HELPLIB.HLB  —  RMU72  Collect Optimizer Statistics
    Collects cardinality and storage statistics for the Oracle
    Rdb optimizer. Also collects workload statistics if a workload
    profile has been generated.

1  –  Description

    The purpose of collecting optimizer statistics is to maintain
    up-to-date statistics that the Oracle Rdb optimizer uses
    to determine solution costs and cardinalities during query

    You can collect cardinality and storage statistics by issuing the
    RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command. You can direct Oracle
    RMU to collect these statistics for particular tables or indexes
    by using the Tables, System_Relations, or Indexes qualifiers.

    Before you can collect workload statistics, you must first
    generate a workload profile with SQL. The following list
    describes the general procedure for generating a workload profile
    and collecting workload statistics:

    1. Enable workload profiling with the WORKLOAD COLLECTION
       DATABASE statement.

       SQL creates a new system table called RDB$WORKLOAD.

    2. Execute the queries for which you want the Oracle Rdb
       optimizer to have the best possible statistics.

       When you execute the queries, the optimizer determines which
       groups of columns are important for optimal processing of the
       query. These groups of columns are referred to as workload
       column groups. Note that a workload column group may actually
       contain only one column.

       Each set of workload column groups is entered as a row in the
       RDB$WORKLOAD system table.

       At this point, the only data in the RDB$WORKLOAD system table
       are the workload column groups, the tables with which the
       column group is associated, and the date they were entered
       into the table. No statistics are currently recorded in the
       RDB$WORKLOAD system table.

    3. In most cases, now you disable workload profiling with the SQL

       Queries executed after you disable workload profiling are
       not scanned by the Oracle Rdb optimizer for workload column
       groups. You can leave the workload profiling enabled if the
       same queries are always executed. In such a case, no new rows
       are entered into the RDB$WORKLOAD system table. However, if
       you anticipate that queries will be executed for which you do
       not want workload profiling to be enabled, you need to disable
       workload collection.

    4. Execute an RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command with the
       Statistics=(Workload) qualifier.

       Oracle RMU reads the RDB$WORKLOAD system table to determine
       for which column groups it should collect statistics, and then
       collects the statistics.

    5. Execute the queries previously profiled again.

       The optimizer uses the statistics gathered by Oracle RMU to
       make a best effort at optimizing the profiled queries.

    The following list provides some guidelines on when to issue the
    RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command and which Statistics
    qualifier options you should use:

    o  You should enable workload profiling and execute the
       RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command with the
       Statistics=(Workload) qualifier when you introduce new,
       complex, frequently used queries as part of your regular work.

    o  You should execute the RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics
       command with the Statistics=(Storage) qualifier after you
       add metadata, such as new tables or indexes, to the database.
       In this case, you do not need to reenable workload profiling.

    o  You should execute the RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics
       command with the Statistics=(Storage, Workload) qualifier
       when the data in the database has significantly increased,
       decreased, or changed. In this case, you do not need to
       reenable workload profiling.

    The statistics you can gather with the RMU Collect Optimizer_
    Statistics command and a description of how the optimizer uses
    these statistics are summarized in Statistics Gathered by the RMU
    Collect Optimizer_Statistics Command.

    Table 6 Statistics Gathered by the RMU Collect Optimizer_
            Statistics Command

                          Cardinality Statistics

    Gathered:      Definition:        Used by Optimizer to:

    Table          Number of rows in  Determine solution cardinality.
    Cardinality    a table.
    Index          Number of          Estimate the number of index
    Cardinality    distinct key       keys returned.
                   values in an
    Index Prefix   Number of          Estimate the number of index
    Cardinality    distinct key       keys returned based on a sorted
                   values in leading  index range.
                   parts of a multi-
                   segmented B-tree

                           Workload Statistics

    Gathered:      Definition:        Used by Optimizer to:

    Column Group   Average number     Determine strategies for
    Duplicity      of duplicates      equiselections (selections
    Factor         per distinct       with the IS NULL predicate
                   value in a column  or selection predicates with
                   group. This is an  the equals (=) operator),
                   estimated value.   equijoins, grouped aggregation
                                      (for example, the SQL GROUP
                                      BY clause), or projection
                                      operations (for example, the
                                      SQL DISTINCT clause).
    Column Group   Number of table    Estimate the effects of
    Null Factor    rows with a NULL   NULL data on equijoins and
                   value in at least  equiselections (because they
                   one column of a    imply the removal of rows with
                   column group.      NULL values). Also used for
                   This is an         estimating the cardinality of
                   estimated value.   an outer join result.

