HELPLIB.HLB  —  DECdts  utc_ascanytime
    Converts a binary timestamp to an ASCII string that represents an
    arbitrary time zone.


      #include <utc.h>

      int utc_ascanytime(*cp, stringlen, *utc)

         char *cp;
         size_t stringlen;
         const utc_t *utc;

1  –  Parameters



    The length of the cp buffer.


    Binary timestamp.



    ASCII string that represents the time.

2  –  Description

    The ASCII Any Time routine converts a binary timestamp to an
    ASCII string that expresses a time. The TDF component in the
    timestamp determines the local time used in the conversion.

3  –  Returns

     0   Indicates that the routine executed successfully.
    -1   Indicates an invalid time parameter or invalid results.

4  –  Example

    The following example converts a time to an ASCII string that
    expresses the time in the time zone where the timestamp was

    utc_t      evnt;
    char       localTime[UTC_MAX_STR_LEN];

     *   Assuming that evnt contains the timestamp to convert, convert
     *   the time to ASCII in the following format:
     *          1991-04-01-12:27:38.37-8:00I2.00

    utc_ascanytime(localtime,         /* Out: Converted time      */
                   UTC_MAX_STR_LEN,   /* In:  Length of string    */
                   &evnt);            /* In:  Time to convert     */

5  –  Related Functions

    utc_ascgmtime, utc_asclocaltime
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