors are specific to a server. A cursor pointing into one replica of the registry database is useless as a pointer into another replica. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to renew a cursor for use with another call or for another server. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_no_more_entries The cursor is at the end of the list of PGO items. sec_rgy_object_not_found The specified PGO item was not found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_get_next sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_name sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id sec_rgy_cursor_reset
139 – sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name - Returns the data for a named PGO item SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t pgo_name, sec_rgy_cursor_t *item_cursor, sec_rgy_pgo_item_t *pgo_item, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. pgo_name A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the name of the principal, group, or organization to search for. Input/Output item_cursor An opaque pointer indicating a specific PGO item entry in the registry database. The sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name() routine returns the PGO item indicated by item_cursor, and advances the cursor to point to the next item in the database. When the end of the list of entries is reached, the routine returns the value sec_rgy_no_more_entries in the status parameter. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to reset the cursor. Output pgo_item A pointer to a sec_rgy_pgo_item_t structure to receive the data for the returned PGO item. The data in this structure includes the PGO item's name, UUID, UNIX number (if any), and administrative data, such as whether the item, if a principal, may have a concurrent group set. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name() routine returns the data for a named PGO item from the registry database. The desired item is identified by its type (name_domain) and name. The item_cursor parameter specifies the starting point for the search through the registry database. It provides an automatic place holder in the database. The routine automatically updates this variable to point to the next PGO item after the returned item. The returned cursor location can be supplied on a subsequent database access call that also uses a PGO item cursor. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name() routine requires the r (read) permission on the PGO item to be viewed. CAUTIONS There are several different types of cursors used in the registry Application Programmer Interface (API). Some cursors point to PGO items, others point to members in a membership list, and others point to account data. Do not use a cursor for one sort of object in a call expecting another sort of object. For example, you cannot use the same cursor on a call to sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist() and sec_rgy_pgo_get_next(). The behavior in this case is undefined. Furthermore, cursors are specific to a server. A cursor pointing into one replica of the registry database is useless as a pointer into another replica. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to renew a cursor for use with another call or for another server. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_no_more_entries The cursor is at the end of the list of PGO items. sec_rgy_object_not_found The specified PGO item was not found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_get_next sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_name sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id sec_rgy_cursor_reset
140 – sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num - Returns the name and data for a PGO item identified by its UNIX ID SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t scope, signed32 unix_id, boolean32 allow_aliases, sec_rgy_cursor_t *item_cursor, sec_rgy_pgo_item_t *pgo_item, sec_rgy_name_t name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The UNIX number identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The UNIX number identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The UNIX number identifies an organization. scope A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the scope of the desired search. The registry database is designed to accommodate a tree-structured name hierarchy. The scope of a search is the name of the branch under which the search takes place. For example, all names in a registry might start with /alpha, and be divided further into /beta or /gamma. To search only the part of the database under /beta, the scope of the search would be /alpha/beta, and any resulting PGO items would have names beginning with this string. Note that these naming conventions need not have anything to do with group or organization PGO item membership lists. unix_id The UNIX number of the desired registry PGO item. allow_aliases A boolean32 value indicating whether to search for a primary PGO item, or whether the search can be satisfied with an alias. If TRUE, the routine returns the next entry found for the PGO item. If FALSE, the routine returns only the primary entry. Input/Output item_cursor An opaque pointer indicating a specific PGO item entry in the registry database. The sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num() routine returns the PGO item indicated by item_cursor, and advances the cursor to point to the next item in the database. When the end of the list of entries is reached, the routine returns the value sec_rgy_no_more_entries in the status parameter. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to reset the cursor. Output pgo_item A pointer to a sec_rgy_pgo_item_t structure to receive the data for the returned PGO item. The data in this structure includes the PGO item's name, UUID, UNIX number (if any), and administrative data, such as whether the item, if a principal, may have a concurrent group set. name A pointer to a sec_rgy_name_t character string containing the returned name for the PGO item. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num() routine returns the name and data for a PGO item. The desired item is identified by its type (domain) and its UNIX number. The item_cursor parameter specifies the starting point for the search through the registry database. It provides an automatic place holder in the database. The routine automatically updates this variable to point to the next PGO item after the returned item. The returned cursor location can be supplied on a subsequent database access call that also uses a PGO item cursor. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num() routine requires the r (read) permission on the PGO item to be viewed. CAUTIONS There are several different types of cursors used in the registry Application Programmer Interface (API). Some cursors point to PGO items, others point to members in a membership list, and others point to account data. Do not use a cursor for one sort of object in a call expecting another sort of object. For example, you cannot use the same cursor on a call to sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist() and sec_rgy_pgo_get_next(). The behavior in this case is undefined. Furthermore, cursors are specific to a server. A cursor pointing into one replica of the registry database is useless as a pointer into another replica. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to renew a cursor for use with another call or for another server. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_no_more_entries The cursor is at the end of the list of PGO items. sec_rgy_object_not_found The specified PGO item was not found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name sec_rgy_pgo_get_next sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_name sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id sec_rgy_cursor_reset
141 – sec_rgy_pgo_get_members