                            Storage Statistics

    Gathered:      Definition:        Used by Optimizer to:

    Average        Average number     Estimate the cost of descending
    Index Depth    of levels to       the B-tree. (A cross join with
    (sorted        traverse on a      an inner table that is accessed
    indexes        B-tree descent.    by a sorted index involves
    only)                             repetitive B-tree descents.)
    Index Key      Average number of  Improve the cost estimate
    Clustering     I/Os required      of performing an index-only
    Factor         to read one        retrieval for hashed and sorted
                   index key and      indexes.
                   all associated
                   dbkeys during
                   a hashed key
                   lookup or a B-
                   tree index scan,
                   excluding the
                   B-tree descent.
    Index Data     Average number     Estimate the cost for fetching
    Clustering     of I/Os required   data rows from a sorted index
    Factor         to fetch data      scan or from a hash bucket.
                   rows using dbkeys
                   associated with
                   an index key.
    Table Row      The average        Estimate the cost of performing
    Clustering     number of I/Os     a sequential scan of a table.
    Factor         required to read
                   one row during a
                   sequential scan
                   of a table.

2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Collect Optimizer_Statistics root-file

  Command Qualifiers            x Defaults
  /Exclude_Tables=(table-list)  x None
  /[No]Indexes[=(index-list)]   x /Indexes
  /[No]Log[=file-name]          x Current DCL verify value
  /Row_Count=n                  x /Row_Count=100
  /Statistics[=(options)]       x /Statistics
  /[No]System_Relations         x /Nosystem_Relations
  /[No]Tables[=(table-list)]    x /Tables
  /Transaction_Type=option      x /Transaction_Type=Automatic

3  –  Parameters

3.1  –  root-file-spec


    Specifies the database for which statistics are to be collected.
    The default file type is .rdb.

4  –  Command Qualifiers

4.1  –  Exclude Tables


    Specifies a list of database tables to be excluded from
    statistics collection and update for statistics used by the Rdb
    query optimizer. You must specify at least one list. You can
    specify an options file in place of a list of tables.

    If the Exclude_Tables qualifier is used with the Tables qualifier
    in the same RMU Collect Optimizer command, the Exclude_Tables
    qualifier takes precedence. If the same table is specified in the
    table list for both qualifiers, that table is excluded from the
    statistics collection and update.

4.2  –  Indexes


    Specifies the index or indexes for which statistics are to be
    collected. If you do not specify an index-list, statistics for
    all indexes defined for the tables specified with the Tables
    qualifier are collected. If you specify an index-list, statistics
    are collected only for the named indexes. If you specify
    the Noindex qualifier, statistics for the index cardinality,
    average index depth, index key clustering factor, and index data
    clustering factor are not collected.

    Specify the Notable qualifier if you do not want statistics
    collected for tables. (Remember, the Tables qualifier without
    a table-list is the default.)

    The default is the Indexes qualifier without an index-list.

4.3  –  Log


    Specifies how the values calculated for the statistics are to
    be logged. Specify the Log qualifier to have the information
    displayed to SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log=file-spec qualifier
    to have the information written to a file. Specify the Nolog
    qualifier to prevent display of the information. If you do not
    specify any of variation of the Log qualifier, the default is
    the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL SET VERIFY
    command controls the DCL verify switch.)

4.4  –  Row Count


    Specifies the number of rows that are sent in a single I/O
    request when Workload Statistics are collected. You can
    experiment to find the value for n that provides the best
    performance and memory usage for your database and environment.

    As you increase the value of n, you see an increase in
    performance at the expense of additional memory and overhead.

    The minimum value you can specify for n is 1. The default value
    for n is 100.

4.5  –  Statistics


    Specifies the type of statistics you want to collect for the
    items specified with the Tables, System_Relations, and Indexes
    qualifiers. If you specify the Statistics qualifier without
    an options list, all statistics are collected for the items

    If you specify the Statistics qualifier with an options list,
    Oracle RMU collects types of statistics described in the
    following list. If you specify more than one option, separate the
    options with commas and enclose the options within parenthesis.

    The Statistics qualifier options are:

    o  Cardinality

       Collects the table cardinality for the tables specified with
       the Tables and System_Relations qualifiers and the index and
       index prefix cardinalities for the indexes specified with the
       Indexes qualifier. Because cardinalities are automatically
       maintained by Oracle Rdb, it is usually not necessary
       to collect cardinality statistics using the RMU Collect
       Optimizer_Statistics command unless you have previously
       explicitly disabled cardinality updates.

    o  Workload

       Collects the Column Group, Duplicity Factor, and Null Factor
       workload statistics for the tables specified with the Tables
       and System_Relations qualifiers.

    o  Storage

       Collects the following statistics:

       -  Table Row Clustering Factor for the tables specified with
          the Tables qualifier

       -  Index Key Clustering Factor, the Index Data Clustering
          Factor, and the Average Index Depth for the indexes
          specified with the Indexes qualifier

       See System Tables Used to Store Optimizer Statistics in the
       Usage_Notes entry for this command for information on the
       columns and tables used in the system relations to store these

4.6  –  System Relations


    Specifies that optimizer statistics are to be collected for
    system tables (relations) and their associated indexes.

