With PEEK/FORMAT on VAX, a full, new, output screen is appended to the formatted output file whenever any one of the following conditions occurs: 1. A clear-screen sequence in found in the input file. 2. A selective-erase sequence in found in the input file. 3. The screen is cleared because the screen width is changed. 4. Enough lines are scrolled on the screen that some are about to be lost off of the top or bottom of the screen. 5. /CURSOR_FLUSH was specified as a negative number and the cursor moves up more than the specified number of lines. 6. /CURSOR_FLUSH was specified as a positive number and the cursor is positioned to the specified line number. These latter two options can be useful for formatting output from programs which don't erase the screen, but just re-position the cursor and overwrite existing text. The output file format may be varied to take advantage of several different printer formats. The default output format is plain text, but other formats are available which will display bolded and underlined sequences as they originally appeared in the file. The following PRINTER_TYPE keywords are currently defined on VAX for use with the /PRINTER_TYPE=keyword qualifier: FILE - For plain text into file (this is the default). VT100 - For paged output to a VTxxx type terminal. DUMB_BS - Overprint BOLD & underline using backspace. DUMB_CR - Overprint BOLD & underline using carriage-returns. LA100, LA120, LA180, LA210, LA50, LA75, LN03, VT200, VT300, VT400 The output file will have form-feed characters inserted at the page breaks. By default these form-feeds are inserted on a separate line, but one can get the form-feeds appended to the last line of text on a page by using the /[NO]CONTINUOUS_PAGES qualifier. This could be useful when one wants to use all lines of a page, but the form- feed on a separate line would cause a page to be skipped between each page of text.
1 – Qualifiers
/[NO]CONTINUOUS_PAGES Specify /CONTINUOUS_PAGES if you want pages separated by a form feed appended to the end of the last line of the page. This is useful when one wants to use all lines of a page, where the form-feed on a separate line could cause a page to be skipped between each page of text. Specify /NOCONTINUOUS_PAGES if you want pages separated by a form feed which is on a line by itself. This is the default.
/CURSOR_FLUSH=n Specify a line number which, if the cursor is positioned back to that line after being on a different line, the current screen contents will be flushed to the output file. This is useful for formatting screens which display data over the top of prior data, rather than clearing the screen before displaying the new data. The default value is zero. This means the cursor position is ignored. If specified as a negative number, this indicates that, if the cursor moves up that number of lines, the current screen contents will be flushed to the output file. Example: $ KERMIT ! Start program. Kermit-32> LOG SESSION PRICES.LOG ! Start log file. Kermit-32> CONNECT TXA6: ! Connect to modem line. ATDT-1-800-234-1998 ! Dial DEC's store. etc. $ PEEK /FORMAT PRICES.LOG PRICES.LIS /CURSOR_FLUSH=3 When DEC's Electronic Store is accessed to look up prices, it positions to line 3, outputs a line of price information, then positions to line 4, etc., until the screen is full. When you tell it to display the next screen, it repeats this process. Using /CURSOR_FLUSH=3 tells the FORMAT command to output the prior screen before figuring out what the next screen will be.
/[NO]FORM_FEED Specify /FORM_FEED if you wish to have output pages separated by a form feed character. This is the default. Specify /NOFORM_FEED if you do not wish to have output pages separated by a form feed character.
/[NO]RECORD_END PEEK/FORMAT tries to intelligently cope with log files which have overly-long lines which have been arbitrary split into more than one log-file record. This is most commonly encountered with Kermit log files, as covered in the PEEK Commands FORMAT Subtopic: Overview. The FORMAT /RECORD_END qualifier specifies that newlines should be inserted between records in the input file. This is the default for all input files, except those with variable-length, maximum 256-byte records and CR carriage- control. Kermit log files have this latter file format. For such files only, the default is /NORECORD_END. Specifying /NORECORD_END directs the FORMAT command not to insert a newline between records if the previous line ends at or before the screen's right margin. This commonly has the effect of concatenating all records in the input file into one continuous stream of input characters, without the FORMAT command adding any newlines. The presumption here is that the log-file contains in it the needed carriage-control characters, and none need to be added at the end of each log-file record.