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_get_members - Returns the membership list for a specified group or organization or returns the set of groups in which the specified principal is a member. SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_get_members( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t go_name, sec_rgy_cursor_t *member_cursor, signed32 max_members, sec_rgy_member_t member_list[], signed32 *number_supplied, signed32 *number_members, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a secd server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable specifies whether go_name identifies a principal, group, or organization. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_group The go_name parameter identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The go_name parameter identifies an organization. sec_rgy_domain_person The go_name parameter identifies an principal. go_name A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) that contains the name of a group, organization, or principal. If go_name is the name of a group or organization, the call returns the group's or organization's member list. If go_name is the name of a principal, the call returns a list of all groups in which the principal is a member. (Contrast this with the sec_rgy_acct_get_proj call, which returns only those groups in which the principal is a member and that have been marked to be included in the principal's project list.) max_members A signed32 variable containing the allocated dimension of the member_list[] array. This is the maximum number of members or groups that can be returned by a single call. Input/Output member_cursor An opaque pointer to a specific entry in the membership list or list of groups. The returned list begins with the entry specified by member_cursor. Upon return, the cursor points to the next entry after the last one returned. If there are no more entries, the routine returns the value sec_rgy_no_more_entries in the status parameter. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to reset the cursor to the beginning of the list. Output member_list[] An array of character strings to receive the returned member or group names. The size allocated for the array is given by max_number. If this value is less than the total number of members or group names, multiple calls must be made to return all of the members or groups. number_supplied A pointer to a signed32 variable to receive the number of members or groups actually returned in member_list[]. number_members A pointer to a signed32 variable to receive the total number of members or groups. If this number is greater than number_supplied, multiple calls to sec_rgy_pgo_get_members() are necessary. Use the member_cursor parameter to coordinate successive calls. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_get_members() routine returns a list of the members in the specified group or organization, or a list of groups in which a specified principal is a member. The member_cursor parameter specifies the starting point for the search through the registry database. It provides an automatic place holder in the database. The routine automatically updates member_cursor to point to the next member or group (if any) after the returned list. If not all of the members or groups are returned, the updated cursor can be supplied on successive calls to return the remainder of the list. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_pgo_get_members() routine requires the r (read) permission on the group, organization, or principal object specified by go_name. CAUTIONS There are several different types of cursors used in the registry Application Programmer Interface (API). Some cursors point to PGO items, others point to members in a membership list, and others point to account data. Do not use a cursor for one sort of object in a call expecting another sort of object. For example, you cannot use the same cursor on a call to sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist() and sec_rgy_pgo_get_next(). The behavior in this case is undefined. Furthermore, cursors are specific to a server. A cursor pointing into one replica of the registry database is useless as a pointer into another replica. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to renew a cursor for use with another call or for another server. RETURN VALUES The routine returns: + The names of the groups or members in member_list[] + The number of members or groups returned by the call in number_supplied + The total number of members in the group or organization, or the total number of groups in which the principal is a member in number_members FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_no_more_entries The cursor points to the end of the membership list for a group or organization or to the end of the list of groups for a principal. sec_rgy_object_not_found The specified group, organization, or principal could not be found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add_member sec_rgy_cursor_reset sec_rgy_pgo_is_member sec_rgy_acct_get_proj
142 – sec_rgy_pgo_get_next
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_get_next - Returns the next PGO item in the registry database SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_get_next( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t scope, sec_rgy_cursor_t *item_cursor, sec_rgy_pgo_item_t *pgo_item, sec_rgy_name_t name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person Returns the next principal item. sec_rgy_domain_group Returns the next group item. sec_rgy_domain_org Returns the next organization item. scope A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the scope of the desired search. The registry database is designed to accommodate a tree-structured name hierarchy. The scope of a search is the name of the branch under which the search takes place. For example, all names in a registry might start with /alpha, and be divided further into /beta or /gamma. To search only the part of the database under /beta, the scope of the search would be /alpha/beta, and any resulting PGO items would have names beginning with this string. Note that these naming conventions need not have anything to do with group or organization PGO item membership lists. Input/Output item_cursor An opaque pointer indicating a specific PGO item entry in the registry database. The sec_rgy_pgo_get_next() routine returns the PGO item indicated by item_cursor, and advances the cursor to point to the next item in the database. When the end of the list of entries is reached, the routine returns the value sec_rgy_no_more_entries in the status parameter. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to reset the cursor. Output pgo_item A pointer to a sec_rgy_pgo_item_t structure to receive the data for the returned PGO item. The data in this structure includes the PGO item's name, UUID, UNIX number (if any), and administrative data, such as whether the item, if a principal, may have a concurrent group set. name A pointer to a sec_rgy_name_t character string containing the name of the returned PGO item. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_get_next() routine returns the data and name for the PGO in the registry database indicated by item_cursor. It also advances the cursor to point to the next PGO item in the database. Successive calls to this routine return all the PGO items in the database of the specified type (given by name_domain), in storage order. The PGO data consists of the following: + The Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the PGO item. + The UNIX number for the PGO item. + The quota for subaccounts. + The full name of the PGO item. + Flags indicating whether - A principal item is an alias. - The PGO item can be deleted. - A principal item can have a concurrent group set. - A group item can appear on a concurrent group set. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_pgo_get_next() routine requires the r (read) permission on the PGO item to be viewed. CAUTIONS There are several different types of cursors used in the registry Application Programmer Interface (API). Some cursors point to PGO items, others point to members in a membership list, and others point to account data. Do not use a cursor for one sort of object in a call expecting another sort of object. For example, you cannot use the same cursor on a call to sec_rgy_acct_get_projlist() and sec_rgy_pgo_get_next(). The behavior in this case is undefined. Furthermore, cursors are specific to a server. A cursor pointing into one replica of the registry database is useless as a pointer into another replica. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to renew a cursor for use with another call or for another server. RETURN VALUES The routine returns the data for the returned PGO item in pgo_item and the name in name. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_no_more_entries The cursor is at the end of the list of PGO items. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_cursor_reset sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id
143 – sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_name
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_name - Returns the name for a PGO item identified by its UUID SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_name( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, uuid_t *item_id, sec_rgy_name_t pgo_name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The item_id parameter identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The item_id parameter identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The item_id parameter identifies an organization. item_id A pointer to the uuid_t variable containing the input UUID (Unique Universal Identifier). Output pgo_name A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the name of the principal, group, or organization with the input UUID. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_name() routine returns the name of the PGO item having the specified UUID. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_name() routine requires at least one permission of any kind on the PGO item to be viewed. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_object_not_found No item with the specified UUID could be found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id
144 – sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_unix_num