    If you do not specify the System_Relations qualifier, or if you
    specify the Nosystem_Relations qualifier, optimizer statistics
    are not collected for system tables or their associated indexes.

    Specify the Noindex qualifier if you do not want statistics
    collected for indexes defined on the system tables.

    The default is the Nosystem_Relations qualifier.

4.7  –  Tables


    Specifies the table or tables for which statistics are to be
    collected. If you specify a table-list, statistics for those
    tables and their associated indexes are collected. If you do
    not specify a table-list, statistics for all tables and their
    associated indexes in the database are collected. If you do
    not specify the Table qualifier, statistics for all tables are
    collected. If you specify the Notables qualifier, statistics for
    for the table cardinality, table row clustering factor, column
    group duplicity factor, and column group null factor are not

    Specify the Noindex qualifier if you do not want statistics
    collected for indexes.

    The Tables qualifier without a table-list is the default.

4.8  –  Transaction Type


    Allows you to specify the transaction mode for the transactions
    used to collect statistics. Valid options are:

    o  Automatic

    o  Read_Only

    o  Noread_Only

    You must specify an option if you use this qualifier.

    If you do not use any form of this qualifier, the Transaction_
    Type=Automatic qualifier is the default. This qualifier specifies
    that Oracle RMU is to determine the transaction mode used
    to collect statistics. If any storage area in the database
    (including those not accessed for collecting statistics) has
    snapshots disabled, the transactions used to collect data are set
    to read/write mode. Otherwise, the transactions to collect data
    are set to read-only mode.

    The Transaction_Type=Read_Only qualifier specifies the
    transactions used to collect statistics be set to read-only
    mode. When you explicitly set the transaction type to read-
    only, snapshots need not be enabled for all storage areas in
    the database, but must be enabled for those storage areas from
    which statistics are collected. Otherwise, you receive an error
    and the collect optimizer statistics operation fails.

    You might select this option if not all storage areas have
    snapshots enabled and you are collecting statistics on objects
    that are stored only in storage areas with snapshots enabled. In
    this case, using the Transaction_Type=Read_Only qualifier allows
    you to collect statistics and impose minimal locking on other
    users of the database.

    The Transaction_Type=Noread_Only qualifier specifies that the
    transactions used to collect statistics be set to read/write
    mode. You might select this option if you want to eradicate
    the growth of snapshot files that occurs during a read-only
    transaction and are willing to incur the cost of increased
    locking that occurs during a read/write transaction.

5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command for a
       database, you must have the RMU$ANALYZE privilege in the root
       file access control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS
       SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  When you use the SQL ALTER DATABASE statement to set the
       RDB$SYSTEM storage area to read-only access for your database,
       the Oracle Rdb system tables in the RDB$SYSTEM storage area
       are also set to read-only access. When the Oracle Rdb system
       tables are set to read-only access:

       o  Automatic updates to table and index cardinality are

       o  Manual changes made to the cardinalities to influence the
          optimizer are not allowed.

       o  The I/O associated with the cardinality update is

    o  For indexes, the cardinality value is the number of unique
       entries for an index that allows duplicates. If the index is
       unique, Oracle Rdb stores zero for the cardinality, and uses
       the table cardinality instead. For tables, the cardinality
       value is the number of rows in the table. Oracle Rdb uses
       the cardinality values of indexes and tables to influence
       decisions made by the optimizer. If the actual cardinality
       values of tables and indexes are different from the stored
       cardinality values, the optimizer's performance can be
       adversely affected.

    o  As Oracle RMU performs the collect operation, it displays
       the maximum memory required to perform the operation. If
       the maximum amount required is not available, Oracle RMU
       makes adjustments to try to make use of the memory that is
       available. However, if after making these adjustments, memory
       is still insufficient, the collect operation skips the updates
       for the table causing the problem and continues with the
       operation. The skipped table is noted in the log file with the
       message, "Unable to allocate memory for <table-name>; default
       statistics values used."

