The RDB$DATABASE system table contains information that pertains to the overall database. This table can contain only one row. The following table provides information on the columns of the RDB$DATABASE system table. Data Column Name Type Summary Description RDB$CDD_PATH char 256 The dictionary path name for the database. RDB$FILE_NAME char 255 Oracle Rdb returns the file specification of the database root file. [1] RDB$MAJ_VER integer Derived from the database major version. RDB$MIN_VER integer Derived from the database minor version. RDB$MAX_RELATION_ID integer The largest table identifier assigned. Oracle Rdb assigns the next table an ID of MAX_RELATION_ID + 1. RDB$RELATION_ID integer The unique identifier of the RDB$RELATIONS table. If you drop a table, that identifier is not assigned to any other table. RDB$RELATION_ID_ROOT_DBK char(8) A pointer (database key or dbkey) to the base of the RDB$REL_REL_ID_NDX index on column RDB$RELATION_ID. RDB$RELATION_NAME_ROOT_ char(8) A pointer (dbkey) to the DBK base of the RDB$REL_REL_ NAME_NDX index on column RDB$RELATION_NAME. RDB$FIELD_ID integer The identifier of the RDB$FIELD_VERSIONS table. RDB$FIELD_REL_FLD_ROOT_ char(8) A pointer (dbkey) to the DBK base of the RDB$VER_REL_ ID_VER_NDX index on columns RDB$RELATION_ID and RDB$VERSION. RDB$INDEX_ID integer The identifier of the RDB$INDICES table. RDB$INDEX_NDX_ROOT_DBK char(8) A pointer (dbkey) to the base of the RDB$NDX_NDX_ NAME_NDX index on column RDB$INDEX_NAME. RDB$INDEX_REL_ROOT_DBK char(8) A pointer (dbkey) to the base of the RDB$NDX_REL_ NAM_NDX index on column RDB$RELATION_ID. RDB$INDEX_SEG_ID integer The identifier of the RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS table. RDB$INDEX_SEG_FLD_ROOT_ char(8) A pointer (dbkey) to the DBK base of the RDB$NDX_SEG_ NAM_FLD_POS_NDX index on columns RDB$INDEX_NAME and RDB$FIELD_POSITION. RDB$SEGMENTED_STRING_ID integer The logical area ID that contains the segmented strings. RDB$ACCESS_CONTROL list The access control policy of byte for the database. varying RDB$DESCRIPTION list A user-supplied description of byte of the database. varying RDB$DATABASE_PARAMETERS list Reserved for future use. of byte varying RDB$EXTENSION_PARAMETERS list Reserved for future use. of byte varying RDB$FLAGS integer Flags. RDBVMS$MAX_VIEW_ID integer The largest view identifier assigned to the RDB$RELATION_ID column in the RDB$RELATIONS system table. Oracle Rdb assigns the next view an ID of MAX_ VIEW_ID + 1. RDBVMS$SECURITY_AUDIT integer A bit mask that indicates the privileges that will be audited for the database, as specified in the RMU Set Audit command. RDBVMS$SECURITY_ALARM integer A bit mask that indicates the privileges that will produce alarms for the database, as specified in the RMU Set Audit command. RDBVMS$SECURITY_USERS list An access control list of byte that identifies users varying who will be audited or who will produce alarms for DAC (discretionary access control) events when DACCESS (discretionary access) auditing is enabled for specific database objects. RDB$SECURITY_CLASS char(20) Reserved for future use. RDBVMS$SECURITY_AUDIT2 integer Reserved for future use. RDBVMS$SECURITY_ALARM2 integer Reserved for future use. RDBVMS$CHARACTER_SET_ID integer Value is the character set ID used for the identifier character set. RDBVMS$CHARACTER_SET_ integer Value is the character set NATIONAL ID used for all NCHAR (also called NATIONAL CHAR or NATIONAL CHARACTER) data types and literals. RDBVMS$CHARACTER_SET_ integer Value is the character set DEFAULT ID used for the default character set. RDB$MAX_ROUTINE_ID integer Maintains a count of the modules and routines added to the database. Value is 0 if no routines or modules have been added to the database. RDB$CREATED date vms Set when the database is created. RDB$LAST_ALTERED date vms Set when SQL ALTER DATABASE statement is used. RDB$DATABASE_CREATOR char(31) Creator of this database. RDB$DEFAULT_STORAGE_AREA_ integer Default storage area used ID for unmapped, persistent tables and indices. RDB$DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_ integer Reserved for future use. AREA_ID Footnote: [1] The root file specification is not stored on disk (an RMU Dump command with the Areas qualifier shows that this field is blank) and is only returned to queries at runtime. Therefore, the root file specification remains correct after you use the RMU Move_Area, RMU Copy_Database, and RMU Backup commands, and the SQL EXPORT and IMPORT statements. The following ALTER DATABASE clauses modify the RDB$LAST_ALTERED column in the RDB$DATABASE system table: o CARDINALITY COLLECTION IS {ENABLED | DISABLED} o DICTIONARY IS [NOT] REQUIRED o DICTIONARY IS NOT USED o METADATA CHANGES ARE {ENABLED | DISABLED} o MULTISCHEMA IS {ON | OFF} o SECURITY CHECKING IS EXTERNAL (PERSONA SUPPORT IS {ENABLED | DISABLED}) o SECURITY CHECKING IS INTERNAL (ACCOUNT CHECK IS {ENABLED | DISABLED}) o SYNONYMS ARE ENABLED o WORKLOAD COLLECTION IS {ENABLED | DISABLED} The following SQL statements modify the RDB$LAST_ALTERED column in the RDB$DATABASE system table: o GRANT statement o REVOKE statement o COMMENT ON DATABASE statement
Represents flags for RDB$DATABASE system table. Bit Position Description 0 If dictionary required. 1 If ANSI protection used. 2 If database file is a CDD$DATABASE database. 3 Reserved for future use. 4 Reserved for future use. 5 Reserved for future use. 6 Multischema is enabled. 7 Reserved for future use. 8 System indexes use run length compression. 9 The optimizer saves workload in RDB$WORKLOAD system table. 10 The optimizer is not updating table and index cardinalities. 11 All metadata changes are disabled. 12 Oracle Rdb uses database for user and role names. 13 If security is internal, validate the UIC. If security is external then this indicates that persona support is enabled. 14 Synonyms are supported. 15 Prefix cardinalities are not collected for system indexes. 16 If collecting, use full algorithm for system indexes. 17 Use sorted ranked index for system indexes.