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_unix_num - Returns the UNIX number for a PGO item identified by its UUID SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_unix_num( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, uuid_t *item_id, signed32 *item_unix_id, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The item_id parameter identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The item_id parameter identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The item_id parameter identifies an organization. item_id A pointer to the uuid_t variable containing the input UUID (Unique Universal Identifier). Output item_unix_id A pointer to the signed32 variable to receive the returned UNIX number for the PGO item. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_unix_num() routine returns the UNIX number for the PGO item having the specified UUID. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_object_not_found No item with the specified UUID could be found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_name sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id
145 – sec_rgy_pgo_is_member
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_is_member - Checks group or organization membership SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> boolean32 sec_rgy_pgo_is_member( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t go_name, sec_rgy_name_t person_name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_group The go_name parameter identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The go_name parameter identifies an organization. go_name A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the name of the group or organization whose membership list is in question. person_name A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the name of the principal whose membership in the group or organization specified by go_name is in question. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_is_member() routine tests whether the specified principal is a member of the named group or organization. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_pgo_is_member() routine requires the t (test) permission on the group or organization item specified by go_name. RETURN VALUES The routine returns TRUE if the principal is a member of the named group or organization. If the principal is not a member, the routine returns FALSE. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_object_not_found The named group or organization was not found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add_member sec_rgy_pgo_get_members
146 – sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id - Returns the UUID for a named PGO item SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t pgo_name, uuid_t *item_id, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. pgo_name A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the name of the principal, group, or organization whose UUID is desired. Output item_id A pointer to the uuid_t variable containing the UUID (Unique Universal Identifier) of the resulting PGO item. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id() routine returns the UUID associated with the named PGO item. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_object_not_found The specified PGO item could not be found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_name sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id
147 – sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_unix_num
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_unix_num - Returns the UNIX number for a PGO item identified by its name SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_unix_num( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t pgo_name, signed32 *item_unix_id, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. pgo_name A character string containing the name of the PGO item in question. Output item_unix_id A pointer to the signed32 variable to receive the returned UNIX number for the PGO item. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_unix_num() routine returns the UNIX number for the PGO item having the specified name. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_object_not_found No item with the specified UUID could be found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_name sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id
148 – sec_rgy_pgo_rename
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_rename - Changes the name of a PGO item in the registry database SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_rename( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t old_name, sec_rgy_name_t new_name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. old_name A pointer to a sec_rgy_name_t character string containing the existing name of the PGO item. new_name A pointer to a sec_rgy_name_t character string containing the new name for the PGO item. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_rename() routine renames a PGO item in the registry database. Permissions Required If the sec_rgy_pgo_rename() routine is performing a rename within a directory, it requires the n (name) permission on the old name of the PGO item. If the routine is performing a move between directories, it requires the following permissions: + The d (delete) permission on the parent directory that contains the PGO item. + The n (name) permission on the old name of the PGO item. + The i (insert) permission on the parent directory in which the PGO item is to be added under the new name. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The client program is not authorized to change the name of the specified PGO item. sec_rgy_object_not_found The registry server could not find the specified PGO item. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_replace
149 – sec_rgy_pgo_replace
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_replace - Replaces the data in an existing PGO item SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_replace( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, sec_rgy_name_t pgo_name, sec_rgy_pgo_item_t *pgo_item, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The name identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The name identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The name identifies an organization. pgo_name A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the name of the principal, group, or organization whose data is to be replaced. pgo_item A pointer to a sec_rgy_pgo_item_t structure containing the new data for the PGO item. The data in this structure includes the PGO item's name, UUID, UNIX number (if any), and administrative data, such as whether the item, if a principal, may have a concurrent group set. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_replace() routine replaces the data associated with a PGO item in the registry database. The UNIX ID and UUID of a PGO item cannot be replaced. To change the UNIX ID or UUID, the existing PGO item must be deleted and a new PGO item added in its place. The one exception to this rule is that the UNIX ID can be replaced in the PGO item for a cell principal. The reason for this exception is that the UUID for a cell principal does not contain an embedded UNIX ID. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_pgo_replace() routine requires at least one of the following permissions: + The m (mgmt_info) permission on the PGO item, if quota or flags is being set. + The f (fullname) permission on the PGO item, if fullname is being set. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The client program is not authorized to replace the specified PGO item. sec_rgy_object_not_found No PGO item was found with the given name. sec_rgy_unix_id_changed The UNIX number of the PGO item was changed. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_delete sec_rgy_pgo_rename
150 – sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id - Returns the UUID for a PGO item identified by its UNIX number SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, signed32 item_unix_id, uuid_t *item_id, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain This variable identifies the type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by the given name. The valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The item_unix_id parameter identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The item_unix_id parameter identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The item_unix_id parameter identifies an organization. item_unix_id The signed32 variable containing the UNIX number for the PGO item. Output item_id A pointer to the uuid_t variable containing the UUID (Unique Universal Identifier) of the resulting PGO item. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_id() routine returns the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) for a PGO item that has the specified UNIX number. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_object_not_found No item with the specified UNIX number could be found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_name sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id
151 – sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_name