       To avoid this problem, use the OpenVMS System Generation
       Utility (SYSGEN) to increase the VIRTUALPAGECNT parameter.

    o  If you prefer not to update optimizer statistics all at
       once, you can divide the work into separate commands. Oracle
       Corporation recommends that you collect Cardinality and
       Storage statistics in one RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics
       command; and collect Workload statistics in a second command.

    o  You must decide if the improved performance provided by
       enabling and maintaining the workload profile is worth the
       cost. Generally speaking, it is worth the cost of maintaining
       this table for a stable set of queries that are run on a
       regular basis; it is not worth the cost of maintaining this
       table when the majority of your queries are ad hoc queries,
       each of which uses different access strategies.

       For example, if the majority of queries that access the
       EMPLOYEES table use the EMPLOYEE_ID as the selection criteria
       and the queries are using the same access strategy, you might
       want to maintain a workload profile for the EMPLOYEES table.
       However, if some queries access the EMPLOYEES table through
       the EMPLOYEE_ID, some through the LAST_NAME, and others
       through the STATE, in an unpredictable manner, the queries
       are using different access strategies for which you probably
       do not want to maintain a workload profile.

    o  Index prefix cardinalities are cumulative values. For example,
       suppose an index contains three segments and the first segment
       has a cardinality of A; the second has a cardinality of B;
       and the third has a cardinality of C. Then the index prefix
       cardinality for the first segment is A; the index prefix
       cardinality for the second segment is A concatenated with
       B (A|B); and the index prefix cardinality for the third
       segment is A concatenated with B concatenated with C (A|B|C).
       Therefore, the prefix cardinality for last segment in an
       index is always equal to the total cardinality for the index.
       Likewise, if the index only contains one segment, the index
       prefix cardinality is equal to the total cardinality for the
       index. In these cases, because the index prefix cardinality
       is the same as the total index cardinality, Oracle RMU does
       not calculate an index prefix cardinality. Instead, Oracle
       RMU stores a value of "0" for the index prefix cardinality
       and the optimizer uses the value stored for the total index

    o  Cardinality statistics are automatically maintained by
       Oracle Rdb. Physical storage and Workload statistics are only
       collected when you issue an RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics
       command. To get information about the usage of Physical
       storage and Workload statistics for a given query, define
       the RDMS$DEBUG_FLAGS logical name to be "O". For example:


       When you execute a query, if workload and physical statistics
       have been used in optimizing the query, you see a line such as
       the following in the command output:

       ~O: Workload and Physical statistics used

    o  Detected asynchronous prefetch should be enabled to achieve
       the best performance of this command. Beginning with Oracle
       Rdb V7.0, by default, detected asynchronous prefetch is
       enabled for databases created under Oracle Rdb V7.0 or
       converted to V7.0. You can determine the setting for your
       database by issuing the RMU Dump command with the Header

       If detected asynchronous prefetch is disabled, and you do not
       want to enable it for the database, you can enable it for your
       Oracle RMU operations by defining the following logicals at
       the process level:


       P1 is a value between 10 and 20 percent of the user buffer

    o  You can delete entries from the workload profile with the RMU
       Delete Optimizer_Statistics command. See Delete_Optimizer_
       Statistics for details.

    o  You can display entries from the workload profile with the
       RMU Show Optimizer_Statistics command. See Show Optimizer_
       Statistics for details.

    o  System Tables Used to Store Optimizer Statistics provides a
       summary of the system tables in which statistics gathered by
       the RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command are stored.

    Table 7 System Tables Used to Store Optimizer Statistics

    Statistic      System Table Name  Column Name

    Column Group   RDB$WORKLOAD       RDB$NULL_FACTOR
    Null Factor
    Index          RDB$INDICES        RDB$CARDINALITY
    Index Prefix   RDB$INDEX_         RDB$CARDINALITY
    Cardinality    SEGMENTS
    Average        RDB$INDICES        RDB$INDEX_DEPTH
    Index Depth

6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example collects cardinality statistics for the
    EMPLOYEES and JOB_HISTORY tables and their associated indexes.
    See the Usage Notes for an explanation for the value "0" for the
    index prefix cardinality.

