Recovers space that was occupied by modules deleted from the library. When you specify /COMPRESS, LIBRARY creates a new library. You can use options to the /COMPRESS qualifier to make some specifications in the new version of the library different from the original library. Format /COMPRESS[=(option[,...])] option An option that alters the size or format of the library, overriding the values specified when the library was created. You can specify one or more of the following options: BLOCKS:n, GLOBALS:n, HISTORY:n, KEEP, KEYSIZE:n, MODULES:n, or VERSION:n.
1 – Example
$ LIBRARY/COMPRESS=(KEYSIZE:40,MODULES:80)/TEXT SOURCE This LIBRARY command creates a new version of the text library SOURCE.TLB. Space left after modules were deleted from the old version is recovered in the new version. The new version can contain up to 80 modules; the maximum length of module names in the new version is 40.