NAME sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_name - Returns the name for a PGO item identified by its UNIX number SYNOPSIS #include <dce/pgo.h> void sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_name( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain, signed32 item_unix_id, sec_rgy_name_t pgo_name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name_domain The type of the principal, group, or organization (PGO) item identified by item_unix_id. Valid values are as follows: sec_rgy_domain_person The item_unix_id parameter identifies a principal. sec_rgy_domain_group The item_unix_id parameter identifies a group. sec_rgy_domain_org The item_unix_id parameter identifies an organization. item_unix_id The signed32 variable containing the UNIX number for the PGO item. Output pgo_name A character string containing the name of the PGO item in question. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_name() routine returns the name for a PGO item that has the specified UNIX number. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_pgo_unix_num_to_name() routine requires at least one permission of any kind on the PGO item identified by item_unix_id. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]PGO.IDL The idl file from which dce/pgo.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_object_not_found No item with the specified UNIX number could be found. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_pgo_add sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_id sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_name sec_rgy_pgo_id_to_unix_num sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id
152 – sec_rgy_plcy_get_effective
NAME sec_rgy_plcy_get_effective - Returns the effective policy for an organization SYNOPSIS #include <dce/policy.h> void sec_rgy_plcy_get_effective( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_name_t organization, sec_rgy_plcy_t *policy_data, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. organization A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the name of the organization for which the policy data is to be returned. If this string is empty, the routine returns the registry's policy data. Output policy_data A pointer to the sec_rgy_plcy_t structure to receive the authentication policy. This structure contains the minimum length of a user's password, the lifetime of a password, the expiration date of a password, the lifetime of the entire account, and some flags describing limitations on the password spelling. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_plcy_get_effective() routine returns the effective policy for the specified organization. The effective policy data is the most restrictive combination of the registry and the organization policies. The policy data consists of the following: + The password expiration date. This is the date on which account passwords will expire. + The minimum length allowed for account passwords. + The period of time (life span) for which account passwords will be valid. + The period of time (life span) for which accounts will be valid. + Flags indicating whether account passwords can consist entirely of spaces or entirely of alphanumeric characters. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_plcy_get_effective() routine requires the r (read) permission on the policy object from which the data is to be returned. If an organization is specified, the routine also requires the r (read) permission on the organization. NOTES If no organization is specified, the routine returns the registry's policy data. To return the effective policy, an organization must be specified. This is because the routine compares the registry's policy data with that of the organization to determine which is more restrictive. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]POLICY.IDL The idl file from which dce/policy.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_object_not_found The registry server could not find the specified organization. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_plcy_get_info sec_rgy_plcy_set_info
153 – sec_rgy_plcy_get_info
NAME sec_rgy_plcy_get_info - Returns the policy for an organization SYNOPSIS #include <dce/policy.h> void sec_rgy_plcy_get_info( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_name_t organization, sec_rgy_plcy_t *policy_data, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. organization A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the name of the organization for which the policy data is to be returned. If this string is empty, the routine returns the registry's policy data. Output policy_data A pointer to the sec_rgy_plcy_t structure to receive the authentication policy. This structure contains the minimum length of a user's password, the lifetime of a password, the expiration date of a password, the lifetime of the entire account, and some flags describing limitations on the password spelling. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_plcy_get_info() routine returns the policy data for the specified organization. If no organization is specified, the registry's policy data is returned. The policy data consists of the following: + The password expiration date. This is the date on which account passwords will expire. + The minimum length allowed for account passwords. + The period of time (life span) for which account passwords will be valid. + The period of time (life span) for which accounts will be valid. + Flags indicating whether account passwords can consist entirely of spaces or entirely of alphanumeric characters. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_plcy_get_info() routine requires the r (read) permission on the policy object or organization from which the data is to be returned. NOTES The returned policy may not be in effect if the overriding registry authorization policy is more restrictive. (See the sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_effective() routine.) FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]POLICY.IDL The idl file from which dce/policy.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_object_not_found The registry server could not find the specified organization. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_plcy_get_effective_info sec_rgy_plcy_set_info
154 – sec_rgy_plcy_set_info
NAME sec_rgy_plcy_set_info - Sets the policy for an organization SYNOPSIS #include <dce/policy.h> void sec_rgy_plcy_set_info( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_name_t organization, sec_rgy_plcy_t *policy_data, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. organization A character string (type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the name of the organization for which the policy data is to be returned. If this string is empty, the routine sets the registry's policy data. policy_data A pointer to the sec_rgy_plcy_t structure containing the authentication policy. This structure contains the minimum length of a user's password, the lifetime of a password, the expiration date of a password, the lifetime of the entire account, and some flags describing limitations on the password spelling. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_plcy_set_info() routine sets the authentication policy for a specified organization. If no organization is specified, the registry's policy data is set. Policy data can be returned or set for individual organizations and for the registry as a whole. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_plcy_set_info() routine requires the m (mgmt_info) permission on the policy object or organization for which the data is to be set. NOTES The policy set on an account may be less restrictive than the policy set for the registry as a whole. In this case, the changes in policy have no effect, since the effective policy is the most restrictive combination of the organization and registry authentication policies. (See the sec_rgy_auth_plcy_get_effective() routine.) FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]POLICY.IDL The idl file from which dce/policy.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The user is not authorized to perform this operation. sec_rgy_object_not_found The registry server could not find the specified organization. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_plcy_get_effective sec_rgy_plcy_get_info
155 – sec_rgy_properties_get_info