    Start loading tables... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:25.19
    Done loading tables.... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:25.91
    Start loading indexes... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:25.92
    Done loading indexes.... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:26.49
    Start collecting btree index stats... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:28.17
    Done collecting btree index stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:28.23
    Start collecting table & hash index stats... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:28.23
    Done collecting table & hash index stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:28.52
    Start calculating stats... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:28.76
    Done calculating stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:28.76
    Start writing stats... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:30.16

    Optimizer Statistics collected for table : EMPLOYEES

      Cardinality            : 100

    Index name : EMP_LAST_NAME
      Index Cardinality      : 83
      Segment Column                 Prefix cardinality
        LAST_NAME                       0

    Index name : EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID
      Index Cardinality      : 100
      Segment Column                 Prefix cardinality
        EMPLOYEE_ID                     0

    Index name : EMPLOYEES_HASH
      Index Cardinality      : 100


    Optimizer Statistics collected for table : JOB_HISTORY

      Cardinality            : 274

    Index name : JH_EMPLOYEE_ID
      Index Cardinality      : 100
      Segment Column                 Prefix cardinality
        EMPLOYEE_ID                     0

    Index name : JOB_HISTORY_HASH
      Index Cardinality      : 100
    Done writing stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:30.83

    Example 2

    The following example collects storage statistics for the
    EMPLOYEES and JOB_HISTORY TABLES and their associated indexes:

    Start loading tables... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:49.39
    Done loading tables.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:50.30
    Start loading indexes... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:50.30
    Done loading indexes.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:51.03
    Start collecting btree index stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:53.27
    Done collecting btree index stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:53.37
    Start collecting table & hash index stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:53.38
    Done collecting table & hash index stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:53.80
    Start calculating stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:54.07
    Done calculating stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:54.07
    Start writing stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:55.61

    Optimizer Statistics collected for table : EMPLOYEES

      Row clustering factor  : 0.2550000

    Index name : EMP_LAST_NAME
      Average Depth          : 2.0000000
      Key clustering factor  : 0.0481928
      Data clustering factor : 1.1686747

    Index name : EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID
      Average Depth          : 2.0000000
      Key clustering factor  : 0.0100000
      Data clustering factor : 0.9500000

    Index name : EMPLOYEES_HASH
      Key clustering factor  : 1.0000000
      Data clustering factor : 1.0000000


    Optimizer Statistics collected for table : JOB_HISTORY

      Row clustering factor  : 0.0930657

    Index name : JH_EMPLOYEE_ID
      Average Depth          : 2.0000000
      Key clustering factor  : 0.0500000
      Data clustering factor : 0.9500000

    Index name : JOB_HISTORY_HASH
      Key clustering factor  : 1.0000000
      Data clustering factor : 1.0000000
    Done writing stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:56.41

    Example 3

    The following example enables workload collection with an SQL
    ALTER DATABASE statement, executes frequently run queries to
    generate a workload profile, collects workload statistics for
    the EMPLOYEES and JOB_HISTORY tables (along with their associated
    indexes), and then displays the statistics gathered.

    The SQL natural left outer join causes the first and third
    workload column groups to be created. The SQL DISTINCT clause
    causes the second and fourth workload column groups to be

    $ ! Enable workload collection:
    $ SQL
    SQL> ALTER DATABASE FILENAME mf_personnel.rdb
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Execute frequently run SQL queries.
    SQL> --
    SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME mf_personnel.rdb';
    SQL> -- Disable workload collection:
    SQL> ALTER DATABASE FILENAME mf_personnel.rdb
    SQL> EXIT;
    $ ! Direct Oracle RMU to collect statistics for the EMPLOYEES and
    $ ! JOB_HISTORY tables.
    $ !
    Start loading tables... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:00.22
    Done loading tables.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:00.90
    Start collecting workload stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:03.43
    Maximum memory required (bytes) = 6810
    Done collecting workload stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:05.03
    Start calculating stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:05.32
    Done calculating stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:05.32
    Start writing stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:06.91


    Optimizer Statistics collected for table : EMPLOYEES

      Workload Column group  :      EMPLOYEE_ID
      Duplicity factor       : 1.0000000
      Null factor            : 0.0000000

      Workload Column group  : LAST_NAME,   FIRST_NAME,     MIDDLE_INITIAL,
      Duplicity factor       : 1.5625000
      Null factor            : 0.3600000

    Optimizer Statistics collected for table : JOB_HISTORY

      Workload Column group  :      EMPLOYEE_ID
      Duplicity factor       : 2.7040000
      Null factor            : 0.0000000

      Workload Column group  : EMPLOYEE_ID,    JOB_CODE,       JOB_START,
      Duplicity factor       : 1.5420582
      Null factor            : 0.3649635
    Done writing stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:07.46

    Example 4

    The following example collects all statistics (cardinality,
    workload, and storage) for all tables and indexes in the database
    except system relations. Output is written to the file stats_

    _$ /LOG=stats_nosys.log

    Example 5

    The following example collects all statistics (cardinality,
    workload, and storage) for all tables, indexes, and system
    relations. Output is written to the file stats_all.log.

    _$ /LOG=stats_all.log

    Example 6

    In the following example the Employees and Departments tables are
    excluded from statistics collection.

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