HELPLIB.HLB  —  POSIX Threads, PTHREAD routines, pthread_rwlockattr_init
    Initializes a read-write lock attributes object.

1  –  C Binding

    #include <pthread.h>

    pthread_rwlockattr_init (
             pthread_rwlockattr_t   *attr);

2  –  Arguments


    Address of the read-write lock attributes object to be

3  –  Description

    This routine initializes the read-write lock attributes object
    referenced by attr and sets its attributes with default values.

    The results of calling this routine are undefined if attr
    references an already initialized read-write lock attributes

    After an initialized read-write lock attributes object has been
    used to initialize one or more read-write lock objects, any
    operation on that attributes object (including destruction) has
    no effect on those read-write lock objects.

4  –  Return Values

    If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer
    value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as

    Return      Description

    0           Successful completion
    [ENOMEM]    Insufficient memory to initialize the read-write lock
                attributes object

5  –  Associated Routines

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