NAME sec_rgy_properties_get_info - Returns registry properties SYNOPSIS #include <dce/policy.h> void sec_rgy_properties_get_info( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_properties_t *properties, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. Output properties A pointer to a sec_rgy_properties_t structure to receive the returned property information. A registry's property information contains information such as the default and minimum lifetime and other restrictions on privilege attribute certificates, the realm authentication name, and whether or not this replica of the registry supports updates. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_properties_get_info() routine returns a list of the registry properties. The property information consists of the following: read_version A stamp specifying the earliest version of the registry server software that can read from this registry. write_version A stamp specifying the earliest version of the registry server software that can write to this registry. minimum_ticket_lifetime The minimum period of time for which an authentication ticket remains valid. default_certificate_lifetime The default period of time for which an authentication certificate (ticket-granting ticket) remains valid. A process can request an authentication certificate with a longer lifetime. Note that the maximum lifetime for an authentication certificate cannot exceed the lifetime established by the effective policy for the requesting account. low_unix_id_person The lowest UNIX ID that can be assigned to a principal in the registry. low_unix_id_group The lowest UNIX ID that can be assigned to a group in the registry. low_unix_id_org The lowest UNIX ID that can be assigned to an organization in the registry. max_unix_id The maximum UNIX ID that can be used for any item in the registry. realm A character string naming the cell controlled by this registry. realm_uuid The UUID of the cell controlled by this registry. flags Flags indicating whether sec_rgy_prop_readonly If TRUE, the registry database is read-only. sec_rgy_prop_auth_cert_unbound If TRUE, privilege attribute certificates can be generated for use at any site. sec_rgy_prop_shadow_password If FALSE, passwords can be distributed over the network. If this flag is TRUE, passwords will be stripped from the returned data to the sec_rgy_acct_lookup(), and other calls that return an account's encoded password. sec_rgy_prop_embedded_unix_id All registry UUIDs contain embedded UNIX IDs. This implies that the UNIX ID of any registry object cannot be changed, since UUIDs are immutable. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_properties_get_info() routine requires the r (read) permission on the policy object from which the property information is to be returned. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]POLICY.IDL The idl file from which dce/policy.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_properties_set_info
156 – sec_rgy_properties_set_info
NAME sec_rgy_properties_set_info - Sets registry properties SYNOPSIS #include <dce/policy.h> void sec_rgy_properties_set_info( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_properties_t *properties, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context The registry server handle. An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. properties A pointer to a sec_rgy_properties_t structure containing the registry property information to be set. A registry's property information contains information such as the default and minimum lifetime and other restrictions on privilege attribute certificates, the realm authentication name, and whether or not this replica of the registry supports updates. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_properties_set_info() routine sets the registry properties. The property information consists of the following: read_version A stamp specifying the earliest version of the registry server software that can read from this registry. write_version A stamp specifying the earliest version of the registry server software that can write to this registry. minimum_ticket_lifetime The minimum period of time for which an authentication ticket remains valid. default_certificate_lifetime The default period of time for which an authentication certificate (ticket-granting ticket) remains valid. A process can request an authentication certificate with a longer lifetime. Note that the maximum lifetime for an authentication certificate cannot exceed the lifetime established by the effective policy for the requesting account. low_unix_id_person The lowest UNIX ID that can be assigned to a principal in the registry. low_unix_id_group The lowest UNIX ID that can be assigned to a group in the registry. low_unix_id_org The lowest UNIX ID that can be assigned to an organization in the registry. max_unix_id The maximum UNIX ID that can be used for any item in the registry. realm A character string naming the cell controlled by this registry. realm_uuid The UUID of the cell controlled by this registry. flags Flags indicating whether sec_rgy_prop_readonly If TRUE, the registry database is read-only. sec_rgy_prop_auth_cert_unbound If TRUE, privilege attribute certificates can be generated for use at any site. sec_rgy_prop_shadow_password If FALSE, passwords can be distributed over the network. If this flag is TRUE, passwords will be stripped from the returned data to the sec_rgy_acct_lookup(), and other calls that return an account's encoded password. sec_rgy_prop_embedded_unix_id All registry UUIDs contain embedded UNIX IDs. This implies that the UNIX ID of any registry object cannot be changed, since UUIDs are immutable. Permissions Required The sec_rgy_properties_set_info() routine requires the m (mgmt_info) permission on the policy object for which the property information is to be set. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]POLICY.IDL The idl file from which dce/policy.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_not_authorized The user is not authorized to change the registry properties. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_properties_get_info
157 – sec_rgy_site_bind
NAME sec_rgy_site_bind - Binds to a registry site SYNOPSIS #include <dce/binding.h> void sec_rgy_site_bind( unsigned_char_t *site_name, sec_rgy_bind_auth_info_t *auth_info, sec_rgy_handle_t *context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input site_name A character string (type unsigned_char_t) containing the name of the registry site to bind to. Supply this name in any of the following forms: + To randomly choose a site to bind to in the named cell, specify a cell name (for example, /.../r_d.com or /.: for the local cell) + To bind to a specific site in a specific cell, specify either the site's global name (for example, /.../r_d.com/subsys/dce/sec/rs_server_250_2) or the site's network address (for example, ncadg_ip_udp: auth_info A pointer to the sec_rgy_bind_auth_info_t structure that identifies the authentication protocol, protection level, and authorization protocol to use in establishing the binding. (See the rpc_binding_set_auth_info() routine). If the sec_rgy_bind_auth_info_t structure specifies authenticated rpc, the caller must have established a valid network identity for this call to succeed. Output context A pointer to a sec_rgy_handle_t variable. Upon return, this contains a registry server handle indicating ("bound to") the desired registry site. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_site_bind() call binds to a registry site at the security level specified by the auth_info parameter. The site_name parameter identifies the registry to use. If site_name is NULL, or a zero- length string, a registry site in the local cell is selected by the client agent. NOTES Like the sec_rgy_site_bind_query() routine, this routine binds arbitrarily to either an update or query site. Although update sites can accept queries, query sites cannot accept updates. To specifically select an update site, use sec_rgy_site_bind_update(). FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]BINDING.IDL The idl file from which dce/binding.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_no_current_context The caller does not have a valid network login context. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_site_open sec_rgy_cell_bind
158 – sec_rgy_site_bind_query
NAME sec_rgy_site_bind_query - Binds to a registry query site SYNOPSIS #include <dce/binding.h> void sec_rgy_site_bind_query( unsigned_char_t *site_name, sec_rgy_bind_auth_info_t *auth_info, sec_rgy_handle_t *context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input site_name A character string (type unsigned_char_t) containing the name of the registry site to bind to. Supply this name in any of the following forms: + To randomly choose a site to bind to in the named cell, specify a cell name (for example, /.../r_d.com or /.: for the local cell) + To bind to a specific site in a specific cell, specify either the site's global name (for example, /.../r_d.com/subsys/dce/sec/rs_server_250_2) or the site's network address (for example, ncadg_ip_udp: auth_info A pointer to the sec_rgy_bind_auth_info_t structure that identifies the authentication protocol, protection level, and authorization protocol to use in establishing the binding. (See the rpc_binding_set_auth_info() routine). If the sec_rgy_bind_auth_info_t structure specifies authenticated rpc, the caller must have established a valid network identity for this call to succeed. Output context A pointer to a sec_rgy_handle_t variable. Upon return, this contains a registry server handle indicating ("bound to") the desired registry site. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_site_bind_query() routine binds to a registry query site at an arbitrary level of security. A registry query site is a satellite server that operates on a periodically updated copy of the main registry database. To change the registry database, it is necessary to change a registry update site, which then automatically updates its associated query sites. No changes can be made directly to a registry query database. The site_name parameter identifies the query site to use. If site_name is NULL, or a zero-length string, a query site in the local cell is selected by the client agent. The handle for the associated registry server is returned in context. NOTES Like sec_rgy_bind_open() routine, this routine binds arbitrarily to either an update or query site. Although update sites can accept queries, query sites cannot accept updates. To specifically select an update site, use sec_rgy_site_bind_update(). FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]BINDING.IDL The idl file from which dce/binding.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_no_current_context The caller does not have a valid network login context. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_site_open sec_rgy_site_bind
