Oracle Rdb uses the database handle to identify the particular database that is referenced by a database request. Note that the database handle should not be thought of as a program variable. The database handle provides context to any statement that uses the database handle. When your program accesses a single database you do not have to include database handles or scopes in the DATABASE statement. Unlike transaction handles and request handles, database handles do not have to be declared in your programs. The RDML preprocessor automatically generates the data declaration for the database handle. The database handle is used in several RDML statements and clauses to identify a database: o DATABASE o FINISH o READY o relation-clause of the record selection expression o DEFINE_TYPE or DECLARE_VARIABLE (synonyms) o BASED ON clause Oracle Rdb lets you have more than one database active at a given time. You can use the database handle to distinguish among these different databases in RDML statements. Both the default and named database handle are declared as GLOBAL by default.
1 – More
The example program shown here illustrates a problem with RDML. It is written in VAX C, and although the precompilation is clean, the C compiler gives errors at the READY statement. This problem occurs only when the READY statement contains a database handle that is incorrectly specified as a variable rather than specified in a DATABASE statement. This program works if a database handle specified in one of the database statements is used in the READY statement, whether the READY statement is used in a function or in a main module. #include stdio DATABASE first_db = FILENAME 'the_first'; DATABASE second_db = FILENAME 'the_second'; main() { one_ready(first_db); one_ready(second_db); printf("%d\n",first_db); printf("%d\n",second_db); START_TRANSACTION READ_WRITE; COMMIT; } one_ready(the_handle) unsigned long the_handle; { READY the_handle ON ERROR printf("an error\n"); END_ERROR; return(the_handle); } The READY statement, as documented in the V3.0, V3.1, and V4.0 Oracle Rdb RDML Reference Manual, states that the database handle (or multiple database handles) used in the READY statement must be specified in a DATABASE statement. Oracle does not support user-specified database handles in RDML; database handles are automatically declared and used in RDML as a result of their specification in a DATABASE statement (which is really a declaration). This program attempts to use a database handle that is declared explicitly (as opposed to being specified in a DATABASE statement), and RDML therefore does not recognize it as a database handle. Because a READY statement by itself is valid, RDML simply recognizes that the READY statement syntax has terminated at that point, and so it fails to detect the ON ERROR clause later in the same line. (It assumes that the rest of the line was host language syntax.) To enable RDML to recognize your database handle, associate a unique number with each database handle, and use it to identify which database handle to use. The example shown here is a possible approach: #include <stdio.h> DATABASE first_db = FILENAME 'PERSONNEL'; DATABASE second_db = FILENAME 'PERSONNEL'; main() { one_ready(1); one_ready(2); printf("%d\n", first_db); printf("%d\n", second_db); START_TRANSACTION READ_WRITE; COMMIT; } one_ready(int which_handle) { switch (which_handle) { case 1: READY first_db ON ERROR printf("an error\n"); END_ERROR; break; case 2: READY second_db ON ERROR printf("an error\n"); END_ERROR; break; } }
2 – Examples
The following program segments demonstrate how to use a database handle in a READY statement. These segments declare a COMPILETIME database and ready it. Because a RUNTIME database is not explicitly declared, the programs use the COMPILETIME database at runtime also.
2.1 – C Example
#include <stdio.h> DATABASE PERS = FILENAME "PERSONNEL"; main () { READY PERS; START_TRANSACTION READ_ONLY; /* perform some database actions */ COMMIT; FINISH PERS; }
2.2 – Pascal Example
program dbhandle (input,output); DATABASE PERS = FILENAME 'PERSONNEL'; begin READY PERS; START_TRANSACTION READ_ONLY; {* perform some actions on the database *} COMMIT; FINISH PERS; end.
3 – Format
(B)0[mdb-handle = qqqqq> host-variable qqqqq>
3.1 – Format arguments
host-variable A valid alphanumeric host language variable.