159 – sec_rgy_site_bind_update
NAME sec_rgy_site_bind_update - Binds to a registry update site SYNOPSIS #include <dce/binding.h> void sec_rgy_site_bind_update( unsigned_char_t *site_name, sec_rgy_bind_auth_info_t *auth_info, sec_rgy_handle_t *context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input site_name A character string (type unsigned_char_t) containing the name of the registry site to bind to. Supply this name in any of the following forms: + To choose the update site to bind to in the named cell, specify a cell name (for example, /.../r_d.com or /.: for the local cell) + To start the search for the update site at a specific replica in the replica's cell, specify either the replica's global name (for example, /.../r_d.com/subsys/dce/sec/rs_server_250_2) or the replica's network address (for example, ncadg_ip_udp: auth_info A pointer to the sec_rgy_bind_auth_info_t structure that identifies the authentication protocol, protection level, and authorization protocol to use in establishing the binding. (See the rpc_binding_set_auth_info() routine). If the sec_rgy_bind_auth_info_t structure specifies authenticated rpc, the caller must have established a valid network identity for this call to succeed. Output context A pointer to a sec_rgy_handle_t variable. Upon return, this contains a registry server handle indicating ("bound to") the desired registry site. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_site_bind_update() routine binds to a registry update site. A registry update site is a master server that may control several satellite (query) servers. To change the registry database, it is necessary to change a registry update site, which then automatically updates its associated query sites. No changes can be made directly to a registry query database. The site_name parameter identifies either the cell in which to find the update site or the replica at which to start the search for the update site. If site_name is NULL, or a zero-length string, an update site in the local cell is selected by the client agent. The handle for the associated registry server is returned in context. The handle is to an update site. Use this registry context handle in subsequent calls that update or query the the registry database (for example, the sec_rgy_pgo_add() or sec_rgy_acct_lookup() call). FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]BINDING.IDL The idl file from which dce/binding.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_no_current_context The caller does not have a valid network login context. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_site_open sec_rgy_site_bind sec_rgy_site_open
160 – sec_rgy_site_binding_get_info
NAME sec_rgy_site_binding_get_info - Returns information from the registry binding handle SYNOPSIS #include <dce/binding.h> void sec_rgy_site_binding_get_info( sec_rgy_handle_t context, unsigned_char_t **cell_name, unsigned_char_t **server_name, unsigned_char_t **string_binding, sec_rgy_bind_auth_info_t *auth_info, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context A sec_rgy_handle_t variable that contains a registry server handle indicating ("bound to") the desired registry site. To obtain information on the default binding handle, initialize context to sec_rgy_default_handle. A valid login context must be set for the process if context is set to sec_rgy_default_handle; otherwise the error sec_under_login_s_no_current_context is returned. Output cell_name The name of the home cell for this registry. server_name The name of the node on which the server is resident. This name is either a global name or a network address, depending on the form in which the name was input to the call that bound to the site. string_binding A string containing binding information from sec_rgy_handle_t. auth_info A pointer to the sec_rgy_bind_auth_info_t structure that identifies the authentication protocol, protection level, and authorization protocol to use in establishing the binding. (See the rpc_binding_set_auth_info() routine). status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_site_binding_get_info() routine returns the site name and authentication information associated with the context parameter. If the context is the default context, the information for the default binding is returned. Passing in a NULL value for any of the output values (except for status) will prevent that value from being returned. Memory is allocated for the string returned in the cell_name, server_name, and string_binding parameters. The application calls the rpc_string_free() routine to deallocate that memory. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]BINDING.IDL The idl file from which dce/binding.h was derived. ERRORS sec_under_login_s_no_current_context sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_site_open sec_rgy_site_bind
161 – sec_rgy_site_close
NAME sec_rgy_site_close - Frees the binding handle for a registry server SYNOPSIS #include <dce/binding.h> void sec_rgy_site_close( sec_rgy_handle_t context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle indicating ("bound to") a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_site_close() routine frees the memory occupied by the specified handle and destroys its binding with the registry server. NOTES A handle cannot be used after it is freed. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]BINDING.IDL The idl file from which dce/binding.h was derived. ERRORS error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_site_get sec_rgy_site_is_readonly sec_rgy_site_open sec_rgy_site_open_query sec_rgy_site_open_update
162 – sec_rgy_site_get
NAME sec_rgy_site_get - Returns the string representation for a bound registry site SYNOPSIS #include <dce/binding.h> void sec_rgy_site_get( sec_rgy_handle_t context, unsigned_char_t **site_name, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle indicating (bound to'') a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. To obtain information on the default binding handle, initialize context to sec_rgy_default_handle. A valid login context must be set for the process if context is set to sec_rgy_default_handle; otherwise the error sec_under_login_s_no_current_context is returned. Output site_name A pointer to a character string (type unsigned_char_t) containing the returned name of the registry site associated with context, the given registry server handle. The name is either a global name or a network address, depending on the form in which the name was input to the call that bound to the site. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_site_get() routine returns the name of the registry site associated with the specified handle. If the handle is the default context, the routine returns the name of the default context's site. Memory is allocated for the string returned in the site_name parameter. The application calls the rpc_string_free() routine to deallocate that memory. NOTES To obtain binding information, the use of the sec_rgy_site_binding_get_info() call is recommended in place of this call. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]BINDING.IDL The idl file from which dce/binding.h was derived. ERRORS sec_under_login_s_no_current_context sec_rgy_server_unavailable The requested registry server is not available. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_site_open
163 – sec_rgy_site_is_readonly
NAME sec_rgy_site_is_readonly - Checks whether a registry site is read-only SYNOPSIS #include <dce/binding.h> boolean32 sec_rgy_site_is_readonly( sec_rgy_handle_t context); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle indicating (bound to'') a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_site_is_readonly() routine checks whether the registry site associated with the specified handle is a query site or an update site. A query site is a read-only replica of a master registry database. The update site accepts changes to the registry database, and duplicates the changes in its associated query sites. RETURN VALUES The routine returns: + TRUE if the registry site is read-only or if there was an error using the specified handle + FALSE if the registry site is an update site FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]BINDING.IDL The idl file from which dce/binding.h was derived. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_site_open sec_rgy_site_open_query
164 – sec_rgy_site_open
NAME sec_rgy_site_open - Binds to a registry site SYNOPSIS #include <dce/binding.h> void sec_rgy_site_open( unsigned_char_t *site_name, sec_rgy_handle_t *context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input site_name A pointer to a character string (type unsigned_char_t) containing the name of the registry site to bind to. Supply this name in any of the following forms: + To randomly choose a site to bind to in the named cell, specify a cell name (for example, /.../r_d.com or /.: for the local cell) + To bind to a specific site in a specific cell, specify either the site's global name (for example, /.../r_d.com/subsys/dce/sec/rs_server_250_2) or the site's network address (for example, ncadg_ip_udp: Note that if you specify the name of a specific secd to bind to and the name is not valid, the call will bind to a random site in the cell if the specified cell name is valid. Output context A pointer to a sec_rgy_handle_t variable. Upon return, this contains a registry server handle indicating ("bound to") the desired registry site. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_site_open() routine binds to a registry site at the level of security specified in the rpc_binding_set_auth_info() call. The site_name parameter identifies the registry to use. If site_name is NULL, or a zero-length string, a registry site in the local cell is selected by the client agent. The caller must have established a valid network identity for this call to succeed. NOTES To bind to a registry site, the use of the sec_rgy_site_bind() call is recommended in place of this call. Like sec_rgy_site_open_query() routine, this routine binds arbitrarily to either an update or query site. Although update sites can accept queries, query sites cannot accept updates. To specifically select an update site, use sec_rgy_site_open_update(). FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]BINDING.IDL The idl file from which dce/binding.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_no_current_context The caller does not have a valid network login context. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The requested registry server is not available. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_site_close sec_rgy_site_is_readonly sec_rgy_site_open_query sec_rgy_site_open_update
165 – sec_rgy_site_open_query
NAME sec_rgy_site_open_query - Binds to a registry query site SYNOPSIS #include <dce/binding.h> void sec_rgy_site_open_query( unsigned_char_t *site_name, sec_rgy_handle_t *context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input site_name A character string (type unsigned_char_t) containing the name of the registry query site to bind to. Supply this name in any of the following forms: + To randomly choose a site to bind to in the named cell, specify a cell name (for example, /.../r_d.com or /.: for the local cell) + To bind to a specific site in a specific cell, specify either the site's global name (for example, /.../r_d.com/subsys/dce/sec/rs_server_250_2) or the site's network address (for example, ncadg_ip_udp: Output context A pointer to a sec_rgy_handle_t variable. Upon return, this contains a registry server handle indicating ("bound to") the desired registry site. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_site_open_query() routine binds to a registry query site. A registry query site is a satellite server that operates on a periodically updated copy of the main registry database. To change the registry database, it is necessary to change a registry update site, which then automatically updates its associated query sites. No changes can be made directly to a registry query database. The site_name parameter identifies the query site to use. If site_name is NULL, or a zero-length string, a query site in the local cell is selected by the client agent. The handle for the associated registry server is returned in context. The caller must have established a valid network identity for this call to succeed. NOTES To bind to a registry query site, the use of the sec_rgy_site_bind_query() call is recommended in place of this call. Like sec_rgy_site_open() routine, this routine binds arbitrarily to either an update or query site. Although update sites can accept queries, query sites cannot accept updates. To specifically select an update site, use sec_rgy_site_open_update(). FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]BINDING.IDL The idl file from which dce/binding.h was derived. Errors sec_login_s_no_current_context The caller does not have a valid network login context. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_site_close sec_rgy_site_get sec_rgy_site_is_readonly sec_rgy_site_open sec_rgy_site_open_update
166 – sec_rgy_site_open_update
NAME sec_rgy_site_open_update - Binds to a registry update site SYNOPSIS #include <dce/binding.h> void sec_rgy_site_open_update( unsigned_char_t *site_name, sec_rgy_handle_t *context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input site_name A character string (type unsigned_char_t) containing the name of an update registry site to bind to. Supply this name in any of the following forms: + To choose the update site to bind to in the named cell, specify a cell name (for example, /.../r_d.com or /.: for the local cell) + To start the search for the update site at a specific replica in the replica's cell, specify either the site's global name (for example, /.../r_d.com/subsys/dce/sec/rs_server_250_2) or the site's network address (for example, ncadg_ip_udp: Output context A pointer to a sec_rgy_handle_t variable. Upon return, this contains a registry server handle indicating ("bound to") the desired registry site. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_site_open_update() routine binds to a registry update site. A registry update site is a master server that may control several satellite (query) servers. To change the registry database, it is necessary to change a registry update site, which then automatically updates its associated query sites. No changes can be made directly to a registry query database. The site_name parameter identifies either the cell in which to find the update site or the replica at which to start the search for the update site. If site_name is NULL, or a zero-length string, an update site in the local cell is selected by the client agent. The handle for the associated registry server is returned in context. The handle is to an update site. Use this registry context handle in subsequent calls that update or query the the registry database (for example, the sec_rgy_pgo_add() or sec_rgy_acct_lookup() call). The caller must have established a valid network identity for this call to succeed. NOTES To bind to a registry update site, the use of the sec_rgy_site_bind_update() call is recommended in place of this call. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]BINDING.IDL The idl file from which dce/binding.h was derived. ERRORS sec_login_s_no_current_context The caller does not have a valid network login context. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_site_close sec_rgy_site_get sec_rgy_site_is_readonly sec_rgy_site_open sec_rgy_site_open_query
167 – sec_rgy_unix_getgrgid
NAME sec_rgy_unix_getgrgid - Returns a UNIX style group entry for the account matching the specified group ID SYNOPSIS #include <dce/rgynbase.h> void sec_rgy_unix_getgrent( sec_rgy_handle_t context, signed32 gid, signed32 max_number, sec_rgy_cursor_t *item_cursor, sec_rgy_unix_group_t *group_entry, signed32 *number_members, sec_rgy_member_t member_list[], error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input A pointer to an opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. gid A 32-bit integer specifying the group ID to match. max_number The maximum number of members to be returned by the call. This must be no larger than the allocated size of the member_list[] array. Input/Output item_cursor An opaque pointer indicating a specific PGO item entry in the registry database. The sec_rgy_pgo_get_next() routine returns the PGO item indicated by item_cursor, and advances the cursor to point to the next item in the database. When the end of the list of entries is reached, the routine returns sec_rgy_no_more_entries. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to refresh the cursor. Output group_entry A UNIX style group entry structure returned with information about the account matching gid. number_members An signed 32-bit integer containing the total number of member names returned in the member_list[] array. member_list[] An array of character strings to receive the returned member names. The size allocated for the array is given by max_number. If this value is less than the total number of members in the membership list, multiple calls must be made to return all of the members. status On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_unix_getgrgid() routine returns the next UNIX group structure that matches the input UNIX group ID. The structure is in the following form: typedef struct { sec_rgy_name_t name; signed32 gid; sec_rgy_member_buf_t members; } sec_rgy_unix_group_t; The structure includes o The name of the group. o The group's UNIX ID. o A string containing the names of the group members. This string is limited in size by the size of the sec_rgy_member_buf_t type defined in rgynbase.idl. The routine also returns an array of member names, limited in size by the number_members parameter. This call is supplied in source code form. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]RGYBASE.IDL The idl file from which dce/rgybase.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_nomore_entries The end of the list of entries has been reached. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro.
168 – sec_rgy_unix_getgrnam
NAME sec_rgy_unix_getgrnam - Returns a UNIX style group entry for the account matching the specified group name SYNOPSIS #include <dce/rgynbase.h> void sec_rgy_unix_getgrnam( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_name_t name, signed32 name_length, signed32 max_num_members, sec_rgy_cursor_t item_cursor, sec_rgy_unix_group_t group_entry, signed32 number_members, sec_rgy_member_t member_list[], error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. name A character string (of type sec_rgy_name_t) specifying the group name to be matched. name_length An signed 32-bit integer specifying the length of name in characters. max_num_members The maximum number of members to be returned by the call. This must be no larger than the allocated size of the member_list[] array. Input/Output item_cursor An opaque pointer indicating a specific PGO item entry in the registry database. The sec_rgy_unix_getgrnam() routine returns the PGO item indicated by item_cursor, and advances the cursor to point to the next item in the database. When the end of the list of entries is reached, the routine returns sec_rgy_no_more_entries. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to refresh the cursor. Output group_entry A UNIX style group entry structure returned with information about the account matching name. number_members An signed 32-bit integer containing the total number of member names returned in the member_list[] array. member_list[] An array of character strings to receive the returned member names. The size allocated for the array is given by max_number. If this value is less than the total number of members in the membership list, multiple calls must be made to return all of the members. status On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_unix_getgrnam() routine looks up the next group entry in the registry that matches the input group name and returns the corresponding UNIX style group structure. The structure is in the following form: typedef struct { sec_rgy_name_t name; signed32 gid; sec_rgy_member_buf_t members; } sec_rgy_unix_group_t; The structure includes + The name of the group. + The group's UNIX ID. + A string containing the names of the group members. This string is limited in size by the size of the sec_rgy_member_buf_t type defined in rgynbase.idl. The routine also returns an array of member names, limited in size by the number_members parameter. Note that the array contains only the names explicitly specified as members of the group. A principal that was made a member of the group because that group was assigned as the principal's primary group will not appear in the array. This call is provided in source code form. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]RGYBASE.IDL The idl file from which dce/rgybase.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_no_more_entries The end of the list of entries has been reached. sec_rgy bad_data The name supplied as input was too long. error_status_ok The call was successful. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro
169 – sec_rgy_unix_getpwnam
NAME sec_rgy_unix_getpwnam - Returns a UNIX style passwd entry for account matching the specified name. SYNOPSIS #include <dce/rgynbase.h> void sec_rgy_unix_getpwnam ( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_rgy_name_t name, unsigned32 name_len, sec_rgy_cursor_t *item_cursor, sec_rgy_unix_passwd_t *passwd_entry, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open to acquire a bound handle. name A character string (of type sec_rgy_name_t) containing the name of the person, group, or organization whose name entry is desired. name_len A 32-bit integer representing the length of the name in characters. Input/Output item_cursor An opaque pointer indicating a specific PGO item entry in the registry database. The sec_rgy_unix_getpwnam routine returns the PGO item indicated by item_cursor, and advances the cursor to point to the next item in the database. When the end of the list of entries is reached, the routine returns sec_rgy_no_more_entries. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset to refresh the cursor. Output passwd_entry A UNIX style passwd structure returned with information about the account matching name. status On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_unix_getpwnam routine returns the next UNIX passwd structure that matches the input name. The structure is in the form: typedef struct { sec_rgy_unix_login_name_t name; sec_rgy_unix_passwd_buf_t passwd; signed32 uid; signed32 gid; signed32 oid; sec_rgy_unix_gecos_t gecos; sec_rgy_pname_t homedir; sec_rgy_pname_t shell; } sec_rgy_unix_passwd_t; The structure includes: + The account's login name. + The account's password. + The account's UNIX ID. + The UNIX ID of group and organization associated with the account. + The account's GECOS information. + The account's home directory. + The account's login shell This call is provided in source code form. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]RGYNBASE.IDL The idl file from which rgynbase.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy bad_data The name supplied as input was too long. error_status_ok The call was successful. sec_rgy_no_more_entries The end of the list of entries has been reached. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro
170 – sec_rgy_unix_getpwuid
NAME sec_rgy_unix_getpwuid - Returns a UNIX style passwd entry for the account matching the specified UID SYNOPSIS #include <dce/rgynbase.h> void sec_rgy_unix_getpwuid( sec_rgy_handle_t context, signed32 uid, sec_rgy_cursor_t *item_cursor, sec_rgy_unix_passwd_t *passwd_entry, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle. uid A 32-bit integer UNIX ID. Input/Output item_cursor An opaque pointer indicating a specific PGO item entry in the registry database. The sec_rgy_unix_getpwuid() routine returns the PGO item indicated by item_cursor, and advances the cursor to point to the next item in the database. When the end of the list of entries is reached, the routine returns sec_rgy_no_more_entries. Use sec_rgy_cursor_reset() to refresh the cursor. Output passwd_entry A UNIX style password structure returned with information about the account matching uid. status On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_unix_getpwuid() routine looks up the next passwd entry in the registry that matches the input UNIX ID and returns the corresponding sec_rgy_passwd structure. The structure is in the following form: typedef struct { sec_rgy_unix_login_name_t name; sec_rgy_unix_passwd_buf_t passwd; signed32 Vuid; signed32 Vgid; signed32 oid; sec_rgy_unix_gecos_t gecos; sec_rgy_pname_t homedir; sec_rgy_pname_t shell; } sec_rgy_unix_passwd_t; The structure includes + The account's login name. + The account's password. + The account's UNIX ID. + The UNIX ID of group and organization associated with the account. + The account's GECOS information. + The account's home directory. + The account's login shell FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]RGYNBASE.IDL The idl file from which dce/rgynbase.h was derived. This call is provided in source code form. ERRORS sec_rgy_no_more_entries The end of the list of entries has been reached. sec_rgy_server_unavailable The DCE Registry Server is unavailable. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro
171 – sec_rgy_wait_until_consistent
NAME sec_rgy_wait_until_consistent - Blocks the caller while prior updates are propagated to the registry replicas SYNOPSIS #include <dce/misc.h> boolean32 sec_rgy_wait_until_consistent( sec_rgy_handle_t context, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input context The registry server handle associated with the master registry. Output status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, status is assigned error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_wait_until_consistent() routine blocks callers until all prior updates to the master registry have been propagated to all active registry replicas. RETURN VALUES The routine returns TRUE when all active replicas have received the prior updates. It returns FALSE if at least one replica did not receive the updates. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]MISC.IDL The idl file from which dce/misc.h was derived. ERRORS sec_rgy_server_unavailable The server for the master registry is not available. sec_rgy_read_only Either the master site is in maintenance mode or the site associated with the handle is a read-only (query) site. error_status_ok The call was successful. RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro